
Nacrene 3

When Drayden explains things, he doesn't half ass it. It ran on for so long Magnus felt as if he was back in the classroom getting a lecture about something or another.

Only this time, he wasn't bored out of his skull. The lecturer wasn't banging on about some healthy and safety nonsense, Drayden descriptively elucidated the league, and by default the Gym Leaders stance against Team Plasma.

Unlike what he'd be told in school, the criminal organisation weren't burned to a crisp by a legendary.

While that event did happen, and it was a huge blow for them. The leadership - or at least most of them - weren't wiped out.

After their main base was torched, they changed the way they fought against the league. Instead of going at it openly and as they had done previously, they worked in the shadows, avoiding confrontation with the league as much as possible to regain their strength.

This became a massive headache for the league, as most of the time the team's members would be hiding in plain sight, indistinguishable from the regular citizens. Only when it was time to enact a plan would they group up en masse and wear those uniforms that the grunts were wearing.

The fight against them still continues to this day, right under the noses to the populous.

With Magnus catching the Plasma grunts in uniform, even if he hadn't brought much evidence to support the claim that they were up to something. Just from the uniforms, Team Plasma has now managed to tip off the authorities in the league.

Though Drayden had permitted Magnus to know about - most of - the league's intel on Team Plasma, he thoroughly made himself clear that if a similar situation was to happen again, he was to immediately call in help, or if that's not possible remove himself from the situation.

Magnus just waved the warnings off, obviously he'd call in help if it was bad, but a few grunts? Him and his team can sort them out easily.

Once the gruelling conversation was over, Magnus slumped in his chair. As did Leonora, who looked equally worn out, if not more than him. Drayden looked the same as ever, though he chronically checked his pocket watch as if his every breath was on a time limit.

Seemingly coming up with a great idea, Leonora quickly jutted up from her chair, "Hey kid, you're doing the Gym-Circuit right?" She mentioned, quickly losing her tired demeanour.

Instantly jumping on the same wavelength as her - or at least he hoped so - Magnus confirmed "Yeah, was actually on my way here for a gym battle before I got sidetracked." Feeling the excitement budding inside of him.

His head has been so full of all this serious shit, that he completely forgot about Nacrene gym.

Chapping her hands together, she happily stated "Great!, what'd you think about having that gym battle right now? All this talk about Team Plasma's ruined my day, a good battle should be able to get me up and going though."

"You bet it would." Glancing at Drayden he asked "You staying to watch it? Wouldn't you like to see your student in action?"

Peeking at his watch once again, Drayden then responds "I've got another twenty seven minutes till I have to leave. If you begin right now I suppose I can watch."


Now in the arena, Magnus stood opposite Leonora and watched as the psychic barriers shined in activation before they promptly vanished from sight.

Magnus released Dratini from his pokeball, as soon as the serpentine pokemon saw her trainer she slithered towards him and climbed his body till her smooth head was rubbing against Magnus's own.

Drayden immediately took interest in the Dragon-type, if his piercing stare from the viewing platform was anything to go by. Introducing the dragon to the dragon trainer seemed to have slipped his mind.

Oh well, he'll do it after the battle.

Pampering Dratinis head with numerous pats, Magnus explained "Look girl, we're about to have a gym battle. I'll make sure to tell you more about them later, but just watch the others for now and see if you'd be up for doing this kind of thing."

He wasn't going to use Dratini in a battle just yet, since she was just recently caught and wasn't sure if she was ready for battling yet.

From the opposite side of the field Leonora shouted, "I forgot to ask you this earlier, but how many badges have you got!?"

"Just the one, this is my second gym battle!" Magnus responded with a shout of his own.

"What! Just the one?" She surprisedly cried, before sighing, "I was hoping to let loose as well…"

"Huh? What's the difference if I only have one badge?" Magnus questioned.

Shooting a disapproving gaze at Drayden, Leonora cleared up his confusion, "What your lousy teacher must have failed to explain, is that Gym Leaders take into consideration how many badges a challenger has to determine what strength of pokemon they'll use during the battle."

'Fucking teachers man, they tell you everything but the shite you need to know' Magnus thought.

"Is that why the pokemon at the Striaton Gym were so weak?" Magnus asked, wondering if he was wrong for thinking they were weak.

"Striaton's a bit of an out-lier in that case… They're just an abnormally weak gym, that for some reason where added to the circuit." She explained with a fair bit of contempt for the weakest gym in Unova.

"Still, for your second gym badge you'll be up against some of the pokemon my Gym Trainers raise. It's normally these kinds of pokemon up to your fourth badge, past that and the gym leaders can throw anything they want at you. Even their full teams." She finished, giving him a heads up for how the future gym battles will work.

If he was disappointed at the Striaton Gym Leader for being so weak, now it was his turn to feel the same. Since this would only be his second gym badge, Leonora was handicapping herself a considerable amount.

Now that he never understood it. What's the point in even having the gym-circuit if nobody has a chance at beating the gyms.

It was more so miffed at himself for being held back on.

So what if he gets hammered, it's a learning experience ain't it? Not like it'll be the first time he gets trounced at something.

Back when he was still a part of the dojo in Opelucid he'd been beaten silly a countless number of times before he started to become proficient at fighting.

He can only hope that his pokemon will take losses the same way he does.

With that in mind he refuses Leonoras challenge, "Fuck that. Gym Leaders can give out a badge at their own discretion, can't they? Send out something that'll actually challenge us. I've already been disappointed by the Striaton gym, and now everyone in my team's a lot stronger."

Picking a pokeball from his belt he began to rapidly spin it on the tip of his finger, "Care to humour me?" he pompously asked.

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