
Chapter 64 Freefalling Incident

On a relatively free highway an Unknown Model of an Audi with two people in it being driven by the male, the car had One Male with slightly messed up dirty blond hair that was slightly long with greyish blue eyes sitting besides a Female with free flowing jet black hair that was messed up and eyes as dark as obsidian itself sat besides the boy.

-James POV-

I drove the car in silence occasionally taking a glance or two at Wednesday, There was a bit of an awkward tension in the car and I wanted to dispel it but didnt know how to.

So i decided to address what had happened so as to hopefully clear some of this tension out of the Air.

I looked over to her as i drove the car on the highway and Wednesday had her normal look yet this time her hair was not tied up in pigtails rather it was freely flowing onto her back.

"Wednesday about earlier.."


She seemed reluctant about thinking about what had happened during her freefall.

I personally couldnt help but crack up slightly but I kept that suppressed, it was only fair for her to not want to talk about what happened.

"We should get your hair fixed first, or else if you go back looking like that... Sigh... it would just be a constant barrage of questions"

I can already imagine mom and Hayley having crazy theories about what happened, I mean I cant blame them, imagine if your son along with his girlfriend dissapered for like half an hour and when they come back the girls hair is all messed up, they would defenetly have there theories about what may have transpired between the two.

Wednesday slightly looked over at me after I had finished telling her about how she should fix her hair up and she seemed to have found it fair after considering it for a bit and then nodded.

"Fair enough, But I cant do my own hair it's usually taken care of by Thing"

Well that's certainly new information, Wednesday is a person who was taught to be self sufficient since young yet she cant even do her own hair?, Now I was getting curious as to why she was never taught such a basic thing such as fixing her own hair, so I let my curiosity get the better of me and I asked her.

"Wednesday how come you need Thing to do your Hair?"

She stared at me quietly for a few seconds before deciding to speak.

"I never bothered to learn such a useless skill like fixing hair, Hair is impractical and gets in your way... like... today" she stopped for a bit as if remembering what had happened during the freefalling and flinched uncomfortably in the seat "Anyways Hair is just something that gets in your way, I have always wanted to cut mines of due to its impracticality but Mother has Strictly restricted such an Action, As according to her it becomes much harder attracting a Potential Mate as a Bald Female"

I subconsciously nodded agreeing with the fact that for female's it is harder to find a "Mate" whilst being Bald atleast in my meager life experience so far plus my previous memories.

Wednesday seemed to have noticed my subconscious nod but didnt say anything rather she just stared at me like before but this time her stare seemed to be diffrent from her normal unblinking stare.

"However Wednesday, I still fail to understand why you would just not learn to fix it up by your self" I wasnt payng attention to Wednesdays slight change in the stare towards me as I was navigating through the road where an accident seemed to have occured.

"I havent learnt to take of it is due it being a useless skill and I dont have time to invest in such useless skills"

I heard what she said and simply shrugged and put the conversation behind me, As I drove for a bit more when I couldnt help but going back to that memory of Wednesday Freefalling, In the Beggining she asked me to go higher which I was reluctant to do to say the least.

But in the end under her own kind of persuasion I flew higher through the hard to see clouds and reached above the clouds, The ground was not visible anymore as it was all blocked by clouds, I wasnt willing to go any higher even after Wednesdays special kind of persuasion and she seemed to have noticed that I wouldnt go any higher so she decided that it was fine to start freefalling there.

She told me to let her go and after some quick calculations by Jarvis I left her causing her to freefall through the sky, Wednesday pigtails were swaying wildly as Wednesday was freefalling and she looked like she had found this experience so far refreshing.

However soon When Wednesday got into the floor of clouds, I decided to begin following her and as I was about to enter the floor of clouds I heard loud bird cries in the direction Wednesday had fallen in.

I quickly flew to the noises only to see a flock of Birds that seemed to have been flying together in the clouds solely relying on there internal navigation had evidently met with the freefalling Wednesday.

She fell through a large swarm of Cloud birds which caused no major damage to Wednesday herself rather she was fine with a few scratches at best, Her hair all entangled and messed up with Bird shit on her face.

I had tried my hardest not to laugh when I saw that scene which I had failed to do so, Luckily there was my mask on my face so she didnt see me laughing at her expense.

I quickly went ahead and scooped Wednesday in my Arms at a steady pace so as to not hurt her.

Just remembering the bird poop on her face ,I couldnt help but cracking up a bit remembering it.

Am I a bad person laughing at the expense of my girlfriend?

Maybe... But Hey Bite me.😏

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