
Chapter 23 Beginning of the end.... (Pt2)

"So where is that insanely strong guy the red one?" Asked Grendel with a battle-hungry smirk.

"For now, I'm your opponent" Said Thor as electricity gathered around Thor, especially his hammer.

"Oh, so he will come. Good, then I'll wait for him.

Right now let's fight!" Said Grendel as he leapt towards Thor.

Thor hammered Grendel straight in the head sending him a couple of feet away.

"That felt good let's try again!" Shouted Grendel as he jumped right back at Thor and punched him into a distance.

"Ghh" Grunted Thor as he got up from the rubble.

He sprinted toward Grendel at immense speeds and smashed his hammer downwards. As he did that powerful lighting hit Grendel.

If he would've been fighting someone weaker, the lighting would've killed the person. But dragons have very durable skin. Grendel was no exception.

His skin is immensely durable and almost can't be damaged.

Grendel punched Thor but was blocked by Thor's hammer.

Grendel didn't stop there as he used his fire breath on Thor.

Luckily for Thor, he had enough time to dodge the flames as the ground got destroyed by the flames.

Thor suddenly threw his hammer at Grendel but it didn't hit the evil dragon as he sidestepped at the last second.

"What will you do now without your hammer?" Asked smirking Grendel.

Thor didn't talk as he grabbed Grendel's head with enough pressure and his hammer hit Grendel in the back of his head.

"Grr, annoying little toy" Said Grendel.

That move didn't do anything but piss the dragon off.

Grendel was bored so he wanted to finish with Thor and get to his real target.

He was about to smash both of his claws straight onto Thor but a magic barrier protected him but barely.

It was half of the support team as the other stayed with Tannin and Dulio.

The barrier shattered and Thor used his hammer to uppercut Grendel sending him into the air.

Thor didn't waste any time as he smashed him right back to the ground with the hammer and created a huge crater and dust cloud.

"Hehehe That felt good!" Shouted Grendel as he flew towards Thor.

Thor was caught off guard and Grendel managed to dig his claws straight through Thor.

Grendel threw Thor into the distance. He barely got up but had enough strength to grab a vial with phenex tears and drank it.

He regained all his stamina and his injuries completely healed.

"Round two?" Said smirking Grendel.

Thor didn't respond as usual and just flew towards Grendel full force with his hammer ready to strike, and tons of lighting gathered around him and his weapon.

He hit the dragon full force sending him away.

That attack took a lot out of Thor and left him open as Grendel knocked him out with his powerful tail swing.

Before he could kill Thor a barrier got cast around Thor.

"You annoying little brats" Said now angry Grendel to the support group. He started to walk towards them slowly and menacingly as a dark and evil aura swirled around the dragon.

The support group didn't know what to do. What can they do if even Thor, who is a god of thunder can't put a scratch on him.

Grendel was about to release a powerful fire breath, but before it could hit the scared group of support someone blocked it with ease.

As the smoke cleared they saw a red armour standing.

"Issei!" Called out the support team.

"Are you okay?" Asked concerned Issei.

"Yes, but be careful, he's insanely strong even Thor couldn't put a scratch on him!" Warned Le Fay.

"I'll be fine now go and help Valerica okay?" Said Issei as he used his shadow magic to teleport everyone to Valerica and Thor to the infirmary.

"So your finally here" Said excited Grendel.

"Yep, I hope you won't run away like a coward" Said Issei.

This remark pissed the evil dragon off.

He raised his aura to dangerous levels. Issei didn't want mass destruction so he cast a powerful barrier around their battlefield.

And then he raised his own aura a little which shocked Grendel.

"Wh-what power!" Remarked Impressed Grendel.

"That's perfect! Now it will be so much fun!" Roared excited Grendel and jumped straight at Issei.

"Yeah but sadly this fight will be short as I don't have time for you" Said Issei as a golden spear came out of his left hand.

