
Part 6

(5 Weeks ago)

The Ancient One had woken up today with a weird feeling. There had been a strange energy that had woken her up. She knew the energy. It was spirit energy. The energy of the soul.

It had been a long time since she had felt it. About 700 years to be exact.

But who could emit this much spirit energy if not a spirit himself? This could mean danger or trouble.

Standing up the Ancient One walked to the special room where they kept the Time Stone. One of the 6 infinity stones. The weapon they used to fight the dangers that could threaten this world.

When she used it her research came to a certain boy. She saw him meditating. He was radiating this massive amount of spirit energy that it might endanger the world.

A lot of bad forces would love to gobble a soul this nourishing.

As she got a closer look at the teenager, the boy opened his eyes and looked directly at her in confusion. And then he smiled. A warm and happy smile.

The Ancient One was perplexed. This was not supposed to happen. This was supposed to be impossible. Who was this young man? Where had he come from? Why did she not see him before? And most importantly, how could he see her when she was using the time stone?

So many questions came to mind. But then she thought back to that smile and relaxed. It seemed that smile held great emotion. It was not a bad smile.

More like that of a child when it finds you when you are playing hide and seek together.

And it was a powerful smile because it made her smile as well. Strange. She never felt happy when she saw others smile. She was so old that she had too much experience and thought that nothing could surprise her.

But this man proved her wrong. Who was he? With the Time Stone, a name appeared in her mind. But it was like the name was behind a milky veil and she could not see it.

So the young man must have told her his name, but it is not time for her to know it yet. She had to wait.

With the Time Stone, she saw that the boy was coming to Kamar-Taj. All the way from Okinoshima. That was far away. But she saw him run through the air.

She felt like a young girl again. She couldn't wait for his arrival and almost opened a portal to get him faster. But the Ancient One knew it would be for nought.

He wouldn't come with her. For some reason, he wanted to walk to Kamar-Taj. She did not know why.


"So it's you.", Ichibe said and smiled.

There it was again, that smile. It was weird for her to be happy to see the smile again. It put a smile on her face.

"Me? Who?"

"You were the one that I saw back then. You are also the one I am looking for. The Ancient One. The Sorcerer Supreme. The leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts of this time… Yao."

"You seem to know a lot. But you're correct that is my name. Would you mind telling me whom we have the pleasure of meeting?"

"Oh, pardon my rudeness. I always forget that hehe.

I am the Monk that calls the name."

"Is that so? The Monk who calls the name. And what is your name then? Or are you only going to give us a title?"

"Well it's not like I don't want to give you my name, but it's that there is a curse on my name."

The masters were confused.

"A curse?"

"Yes, you see it's like this. Whenever someone says my name who isn't worthy, they lose their voice. That's how it is and I haven't been able to change that."

The masters chuckled at this. Not worthy to speak his name? That was quite funny.

The only one who wasn't chuckling was the Ancient One. Now she did have an amused smile on her face, but she wasn't laughing. She felt like he was telling the truth.

"Hehe, I know it's funny. But that is the truth. But it is no problem for you to know my name.

My name is Ichibe Hyosube. Nice to meet all of you."

"So Ichib…", when one of the masters tried to say the name his voice stopped. He could no longer speak anymore.

Everyone in the room was surprised at this. That was a very powerful curse to affect a master of the Mystic Arts like that.

"Well Master Hirluk, I believe he told you not to say it. Now he'll have to see what we'll do with you later.

Mr Monk, please follow me."

After that, the Ancient One walked away from the room and Ichibe followed her. She led him to her personal quarters and sat down at a table.

She started to cook tea and he sat opposite her. They said nothing while the tea was cooking.

After the tea was finished, the Ancient One poured him a small cup first and then herself as well.

Ichibe tried the tea and smiled again.

"Ahhh, that is marvellous tea that you make. Wonderful and masterfully prepared. I am speechless."

"Not entirely it would seem."


"Now then Mr Monk I …", Ichibe held up his hand to stop her.

"Please this is getting stupid. Please call me Ichibe."

"Oh, then what about the curse?"

"I said that only those that are unworthy will be affected did I not?"

"Then you think I'm worthy?"

"I know you are.", he said with certainty.

The Ancient One was curious. How would he know that? But she trusted the strange young man for now and tried it out.

"Ichibe … Oh you were right."

"Haha, of course, I'm right. And it seems your doubts have somewhat been cleared."


"Yes, Doubts. Did you not start to think about whether you were worthy or not? And then, you started to question whether the things you did in your life were good or whether you did mistakes and you are not a good person and so on."

"You are quite wise for someone so young. Now then, why don't you tell me what made you come here?"

"I think you know that. But I'll still tell you. When I sat there and got out of my meditation I was wondering what I should do. So I looked for the path best for me and then I saw you."

"You saw me?"

"Yes, when you were peeking, haha."

"Mister Hyosube I wasn't peeking."

"Hahaha, getting all formal all of a sudden. Don't worry I know you weren't peeking. Hahaha."

The Ancient One sighed. This man wasn't simple at all. He was probably going to be a pain.

"So you did indeed see me when I used it."

"Yes, the Time Stone is a powerful tool. But if you look at someone that can feel temporal energies, he might spot something amiss."

Once again the Ancient One was surprised.

"How do you know I used the Time Stone? And how do you know of these things? What is your goal?"

"Don't worry I am not here for your secrets or weapons. What I told you is nothing but the truth.

I came here because it was my path and now I am here to understand why that is the case."

Since some people seemed to enjoy the story, here's another chapter. Tomorow there's another one coming.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts
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