
Prologue (Volume 4)

My name is Kurono Ichiru, I am a good-looking Japanese high school student with black hair and brown eyes.

I was in my classroom with my classmates learning world history.

The topic was world wars.

Since I played a lot of war video games, I really liked this, because it gave me ideas of how the events unfolded.

The main conflict was always the same, a trifle.

Whether it was because someone threw a pie at a nobleman, someone stole a pig, or everyone wanted a slice of watermelon.

There was always a ridiculous reason to start a war whose real objective was to seize the resources of the invaded country.

In fact, according to these reports the third world war that happened over fifty years ago happened over fresh water which was scarce, not anymore, but it is amazing the trigger for a war is a small thing.

I hope I will never be involved in one.

But I doubt it, I am a student who has no relatives in the military nor does my father have a fondness for weapons, I will be fine since we live in a country bored with a peaceful world.

That was what I thought before I realized that life enjoys making fun of me.

After saving a girl and dying, I was reincarnated in this game world, I should be happy, I ended up in a game world like all otaku dream of.

The problem is... I'm a freaking magic stone!

"Umm, it says here that the empire and republic soldiers are mobilizing quickly, analysts believe the war will want to end in less than a year."

"You heard that, Kuro?"

"I heard it. Thanks for the detail, and I'm not being sarcastic."

The one he was replying to was a young man with black hair with red tips like his eyes, sharp sissy who didn't seem to have many friends, this guy was the villain from the game's tutorial.

Reidel Redblade, but since I woke up in a magic stone instead of a body, he takes it upon himself to help me deal with the game's problems.

"I remember you saying this was going to happen, but it would happen the other year and not this year, were you wrong?"

"That's right."


"Pff, what a pathetic god you are hahaha."

"Don't make fun of me!"

This guy, Reidel─ Rei actually thinks I'm a god, I have 1% of the powers of one, a very trashy god in fact.

Rei spoke to me without mocking me despite me being very angry.

"Whatever, what are we going to do now?"

"Now that these guys are going to mobilize, we should do something, right? They're our enemies you said."

"They certainly are..."

(Although in the game they are because the protagonist stuck his nose where they were.)

(In any case, the war seems to be a product of political conflicts between the two countries, which leaves us as background characters).

"I'm really upset and disappointed, not only do we not have to get involved, but one of them will be killed or both of them will be destroyed."

"So you're suggesting we leave them alone?"

"I'm afraid so."

Rei stood up, we were in our room at the academy, summer vacation would start soon.

"In that case just wait for them to destroy each other and then go for the boss's head and there will be no more enemies. right?"

Rei exclaimed slapping his palms loudly together.

I replied dejectedly.

"That's right."

"Good, I'll be able to enjoy some free time."

"Hey Rei."

I asked a little intrigued.

"What's wrong?"

"... Are you afraid of war?"

I asked him that question and he showed astonishment.

"What's up with that weird question?"

I said.

"It just seems like you don't want to fight, you wanted to go destroy them before and now you don't."

Rei shook his hair before answering.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that you're saying that in the end they will kill each other, that would be very ridiculous of me to interfere, when they are doomed by their own hand."

"Oh~, that response is very mature of you. If you can call it maturity."

"Shut up."

Rei opened the door and went straight to the carriage to return home.

I guess I have to accept it too, that the world won't go along with the game.

Well, peace is good so there's nothing to worry about, right?


-Aldini Plains-

A place located on the northwest border of Agastia Holy Empire and a small country which is an ally of the Alfoster Republic.

One camp was making a fuss.

"Take everything and leave nothing behind!"

"Make sure you have enough weapons."

"Don't limit yourselves, we have plenty of weaponry."

A man in white armor was giving orders.

His face was very serious for a middle-aged man, his neatly combed mustache touched him proudly.

"Fumu, fumu. I feel good now that I, a mere baron received the title of commander of the Iron Chain Sacred Knight Squad, hahaha."

The man's name was Montserrat, but everyone called him Mont for making fun of him, only not now since he was a squad commander.

Next to him stood a man younger than him with blond hair looking at him with hatred.

Montserrat noticed and looked at him.

"Is something wrong, Viscount Erhart?"

Viscount Erhart was Montserrat's employer when they were at home, now he was his subordinate.

"Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about all the weaponry we brought."

He replied politely, but gruffly.

Mont clapped his hands at him as if he were a child learning to add.

"It's as you say, but it's because we brought heavy weaponry we stole from the republic."

He showed him a gun that was hidden under a blanket.

Erhart was surprised to see it.

"This is..."

