
Chapter 243: Eccentric Reencounters 2

R͇e͇e͇n͇c͇u͇e͇n͇t͇r͇o͇s͇ ͇E͇x͇c͇é͇n͇t͇r͇i͇c͇o͇s͇ ͇2͇

The first one I was able to meet was my friend Omar, or better known as El Perro, the truth is that I expected the meetings to be already inside the classroom or at least already inside the Institution, I see that he continues to move forward as he always has, at first I did not know how to react, I was ashamed of how to act in front of him, I did not know if I had to show the boy he met, Yashiro, or the person that I have become now, M. In the end, it seems that I was left with the first option, since I had the urge to cry and didn't know what to say since I saw him.

So I just limit myself to being curt with my words as I was before, but this time showing a smile and giving a gentle tap on my chest, to give him to understand that I haven't changed so much for him to disown me.

『Come on Pato tell tell, gossip gossip gossip gossip ٩(⚙ᴗ⚙)۶ you had a little adventure out there right? I trust you, it would be a pity if they remain a <sano> all this time』 ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ.

<Translator: Sano, sanaso, sana, in Peruvian slang would come to mean a person as it indicates, healthy, good, who never gets into bad things>.

Before Omar's words, I only limited myself to laugh for a few seconds, and to look away slowly or look down, this was enough for El Perro to realize the truth, he recoiled from the impact, his expression said it all, he was afraid.

『Seriously? c( O.O )ɔ No shit, seriously you never had a girlfriend? Skinny? germa? Elf?!!!! A runaway shock at least???¿¿¿¿¿¿"ू(͒ˑ-᷄͡ꇵ͒-᷅͒)ू?!!!!! Really nothing???¿¿¿¿ It can't be.....I think I underestimated your calmness』 』 _| ̄|●『I knew you were calm very calm, but never to the extent of going to such an extreme』

The Dog fell slumped to the floor, he knows his friend, he knew that since he was little he was someone shy who didn't interact much with people, especially those of the opposite sex, this could be reflected very well in his first year of study, they were hopeful that their friend, with those years of improvement he had, would at least be interested in one. Omar couldn't believe that nothing really happened, nothing at all!!!! If Yashiro lowers his gaze or looks to the side, it means that he doesn't have an answer, and if he doesn't know what to answer, it's clear what he thinks.

In there El Perro remembers that mostly, Yashiro spent time with them, and that's where he was most at ease, he just recently saw Yashiro and Rino perform, saying very personal things. At that Omar stood up with his obvious answer, he made a call "Duck" Yashiro turned to see him, but as Omar was so serious in his look, Yashiro did not avoid having to look away to not feel uncomfortable.

『(I get it, what a sonso I was (・・・) it was more than clear, he was giving us hints all this time, if he never inte---no( ゜Д゜;)!!!? if there was someone, Menhera and Jersey, they were the only ones with whom they had more of a relationship with Yashiro, but he only sees them as just some friends simply, but with Rino, who always supported him, it makes sense to feel such a thing with someone who was like that with you)』 ∑(O_O;)『(Also Yashiro, he was always very flirtatious!!!!!)』

Omar touched my shoulder with his hand, I don't know why, but I felt like giving me his moans.

『You are from the other side, right?』 (`ω').

Omar was sure of his answer, you could see him lowering his head saying yes repeatedly in his mind. Menhera and Rino who were behind us, could hear the words Omar was saying, in there Menhera let out a small laugh, commenting that sometimes Yashiro did give the appearance of it.

『What are you saying Dog? Nothing to see, I'm straight, he-te-ro, I like women』 ( ̄^ ̄).

At M's clear answer, The dog that was serious, that his gaze did not take away from his friend, quickly it was like he took a whole weight off his shoulders, off his whole body that had him stiff, he calmed down by putting on a calm expression.

『Fiiuuu, thank goodness, fuck (^~^) don't make me doubt, then we still have hope, and I see that growing up has benefited you a lot, you always had your <pepa> there well marked, although I'm not far behind either』 ヾ(*・ω・ω・)ノ

<Translator: Pepa has many meanings, but this time it would mean in Peruvian Slang, that a person is pretty>.

I don't know why was that reaction of relief from my friend, but it's ok at the end of the day, as we continued our tour, we just arrived at the entrance, Omar was putting on his change of shoes to enter, in there I stood still for a moment, since I don't have anything to enter with.

『Ah don't worry, I have some spare ones here 』.

The Dog went to the side of his locker, and gave a not so loud knock, where that locker just like that could be opened easily, from there he took out some shoes who gave them to me, I wasn't sure about wearing them since they obviously belong to someone else, besides that....

『They are small these』 ( ̄︶ ̄;).