He pierced Grendel but because of his skin it didn't work but Issei didn't give up as Ddraig roared out:


And the spear went right through Grendel's flesh straight to his heart.

"That won't work brat" Said Grendel.

"I know that's why I'm not finished just yet" Said Issei as his eyes started to glow green and blue, and the spear got infused with his dragon aura.

The spear got coloured with gold and red aura.

"I call upon God's spear let it destroy my prey! Dragon slaying magic!" Shouted Issei as a huge amount of dragon-slaying magic went through Grendel's body.

"Aaaaaah Wh-here did you learn that magic!?" Asked stunned Grendel. But as an answer, Issei increased his aura and boosted the power of the spear and completely destroyed Grendel's body.

"Whew, now that that's done" Said Issei as he deactivated his armour and stashed the spear away.

"Who knew that dragon slaying magic is this effective against dragons.....it's terrifying" Said Issei.

"Indeed partner, but it's no time to wonder about it we need to check up on Valerica" Said Ddraig.

"And don't forget about Valerie" Said Vritra.

"We need to check the seal too" Informed Crom's fragment.

"Alright, I understand" Said Issei as he used shadows to teleport to Valerica.

As he arrived he saw that Valerica and the support team were about to leave.

"Ummm guys, where is Aži Dahāka?" Asked Issei confused.

"Oh, Valerica here divided him out of existence with compression divider" Said Kuroka nonchalantly.

"Oh..." Said Issei.

"I think we should go back to camp and check up on others" Said Issei.

"Right!" Everyone replied.

The devil, the angel, fallen, Norse and dragon armies destroyed the chaos brigade but with some deaths except for dragons.

Issei created a teleportation magic circle big enough for everyone.

They teleported back to the camp.

He saw Tannin outside the tent waiting.

"So old man how was it?" Asked Issei.

"It was tough I couldn't do any damage on the evil dragon" Said Tannin.

"Well, the more reason to get stronger.....how is she?" Asked Issei concerned.

"She's awake but really weak....she will not survive for another day because her sacred gear was stolen" Said Tannin.

Issei's eyes widened in shock. He just saved her again but... it too late?

"I'll go see her" Said Issei as he entered the tent.

As he entered he saw a beautiful girl with short blonde hair laying in the bed barely breathing and pale as snow. The sight hurt Issei.

"Ise?" Called out Valerie as her gaze slowly reached issei.

Issei came over to her and sat on the chair beside the bed.

He leaned towards her and grabbed her hands.

As Valarie looked into his eyes she saw a lot of sadness and disappointment in his green and blue eyes.

"I'm s-so sorry...I couldn't do anything.....I'm too late.....I'm useless" Said Issei as he shut his eyes tightly.

Valerie took one hand out of Issei's hands and put it on his face.

He opened his eyes and looked into her beautiful red ones.

"You are not useless...you did all you could.....and I'm glad.....I met you.....even if we didn't interact much.....Gasper told me a lot about you.....how brave....caring..strong...and supportive big brother you are.....I started to like you more and more each day...and started to love you Issei" Said Valarie weakly.

Issei continued to stare into her eyes.

"Partner ..... There's a way to save her" Said Ddraig out loud shocking both Issei and Valarie.

"Really?! what do I have to do?!" Asked Issei.

"You have to mate with her and make a connection to your life force" Said Ddraig.

"But instead of normal mating and making connection by sex, you have to kiss her and give her your blood to drink, but once the connection is made she won't be fully out of trouble, she will start consuming the new life force until she gets her sacred gear back" Said Ddraig.

"Okay.....do you really want to?" Asked Issei still looking at Valarie.

"Yes I still don't want to die...and I want to stay by your side for as long as I can" Said Valarie.

"Alright..." Said Issei as he bit his tongue and blood started to enter his mouth.

He slowly leaned toward Valerie and kissed her as the blood entered her mouth and down her throat.

