
Nacrene 2

Two Gym Leaders, one was a woman, tall and black with equally dark hair to match. With her arms crossed beneath her ample pair of breasts, she glared at Magnus from across the table with a stern gaze.

The other, was equally tall and joined his compatriot with a stern expression, but in his case, the look seemed at home on his aging mug. His neatly combed white hair and beard, showed the faintest signs of thinning, but the body bulging with muscles threatening to burst out from beneath his white shirt were fighting the years off him.

As soon as everyone sat down at the table, whatever joyful atmosphere that was left over from breakfast vanished.

It was time to talk about the serious stuff.

"Magnus, now that we are both here, I think it is about time you told us what discovered" Drayden stated in a clear voice, that somehow wasn't muffled by the white mane covering his mouth.

"I for one agree. I mean come on kid, I fed you and everything, don't keep me in suspense any longer" Leonora urged him to tell her.

Glancing at Drayden, to find out if it's fine for him to tell Leonora, Magnus gets a nod in return.

"We're both Gym Leaders here Magnus, all of us can be trusted. No need to ask for my permission about what you can divulge, especially when I don't know what you're going to tell us." Drayden confirmed.

"Alright" Taking in a deep breath, Magnus began to speak, "You know I told you about the little hideout Team Plasma had." Getting a nod from both of them, "Well the guy that was there before he had to leave, had tons of stuff in these sealed cases. There were all sorts of gear in them, pokeballs, potions and the like, but the cases were mostly full of these little hard drives that stored information."

While rhythmically tapping the table Leonora asked "Do you have any idea why they had to leave in the first place?" clearly wondering what could cause the criminal organisation to up and evacuate their hideout.

"I do." Absentmindedly Magnus's hand caressed Dratini's pokeball that statically lay on his belt, "There was a tribe of Dragon-types migrating somewhere, mostly consisting of Dragonite, Dragonairs and Dratinis . Team Plasma wanted to catch them for something, but it failed, quite badly I assume if they had to leave their stuff lying around. Not sure what they wanted the Pokemon for though."

Puffing her nose out, Leonora huffed and said "Nothing good anyway, they're bad enough to deal with without a bunch of Dragons aiding them." Stroking her chin she added, "But that does make sense considering what's been going on at Route 3"

Raising an eyebrow at the mention of the route where he and his team were almost put down by a massive swarm of bugs, "The Yanma?" he asked the Gym Leader.

Rubbing her temples, which gave her a look that showed a fair amount of stress Leonora explained, "That's just a part of it, we knew the dragons would be passing through Route 3, but we weren't expecting it when the Dragonite suddenly started to go wild and began destroying stuff all over the place. " Heaving an exasperated sigh, Leonora continued, "At the time we just chalked it up to the Dragonites having a dispute among themselves. Now I know that wasn't the case.

"Tsk. Bastards, they're making me work overtime 'cause of their stunt" She growled with a fair amount of fury in her eyes.

Still appearing as calm as ever, Drayden questioned Magnus, "Are you sure that's what happened? How did you come to this conclusion?"

Still fidgeting with Dratini's pokeball, Magnus replied, "I'm positive, everything adds up. When I was tailing the grunts I overheard them talking about some 'Bronius' guy who failed the Dragonite subjugation." The two Gym Leaders reacted to the name.

"Who is Bronius?" Magnus asked them, they clearly knew about Team Plasma, why wouldn't they know about him as well.

Leonora ignored me and looked at Drayden, who had his eyes closed and was seemingly debating something.

"You might as well tell me, I already know about Team Plasma, what's the difference if I know a little more?" Magnus pointed out, attempting to sway Draydens decision, no matter how meaningless it may be. Once Drayden sets his mind on something, there's absolutely nothing in the world that can't stop him from following through.

To Magnus's surprise Leonora actually vouched for him, "Kid's got a point you know" She said while jabbing a thumb at him, "He's already proved he can handle himself, and if whatever he's going to tell us is as serious as he's making it out to be. This likely won't be the last time he butts heads with Plasma."

The Dragon Master's eyelids slowly parted, as he informed Magnus "Bronius, the man you speak of, is one of the seven 'Sages' of Team Plasma. The title may sound silly, but I assure you that the deeds they get up to are anything but. If Bronius was the one incharge of the mission, he can rest assured that whatever Plasmas planning, isn't going to be a petty crime."

Cataloguing that information he just learned in his mind, Magnus reached into his bag that was hanging off the backrest of his chair. Leonora and Drayden watched as he took out his notebook and the hard drive that once held a log on Project Kyurem.

"When I was checking out all the hard drives - most of which had basic pokemon information in - I found this one. Unlike every other item, this one had a case of its own" He began to flip through the pages of his notebook to the Project Kyurem stuff he jotted down.

"When I tried to look through the file on my pokedex, I could only read through a part of it before the file deleted itself since my pokedex wasn't registered as an 'Authorised Device'." Pushing the open book across the table he said "I managed to write down everything I was able to glimpse at thought, take a look."

They both scanned through the text, showing various emotions as they realised the severity of the situation. Just as Magnus was shocked at the revelations, the Gym Leaders weren't exempt from that feeling.

In fact because they were Gym Leaders and were privy to information that the public shouldn't know about, the impact was even harder. The two of them thought they practically knew everything about Unova, especially Drayden who was getting on in years, and just this small bit of text completely threw them off.

For the first time since he arrived, Drayden's expression wasn't one of pure indifference, there was a mix of emotions flowing through his light green eyes. Leonora kept rubbing her eyes and re-reading the text, just to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

Recomposing himself, Drayden said to Magnus, "I can see why you wanted me to come in person."

Giving the Dragon Master a stiff smile, he jokingly replied "Even I wouldn't make you come half way across Unova to wind you up."

Heaving another of the many sighs that had happened since this conversation started, Drayden seriously stated "I should catch you up to speed on a few things."

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