
Business as usual

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Friedrich Wilhelm POV

after being able to convince king Robert to make a banquet and by this I mean to convince lord Arryn, since I doubt that Robert will say no to eat good pieces of meat and fine wines, I would provide all the necessary goods for this banquet and I would also give the prize of the tournament that the king is planning about 60000 dragons, quite a lot of gold, but it is worth it, I will get customers by showing my products

it seems at last my glassblowers managed to create a good enough glass, the only bad thing is that the sand used in that is extracted from Dorne, to be more precise from the Dayne, but it is the only sand with high silica content which allowed the glass to be transparent and could carry enough cups and glassware products for everyone, if all goes well, and I get Robert to drink my alcohol in a beautiful glass, the lambs will follow their king and everyone will want to be in fashion and the gold will come into my coffers considerably reducing my budget deficit.

Finally, I heard from Aleksanteri for a moment I thought he died completing the mission I gave him, but I just remembered who he was, the bastard was ''lost'' in Dorne to enjoy the pleasures of the area and to get one of his favorite hobbies, poisons and during the 6 months we lost communication he was in Dorne looking for information of some famous poisons in the area and should arrive again soon, a pity I won't be able to take him with me to the capital

I was preparing everything necessary for our trip to the capital, I tried so hard to escape, and now I am going back to get a stable source of gold, when I return it is likely that the harvest will be happening, and I have already informed all my provincial governors that they must establish our agricultural technology in the area, we cannot allow inefficiency to rule in the reach, grain production should increase 80-100% when we start using our grains and fertilizers.

There should be no problem in applying the reform in technology, the people of the reach have started to accept me as their rightful lord because I have been using my men to help repair houses, fix roads and helping with the villages' supply problems with my own gold

leaving many edicts ready for future plans I met with my officers.

''Well, is everything ready to go to the capital? I asked my group of officers ''yes, my king, but should we take so much food? That's enough to feed 10000 men for a month'' Charles said doubtfully.

''we have to, we are hosting the banquet, I decided to do it in the capital, since Highgarden has not been rebuilt and neu danzing still does not have the complete fortress to host a great feast; therefore I had to talk to the king, and we must bring everything beef, pork, chicken, duck, wines, liquors as well as the flour sugar and honey for the cakes, this will not be like the small banquets that Robert did before, here will be almost all the lords of the seven kingdoms, precisely for that reason everything must be plentiful, we can not skimp on expenses, since our products must stand out, when all this is over we will have more orders than we can supply''

''I said looking at my men

''Friedrich you are in charge of the entire construction operation while we are gone, you must also see to it that the construction of the arsenal is completed, if it is finished while we are gone you must start building the galleons, I will not wait forever for merchants from the summer islands to arrive with cocoa beans, if I don't get a steady supplier before the end of the year we will trade with them ourselves'' I said looking at Friedrich.

''yes my king, but shouldn't Charles be the one running everything? He is your right-hand man'' said Friedrich with a doubtful tone ''he will accompany me to the capital, the king wants to see Charles fight in the tournament'' I said, answering the question

''Aleksanteri will arrive soon we received a message from him from ashford, when he arrives he will resume his spying duties you will give him all the funds he requests, and you will recruit and train 20,000 men in the Prussian way of combat'' I said while looking at the map of the reach.

''you want to recruit the locals?, they were recently rebelling, giving them weapons and armor, is not a wise idea'' said Charles

''no, but I can't have all my men on active duty either, many are already reaching 40 years old, and it's better to put them to have children who will be raised according to our customs, but in the meantime we will have to rely on the locals, although we will only train non-officer foot soldiers, the officers will be Prussians only, we will put them to guard the roads, so we can take some pressure off the garrisons, so it's a risk we have to take whether we like it or not'' I said with a serious tone

''We trust your decision my king, this must be for the best'' said Friedrich.

After finishing our conversation, we went out to check again if everything was in order and if we were carrying everything we needed to give the best banquet the seven kingdoms have ever seen

we set off and ride for 2 weeks until we reached the capital where we were greeted by lord jon arryn.

''Lord Hohenzollern it is good to see you again in the capital, we thought you would never come back'' said Jon Arryn with a smile ''yes it is a long story my lord hand, but as you know it never hurts to have a good feast to cheer up the lords of the seven kingdoms'' I answered him kindly.

then we walked through the streets to the redkeep.

''hell the smell hasn't improved at all, it's even gotten worse since last time,'' I said as I covered my nose with my perfumed handkerchief ''yes the smell has only gotten worse, but it's not like we can do much the drainage system is very old, and the plans were lost, besides people have the habit of doing their business wherever they can, and it's not easy to make them change their mind'' said Lord Arryn sadly

well, you can always force them with fines and get them into a constant feeling of paranoia that if they catch you, they will beat you to a pulp, but I doubt this practice will be enforced if they don't have the means to flush the waste into the sea through the sewer, I thought.

''Lord Arryn's perfume?, it's one of the best you'll find in the capital,'' I said showing him a vial full of perfume ''thank you, Lord Hohenzollern where did you get it?'' asked Jon Arryn as he accepted my vial of perfume.

''it is produced in my city, many of my men had professions before they were soldiers, now that everything has calmed down in the reach I am retiring them, so they can start families'' I said with a smile ''I see, good perfume by the way, is the reach stable?'' lord Arryn asked.

