
Chapter 37

Samwell looked at the woman in front of him, and had a strange feeling in his heart.

  Because the other party really doesn't look like a savage.

  The kind of elegance and pride that comes from the bones cannot be pretended or imitated. Only when you are young, you have no worries about food and clothing, have someone to serve you, and a good tutor , only then it can br cultivated .

  Such a woman could only appear in noble castles, not in the red mountains filled with barbarism and ignorance.

  "Madame Nora, may I ask, are you a native savage?"

  Nora smiled slightly, as if she was not surprised by such a question:

  "I'm afraid not."


  "Yes, my lord. There are many people who have asked me similar questions, but I really can't give them a definite answer. Because I don't remember it myself."

  Samwell's expression suddenly became a little strange:

  "Have you lost your memory?"

  "Yes My lord. The former patriarch of the raven Tribe, that is, my husband, rescued me from the summer sea more than ten years ago. But I can no longer remember why I fell into the sea, and I have lost all previous memories."

  Nora stroked her hair beside her ears with hands, and said in a slightly melancholy tone, "Maybe I used to be a noble lady in some castle. But it doesn't matter anymore. Now, I'm just the patriarch of the Raven tribe. So Lord, I am here for my people this time. We did not participate in Linia's conspiracy, let alone be against you, so please let those innocent people go back to the forest."

  Samwell was not in a hurry to respond to Nora's request, but looked at her purple eyes and fell into deep thought.

  As for Nora's real life experience, he already had a guess.

  There are not many families with purple eyes in Westeros. The most famous one is of course the former royal family - the Targaryen family.

  But Targaryen has silver hair and purple eyes, and the woman in front of him has dark brown hair.

  Moreover, the existing Targaryen are all in exile on the continent of Essos across the Narrow Sea, and it is impossible to appear in the Summer Sea.

  There is one woman who suited Nora perfectly.

  That is the sister of "Dawn Sword" Arthur Dayne, the dream lover of Eddard Stark, the Duke of the North, and the goddess of the Kingsguard "Fearless" Barristan Selmy -

  Ashara Dayne.

  First of all, Starfall City, the territory of the Dayne family, is on the east bank of the mouth of the Torentine River, not far from here.

  Moreover, almost ten years ago, after the Rebellion War ended, Ed Stark brought the great sword [Dawn] inherited from the Dayne family to Starfall City, returned it, and told the news that "Sword of morningstar" Arthur Dayne died in battle of the Tower of Bliss, it is said that Ashara Dayne couldn't bear the blow of her brother's death, and in grief, she jumped into the sea from the top of the White Stone Sword Tower and committed suicide.

  However, her body has never been found.

  Now it seems that Ashara who jumped into the sea probably did not die, but was rescued from the sea by the former patriarch of the Raven tribe, and lost her memory because of this.

  Thinking of this, the way Samwell looked at Nora changed immediately.

  As the most important city in the west of Dorne, Starfall City is located on the bank of the Summer Sea, facing Samwell's territory across the sea.

  If he wants to get his hands on Dorne, Starfall City is the best step, and Nora in front of him, that is, Ashara Dayne, is a key that can open the gate of Starfall City.

  "Madame Nora, I know that you have not participated in Linia's conspiracy, so we will not make things difficult for the warriors of the wandering Crow Tribe. You can take them away at any time."

"Thank you for your kindness and justice." Nora quietly relaxed , took a breath and quickly thanked him.

  She was just about to say goodbye when she heard Samwell say again:

  "I am here on behalf of the Duke Mace to develop this place, and I am willing to provide shelter for all the wildlings. I wonder if the Ravens tribe would like to be my subjects?" "Sorry."

Nora refused, "Our Ravens tribe only serves the old gods and cannot be loyal to a knight who believes in the Seven Gods. If this mountain forest has become your territory, then we can leave too, the Raven tribe never occupies a land."

This answer did not surprise Samwell .

After all, no one wants to surrender to someone for no reason.

  If it was another tribe, Samwell would either subdue it directly or expel it directly.

  But the raven tribe , whether it is Nora's life or the Ghost Grass, Samwell cannot easily use violence.

  Be gentle.

  Samwell smiled slightly and said:

  "In this case, I will not force you. However, it is not necessary to leave. As long as you do not attack my people and do not enter their settlements without invitation, I specially ask you to continue to stay In this forest. Moreover, you can conduct free trade with my subjects."

  Nora was a little surprised, she really didn't expect this young lord to be so generous.

  "You are such a kind lord. On behalf of all my clansmen, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

  "I am very happy to gain the friendship of the Raven Tribe." Samwell said with a smile, "Oh yes, Madam Nora, I heard there is a kind of ghost grass in the red mountains, I wonder if you have seen it?"

  Nora was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said:

  "Of course I know. That is a rather rare weed with mysterious spirituality that People can find them in the forest."

  Samwell was overjoyed, and then asked:

  "Can you help me collect ghost grass? I can buy it with money, and each plant for a silver deer. Of course, if you want It's fine to replace it with grain or other things of the same value."

  Nora thought for a moment, then said:

  "As long as you promise me one more condition, our Wandering Crow Tribe will collect ghost grass for you."

  "What condition?"

  "You and your people must not destroy any weirwood tree in the red Mountains."

  Samwell heard and froze for a moment.

  Are there weirwoods in the red Mountains?

  The weirwood is a sacred tree for believers of the Old Gods.

  But he remembered that apart from the northern border, hadn't the weirwood in the south been destroyed by the Andals?

  However, since the Red Mountain Range is so big, it is possible that some fish slipped through the net.

  "Yes. I agree to your conditions. In fact, if you understand it, you will know that I did not force all my subjects to convert to the Seven Gods. They can still voluntarily retain their original beliefs. I also respect your beliefs and will not go to Destroy the weirwood."

  "You have a tolerant heart, and the gods old and new will protect you!" Nora smiled.

  This negotiation was much smoother than she had imagined.

  The young noble of the Reach was far friendlier than she had expected.

  With this guarantee, she doesn't have to worry about the destruction of the remaining weirwoods. At this moment, she even sincerely hoped that Samwell's territory would continue to expand so that more weirwoods could be protected.

  Moreover, the ghost grass can be exchanged for a silver deer. This exchange agreement can greatly improve the lives of the clansmen.

  What a generous lord!


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