
Dragons Versus Phenex

Issei pants and looks up at the flying Riser who smirks at him 'Damn it! that healing ability is annoying as hell, at this point I will lose my magic completely, before I'm able to finish him' Issei thought then glance behind seeing Rias on her knees panting 'Buchou is already out of magic'

"I told you before, you can't defeat me low-class" Riser speed toward Issei and his neck, the blond then flies up and throw the brown haired down at high speed making him crash through the school floors. "Issei!" Rias yell in worry.

Riser flies down landing in front of Rias and walks toward her "Only you're left Rias, now are you going to give up and be my wife" He smirk extending his arm to the Gremory. "Over my dead body Phenex!" Issei yell sending a surprise uppercut to Riser sending him up in air.

Riser regain his balance midair by flapping his flaming wings, he glare at the Hyoudou. "I have enough of you low-class!" Riser lift both his hands up creating an enormous fire ball. 'Partner grab the Gremary and get out, that attack has enough power to destroy the entire building' Ddriag warn.

Issei curse and grab Rias "Too late take this!" Riser throws the enormous fire ball at the two, 'Shit I don't have enough time to promote to knight'. Issei wrap his arms around Rias shielding her from the attack. After a few second pass the two didn't hear any explosion making them turn to see, Nawin holding the Flaming ball with his right hand "Teme!" The Makasha turn and smirk at the pervert, he turns his attention back to the shock Phenex "Here I think this belongs to you" Nawin flick the fire ball sending it flying toward the Phenex, the fire ball hit Riser dead on creating an enormous explosion covering the sky.

Nawin turns to the two "Rias you should get out of here, me and Issei will handle this" The red haired opens her mouth about to protest "No argument we don't have time, you're magic is low, you'll passed out in the middle of battle and will be a burden" Nawin said making Rias sigh knowing what the black haired said is true. "Be careful you two" she said making her two piece nod, She release her wings and flies off to a safe distance.

"It's kind of stupid that she is the king and were doing the work" Nawin sighs "Well she our king so we are suppose to do her battle Teme" Issei reply. "Hmmm, what happened to the other members?" Nawin ask. "Me and Buchou finished them off only the Phenex is left".

Suddenly a blast of flame shoot towards the two making both jump opposite direction dodging it, The two looks to the left seeing Riser getting up, his burned wounds start healing as he glare at the Makasha "So you finally show your face, I thought you were too scared to come fucker" he snare, Nawin looks at the piss Phenex with a bored expression.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Nawin ask, making Issei laugh, Orange flames explode from Riser as he glare angrily at the black haired. Nawin and Issei turns serious releasing their own power, "Promote to Knight" Issei dash to the Phenex, Riser shot a fire ball at the brown haired but Nawin appears on top of it and the Fire ball to the other direction.

"BOOST, BOOST, BOOST" Issei appears in front of Riser and punch him in the face sending out the building roof and crashing to the ground. "Nice punch pervert" Nawin appears next to Issei. "Y-yeah" the Makasha looks to see Issei panting heavily, He grabs the brown haired shoulder "Here take some of my power", Issei sigh in relief feeling his magic reserved full again "Thanks Teme" Nawin takes his hand back and nod.

"Come on, that punch is not enough to defeat him" The two jump down landing in front of the crater where the Phenex crashed. Fire blast shoots out of the crater, Riser walks out of the hole, glaring at the two, The Phenex suddenly smirk making Nawin eyes widen, he looks underneath seeing the ground glow orange "SHIT ISSEI MOVE!" The ground explodes, Nawin disappears in black flash, while Issei dash away but got burned slightly on his right arm.

Nawin appears behind Riser, summoning his shadow sword, Riser summons his own fire sword and clash against Nawin's, The two begin battle in sword fight, "Huh not bad for a low-class" Riser taunt bringing his sword down, Nawin raise his sword up clashing with the flame sword, "I'm full of surprises" Nawin summons a shadow pistol and shoots at Riser chest "Ahh" He kick the Phenex in the stomach sending him crashing through a tree.