His eyes saw a metal horse with no legs but had a pair of skis on its lower half, at its sides huge machine guns.

Mont took pride in it.

"It was me who stole this and for that His Majesty awarded me with this title hahaha."

"My wonderful luck aside, you saw what you get didn't you."

"Yes. These things, rifles as they call them, are superior to arrows and crossbows."

"They are, those damn Republicans trying to outdo our beloved country."

"But that ends today!"

Montserrat stood up and called for the attention of all his comrades.

"Today is the day when our beautiful homeland will defeat those republic rats that prevent the advancement of our territory."

"Let's finish them all off!"


With that short speech, morale rose.

Erhart sighed as he loaded his bullets into his rifle.

"Enemy in sight!"

A lookout shouted.

They all looked in the direction they were coming from and noticed a cloud of dust approaching.

Montserrat climbed onto his metal horse by the name of "Pegasus".

He rose up after turning on the Pegasus.

"Everyone listen up. We will split into two groups, the Pegasus group will go with me and the scarab group will go with Viscount Erhart, got it!"

Everyone nodded, but the viscount got angry with him.

(That damned Mont, you're just a damned baron who was bent on miseries, don't try to think you're a big deal peasant.)

"Get ready, we're going to ambush them!"

The groups separated and the viscount's group entered the forest.

Inside they walked carefully.

Some of them commented.

"Hey, isn't it weird to be attacked head-on for no reason?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, these guys came running at us from the front, are they idiots?"

"It's small stuff, it doesn't matter."

Despite saying that, the viscount thought otherwise.

(True, but what do you want me to do?)

(Those guys must be confident in their weaponry.)

(Coming from the front, they're asking to be killed.)

"Be calm everyone, the air unit will take care of most of those guys─"

At that moment, something fell from the sky, it was a Pegasus.

It was smashed.

"... Huh?"

The viscount couldn't believe it.

He wasn't the only one, several of them were dropping like flies.

They were all frightened.

"Nooooooooo! Help me!"

In the middle of that forest they could hear a man screaming, in the distance they visualized Montserrat running scared towards them.

Erhart shouted to him.

"Hey, what happened?"

Mont scared shouted back at them.


"They're demons! Run away!"

Before he could reach them, something fell behind him and split him in two.

His body split and his intestines like his blood fell to the ground.

Erhart and his soldiers saw a male silhouette, he was almost six feet tall and naked.

The strange man walked towards it.

They could hear a voice.

"Everything has been finished here, how's it going over there Benfield?"

"I just found a group of soldiers, shall I take them hostage?"

"The chain of command said no. Kill them all."

Erhart and the others were startled to see the silhouette of a naked man with horns on his head say that.

They all saw his glowing green eyes.


"Sorry, but I want to see my family and end this ridiculous war."

"Open fire!"

Erhart and his men shouted, bullets hit the strange man's body and nothing was happening, behind him, a group of similar silhouettes were arriving comfortably.

"Benfield-san, we have to go somewhere else, hurry please."

"I know."

The man quickly moved towards them and at great speed cut, sliced and split Erhart and his soldiers.

They didn't even last thirty seconds.

Once the corpses were stuffed into bags. The strange man looked down.

They were being watched from a distance by a group of men wearing the white hawk insignia on their chest.

"Chimera duration process, fifteen minutes and twenty seconds."

"Any discomfort or complaints?"

"Not really."

Said some men wearing helmets similar to a virtual reality headset, they even had gloves on.

One of them said.

"The future of the war is decided thanks to these babies."

"I know, but we must do more tests, we will go to the next enemy camp once they have rested the thirty minutes the doctors dictated."


And so, the great war that would involve the whole world began.


My dear readers, after a long time resting and detailing my new novel, I finally bring you the prologue of Cheat Lord volume 4.

This volume will be made with a lot of love as something totally unimaginable will happen.


I leave update of Kurono's face and the other two guys for a good laugh.

Kurono: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/post/show/7352702

Montserrat: https://youjo-senki.fandom.com/wiki/Kurt_von_Rudersdorf

Erhart: https://youjo-senki.fandom.com/wiki/Severin_Vianto


A declaration of world war has broken out between the republic and the empire.

Soldiers are preparing to wage this great war that will plunge the entire continent into chaos.

The Brune Kingdom which stands in the middle of both monsters will be struck down by them.

At the same time, Klyde the head of the Bartolt family declared to take revenge on Rei and so he will use all his power and influence to achieve it.

How will Rei get out of this predicament together with a maddened Kurono by a plot that does not go according to what he knows?

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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