
From the Ashes Part 1

Jacob had a small smile on his face as he got ready to finish the session, it had been a long 6 hours, but at the same time he would admit that the time had moved fast. Jean was an outgoing and sociable person in general; this made it quite easy to talk to her.

Because he wasn't an actual psychologist after having covered the major topics that he had deemed she needed to know right away and that she had requested information about, he had gotten into a pretty good rhythm for their next set of conversations.

There were of course multiple question and answer session, thankfully not that impactful, heavy or deep, but there was also a lot of brainstorming and idea swapping between the two.

Jean was still under the impression that Jacob was some type of higher being, as their conversation had touched on many different aspects and solutions she could use to protect herself, such as the building of her telepathic defenses.

Because Jacob was a fan of Anime, Comics and Movies, he had a few solutions and ideas that had never crossed Jean's mind. These included ideas such as hiding her mind, making it impossible to find as a defense. With such a technique it didn't matter what another telepath tried to do, if they couldn't find your mind they couldn't try to access it.

There were also other ideas, such as mind palaces, labyrinths and secondary front minds to deceive others when they tried to attack. This then lead to some discussions of her telekinetic abilities, though those discussions weren't nearly as lengthy. Because of his access to the internet function, something he was finally able to use in the therapy session, Jacob was able to find many different examples that he could show Jean or descriptions from wiki's character pages.

Because they were in the therapy room, most of the Wiki's were transformed when used to look more like detailed profiles and recollection of their life. Jean, always quick on the uptake, realized that there was also a 'profile' for herself and had asked to view it, something which Jacob had hesitantly agreed to show.

After contemplating the idea for a while Jacob had come to the conclusion that it would not do any major harm to show her certain parts of her own wiki page. This was mainly centered around showing her the abilities and powers section, skipping most of the biligraphy of her life and specific events.

This had lead into him then explaining a few of the abilities that appeared and how the overall assessment of her abilities was of her future accomplishments, not her actual abilities at that second. With her access to the therapy room, it was likely that the described ability levels could fluctuate and increase as well.

But now there were only 10 minutes left in their session, Jean had calmed down tremendously by this point and had even decided to end the session early. Jacob was sure that at some point she would ask for another session, but wasn't sure how long until that point Certainly she would not need another session for a few weeks.

Though the next time he was sure that she would just be looking to relax and maybe talk about some small troubles, it wouldn't be the same as this time.

Just as Jean was getting out of the chaise lounge a small ping drew Jacob's attention. Looking down at the tablet next to his arm, a message from the Admin drew his attention.

Furrowing his brows in worry at the sudden action of the ever elusive admin Jacob slowly opened the message. His eyes skimmed over the words as he got the general gist of it. As Jean was making her way towards the exit, she stopped before leaving. She wanted to say goodbye, she had manners, thank you.

"Jean before you go, there is one last thing I would like to mention."

The voice that Jacob spoke with was serious enough to grab the red heads attention, a small pit of worry surfacing, before quickly disappearing as she looked over. His voice may have been serious, but there was a small smile on Jacob's lips.

As she turned around Jacob began to tell her about his recent message, or rather the contents. After reading the message Jacob was happy, not for himself though. He was happy for Jean. There was one little problem that neither of them had thought of while they had the therapy session, without the Admin pointing it out to him, Jacob wouldn't have noticed himself.

But it did make sense.

Jean was about to leave the therapy room and go back to a universe that was littered with superpower individuals, mind controllers, other telepaths, Gods, and cosmic entities.

Why was that important?


What was the message about then?

It was about Jean's memories and experience from the therapy room.

The gist of the message was short and simple. Anything discussed in the therapy room would remain confidential, as any other therapy should be.

It wasn't something Jacob had thought about as in his own reality he did not have such wonderouse abilities or characters, but for Jean… well.

There were beings that could easily enter her mind at any second until she was properly connected with or was taken over by the Phoenix, it had happened before, multiple times at that. It was a necessity that they did not find out what Jean had been told.

