
Chapter 160

"We will not fail you, Supreme One," pledged the Warmaster. "Our warriors are prepared to die for you and for Stennaros."

Shimrra Jamaane's gaze swept across the war chamber, studying the flurry of activity around him. Warriors were suited up in biotech armor, shapers were tirelessly repairing and maintaining the vessels, and his advisors were in deep discussion with the Warmaster, devising strategies for the impending battle.

Meanwhile, on board the Terran flagship, High Admiral Marcellus and his senior officers were making their final preparations for the assault on Stennaros.

"The element of surprise is crucial," Marcellus told his men, his gaze unwavering as he assessed the holographic map before them. "We strike hard and fast before they have a chance to regroup."

The officers and their subordinates busied themselves with their tasks, readying the fleet for their offensive. Spacecraft were fueled, weapons were loaded, and troops were briefed.

Simultaneously, on board Shimrra Jamaane's flagship, his new Warmaster was deploying his warriors to critical points for the defense of Stennaros. Biotech ships hummed with life as they prepared for battle. Warriors tested their weapons and armor, chants of loyalty to Shimrra Jamaane echoing through the ship.

Undeterred by the imminent danger, Shimrra Jamaane sat on his throne, his mind filled with strategies and potential outcomes. "They think they can surprise us," he murmured to himself. "They underestimate us."

Back on Marcellus' flagship, the final orders were given. Ships roared to life, stars shining brightly against the blackness of space as the Terran fleet moved towards Stennaros.

Moments later the Terran Fleet came out of hyper space and descended upon the station. On board his flagship, High Admiral Marcellus watched meticulously over the holographic map that served as his main source of information. Each blue marker that moved across the map represented a Terran ship.

"Stand by for my signal," Marcellus ordered over his communicator. "On my mark...we hit them with everything we have."

Back on Shimrra Jamaane's command ship, tension filled the air as the Yuuzhan Vong warriors prepared for the impending onslaught. The Warmaster stood tall amidst his warriors, instilling in them a sense of strength and resilience as he began to rally his troops for the upcoming battle.

"Our enemies are at our doorsteps. This is a test of our resolve, our spirit, and our loyalty to Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane," he boomed, causing fierce war cries to be heard from amongst his men.

Meanwhile, Shimrra Jamaane sat in quiet contemplation, studying the reports brought in by his subordinates. Reports on Terran position and speculated attack patterns were analyzed closely; this was no time to leave anything to chance or uncertainty.

"Standby for assault," announced Marcellus over the communicator, his eyes fixed on the holographic map before him. The blue markers representing their fighter squadrons moved steadily towards Stennaros.

Back on Shimrra Jamaane's flagship, the Warmaster's voice rang out, echoing through the loudspeakers. "Prepare for battle! Hold your positions and wait for their assault!" The warriors braced themselves, determined to hold their position.

Suddenly, a flash of light erupted in the distant void of space as Terran Cannons hit their mark. Explosions roared through space, shaking the Stennaros station to its core. Still, Shimrra Jamaane remained unflinching on his throne, his gaze still focused on the holographic map before him.

"Incoming!" cried one of the deck officers aboard Marcellus' flagship as enemy missiles sliced through space towards them. The Admiral remained calm as steel. "Evasive maneuvers," he ordered crisply over the comms, "And return fire!"

Terran starfighters swarmed in formation around Stennaros, launching a barrage of missiles and laser fire onto the enemy ships. The black void was illuminated with bright flashes as the Kinetic weaponry from the Terran ships hit the hull of the Yuuzhan Vong ships.

Below them, on the surface of Stennaros, Yuuzhan Vong warriors poured out from their fortifications, rushing towards defensive positions to repel the invading Terran forces.

As the Terran ships continued their bombardment, High Admiral Marcellus watched the chaos unfold through the holographic map. His seasoned eyes tracked the movements on the battlefield as his men fought fiercely against the Yuuzhan Vong ships. After a while he had seen an opening to deploy ground forces.

"Deploy ground forces," he ordered over the comms. "I want our troops securing key points across Stennaros."