''yes we have calmed the rebellions and I have several former lords captured, the Hightower and Redwyne are calm, we do not expect any more resistance in the future, the wheat supply chain of the seven kingdoms is secure'' I said, calming Jon Arryn's thoughts.

He just nodded, after 10 minutes we arrived at the red keep where we began to unpack the goods and deliver the animals so that they could be slaughtered and prepared for the feast that will take place tomorrow.

After seeing to it all the products were unpacked and the animals delivered I went to greet the king, if I didn't go as soon as possible it could be seen as an insult.

After walking through the corridors of the red keep, I arrived at the great hall, where Robert was waiting for me with his wife and royal guards.

''Lord Hohenzollern, it has been a long time, it is a pleasure to see you again, I was very sad that you left the capital so quickly on your previous visit'' said Robert with a smile.

''I am very sorry my king, but duty compelled me, a great rebellion was forming in my new domains that had to be crushed by force, my queen'' I said as I approached the throne.

I was preparing to kneel, but Robert was quicker and came out to shake my hand.

''you don't know how you helped me, not only in the war, also with Jon, I was very insistent that we should stop having banquets so close together, and you arrived with a letter and Jon Arryn agreed to the banquet and accepted everything I proposed him, what did you say to convince him'' the king asked me while he gave me his hand.

''nothing, I just said that I wanted to make a banquet in the name of the king and that as much as I would like to do it in the reach I have no places to hold a great banquet, then I asked Jon Arryn to do it in the capital and that I would deliver the food and the prize of the tournament, which you wish to do, reminding him that this great banquet could help cement your rule with the lords who still doubt your rightful rule'' I said with a friendly tone.

''and the kingdom is indebted to you lord Hohenzollern''said with a sarcastic voice queen Cersei ''I don't want you to be indebted to me, I only do this as a thank you for giving us the opportunity to have lands for my men, by the way, my queen I have a gift for you, it was made by my best perfumer of Neu danzing''I said while I took out a couple of vials of perfume

the royal guards took my vials and gave them to the queen, although she seemed very angry with my presence, it seems that she liked the perfumes because of her surprised face when she opened them.

''Friedrich, mhhh charles came?, I really want to see him fight, besides watching him fight in stone sept, I have only heard the stories of how he defeated several men without shedding a drop of sweat''' said the king with a hopeful face.

''If he is downstairs making sure that nothing of what we brought is missing, you will see him tomorrow at the banquet my king, so don't worry, you will see him fight, and he will defeat every knight you put in front of him, by the way how many lords are present, I understand I was the last one to arrive'' I said to King Robert.

Eddard will not come, he is busy fighting bandits that bother the merchants in the north, Balon Greyjoy will not come either, and Doran Martell will not show up, likewise all the other lords came, there will be a good fight and jousting in this tournament'' said King Robert a little sad.

''well my king if you allow me, I must leave, I must make sure everything is in order for tomorrow'' I said while looking him in the eyes ''oh I see no problem I'll see you tomorrow at the banquet'' he replied calmly

I said goodbye to the king and his queen and decided to take advantage of the time and go see the lion Tywin Lannister, one thing that has been bothering me is that because of his influence he has been making it impossible for me to get raw materials in his lands because of our altercation over Ellia's life, but I have something he has been desperately looking for, a Valyrian steel sword.

I don't really have a use for it, other than to keep it adorning a wall and collecting dust, it is better to use it to make passes with the lion and facilitate my obtaining raw materials that would allow me to use more hands in construction,

after taking the valyrian sword from house roxton that I had taken and had the pommel replaced with one of a gold-plated lion, I was ready to make peace with Tywin, now I just had to wait for him to want to make peace with me as well.

After getting a meeting with him, I stood outside his chambers for about 10 minutes waiting, he probably just left me waiting as a negotiation tactic, I managed to get in and was greeted by the paramount lord.

''it is good to see you again, Lord Hohenzollern, to what do I owe this visit'' Tywin said in a serious tone ''well, Lord Tywin it has not gone unnoticed by me that you have used your influence to prevent me from making deals with your bannermen'' I told him straight to the point

''that's a bold statement, but I am not responsible for the actions of my bannermen, that decision is theirs alone'' he said with a serious tone ''well, in that case I would like to smooth over our complicated relationship'' I said with a smile.

''Well you see, I have in my possession something that I know you want, and you can do something that I want, why don't we settle this with the sale of this Valyrian steel sword that is in my possession'' I said while I took out of its sheath the Orphan-Maker Valyrian steel sword with the lion's pommel.

Lord Tywin did not react, but I could see the change in the atmosphere of the meeting.

''what do you want for the sword?'', said with a serious tone Tywin Lannister''well, if your bannermen are independent, I would like you to put in a good word for me to your bannermen, so they will be more willing to sell me what I need at a more affordable price and some skilled miners you must have for the large number of mines your house owns'I said with a serious tone.

''deal, how many miners?'' Tywin lannister said almost immediately without dropping his serious tone ''about 5000 for the future mines we find in the reach'' I replied to lord tywin.

After this boring negotiation, I handed him the sword, and we signed a contract that stipulated what we had discussed and would be verified by the king to guarantee its fulfillment.

I had gotten rid of a sword that I would never use, and now I have the market of the Westlands open to do direct business with them, today was a good day.

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