
A Test

"And just what do you lot think you are doing?!" A man screamed at the top of his lungs from behind them. He was wearing the traditional uniform of a church inquisitor which was polished steel plate with a white tabard embroidered with a black sun in the center. Overall, he was a medium height man, standing at five foot eight and looked to be about forty with just a touch of gray in his long black hair.

Joshua and the girls all turned to look at the man in response to his sudden declaration. "Eating." Joshua replied casually. "What's it look like we are doing?"

"It looks like you are partaking in the devil's corrupted flesh!" The man yelled again. "How dare you defy the will of the gods so brazenly as to eat the flesh of beasts under the lord's holy sun."

"I take it this guy is from the church then?" Joshua asked the girls.

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