
Chapter 22 Beginning of the end....

"Alright, are you prepared?" Asked Issei as he stood in the middle of the living room dressed in his combat clothes.

He wore a simple shirt and a protective jacket. He had cargo pants and boots.

"Yes!" Replied the girls wearing similar combat clothes.

"Alright. First, we have to get to my people and get ready for the battle" Said Issei.

"Alright" Replied his girls with determination.

Issei teleported them to the dragon mountains.

Issei appeared in front of tons of the dragons and his girls stood behind him with serious expressions as Tannin stood right beside him.

"Everyone listen up! Today we will march strongly to our first battle. Some might die if the chaos brigade is lucky enough but we dragons are strong and fearless.

We have no other choice but to defeat the chaos brigade once and for all.

Today some might fall on the battlefield. I might too...

But we will show everyone that the mighty Dragon faction will come up on top victorious!" Roared Issei with determination burning in his very soul.

The dragons replied with their strong roars as support and appreciation.

"I and Tannin will cast a powerful protective barrier around our territory that only dragons will have the ability to enter or leave. Others will have to get permission from me or Tannin.

So until we come back please don't leave this place under any circumstances and protect each other if the worst comes!" Ordered Issei to the dragons that were staying like hatchlings and mothers or so as he and tannin raised their hands in the air above their heads and a huge red, black, and purple coloured magic barrier appeared.

"Now brave warriors gather up and lend me and our faction your strength!" Roared Issei.

Immediately after his words, the dragon army landed in full glory behind Issei ready for battle.

"Wish us luck!" Said Issei as he and the rest teleported to a secret location near their target.

"So you finally decided to come?" Said Azazel with a smirk.

"Well, I had to talk to my people and ensure their safety" Answered Issei.

"Hoh? and how did that go?" Asked Azazel.

"It was amazing!" Shouted out his harem behind him except for Valerica, and Tiamat, they just nodded.

"I see" Replied Azazel.

"Are we ready to go?" Asked a person coming from a tent.

"Yes, we are Sirzechs" Answered Issei.

"Good, then teams gather up" Ordered Sirzechs.

After a couple of minutes, everyone was made into teams.

"Thor Tannin and Dulio take care of the evil dragons" Ordered Issei.

"Will do" Answered Tannin.

"Ingvild, Momo, Katase, Murayama, Tiamat, Kuroka, Le Fay, support them with magic" Ordered Issei.

"Right!" Everyone replied.

"Arthur and Bikou you protect the support team" Ordered Issei.

"As you command" Replied Arthur while Bikou just nodded.

"Valerica, you and I will go inside, while they deal outside. We have two main objectives. First, save Valerie, second kill Rizevim if we are lucky enough.

As I can guess you want to finish the job you started so you will go for Rizevim?" Said Issei.

"That's right" Replied Valerica.

"Alright, then it's settled! We will leave in an hour. Our dragon, devil, angel, fallen, and Asgardian warriors will take care of brigades troops.

Everyone please come back alive and well" Said Issei.

"Right!" Everyone replied.

Issei and Valerica went to the tent while everyone else went to prepare for the attack.

" Sigh, I'm already tired" Said Issei as he sat on the chair.

"It's not over yet partner, focus on your objective" Said Vritra.

"He's right partner, don't relax just yet" Said Ddraig.

"Yeah, I know I know" Said Issei.

"Everything will be fine don't worry" Said Valerica.

"Yeah, I hope so" Said Issei.

Valerica came up to Issei and sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Are you going to add her to your harem?" Asked Valerica.

"Yea- Huh?" Asked Issei confused.

"I asked if you're gonna add her to your harem?" Asked Valerica again.

"Where did that come from?" Asked Issei.

"I accidentally found a letter that Gasper left you before his..." Said Valerica.

"Death" Continued Issei.

"Yeah...So are you gonna?" Asked Valerica.

"I don't know.....First, we have to rescue her" Said Issei.

"You know we don't mind her becoming our sister. But this is the last girl that we allow to join your harem understood?" Ordered Valerica with a pain-promising smile if not answered correctly.

"Y-yeah" Said Issei as he shivered.

"Good!" Said Valerica as she kissed Issei.

