
Rating Games Begin!

Rias and the group scan their surroundings, to find themselves in Kuoh Academy. "Why are we in the Academy?" Issei ask, confuse. "Rating games can be place anywhere. Of course, this isn't the real Kuoh Academy, it's just a replica of it, for our battle. Riser allowed me to pick the area for the Rating game" "Why would he do that?" "Because he's an arrogant ass" Rias snarl harshly, surprising the others at her sudden manner and the use of language.

"Okay everyone, remember the plan! Since the fighting field is the Academy, a place we are familiar with. It we will have an advantage… Koneko and Yuuto, you two head to the Gym building. I'm sure Riser will send some of his member there". Koneko and Yuuto nods and quickly make their way to the large Gym building.

"Akeno and Issei, you two head to the Kendo building while I and Asia will head to the top of the school main building, where I scan the whole area for other opponents" Rias said. Akeno and Issei nod and rush to the Kendo building.

Gym Building

Yuuto and Koneko arrive at the Gym and are greeted by four of Riser's peerage member. "Finally, we can have some fun! I was getting bored of waiting" two young girls with turquoise hair said, holding their chainsaws. "Yuuto-senpai, I will take care of those two" Koneko state, putting on her gloves.

"Alright, I'll take care of the knights" Yuuto reply, turning his sight to the two girls, both sheathing out their sword. One girl has long black hair with a dark blue tint and brown eyes. Her hair feature five thin ponytail going around her head, which are held up by a golden hair accessory on top of her head, her outfit consist of white top, red shorts, and armored knee-high boots with matching gauntlets. The top features a diamond shape of the chest area, giving a view of her beast and cleavage, but what catch Yuuto attention is that she is wielding a giant Zweihänders.

The other girl has light brown hair and green eyes. Her outfit consists of a full set silver armor with black accent that appears to be a cross between a European knight and a Japanese samurai, and wears a headband that goes arouse her hair and forehead. She is equipped with a broad sword and a dagger, both of which are held with brown belt slung around her hip. The broadsword is slung on her left hip, and features a red jewel on the pommel and has bandages across the handle for grip.

"I am Karlamine and beside me is Siris. I hope you give us a good fight!" The brown haired said with a bright smile. Yuuto summons his sword and dash to Karlamine, surprising her at his speed. Siris slam her sword in front of Karlamine, forcing Yuuto to jump back. "Karlamine focus," the black-haired warn while lifting her sword back, resting it back on her shoulder. Karlamine nods and point her sword at Yuuto.

With Koneko

"Oh, come on! This is boring, are you just going to dodge all day?" IIe question, swinging her chainsaw down which cause Koneko to jump back, dodging the dangerous weapon. "Yeah, this is boring I rather fight the other guy" Nel agrees, standing next to her twin.

'These two need to shut up' Koneko utters mentally and slam her right fist down, creating a giant crater where Nel and IIe fall in "Ahhhhh!". Koneko walks to the crater and looks down to see Nel and IIe covered in dirt with some of the rock pinning on their bodies, both are barely conscious before they glow in green and disappears.


With Yuuto

Yuuto clash his sword against Siris's Zweihänder. Siris start push her sword, pushing back the blonde down 'Damn, her sword is stronger than mines… I can barely hold my ground'. Yuuto jumps back, making the large blade, with it's heavy weight crash immediately to the floor 'NOW!' the blonde dash toward her and was about to bring his sword down on her, but in the corner of his eyes, he spots Karlamine rushing towards him.

Yuuto slam his foot down on the Zweihänder, then summon his second sword in his left hand and spins it to create a tornado blast, sending Karlamine crashing to a wall. Yuuto turn back to Siris and slash her chest with his other sword. Blood explode from the Knight's chest, before she is kick away in the stomach, sending her to the floor before disappearing in green light.

Yuuto turn to Karlamine, seeing her getting out of the wall. The two runs and began clashing in a sword battle. Yuuto had the upper hand as his speed is proving to be than the other knight. Karlamine silently cuss when feeling herself being push back and clash her sword with Yuuto again. Suddenly, she uses her right hand to grab a dagger, surprising Yuuto. Karlamine use this time and stab him in stomach with the dagger.

The blonde coughs up blood, losing his grip and Karlamine push her sword forward, causing Yuuto fall backwards. Karlamine was about to finish off, Yuuto, but she is interrupt by a fist slamming at her face, sending her flying out of the gym building, through its concrete walls. Koneko turns to Yuuto and immdaitely runs toward his aid. "Damn it I should have seen that coming" the blonde mutter, coughing up blood.