Nawin appears next to Issei "You're alright?" he nods standing up "Yeah just a slight burn that's all", Riser stand back up "His regenerating power is really annoying" Issei mutter. 'Kid why are you holding back?, You can finish this now' Tairex ask looking at the battle.

'True but I want Issei to awake his Balance breaker, I think this battle might push him to the limit, allowing him to reach that level' Nawin reply 'Don't bother Makasha' a voice said 'What are you doing in the kid mind Ddraig' Tairex ask the red dragon who grunts at him. 'What do you mean by don't bother Welsh dragon?' Nawin ask curious 'Because at this current time Issei doesn't have the will or the power to reach that level, if you force him now it will only end getting himself killed' Ddriag reply shocking the black haired.

'… I see' Nawin eyes flash red, "Issei stand back" The brown haired did what he was told. Nawin lift his right hand up, aiming at the Phenix "Ice Glacier Storm" his right palm glow blue and fires a massive wave of ice toward Riser.

The attack hit Riser and freezes him along with the entire forest, Nawin bring his right hand down, he looks at the frozen Phenex and the surrounding area around him. "Is it over?" Issei ask "No…" Nawin looks at Riser freezing form closely and spot orange aura surrounding the blonde, burning the ice.

The ice explode, Riser walks out of it glaring at Nawin "You think that pathetic attacked will stop me" "Hmm did you say something" Riser charge at the Makasha in pure anger. Nawin point his index finger at the Phenex "Six Heaven Prison Rod" Six thin beam of light slam into Riser midsection, freezing him on his track "What is this" he tries to break free "it's no use even Ultimate class devil would have a problem getting out of that" Nawin said looking at the struggling Phenex 'It seems your getting the hang of the spells I've taught you Nawin-kun' Sairex said proud 'It's definitely a pain to learn but it's worth in the end'.

"Issei have you learn anything new this past week?" Nawin ask turning to the brown haired "Yeah I learn dragon shot, it allows me to shoot a big magic ball projectile to my enemy, but it did little damage against him" Issei reply looking at Riser. "Hmmmm… I want you to use that attack but don't fire it" the brown haired looks at the Makasha surprise but did it anyway.

Yellow ball start forming around Issei left hand, Nawin eyes turn red, examined to technique closely "Add more power into it" Issei did what he was told, the ball color start changing into red 'Interesting it's actually rotating in high speed, Issei could use this as a long range attacking or close range which will do more damage'.

Nawin opens his left palm, black lightning start sparking, 'Kid you aren't planning on using that technique are you… you don't have full control over it yet' Tairex said a little worry 'I will not use it in full power don't worry' Suddenly the ground start shaking from the two technique. Issei looks and his face turn into shock seeing black lightning producing from the Makasha left hand.

"Okay Issei lets finished this" Nawin move his hand next to Issei, the two technique start to merge forming a giant dark red ball with black lighting sparking out from it, rotating in supersonic speed. "What is this?!" Issei ask shock feeling a huge amount of magic from the attack.

"Your Dragon Shot merged with my Demonic Lightning, forming a new powerful attack" Nawin turn to the Phenex who is shaking in fear seeing the technique "And we will use it to finish this fight… are you ready" Nawin smirk at Issei who get over his shock and smile.

"Yeah let's finished this Teme" The two fist bump with their right hand and turn their attention to the Phenex. Nawin and Issei dash to the Phenex bringing thier attacked forward "Haaaaaaaa" the two thrust the attack straight at Riser chest, the six light rod broke and Riser is send back with the attacked before exploding in a enormous red flames, black lightning sparked around the explosion.

Nawin and Issei catch their breath, lokoing at the giant explosion "Damn that attacked really take allot out of us huh" Issei pants, the black haired nods 'That was smart thinking Nawin-kun' Sairex praise. The two walks to the giant crater seeing Riser laying in the bottom, unconscious, half his clothes are burned while black lightning sparks around him before he disappears in green light.


"We did it, we did it Teme!" Issei cheers putting his arm around the black haired neck "Get off of me pervert" Nawin mutter but was ignore, "Stop being so gloomy we won Woooohoo".