The Dog insisted that I put them on, that it was his good deed for the day, plus he was blackmailing me to accept it for having dodged him recently, I had no choice but to put them on because since, but my nerves went away after seeing how he made a mocking face | ° ◞౪◟ ° |╯

『That locker came loose after our Big Brother gave it a hard kick, the good thing is that we were able to take out the things that were inside, the bad thing, is that with a little bump it ends up opening, and now everyone puts their things in there because they know it can be easily opened』٩(º౪º๑)۶

While I was explaining to myself that that was caused by Jersey, I was lamenting about the locker that belongs to that boy, Menhera and Rino seems that they couldn't stand being at a distance anymore, especially Menhera, commenting in her mind that she already gave enough time for these 2 to have their moment of reunion without interruptions. But it came at a bad time, or maybe not, as Omar would continue with the conversation from a little while ago.

『And what are the kind of women you like?』

To that question, Omar was calm, he was going to start talking about how he likes them, but he quickly felt an aggressive aura very close, either because he had experience with that time, he is now sensitive to bad intention, he can easily detect it when someone is hostile, the Dog started sweating and shaking, where Yashiro commented to Menhera that they were talking about what are the kind of women they like, the Dog became more upset listening to his friend.

『(But shut up!!!! AYY no!!! (iДi)Yashiro may not feel anything for Menhera, but she does for him, saying the question and what Yashiro can answer, again activated that aggressive aura Menhera has, reminds me...reminds me of the 3rd grade Sports Festival!!!!)』-『(Hay mom, what did I get myself into now) (;』;)』

The Dog was literally shitting his pants because of the fear that this one felt just seeing Menhera and seeing traces of that aura on her, this one was looking for help quickly, that he turned to see Rino who was next to him, afraid and only his gesture was telling him to help him, but Rino only commented to him not to be afraid.


『Si!!!!!!』 (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ).

Menhera called Omar by his real name, all the time, ever since they got those names, they have always named them that way, when they hear someone call them by their real names, they know the thing is serious, the bad thing is that it was always used for something bad, never for something good.

Yashiro noticed the silence that was happening, that he turned to see his friend Omar, he was in fear, hiding his desire to run, and then he saw Menhera again with that expression difficult to know what he feels at that moment.

『Good question d(>_・ )I am also interested to know the answer, I was embarrassed to tell you by myself』

Menhera gave a thumbs up to Omar, where Omar was surprised and confused, already noticing his surroundings, there was no trace of the hostile aura he felt just now. But he was stunned for a few seconds, then turned to look at Rino, assuring him that everything was indeed fine.

『See, there's nothing to worry about, besides...why would you be afraid? It's just us』

『True true! hahahaha you guys are also my compas and I can trust you, nahh, it's just that I felt something was wrong a while ago, but now I'm fine (I'm glad Rino is here, he's very reliable)』

After the scare that the Dog got, he felt calmer, but then Rino blurted out a comment that would not be to our friend Omar's liking.

『Yes you are like a puppy』(^^).

『(Although also your little jokes and comments annoy me because they are very soft but direct) Shut up, and you what? you look like a sheep with this hair, pa when are you going to get horns? That's when I want to make fun』

『Yes, I look like a sheep, *smile* 』(^^).

『But play along ptm pa that's fun oe』( ̄ー ̄).

Their conversation of these 2 started off calm, but out of nowhere it turned into a class for Rhino to learn how to follow the game or conversation they want to get to, but this will take time, the Dog likes conversations more how to say it, more of his interest, that's obvious, but in between there has to come a bit of emotion in them. Which Rhino didn't understand, as he always preferred to be quiet.

I also wanted to join their conversation since it looked more interesting, plus seeing Omar, I also felt like cursing XDXD.

『(I felt like throwing shit at someone xdxdxdxd)』

I was about to speak, but Menhera, it wasn't like, but I felt her presence at my back that made me alert just a few microseconds, when I turned to look at her, she did Rhino's to me, placing her finger on my cheek. She was having fun, while I was also amused by my failure to fall for that tactic again. Menhera really was wanting to know the answer to the pos question since she was given the opportunity.

『(I don't plan to waste this, I forgot to ask Yashi-kun that question last night, although that would already make a lot of suspicion, besides, I was too embarrassed to tell him in person, I'll take advantage of the opening Okada-san left to press him)』-『(Besides, he must already realize this, he can't be so blind! Although I like that part about him too, it makes him look more innocent)』

Menhera started to press M with the question that how are the girls he likes, really his curiosity to know was too much that he started to peck M's face to harass him more and make him confess. In other worlds, M would have no problem in telling his tastes, in fact, he had already repeatedly made speeches. But this time he decides to keep quiet.