Koneko looks at him with concern in her eyes "Don't worry, Yuuto, I'll take care of the others" she promise, making the Knight nod, smiling "Go get em, Koneko" his body lit in green and disappear.


With Akeno and Issei

Issei is currently dealing with two of Riser's Rook. Isabela, a woman with short, light brown hair and gray eyes. Her hair has three red highlight across, and wears a pain white mask which covers the right side of her face. Her outfit consists of a green open jacket and black jeans, the jacket has wide shoulders and a wide collar, and features three leathers straps on both her arms. It is also slightly opened, revealing her large breast and cleavage, she also wear black fingerless glove.

The woman next to her is Xuelan, Chinese descent with shoulder-length black hair and blue greenish eyes. Her hair has two Chinese-style buns on both her sides of her head. Her outfit consists of a navy blue qipao with gold accent, a white sash around her stomach, and black, low-heeled shoes. The qipao is opens at the chest area, giving view to her breast; she also wears black armguard over her forearms.

Issei looks up at the now destroyed roof of the kendo building and see Akeno battling against Riser's queen. "You should pay attention!" Isabela runs toward him, sending a kick down, forcing Issei to jump to the side to dodge the attack. Issei looks at the spot where to kick landed 'Holy shit I need to be careful' he notes, staring at the wide crater on the ground.

"Promote to Knight!" Issei exclaims and dash toward Isabela and punch her in the stomach, sending her flying through dozens of trees. Issei was about to turn, but he is interrupt by a kick from the right side, sending him stumbling back. "Ahhhhh" he screams in pain, falling to his knee, holding his waist 'Damn it feels like my ribcage is crush' he thinks and look up to see Xuelen smirking at him.

Issei stood up, trying to ignore the pain. Xuelen run towards him, throwing another kick. "Promote to Rook!" Issei grab a hold of Xuelen's leg, surprising her "Nice Panties" he comments, smirking, then slams the boosted gear on Xuelen's chest, sending her crashing into the ground, creating a large crater.

When the smoke is clear, Issei spot Xuelen laying down in the crater, unconscious before she disappears in green light. "One down. One more to go!" he blurt out through his panting. Issei turn to his right and see Isabela walking towards him, slightly wounded from his previous attack.

"Seems like your almost out of energy" Isabela state, looking at the panting Issei "Oh no… Really, I still got full of energy!" he reply and runs towards her. Isabela start dashing towards him too. The two raise their fists "HAAAAAA!" When the two punches connect each other, the ground explodes from the force and both fighters are send flying backwards from the equal force their punches hold. Issei regain his balance midair "Promote to Knight!" he shouts and use the Knight speed and dash to Isabela, who's is still in midair and wide open for an attack.

Issei grab the Rook's leg and slam her to the ground "BOOST!" As Isabela lay on the ground, Issei deliver a punch at her stomach, making her throw up blood as the force of the punch create a giant crater underneath her. "I did it" Issei utter in disbelief, looking at the now unconscious Isabela.


'Nice work, partner' Issei looks at the boosted gear on his left arm "Yeah, all that crazy training Buchou put us through was definitely worth it" he reply, then turns to Akeno, who's is still battling against Riser queen in the air.

Suddenly, an explosion erupt, making Issei turns to see it coming from the school's rooftop 'That's where Buchou is!' Issei looks back at Akeno, who gives him a signal to go. Issei nod and use the knight speed to dash to his king's aid.

With Akeno

Akeno dodges another fireball and look at Yubelluna. A busty woman with long, wavy purple hair that falls all the way down her back and matching purple eyes. At the front, the right side of her hair falls over her breast and covers her right eye, while the left side falls near the top of her skirt, her attire is a dress consisting of light purple tunic top with gold accent and a pale purple skirt with open side, and black shoes over matching thigh-high stocking with garterbelt. The tope reveals much of her cleavage, and is held with a gold choker with blue and red jewel, over this she wears a white overcoat with black and gold accent and matching pauldrons, she also wears a black headband with a orange jewel over her forehead to keep her long hair in place, and wield a staff-like scepter in battle.

"You know this battle is pointless" Yubelluna state, creating another fireball from the index of her right hand and throws to Akeno, who response by creating a shield in front of her, blocking the attack. "If you think we will just give up, then you're wrong" Akeno reply, releasing the shield. "Ahahahaha! Look at you! You look like you're about to past out any second now" Yubelluna retorts, staring at the raven-haired panting state.

