
Flash back

Time 10:52:33 AM

Location: Radiography warehouse, Located at plot 32 Yaba road

After the mission carried out by the NIA some minutes ago, the warehouse both inside and outside was now swarmed with the cops, NIA agents and the forensic scientist. Many NIA vehicles were spotted outside including that of the cops. Some other NIA agents were assigned to gather the weapons owned by the armed men.

Kcee was in a room, making a call with Kate.

"Have you gotten a location on Alazam?" Kcee asked coming out of the experiment room which was now isolated by the forensic scientist who wore white suit with a mask on their head.

"Since there are no cameras down the tunnel, It is impossible to track him but I'll try tracking him through the city's surveillance camera" Kate replied over the phone.

Kcee became angry at her statement "Danm it Kate i don't have time for try or no try, i need to find Alazam. Now I don't know what you gonna do but do it fast, i need something" Kcee blurted rudely.