The Terran Fleet had the advantage in terms of firepower, while the Yuuzhan Vong had the numerical advantage in terms of ground forces.

Seeing the Terran transport ships head to the surface, the Warmaster's voice rang out, rallying his men amidst the destruction. "They want a war; we'll give it to them! Push back!"

Yuuzhan Vong biotech ships made a desperate attempt to break the Terran formation. A few minutes later on the ground, the Terran transports had landed, unleashing thousands of troops onto the surface of the planet.

Armed with advanced weaponry and tactical gear, the Terran ground troops advanced toward the Yuuzhan Vong fortifications. Explosions echoed through the air as they exchanged fire with the defending forces, causing great pillars of smoke and dust to rise into the sky.

Back in orbit, Marcellus watched as his blue markers advanced across the map. He could hear reports over his comms, detailing the progress of his ground troops. Despite the strong resistance from Shimrra Jamaane's forces, they were making progress slowly but steadily.

On Shimrra Jamaane's flagship, messages poured in from the surface. Casualty reports, updates on Terran movements, pleas for reinforcements - the situation was looking dire. The Warmaster clenched his fist and barked orders at his subordinates, "We must strengthen our defenses! Deploy more ground warriors immediately!"

Across Stennaros, Yuuzhan Vong warriors charged into battle, their war cries echoing through the alien terrain. It was a brutal conflict, with casualties on both sides mounting rapidly.

Despite this fierce resistance, Marcellus' men continued to press forward. Heavy armored units laid down suppressing fire while infantry teams advanced on key locations across Stennaros. As each position was secured, Marcellus' map was updated with new blue markers.

However, there was one person who was not satisfied with their current predicament. Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane couldn't stand just sitting on this throne anymore.

He rose, towering over his subordinates, his eyes glinting with a ferocity that sent a shiver down their spines. "Change of plans," he declared, "I am going to the front lines."

"But, my Lord," one of his warriors stammered, "Your place is here—"

"My place is wherever I am needed most," Shimrra Jamaane interrupted, his tone silencing any further objections. In swift strides, he exited the command center, heading for the hangar, where his personal bioship awaited.

Beneath the distant rumble of the ongoing skirmishes, Overlord Shimrra Jamaane boarded his bioship. It pulsed with a predatory vitality, a living entity of war that was an extension of Shimrra Jamaane himself. He took his place at the helm, his fingers gently caressing the sentient ship's neural interface.

Back on Marcellus' flagship, there was a palpable sense of urgency yet controlled chaos. The Admiral had received a report of an unidentified Yuuzhan Vong vessel heading towards the surface of Stennaros.

"It's Shimrra Jamaane's bioship," one of his intelligence officers informed him, recognition glancing across his eyes. "He's heading to the front lines."

Marcellus grunted thoughtfully, placing his hand on his chin and looking at the holographic map. He had known Jamaane would not sit idle as Stennaros was besieged, but he didn't expect him to take to the battlefield himself. "This could be an opportunity for us," he said aloud.

But before he could issue any further orders, another Terran Fleet had exited Hyperspace behind them. In front of High Admiral Marcellus appeared Alexander's holographic avatar.

"Admiral Marcellus, continue focusing on the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, I will deal with the Supreme Overlord and his forces on the ground" Announced Alexander as his ship was already heading towards the planet while on another ship, He left the command of his fleet to Abeloth who had come with him.

"Yes, Your Highness" Acknowledged Admiral Marcellus as he kept his focus on the battle at hand.

Meanwhile once his ship got in orbit of the planet, Alexander boarded his shuttle alongside his Royal Guard, and his sons Prince Luke and Prince Jais whom he brought along for a little family bonding on the battlefield. Including his shuttle and the escort shuttle with additional Royal Guards, Alexander had brought an entire army with him to the surface of the planet.

The Yuuzhan Vong's leader was on the surface, and this was the chance to kill him. He would not waste this chance; the time was now to take out the Leader of the Yuuzhan Vong and throw their race into chaos from the death of their leader.

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