
Chapter 41 ─ Economic Enemy

Since that day almost half a year has passed, I say almost because we are on the last day of April, tomorrow will be May and we will enter the second school semester of the second year.

Time sure flies, doesn't it?

Thanks to the current situation of the great war, commerce has been almost stagnant.

Prices are up, complaints are up, stress is up and not to mention crime.

Now I understand why they said that a war affects everyone except those who win, they don't lose anything because they get it back by taking from others.

It's really appalling that!

"Is it going that bad?"

"I'm afraid so."

Rei was speaking to his trusted merchant, a fat man, short in stature, almost bald with a pleasant smile, he was the father of one of Rei's wives, Harold Bluegarden.

Harold would inform Rei that sales of the items he traded were not selling well.

"Normally I could sell them without a problem in the republic, but their borders are closed."

"To enter you need a permit from inside so you are not suspicious and the only ones to enter are food related traders."

"Everyone trades with the republic and then with the empire, but this war is very bad for small traders, I would have to go to Gabino where I can also trade, but I heard that in the surroundings there are bandits and that's bad for everyone."

"I see. Do your best to manage to sell something."

"You can take it as yours since you need it more than me."

Rei has matured it seems, before he would throw a tantrum about the money that is his belongs to him alone, but since it is Harold who sells his items it is a half and half profit, but here Rei's half was lost for Harold's gain.

This would be stupid except that the territory generates its own money and we have no economic problems.

There is another problem though, how long will this last?

Rei asked Harold after turning around.

"By the way, have you talked to your daughter?"

"Of course I have, I'm glad she's doing well and I hear she's part of your fiancées young master. I'm glad our future partners now have more confidence with this."

"I'll go visit her after I finish some business."

"Very well. See you."

Rei said goodbye to Harold and we headed to the vehicle waiting for us near the entrance of the village.

I said vehicle because it is one, an all-terrain vehicle.

Rei can create vehicles, but he can't turn rocks into gold or diamonds. Isn't that logic unfair?

Inside the vehicle came out a well-dressed man, he was a butler, he wore elegant suit, his hair was long and as his eyes hidden by his glasses were light blue.

His name is Walter and he is an NPC.

Why do I call him NPC?

Well, this guy I remembered at last.

Turns out he was part of a certain princess event, he showed up dying, I remember him because he was in an illustration, but it was really dirty on his face.

And when Rei was working in a field, he got dirt on his face.

Then I recognized him, that princess could not save him as he died of leukemia caused by the mismanagement of care of the Redblade territory.

But now he is Rei's butler.

"Where do you wish to go now young master?"

"I've finished my business as a duke, I want to rest."

"Then we will return to the mansion."

"... Yeah, that's fine."

Suddenly, Rei swallowed saliva.

Why did he do that?

We arrived at the Redblade mansion.

After getting off the vehicle, we met certain people.

Starting with Rei's parents who were having tea.

An elegant man with black hair combed back, thin mustache and red eyes, the former Duke Redblade.

Beside him was a beautiful young woman wearing a red dress that molded her curves and lifted her well-proportioned large maternal breasts.

With long blonde hair and blue eyes, Duchess Redblade.

Why doesn't Rei call them by their first names?

He calls them father or mother only and the others refer to them as sir or ma'am.

Are they so NPC that they don't have first names?

It would be really scary if so.

Next to them was a beautiful woman drinking tea with them.

Her hair was combed to the left side and was an orangey blonde color.

Her eyes were a beautiful turquoise color like the transparency of a lake.

She was Sophia Catley, a background character in the game.

Months ago she claimed to be Rei's wife.

She also became a close friend of Rei's mother.

His parents don't seem to have many friends so other adult company is welcome.

And the last guest at that party was playing with some butterflies.

A girl belonging to a tribe of cat people.

Oriana had white hair which was tied in a long braid from her neck to her back, her long catlike eyelashes matched her bright sapphire blue eyes that shone brighter than a pearl of the sea.

To everyone's amazement, she had not one but two.

Nowadays instead of a lover you can think of her as a kind of pet.

Rei's mother asked her.

"Rei-chan, did you finish all your business?"

"I did, I'm tired. I'll go take a bath."

"Okay~. Ah, don't forget to visit Rose-chan, she's been asking for you since last night."

Before entering the house, Rei felt a slight shiver.

"... S-Seriously?"

"Yes. Her symptoms are growing every day, it's important for a woman in her condition to get all the love she can, otherwise... something very bad could happen!"