As they parted a red dragon mark appeared on her hand without a bite.

Valarie suddenly fell asleep and Issei felt really dizzy.

"Ddraig what's going....on?" Asked Issei as he fell asleep on Valerie's stomach.

"That was actually a really dangerous ritual...I knew you'd do it anyway....now you either wake up .....or die" Said Ddraig to no one in particular but Valerica outside the tent heard it all.

She burst into the tent with raging eyes.

"Why did you let him do this Ddraig! why did you let him put his life on the line?!" Shouted Valerica?

"Valerica calm down, you know yourself that he would've done in anyways If Ddraig would've warned him" Said Albion as he tried to calm down his partner.

"But he may die?!" Shouted concerned and angry Valerica.

"Valerica, calm down for Ophis's sake!" Roared Ddraig.

"You know yourself that he's very much capable of doing impossible possible like when he fused Albion's soul fragment with polar opposite powers that should've killed him. When the three factions made peace because of Issei.

When he survived juggernaut drive TWICE combined with dragon fall when he fought opponents that are stronger than him or managed to get immensely strong and obtain powerful dragon abilities in just two months.

And that are just some of his great achievements. Just have faith in him and everything will turn out just fine" Said Ddraig.

"He's right Valerica, just have faith" Said Albion.

Valerica only nodded and left the tent but not before giving a kiss on his forehead.

One day has passed but Issei still hasn't woken up nor Valarie. This made the girls very worried.

Right now all of the girls are in the same room as the sleeping Issei and Valarie. They both have been brought back to the house.

The girls have been watching over them the whole time to make sure everything's alright.

Suddenly a magic circle appeared that looked like Grigori's magic circle.

Out of it came Azazel but he looked different, he always looked carefree but right now he had a serious face and looked a bit stressed and even....scared?

"What's wrong Azazel?" Asked Valerica.

"Trihexa is unsealed," Said Azazel.

The room got quiet. Everyone had their eyes widened like dinner plates.

"Did Rizevim do it?" Asked Ingvild.

"Yes but we don't know where he is" answered Azazel.

"But why?" Asked Irina.

"Why dwe don't know his location or why did he release the beast?" Said Azazel.

"I'll answer both, he released the beast in hopes of controlling it but his plans failed the last moment so he teleported somewhere before anyone could catch him" Explained Azazel.

"That's not good, issei is still knocked out cold" Said Momo.

"What do we do?" Asked Murayama.

"We need as much help as we can get to create a powerful barrier to hold Trihexa from getting to the civilization and hope for Issei's awakening" Said Azazel.

"Alright, we'll help" Said Katase.

Everyone stood up and kissed issei on his cheeks or forehead and left via magic circles.

As they arrived at the scene they saw a giant barrier that was shaking from the pressure that is inside of it. Then they saw a bunch of people there that are keeping the barrier up.

They saw Michael, Sirzechs, Azazel, Yasaka, Sun wukong, Odin, Tannin, Crom Cruach, and even Greek gods such as Zeus, Artemis and others, they saw Shiva there too, ORC, Student council, White dragoness team, and many others.

Soon they joined in to help out too.

"Welcome to our doom brats" Said Odin as he looked at the new arrivers.

"Well, we aren't doomed yet" Said Azazel.

"But where's Issei?" Asked Michael.

"He's still knocked out" Said Tiamat.

"What bad timing" Said Odin.

"Let's just hope he'll come back just in time" Said Michael.

Sirzechs stayed quiet as he concentrated on keeping the barrier.

Inside the barrier, the beast was slowly walking in a random direction to find something to destroy.

He saw a barrier's edge in the distance so he shot a powerful fireball at the barrier but it didn't destroy it. It just cracked a little but regenerated right back up.

He then started to attack non-stop.

"He's trying to destroy the barrier!" Shouted Michael.

Everyone concentrated on keeping the barrier up and hoped for their saviour's arrival.

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