After forty minutes everyone gathered outside.

"Alright, it's time to end this. So let's do our best and don't hesitate or you are as good as dead" Said Issei.

Everyone nodded as they parted their ways leaving Issei and Valerica alone.

"Well, now we have to wait for the signal" Said Issei.

"What kind of signal?" Asked Valerica.

"Oh? Tannin will light up half the sky with his flames" Said Issei.

"Oh." Replied Valerica.

"Stay on your guard. They might know that we are coming and we don't know what kind of tricks they have" Said Issei.

"Ok understood" Said Valerica.

"I and Albion got way stronger than the last time so we can easily take on the evil dragons if needed" Said Valerics.

"I know, I can feel the power coming off of you" Said Issei with a smirk.

They waited for ten more minutes and saw a large ball looking flame all exploded and lit up half of the sky.

"Well, that's the signal. That means they engaged their targets and are distracting them" Said Issei.

"That means we can go inside unseen" Said Valerica.

"Yup! now grab my hand I'll teleport us there using shadows" Said Issei.

Valerica did as Issei said and grabbed his hand. Issei and Valerica walked towards a shadow.

As they were fully in the dark Issei teleported to the castle where Valerie and Rizevim were located.

"Are you ready?" Asked Issei.

"Course!" Replied Valerica with a battle-hungry grin.

"Then let's go" Said Issei as they went in through the gates quietly.


Tannin, Dulio, and Thor walked through the streets to find Grendel and Aži Dahāka.

While the support group walked behind them. Arthur walked in front of the support group while Bikou was behind them.

"Hmmm, it's really quiet here.....Too quiet" Said Dulio.

"I agree and I don't like this" Said Tannin as he continued their search.

Five more minutes passed and suddenly Tannin and Thor felt danger coming from above.

"Barriers now!" Shouted both of them.

Le Fay, Katase, Murayama and Ingvild immediately created a powerful barrier around everyone.

As soon as they created the barrier a loud explosion was heard. As the smoke screen disappeared, everyone saw who caused the ambush.

"Grendel and Aži Dahāka" Growled Tannin.

Grendel was a 15-meter tall Western Dragon with black scales, bright silver eyes, horns, wings, and thick limbs, uniquely being a Dragon who stood on his feet. He exudes a dark and ominous aura, filled with hostility and killing intent.

"Everyone! be Careful, Grendel is an aggressive, psychotic dragon that is only interested in fighting and killing.

He is a battle maniac who loves physical combat and destroying more than anything. He enjoys pain as he is a masochist. He's master Hand-to-Hand Combatant" Warned Tannin as he knew a lot about dragons.

Last night when Issei came to Tannin to discuss the attack, Ddraig informed a bit more because he originally had fought them.

Aži Dahāka was a giant Dragon with three heads and six giant wings. He had very dark scales with a shade of purple.

"Aži Dahāka is a cruel and wicked Dragon. It is also implied that he enjoys pain too.

He is immensely strong as Grendel. He is a master Magician. He can even use forbidden magic" Warned Tannin.

"Understood" Replied Dulio.

"Take down the barrier" Ordered Tannin.

The girls did as ordered and deactivated the barrier.

Tannin immediately shot a powerful fireball into the sky that painted it in dark orange.

'That's the signal. Good luck Issei and Valerica' Thought Tannin as he regained his attention to their targets.

"Oh look what we got here! hahahaha bunch of weaklings" Laughed and insulted Aži Dahāka as he laughed wickedly.

"So, who is my opponent? I want to fight the strongest here!" Said excited Grendel.

"Today we will kill all of the chaos brigade and you two included" Said Thor.

"Oh? Such confidence from a weak bugs such as you?" Insulted him Aži Dahāka but Thor didn't react as he knew that he wanted to anger him.

"I and Dulio will take care of Aži Dahāka while Thor takes on Grendel" Said Tannin.

"Alright" Replied Thor.

"Katase enhance Tannin's and Dulio's powers and defenses!" Ordered Ingvild.

With a nod, Katase enhanced their strength and defenses with ease, at least tenfold.

"So let's play?" Said Grendel with a wicked smile.

Tannin and Dulio didn't say anything as they engaged in the battle.