Rei's mother exclaimed getting up as if she wanted to give her son a scare.

Rei opened the door and then headed to the bathroom.

"What's wrong with you?"

I asked him as he bathed in the huge tub that should be called a small pool.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

"It's just that for a while now when someone mentions Rose you've been acting like this."


"Something's wrong, isn't it?"

"The thing is... I'm a little panicked."

"You panic at the sight of Rose? Has her possible yandere side finally grown up?"

"Yandere? I don't understand what you're talking about."

"But, my problem with seeing Rose is because of that. Her belly."

I see, so that's what it is.

I decided to tease him a bit.

"Huhh~. With that our dear Cheat Lord is actually a coward who's afraid of fatherhood?"

"Didn't you brag about being the strongest and freest man in the world?"

"Are you afraid to see your wife and future child?"

Those words made Rei blush and throw me against the wall.

I don't feel pain or anything, nothing happened to me either.

But, it feels painful not having a body.

I want to have a body!

"Damn you Kuro, you'll see."

After leaving the bathroom, Rei headed to Rose's room.

Rei stood in front of Rose's room door.

He raised his fist and when he was about to knock on the door, he kept thinking, repeating the same thing every so often.

"Who is it?"

But Rose's voice distracted him.

Rei opened his mouth.

"It's me."

"Ah, master, welcome. You may come in."

Rei swallowed saliva and opened the door.

Upon entering, we found a beautiful girl resting on a bed designed for her.

Her hair is long and the color platinum like the moon, almost reaching the ends a beautiful pastel pink color appears.

Matching her ship-white skin, her yellowish-green eyes stood out.

But what stood out most about her was not her beauty, but her belly.

Rose's stomach had grown exponentially over the past few months.

Currently Rose should be about to give birth.

Elves and humans are not so different.

Elves can last in their pregnant stage between 9 and 12 months, with the tenth month being the right month to give birth. The other two months are for the infant to acquire more nutrients.

Rei took a nearby chair and sat next to Rose who was reading a book.

Her pink nightgown matched her hair and skin.

Rei took her hand.

"H-How do you feel?"

He asked in all honesty.

Rose smiled at her like a wife.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me."

"You sure?"

Despite the fact that she should be in some pain from the pregnancy, Rei's mother is taking care of her so Rose doesn't worry.

She doesn't even go to the academy.

So we could say that Rei's real discomfort is Rose's safety.

She took his hand and placed it on her belly.

"Can you feel it?"

"This is the life we made together."

"It's my job to grow this little one healthy and strong, you don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine."


With those words, Rei walked over to Rose and gave her a gentle kiss.

I didn't say anything because it would be awkward to say.


May came with several financial problems.

Among them was the sale of wheat.

The ministers were having a dialogue about it.

Their country produces wheat, but the vast majority of that wheat is for sale, it does them no good to have so much if they cannot achieve sums of money.

If you had a lot of fish and several mouths to feed, would you use that same fish?

The answer would be no, because someone might get sick. Where would they get the money to buy medicine?

That's the current situation in the kingdom.

One man raised his hand at these murmurs of lamentation.

He was a tall, burly man, his muscles so big that his shirt could rip at any moment,

Adding to his gorilla face, this blond, bearded man was once an important figure in the kingdom, now fallen into misery and trying to renew his confidence in everyone.

Dominic Harvey's name is.

"Leave this to me please. It's my chance to achieve the opportunity to regain your trust."

"Harvey, the crisis is serious. Do you really think you can do it?"

Dominic nodded.

"I will. I must."

"Well, in that case, we'll leave this to you, we'll take care of the other matters."

"Thank you."

Dominic left the room.


Dominic paced the corridors of the palace.

"How should I settle this?"

"The war between the republic and the empire won't end soon. We don't even know what might happen to us in that time."

"There must be some way to manage to sell wheat somewhere─"

Then he remembered something.

"Wait a minute."

"There is a place where you could go, that place is neutral zone for political reasons, you can sell the wheat there. The problem is that because of the war many bandits are coming out from different places."

"For that reason, I need help."

"And then onii-sama drank it thinking it was chocolate and it was just leftover bread mixed hahaha."

As we enter the second school semester.

Things are going normal and boring as usual.

Nothing really to do but wait.

Rei was gathered in a room used for meetings and tea parties.

In this place were all of his fiancées.