Akeno knew what Yubelluna said is true, if this fight continues on any longer, she will collapse in complete exhaustion. "Oh, I wish I could be fighting that hot black-haired" Yubelluna utters, holding a dreamy expression. Akeno eyes widen in shock at the sudden comment.

"He was so cool standing up against Riser-sama like that, and his power just make me went to dragged him into a room and have some fun" the purple-haired Queen continues. Akeno's pupils narrow as yellow aura start surrounding her, lightning start sparking around her body. Yubelluna turns and her eyes widen when feeling Akeno's power skyrocket through the roof. Her once violet eyes now flashes in yellow and his glaring at Yubelluna, making her paralyze in fear.

Akeno point her index finger at the purple-haired, yellow thunder fires towards Yubelluna at light speed, not giving her time to dodge it. The thunder ensnared around the Queen's body, immobilizing her. 'What is this?!' Yubellunatries to move, but she only gets shock by ever movement she makes, forcing her to stay still.

"If you move even as much as an inch… The thunder rope that surrounds you will shock you to death" Akeno state, smiling sadistically "Now then, I think it's time to end this" she said, lifting her right hand, pointing the open palm at Yubelluna while her left hand grabs the right's wrist. Yellow lightning start surrounding Akeno's right palm, making Yubelluna eyes widen in alert and she start moving around, to escape from the rope, but it only shocks her more intensely.

"TAKE THIS, BITCH!" Akeno fires a gigantic yellow beam full of electrical. Yubelluna scream as the beam hit her, creating an enormous explosion in the sky. Akeno lands down the ground, her wings reside "It's over" she pants, looking up at the smoke that her attack create. Akeno spot Yubelluna form fall from the smoke and crashed in front of her.

Akeno sigh and stand up, but her legs give up and she drop to her knees. "Looks like you're all out of energy" a voice state, making Akeno look up and her eyes widen in shock when seeing Yubelluna walking out from the smoke, in perfect condition. "How?!" Akeno ask and sees the Queen show an empty bottle "This bottle was filled with Phenex tears that Riser-sama gave me before the battle began. As you know Phenex tears can heal any kind of wounds, that what the Phenex clan are famous for" Yubelluna summons a fireball on her hand.

'Damn it! I'm completely out of magic' Akeno cuss and watch Yubelluna shoot the fireball at her. 'I guessed this is it for me' she close her eyes, accepting that she is defeated.

"That was one impressive technique… Akeno" a stoic voice praise. Akeno snap her eyes open to meet with a familiar brown eye staring back at her "Nawin-kun" she whispers.

Nawin smile holding her bridal style in his arms. Yubelluna turn behind to see the Makasha. 'When did he get here?!" she thinks, shock. Nawin place Akeno down gently on the ground "Rest, Akeno, you did well. I'll handle this now" he utters and kiss the Himejima's forehead, causing her to relax and nod.

Yubelluna shots another fireball at the two. Nawin turn and look at the fireball heading toward them with a blank expression. Nawin bring his right hand up, a light blue barrier appear in front, blocking the attack. He releases the barrier and point his index finger at the Queen "Hell Beam" he utters and fire a crimson bean from his index finger. The fast beam shoots through Yubelluna's chest, making blood sip from her mouth.

Yubelluna put her right hand on her chest, trying to stop the bleeding. "It's no use" she looks up and is paralyze in fear when seeing Nawin standing right in front of her. "Your no match for me" he state and points his index finger "Thrust" Yubelluna feel a force pushing her back, sending her crashing through a tree.

Yubelluna stand back up, shakily and looks up to see Nawin walking towards her, looking at her stoically. "Please I surrender" she beg, causing the Makasha stops in front of her, raising his eyebrow in amusement "You hurt someone I care deeply and you expect me to just let you go?" he ask. Yubelluna body start shaking in fear, knowing she isn't getting away from this. Nawin raise his right hand, then points his index and middle finger up "Black Coffin". A black box forms and envelope Yubelluna, dozens of red spears form around the box. Nawin close his middle finger and the spears shoot toward the box, piercing it from numerous sides.

"Aaaaahhhh!" A painful scream come out from the box. "Nawin-kun that enough" Akeno mutter, looking at the horrifying display. The Makasha drop his right hand to the side and the box shatter away. 'Hmm seems like they teleported her away' Nawin notes, seeing nothing but blood splattered on the ground.


