
Chapter 63 Freefalling

I walked infront of him and saw his entire body covered in this Iron Armour and what caught my eyes was the familiar white Glow on his chest and hands.

"Did you use that to shoot out thoses Bright Beams of light?" I asked pointing at his chest and hands which had that familiar glow, He brought his hands upto his face and stared at it for a few second before he showed his hands to me.

"Yes it is the same thing, Wednesday watch"

A Mask covered his face fully incasing him in armour leaving me wondering something.

"James? Can you breathe properly?"

"Yes it's easy to breathe" a voice came out of the Metalic Armour, It sounded a bit more robotic but it was easy to distinguish James's voice.

"You created this Armour and used it to defeat that monster... Can you fly?"

I had seen James flying in the Video, it wasnt much but I was still curious so I asked him.

(James Pov)

A smile appeared on my face as I thought that I had impressed her with my flying abilities.

"Jarvis Activate Flight Thrusters"


I felt my feet warm up as I felt myself lifting of the ground and floating, I looked at Wednesday whose eyes were wide open looking at me.

(Wednesday Pov)

I'm shocked.. No Spiecies or people with Abilities... None of them can just float like that.. I assume it could fly but I didnt ask him to take me flying with him as that would be to embarrassing.

"Wednesday would like to experience the feeling of flying?"

That question he just asked in his Metalic voice caught me by surprise, On the one hand it's truly embarrassing being carried by him, On the other hand I will get to experience Flying without being inside some Death trap such a Plane.

I considered what to do for a few seconds before eventually deciding that there was nothing wrong with being Carried by James.

"I want to fly"

Atleast Here James can save me if something were to go wrong unlike Planes.

James walked upto me and swept me up in his arms like a princess carry, I couldnt help but feel embarrassed.

(James Pov)

She Blinked....

Wednesday just Blinked!!

I knew that whenever Wednesday was feeling embarrassed she would start to blink her eyes and she is blinking her eyes right now.

She blinked fast but it was slow enough for me to see it happen.

... maybe in the past I had missed her Blinking her eyes but right now she was to close to me to miss it now.

She is feeling embarrassed being in my arms right now, However that did not matter as I started walking out of the warehouse, when we were outside Wednesday was now grabbing my neck with an extremely slight blush apparent on her face, which I noticed due to how close I was right now.

"You couldnt have just picked me up when we came outside? Why did you carry me through the entire warehouse like this?"

I looked down at Wednesday and behind the Mask I was smiling ear to ear.

"Its Because I like carrying you in my Arms"

When Wednesday heard that she looked away and the extremely small blush became ever so easy to see.

"Are you ready for FlIght My Dear?" I decided to test my chances and waited to see how Wednesday would respond but she didnt seem to have reacted to what I just said which confused me slightly but I soon passed it of as our relationships progress.

"James Let's do it" As a matter of fact she seemed to have completely ignored the fact that I called her Dear, I remember a few days ago where if i called her the same thing she would have been angry at me... to say the least.

(Wednesday Pov)

He called me Dear... It feels weird but I dont seem to mind as much as before, rather I dont even have a problem with him calling me Dear cause I like it.

He stayed quiet just holding me there in his arms which thinking about again caused me to blush even more.

Luckily I had trained my face to show no emotion when I want to so I was confident in my trained face to not show the fact that I'm blushing.

(A/N: Which seemed to have failed...)

A few seconds later of silence James Lifted into the Air, I felt my body rise as I looked at the floor moving away from me.

"Wednesday are you Ready?"

I nodded my head and the flames coming out of James's feet seemed to have been amplified causing us to rise faster into the air.

I looked down at the floor that was quickly disappearing from my feet and I held onto James tighter, I felt like if I let go of him I would easily fall and die... But I wanted to enjoy this experience of free falling through the air, so I looked at James.

"James I want to Experience free Falling!" I had to yell as there was alot of wind due to the speed we were rushing into the air at, James turned his head and looked at me as if he was considering it, not that I could see his face or anything.

(James Pov)

It's to dangerous to let her freefall I can displace the impact of coming to a sudden stop so it wont be the case of spiderman 2 where Peter stopped gwen who wa freefalling through the clock towers from the hitting the floor but him stopping all that momentum suddenly, Killed Gwen.

I can avoid that if I pick her up at an Angle but it's still just...

I didnt want to risk anything and have her potentially endanger herself because of her slight recklessness, But then I remembered back to the Memory of me doing the same exact thing, going super high up until I couldnt fly higher and then Free falling, that was even more dangerous.

Sigh... Back then when I decided to freefall I put faith in Calculations I'll do it again...

I looked down at screen and saw that we couldnt go higher as Wednesday's body would find it difficult to sustain itself due to the cold and up here and the lack of oxygen.

I looked towards Wednesday and informed Jarvis to unmask me as I slowed down the ascending speed until we came to a stop.

"Wednesday I'm gonna drop you, Ready?"

Wednesday looked into my eyes and she seemed excited for the freefall, I just could tell from her eyes that she was excited.

I guess I had gotten better at understanding what Wednesday was thinking the more I interacted with her.

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