So to make sure that nothing was ever leaked, Jean's mind would have a permanent block on all information gained in the therapy room. No one could access it, or would even know that she had this extra information.

Thankfully Jean herself would know about the information and could act on it, what would the point of the therapy room been for if she couldn't remember?

With this unknown problem solved Jacob just had to tell her about said block and the final part of the message.

"With this block you can stop anyone finding out about the therapy room, but it won't stop them from entering your mind if you're not careful. Though we have already talked about a few defenses you can start working on."

Jean gave a small nod in all seriousness as she heard him speak, now that the problem had been mentioned, though she had been a bit overwhelmed with all that had been talked about in the session and wasn't sure exactly where to start.

She now knew.

Her first order of business once she left, would be to increase her telepathic defenses as soon as possible. There were just too many problems that would arise from having weak mental defenses and Jean didn't ever want to be in the position again of having her mind affected, controlled or twisted.

It was her own life and she wanted to take full control of it.

"The last thing that I need to mention though is the Phoenix…"

Jean tilted her head in confusion as he continued.

"Because it is connected to your mind you'll be given the option to share with it the blocked information. This is something for you to decide. I'm not going to sway your decision in this case. Just remember what we talked about today and I think you'll make a great choice."

Jean retreated into her thoughts as she thought on those words.

Was it a good idea to let the phoenix know about the future?

What she had learnt of the entity and all these other factors that would happen in the future.

Would it help her in any way to keep the information to herself?

Or would sharing the information harm her?

While she was lost in thought Jacob gave her a little time, before holding his hand out. By this point they were standing at the door to the small cabin that was the therapy room. As soon as Jean turned around and pulled the handle she could leave.

It was more of a symbolic gesture as she could just think of leaving and go.

Breaking out of her thoughts Jean gave a brilliant smile as she looked at the councilor. She hadn't been sure what she was in for when she entered, and it was more desperation that drove her to this point. But in the end she had to say she was thankful that she had taken the plunge and booked.

Though the path set out before her was daunting and uncertain, she now felt a sense of control in her hectic life, one that she hadn't even realized she didn't have before.

Looking down at the hand stuck out before her, she rolled her eyes a little playfully to his confusion before springing forward and wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

She noticed the shock that radiated out from the councilor with her move and couldn't help her smile growing just a tad wider. She had at least surprised the being that seemed to be unflappable and mighty. After all the shock she had been given… She would take that as a win.

Pulling away she reached out for the door and grabbed the handle.

"Truly, thank you for the help. It's been…. I really needed this."

Not wanting to drag this out any longer Jean disappeared from the room, heading back to the waking world.

With her disappearance Jacob looked on for a few more seconds, before finally slumping back.

A tired expression passed over his features as he let out a breath of air.

He was dead tired.


Inside the Xavier school for the gifted a certain red head slowly opened her eyes. She had been resting on her comfortable bed for the last hour.

As her eyes opened they showed a little amount of confusion, before the cleared up. Looking to the side to catch the time on her clock, she noted the time and let out a small sigh of relief as she sat up.

Looking down at the phone that had been sitting beside herself, she opened it for a second to make sure that a certain app was still on the home screen before placing it back down.

She had another few hours before anyone disturbed her so in the mean time she decided to cross her legs and begin her work. She had a lot to do and firstly...

'Phoenix are you there…"

Her own voice softly drifted through her mind as a certain entity woke up and focused its attention back on its jailer. A single thought running through their mind.

'How does she know me?'


Hey guys, so this isn't the biggest chapter, have been busy this week and weekend so nothing too big. Also thought this was a nice spot to finish the chapter. Next up, how will Jena use some of the knowledge she has learned? Is anyone safe from her savagery? Will Scott be neutered before he can even say a word?

Ok I'm kidding, but yeah, next chapter a Jean specific chapter, then back to the MC.

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Zevrencreators' thoughts
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