Tannin used his most powerful flames to do some damage to him but it didn't even scratch him.

"That tickled me" Mocked Aži Dahāka.

"Now it's my turn ahahahha" Said Aži Dahāka as he laughed wickedly.

He used his elemental magic and lightning strikes on Tannin with immense strength.

Tannin roared out of pain but he stayed strong and didn't give in as he used his flames to cancel out the rest of the attack.

"Hahaha, How did it feel? did you like it?" Asked Aži Dahāka maniacally.

Tannin didn't reply.

Suddenly four large tornados came toward Aži Dahāka as he was distracted by talking with Tannin.

Dulio created those tornados by using his sacred gear called Zenith tempest.

It's the second strongest Longinus, which allows him to manipulate the weather and elements.

But Aži Dahāka countered Dulio's tornados with his own.

"Not bad, but still too weak" Mocked the evil dragon.

"I'll have fun tearing you apart!" Shouted Aži Dahāka

The evil dragon suddenly teleported behind Tannin and Dulio, but because of Tannin's instinct he dodged a powerful lightning attack but Dulio wasn't so lucky.

The lightning didn't hit him directly but the rubble and shockwave sent him flying somewhere into the distance.

"Dulio!" Shouted the support team.

Aži Dahāka didn't waste time as he used fire breath on Tannin.

It hurt like hell. If Tannin wasn't a dragon that has a high resistance to fire and heat, he would've died almost instantly.

Suddenly they felt a strong dominating aura but it disappeared after a second.

"Wonder what that was all about?" Said Kuroka as she stood with the support team.

Before Aži Dahāka could finish off Tannin, the support team cast a powerful barrier around him.

Tannin immediately took out a vial that contained phenix tears out of his pocket dimension.

"Good thing Issei gave these things" Said Tannin to himself.

... FLASHBACK.....

Before we leave I want you each to take phenex tears that Ravel Phenex of the Phenex household provided us. Used it if you must" Said Issei as he handed out one vial to each person.


He drank the tears and immediately regained his stamina and healed completely.

The support team removed the barrier.

As soon as they did that they saw Tannin sidestep as Aži Dahāka fired a powerful magic attack.

Out of nowhere Dulio appeared behind Aži Dahāka and tried to use powerful lighting but he sensed danger and teleported to the side.

"Not bad, but sneak attacks won't work on me" Said Aži Dahāka as he was about to attack Dulio.

But before that happened Dulio Said only two words.

"Balance break" Said Dulio.

When he said that Twelve golden angel wings appeared on Dulio's back and the dragon got trapped in some kind of bubble.

"What kind of game is this?" Roared the confused dragon.

"This is my sacred gears balance breaker, now you are trapped in this bubble until I release you" Said Dulio.

Suddenly a powerful storm started inside a bubble with powerful lightning and even flames.

Aži Dahāka roared in pain but not like a normal person would, it seemed that he...enjoyed?

But it didn't last for long because the bubble exploded.

"Impossible!" Shouted out a stunned Dulio.

The support team cast another powerful barrier to protect everyone from the blast.

As the smoke cleared everyone saw Aži Dahāka scratched up.

"Wow, for a weakling to scratch me like that" Insulted the evil dragon.

Tannin saw that they have no chance of winning. But suddenly a magic circle appeared next to Tannin's face.

As it disappeared, Tannin used his signature flames on Aži Dahāka. Of course, it didn't have any effect. It just created a smoke screen.

When the smoke cleared everyone saw that instead of Tannin and Dulio they saw a white armour with energy wings spread.

"Valerica!" Shouted support team.

"Guess I'm just in time huh?" Said Valerica with a smirk under the helmet.

"Oh! You're that strongest white dragon empress that I heard about hahahah shall we fight!?" Said Aži Dahāka with crazed-out laughter.

"Sure thing but it won't last for too long" Replied Valerica.


"So where is that insanely strong guy the red one?" Asked Grendel with a battle-hungry grin.

"For now at least, I'm your opponent" Said Thor as electricity gathered around Thor, especially his hammer.

"Oh, so he will come. Good, then I'll wait for him. Right now let's fight!" Said Grendel as he leapt towards Thor.


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