
Chapter 38

The supply agreement of ghost grass was reached, Samwell who was in a good mood, warmly invited Nora to stay for lunch, hoping to deepen their relationship.

  Nora didn't refuse. If she could find a strong backer for the Rave tribe, of course she would not refuse.

  After the katu brought food to the table, Nora took off her veil, revealing her delicate face.

  Although it was no longer youthful, it still has charm.

  No wonder she was able to fascinate the talents of the Seven Kingdoms.

  Seeing Samwell's gaze, Nora smiled gently and explained,

  "I usually wear a veil to avoid unnecessary trouble."

  "Understandable." Samwell nodded with a smile.

  In this red mountain range that obeys the law of the jungle, an overly beautiful woman will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

  However, now that Nora took the initiative to take off her veil, she was also expressing her trust in Samwell.

  Pointing to the plate in front of him, Nora said with a smile: "This is the special lunch set from the Blueskin tribe. Please try it . "

There was some barbecue, wild vegetables, mushrooms, goat's milk, and a plate of weeds that Samwell doesn't know.

  Samwell first picked up the weed and stuffed it into his mouth——

  as a man who is determined to taste all the food in Westeros, he must eat the unknown first.

  The taste was a bit bitter, and the throat burned...

  Just when Samwell was about to put this weed on his blacklist, he suddenly stopped.

  Because, there was movement on his attribute panel!

  Strength increased by 0.01!

  Samwell was overjoyed, and quickly stuffed the other two weeds on the plate into his mouth.

  Nora, who was on the side, couldn't help wondering—this lord likes to eat grass so much?

  He also bought ghost grass for himself, maybe it was also for eating...

  Seeing that the power attribute increased again, Samwell quickly asked Katu beside him:

  "What kind of grass is this?"

  "My lord, this is the silver leaf Grass."

  "Is there any more? Give me more!"


  At this time, Nora reminded:

  "Master Caesar, you'd better not eat too much of this silver leaf grass." "

  Oh ? Why?"

  "Because, I suspect it is poisonous."

  "Poisonous?" Samwell was slightly startled, but then questioned, "The chief of the blue-skinned tribe still eats it every day?"

  "It shouldn't be very poisonous, It should be fine if you eat less, but if you eat too much, you may have problems. If you do a little research, you will know that this silver-leaf grass is a sacred object of the blue-skinned tribe, and only the leaders can enjoy it, and giving some to the clansmen who have made meritorious deeds.

But the leaders who often eat this grass often do not live to be 40 years old, and their spirits are somewhat abnormal, and they may even lose control and go crazy." "

  "Then why do they still like to eat this grass so much?"

  "Because this grass can cure some diseases and turn their skin blue, so they think it is a gift from the gods."

  Samwell frowned.

  The skin turns blue, the mind is abnormal, but it can cure some diseases...

  It reminds him of some kind of substance.

  The next moment, he stood up abruptly and walked out quickly.

  "Sorry, madam Nora, I suddenly have something important to do, so you can have lunch first."

  Walking to the door, he ran into Katu who was delivering food.

  Samwell directly grabbed all the silver-leaf grass brought by the other party, stuffed it into his mouth, and asked,   

" Where does this kind of silver-leaf grass grow?"

"There is a small cave in the innermost part of the camp."   

"Find ten reach soldiers to meet me at the cave and bring shovels."   

"Yes, my lord."   

Samwell arrived in the cave that Kathu mentioned, and indeed he saw Silver Leaf Grass.   

In the slightly dim cave, their leaves shone with a silvery white shimmer.   

After listening to madam Nora's story, Samwell immediately realized that the leaders of these blue-skinned tribes were probably suffering from chronic silver poisoning!   

Silver has a bactericidal effect, so it can treat some infections, but eating too much can cause heavy metal poisoning, and it can turn people's skin and even blood blue.   

But the question is, how can these silver leaf grasses contain metallic silver?   

Samwell guessed that there might be a silver mine buried under the silver leaf grass!   

That's why silver is enriched in this kind of grass, which has caused the effect of chronic argyria among the blue-skinned tribesmen.   But if this is the case, then the substance that increases one's strength attribute is the silver leaf grass itself? Or the silver enriched in it?   Thinking of another substance that can increase the attribute of strength - golden tail shrimp, Samwell suddenly had a bold guess.   

At this time, Katu had brought the soldiers over.   

"On this spot, pull out the silver-leaf grass first, and then dig deeper for me!"   


The soldiers responded, and immediately went into the cave to dig.   

Samwell stood outside, eating the silver-leaf grass that the soldiers had pulled out, and waiting patiently.

 The movement here has attracted the attention of the savages, especially the savages from the original blue-skinned tribe.

  In this cave grows the silver-leaf grass that they regard as a gift from the gods, so it is often regarded as a holy place by them.

  But now, those reach people don't know what's doing in their holy place.

  This made them both nervous and at loss.

  Of course, no one dared to stand up and protest.

  After all, the things in this cave have always been exclusive to the leader of the blue-skin tribe. Now that Samwell has conquered them, the cave also belongs to him.

  Time passed little by little, and Samwell stuffed the silver leaf grass into his mouth numbly. From the bitterness at the beginning, to numb , he couldn't taste the taste at all.

  Moreover, like the golden tail shrimp, if he eat's too much silver leaf grass, the effect will be reduced.

  However, even so, after eating hundreds of silver-leaf grasses, Samwell's strength attribute also increased rapidly, and finally reached 2.13!

  At this time, his body's tolerance to silver leaf grass has become very high, and in the end he needs to eat five plants to increase his strength by 0.01.

  Samwell burped, mouth full of bitter grassy taste.

  I can't eat anymore.

  Moreover, there is not much silver leaf grass left.

  He need's to save some seeds, otherwise the people of the blue-skinned tribe may cause trouble if they know that their tribal holy relics are extinct.

  At this time, Nora finished her lunch and came to bid farewell with her captured clansmen.

  "Okay, Madam Nora, I wish you a smooth journey. Also, I hope you can find the Ghost Grass as soon as possible."

  Nora looked at Samwell's silver-green teeth stained by the grass juice, and wanted to say something but hesitated for a while and didn't say it.

Finally she just said goodbye politely.

  Not long after the Ravens left, a soldier ran out and said to Samwell:

  "My lord, we dug out some ores below."

  Samwell hurried into the hole, and sure enough, he saw some lead gray crystal ores with metallic luster in a large pit.

  This is a silver mine?

  Samwell was a little uncertain, the color didn't seem right.

  However, considering that this may not be pure silver, that's why it has such a color and appearance.

  Samwell turned his head and told the soldiers:

  "Go to bleak Island and invite Vido and Buso over here. Also, send someone to seal off this cave, and no one will come near it without my order!"



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