Time Skip

After the Rating game Nawin and Issei were teleported to the medic bay to check on the others condition while Rias went too talked to her parents about the marriage. "Damn you guys look like shit" Nawin comment looking at the injured group.

"Nice way of saying hi Nawin-kun" Yuuto reply rubbing his bandaged stomach. "You're late" Koneko said punching Nawin lightly on the shoulder making him chuckle as he pets Koneko white lock "Sorry about that, training makes time past fast" Koneko nods accepting the apology.

Nawin looks at one of the bed to see Asia sleeping peacefully making him smile "Don't worry about her, the doctor said that she need a little rest since she used allot of her magic at the battle" Yuuto said making the Makasha sigh in relief.

"How did you lose blondy?" Issei smirk making Yuuto sigh "I let my guard down" while Issei was talking with the others, Nawin walk into one of the room that was cover in curtain, he slid it open, his face soften seeing Akeno sleeping peacefully with bandage on her stomach and right arm.

Nawin takes a chair and seat next to her bed, he caress the raven haired cheeks then looks at her right hand 'It seems that attacked did damaged on her to'. Akeno eyes open and look to see who's touching her cheek to find it was Nawin making her relax.

"How are you feeling?" he ask softly, Akeno smile "I feel much better now that you're here" Nawin smile "Good to know" "Did we win?" she ask "Yes we won, Issei and I defeated that bird-brain" Akeno giggled at the nick name.

Rias walks in the medic bay making everyone turn to her "Nawin, Issei my parents want to speak to you two" She said in serious making Issei gulps nervously while Nawin raise his eyebrow 'This should be interesting'.

Time skip: Gremory Estate

Rias, Issei, and Nawin are currently walking inside the Gremory Estate until they stop in front of a big door "What's in there?" Issei ask "This is the main room, the chef already prepared some food since you two must be hungry after that fight" Rias smile then opens the door.

The Nawin, Issei walk in and is greeted by three people, one of the person who looks almost like Rias but instead a man smile at the three "It's about time you arrive" he grins, Nawin examined the guy appearance, he is quite handsome having the appearance of a man in his early 20s with shoulder length crimson red hair and blue greenish eyes similar to Rias.

The person sitting next to him is a middle aged looking man with long crimson red hair that he tied into a loose ponytail with a black hair band, his has the same blue greenish eyes as Rias and the other man, he also has a short and red beard.

The last person is a middle aged woman who has almost the same hair style as Rias but shorter and instead of crimson hair it was brown, and her eyes were purple instead of blue,

"Nawin-kun, Issei-kun I like you to meet my family" Rias said, Nawin can sense nervous in her voice. The young man walk to the two extending his arm "It nice to meet you two my name is Sirzechs Lucifer" Hearing the named makes Nawin and Issei eyes widen 'Is this man in front of me one of the Satan's!' the Makasha thought while Issei shakes Sirzechs hand, smiling nervously "It's nice to meet you Sirzech-sama my name is Issei Hyoudou" he said politely.

Sirzech smile at Issei then turns to Nawin "Yo" he give a peace sign at Sirzech, the room completely turn silent, Issei looked at his friend wide eyed in disbelief, the two person looks at the Makasha amuse. Rias hair hover upwards, red aura start surrounding her, she runs and bonk Nawin's head "OW what did I do" "Show some respect!" Rias lecture the black haired making him sweat drop.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA" Everyone turn to see Sirzech laughing wiping his tears away "I already like you, I hate formality anyway after hearing so much of it" Sirzech chuckles "See Rias I did nothing wrong" Nawin reply earning him another bump in the head "OW! OKAY I GOT IT!".

Mini Time Skip

Right now everyone is enjoying their huge meal, Nawin and Issei learn that the two other people were Rias father Lord Gremory and the woman was her mother Venelana Gremory and Sirzech is her big brother. "So if you don't mind me asking Lord Gremory has the marriage between the Gremory heir and the Phenex heir been cancelled" Nawin ask.

"Yes Lord Phenex agreed" "I guess he is angry about it" Nawin said "Not really he was hoping his son Riser would learn something from his lose in this Rating game" Lord Gremory reply.