Nawin turns to Akeno, who's smile at him, weakly 'She lost a lot of mana' he states and spot a few burn wounds on the side of her stomach. Nawin walk back and kneels next to her.

"You idiot, you haven't been taking care of yourself these past week, have you?" Nawin whisper soothingly, looking at the dark rings under Akeno's eyes, indicating that she hasn't slept well. "I was worried sick about you" she reply making, the Makasha and hugs her, which she return happily "You always worry about me" he state with a chuckle.

A quiet snore makes Nawin turn to see Akeno sleepingm leaning her head on his shoulder. The Makasha smile and lay her down on the ground gently, a green light surrounds her, teleporting her to the medic bay.

Suddenly another explosion erupts from the school roof making Nawin turn to see Issei fighting against Riser 'Issei mana is quickly depleting, he won't be able to continue this fight much longer' Nawin notes 'Wait where Asia?! I haven't heard the announcer said anything'


Nawin pick up Asia's mana signature, she was near Koneko. 'Damn it! Seems like she is fighting against 2 opponents and now Koneko is out… I need to hurry' the Makasha disappears in black flash.

With Asia

Asia dodge another fire blast from Ravel "You should just quit now, we already defeated one of your friends" the blonde Phenex state, landing next to Mira. A young girl with blue hair and light brown eyes, her hair is styled with four short ponytails, with two of the four pointed up and the remaining two pointed down, in front of her hair features spit bans going across her forehead, with side bangs framing her face. Her outfit is a white haori with a red obi which is worn under s red happi coat, for footwear she wears a pair of zori.

Asia pants, holding her right bruise hand 'I can't create my Heaven Spear with my right hand being damaged. I need both hand and time to concentrate for that' the blonde state, looking at her opponents.

Mira dash at Asia and slams her wooden staff at the blonde's chest, knocking the breath out of her and send her crashing onto a tree. Asia slid down the trunk, landing on the ground, barely holding conscious. Ravel summons flame from her hand and points at Asia "Sorry, but this is the end of the battle" Ravel state with a smirk and shoot the fire blast toward the blonde.

The time slows, Asia looks at the fire coming toward her '… Onii-chan'. The area explodes when the blast make contact. Ravel and Mira looks at the burning trees for a second "Come on, let's go. I'm sure Onii-sama will need our su-" suddenly, a yellow light-chain wrap around Ravel, making her fall to the ground "W-what is this" she stutter and tries to move.

Mira was about to run over to help Ravel, but a hand appears in her face, white light emanates from the palm and she drops to the ground. Ravel turn to see Nawin holding the unconscious Asia in his arms. Ravel looks at Mira "What did you do to her?!" she ask, turning to Nawin "I cut off her consciousness".

Nawin place Asia down gently on the ground, then turns his attention to Ravel "You're that bird-brain sister, right?" Nawin questions, walks toward her and see her nod "Yes, my name is Ravel Phenex" she announces, proudly "Hmm, thought so, you two look alike" "What are you going to do to me?" she asks with little fear in her voice.

"… Nothing" Nawin snap his finger, causing the yellow chain to disappear, allowing Ravel to stand. She looks at him with surprise expression "Why would you let me go… I just hurt your sister" she asks, confuse "I know you're not doing this willingly… I can see you don't like being in the douchebag's peerage, right?" Ravel look surprise at how right the Makasha is and give him a nod "Yeah, even though he is my brother… he is too cocky and arrogant that it makes me sick… and he's a pervert" she said, crossing her hand and puff.

Nawin smile and walk toward the blonde, then pets her head, greatly surprising the young Phenex "I will knock some sense into him, maybe he will stop being such a jackass". Ravel looks at the black-haired with hope "I can see you still care for him, even though he is an ass. Now, I'm going to go deal with him" Nawin said, making Ravel nods. The Makasha retract his hand "Ravel, can you do me one favor?" he asks and receive a nod "Take Asia to the medic bay, okay?" "Fine I'll do it this once, since you were nice to me" Ravel said in a Tsudereish tone making Nawin chuckle.

Ravel walks to Asia, she places the unconscious blonde right arm around her neck and puts her left arm around Asia's waist. Ravel releases her flaming wings and flies off. Nawin turn his attention to the school roof, his eyes flash in red 'Now it's time for the real battle to began'

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