Starting from the left was Zoey Bluegarden short bob dark brown hair, which hid her light orange eyes.

"This tea is very tasty."

Next was Emma Alanson, natural mocha skin color with blue-black hair that reached to her nape with a parted fringe on her forehead and navy blue eyes.

"Thank you, this tea is imported from the north, it is very expensive indeed for that reason."

"It's so expensive and you let me drink it like it's nothing!"

Next to Emma was someone who like her was a servant of a certain princess, who unlike Emma who was a maid, was a female knight.

Nadine Mably, short dark purple hair with a lock on the left side that reached to her chin, with eyes of a slight green.

"Even if it's expensive, you shouldn't worry, the princess said that if they estimated in expenses it would be very bad for the image of the royal family."

That left that person in the middle.

The princess of this country, the Brune Kingdom.

Elicia von Brune, the main heroine of the game as well as Rei's legal wife.

A girl with a sweet and pleasant personality who always smiles, her honey blonde hair which is so long that it reaches almost to the ground with the ends curled like drills. With a fringe covering her forehead, her amethyst eyes stand out.

Elicia─ Eli, she wanted everyone to enjoy this quiet time since the news of the war is getting worse every day.

"Please don't worry about those details. I want everyone to be happy in these short moments of peace we have."

She said raising her hands, making her huge breasts jump for joy as she did.

Though there was someone who didn't jump for joy and looked at Eli with a cold stare.

"Princess, even if you say that, you shouldn't go around spending resources on us."

She was the only one resigned to being Rei's wife.

Sasha Harvey, another heroine of the game like her and the other members of Rei's harem.

Her long caramel blonde hair was silky and reached down to her lower back, a braid behind her ears which was tied into a large red bun at the back of her head. Her asymmetrical bangs came down to almost cover her right eye, both eyes were ice blue.

Sasha seemed annoyed with Eli, but it was only because she was using resources on them, she didn't want him to spend something important on people like them.

As rude as it may seem, she was actually caring about Eli.

Really, these calm days are so boring.

I'd like something interesting to happen.


Someone knocked on the door.

Eli said for the person to come in and a maid came to inform Sasha something.


She stood up.

"I'm sorry princess, but I'm being requested downstairs."

"Have a good one."

Eli said to Sasha who came out of bowing.


"I refuse."



Arriving in a room, Sasha found her father.

She greeted him, but he got straight to the point.

"Sasha, please ask the duke to help us with this."

He told her what he was about to do.

Sasha blushed and said no.

"I understand what I am asking, but my child. I need the duke's help and since I heard he is interested in you. This is an opportunity to regain our pride."

Sasha became angry with her father.

"Do you understand what you are saying?"

"You are asking your daughter to become the mistress of a womanizer."

Dominic looked down.

"I know. But, you didn't complain, you just got angry at what I said."

"That's not what you should tell your daughter!"

"I know. But believe me I'm desperate."

"Sasha, this is not only for the good of our family. It will also benefit the kingdom."

Hearing that this would benefit the kingdom, which is in a crisis.

Sasha's cheeks turned red.

"Ahhhhhh, I hate this!"


In the royal palace, the highest authority of this country.

The king, Gilliam von Brune or simply Liam, a middle-aged man, but due to stress his hair lost its luster and incidentally his expression is of an exhausted man as if he came out of a mine.

"The church demands remuneration for recent expenses."

"Remuneration for what exactly?"

"Overseas aid. To those affected by the wars."

"Are they idiots? The country is in a crisis and they're giving away food."

"But it's natural for them to do that, isn't it? They are the church."

"That's not the problem, but they're doing it without the king's permission, and on top of that they're demanding that we give it back."

"They know the country is in a crisis and they want money we give them. This is stooping low for Neville."

The ministers were angry, the church was doing as they pleased and on top of that they were demanding payment.

King Liam hearing all this thought.

(Please. Somebody fix this problem for me.)

As if his prayers were heard, someone was at the door hearing everything.


I leave fanservice of Rose.


Dear readers, there's something I want to say, but I'll say it at the end.

You may wonder why the chapter looks like "rushed"?

Well that's simple, I just decided to eliminate the ero scenes, the excessive comic scenes and the conversations that can serve as development.

The first one I apologize, with the second one too.

The third one I don't, I say that because I want this volume to be serious and let me tell you that, unlike the previous volume, in this volume the character development is not in conversations.

I'm sorry if you see the rushed, but as I said I eliminated the comedy and fanservice.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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