"Huh I guess even his family can't stand his asshole attitude" the Makasha said, Rias looks like she was about to fire her power of destruction at the black haired, Issei sweat drop, 'Does anything scare the Teme?'. Sirzech and Lord Gremory chuckle "I guess you could say that, last I heard about Riser is that he locked himself in his bedroom and refuse to come out, for some reason he is scared of dragon and thinking one will attack him again".

Nawin raise his eyebrow hearing that 'Tairex did you have something to do with that?' 'I don't know what you're talking about kid' Tairex reply innocently making the black haired eyes narrow 'Tairex tell me' the dragon sighs 'Fine after that attacked you and the pervert created, connect him I send some of my dark magic in there in the very last second, so when he was unconscious let's just say he was having some bad dream' Tairex chuckle darkly making the black haired sweat drop.

"So then let me know which one of you boys is Rias boyfriend" Venelana said suddenly, Issei start shaking to scared to answer while Rias blush in embarrassment, "He is" Nawin points at his brown haired friend next to him while putting a spoon of chocolate pudding in his mouth, Issei mentally curse the Teme and turn his attention to Lady Gremory who is looking at him thoughtfully like trying to study him making Issei even more nervous.

Venelana face then break into a smile "Well I can see you're a nice boy and you did fight for my baby girl in the Rating game" Venelana turns to her daughter "Rias are you happy with him" Rias nods making her mother smile. "His a pervert though" Nawin comment, the whole room went silent, Rias and Issei looks at Nawin like he turn insane while Sirzech and Lord Gremory at the scene with amusement, suddenly whole room darken, Venelana turn to Issei her eyes flash red making Issei almost wet his pants.

"Did I heard that right, are you a pervert Issei-san" she ask in a deadly tone sending chills down to all the men in the room, Nawin looks at Venelana in shock 'If she and my mom ever meet and become friend… it's the end of the world' he thought feeling the sinister power coming from the protective mother.

"I- I used to be a pervert but ever since I met your daughter I changed for the good, Lady Gremory I promised" Issei quickly reply, Rias and Nawin sweat drop knowing that is a lie. Venelana lower her demonic energy before she smile back at Issei but with little sinister in it "Please treat my daughter well understand Issei-san or else" the brown haired quickly nods "I promise you have my word".

Sirzech chuckle then turn his attention to the Makasha "Nawin-san" the black haired turned to him "I watch the battle, the techniques you used are quite interesting and some of them even look like a light spell, do you mind explaining" he ask curious, the other listen also interested.

Nawin debate whether he should answer 'Do it kid it's not going to do any harm' Tairex said, "Those are just some spell my scared gear taught me while I was training away, and the light spell that you mentioned, it looks like Angels spell but unlike the Angel's which burn devils mine only immobilize them… but it's very hard to get out of them since there are some light magic in them, the longer you're trapped in them, the more your magic will depleted" "Can you show me" Sirzech said surprising everyone, Nawin looks at the red Satan "I guess but who will be the target." Nawin turns to Issei "Don't look at me Temee I'm not your training dummy!"

Sirzech stand up "Well go on" he said surprising everyone, Nawin points his index finger at Sirzech "Six Heaven Prison Rod" Six light beam slams into Sirzech midsection. The Lucifer tries to break the spell but found himself unable to move his body 'This is definitely interesting spell… even I'm having trouble getting out of it unless I used some of my true power' Sirzech thought inspecting the six light beam, he then release his demonic energy, the six beam shatter making Nawin eyes widen but quickly changed back to his usual stoic expression 'Hmm I should have expected it… he is a Satan after all'

Sirzech smile at Nawin "That's definitely a strong technique I have to use some of my true power to get out of that" he praise "I can definitely see Riser not getting out of that even with all his power" he said sitting back down. "Oh there one thing I have to tell you Rias" Lord Gremory said making the red haired turn to her father "What would that be Otou-sama?" "Tomorrow the Gremory estate will hold a celebration party for your first Rating game victory" Lord Gremory said with proud in his voice making Rias smile.

Nawin and Issei looks at each other and think the exact same thing 'WELL SHIT'

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