
- Wreckage Beacon

*Mission SOS - Cave complete.*

*Reward: [500] EXP.*

"We should check to see if they have anything worth taking," Teala said with a small gesture to the bodies. "They won't need whatever they've got."

"Yeah," Joel replied. "Let's check them."

After Gus gave them the go ahead, they checked the bodies to see what battery magazines and weapons they could find. They grabbed the weapons that were on the floor nearby, and also managed to scavenge a sizable amount of ammunition from the cage.

Once they had everything that they could possibly carry, they left the cave, scaling the rocks and heading up the stream back to the entrance. At the entrance, Gus put his foot into the comm device that was emitting the distress beacon, silencing it for any other curious people. 

The journey back to the base was rather silent, as they tried to process the state of the bodies that they had just seen.

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