『I'm sorry, it's just that....ahh.... how do I explain....』

『Don't be mean, count count』('・ε・̥ˋ๑).

『It's just that...(I don't want to tell you, or rather, I don't want anyone in this world to know)』(。-﹏-。 ).

I could notice how Menhera smacked her lips, I quickly felt that hostile aura too, I could see how Menhera's eyes were shining, she stopped pecking my face, but it was to start something worse, I could see how Menhera moved her fingertips mischievously, with that I already realized what she wants to do.

『No....wait....is that I really can't tell!!!』ヾ('・ ・`。)ノ"

『This little finger went to the park, this little finger went to the store, this little finger went on a trip, this ------✩⚫꒳⚫✩✩』

AAAHHH!!! When Menhera starts saying about the little fingers, it means he won't stop until he finishes his rival, I quickly hug myself stopping at the same place, I would try to escape from Menhera's little fingers, but he already cornered me, he quickly put his arm on the wall so he can't escape, while his eyes kept shining and continued about the little fingers.

『This little finger went to his mommy, this little finger ate a cake, this little finger went to farm, this little finger feels like making me cry!!!!』('。ω。`).


Menhera was about to tickle me all over my body, she would stop only until I told her what she is looking for, this always happened when we were little, when I wanted something I always resorted to tickling, and since I am sensitive, just by someone touching me I am already shitting myself laughing. No wonder I resorted to that in my first fight in the first world. I looked like a little red riding hood and Menhera the big bad wolf making me beg for my life.

I was with my eyes closed, but a few seconds passed and nothing happened, I opened them with fear and confusion, I saw Menhera with a smiling and blushing gesture, her eyes that were shining that looked like stars, now just shone and highlighted her beautiful nature.

『Bromite』 (・◡ुु' )

At that moment I remembered that these 2 liked to end a lot of their things with that word, I already remembered from whom I got that habit of joking with each other. Already calmer we continued on our way, in there I was telling Menhera that I really can't answer his question, where Menhera this time without opposing, I easily accepted.

『You'll have your reasons, I'm not going to harass you anymore, *laughs* it was funny just now, thank you very much for making me laugh *smiles*』-『You didn't tell anyone did you? If you didn't tell anyone, that's more than enough』.

Menhera was walking with her hands behind her back, it was like all the hostility she showed before, really it was just a joke, and now again she was the tender and cute Menhera I remember, she was replying to Menhera that yes, I didn't tell anyone, of course, no one in this world, I don't want them to know that I was shouting it to the 4 winds.

『Eh? But if you told me Ya-kun, don't you remember? You looked so happy when you blurted it out』

Rino turned to look at us with those words, at that I was shocked by what he said, asking myself that when was it that I told him, but what took me out of my mind afterwards, was to see Menhera again with that gleam in her eyes, I was scared because I thought she would go after me, but it was the opposite, she went to Rino to look for an answer.

『Enseriously! Please tell me everything!』

『Okay, but I don't remember much』.

These 2 are about to tell a private information to me, I really don't remember if I ever told Rhino, but I know he has a good memory, for sure sometime in elementary or early high school, I told him. I would quickly go to stop them, but Omar was holding me back with his arms.

『Gua, yes you're still light, I want to know too, since I was the one who asked the question, come on Rino!!!! Tell us about it!!!!』

The Dog was having fun and found the thrill he wanted, Menhera likewise couldn't think of anything else but knowing what he is looking for, M was making effort to be able to free himself from his friend, but comparing the strength of Omar and Yashiro, it was obvious who was stronger. It was nothing bad, it looked like just a game between friends in trust, but to other eyes it could look like they were abusing someone. Rino was about to open his mouth, he was raising his hand for sure to mime and explain better, while M already gave up.

『(Well, there goes my secret...)』

『Ay, I guess I forgot, it's just happened a long time ago I don't remember, sorry』.

Rino decided not to tell anything, Rino turned to Omar to let Yashiro go, I was shocked, why he didn't say anything, but they 2 knew it, Menhera played along with Rino, these 2 came to an agreement without even having to talk any more, just with looks they said everything to each other.

『I'm sorry if I bothered you about what I did』.

『Ah, it's nothing, I wasn't serious either』.

Omar was apologizing to me for stopping me, where I replied that if I had taken him seriously, he wouldn't have been able to take me, bragging a little bit now that I have the chance noma xd. But what leaves me in doubt, is that if I really once commented to Rino about how I like them, thanks to Syl's ability to get into the minds of others, I guess that one day, I could search not only that one, but also cloudy memories I have. We were about to go on our way, but someone unexpected came along.

With a ribbon in his hair making a semblance of ears, with brown hair, a camera hanging from his neck, a flamboyant and strange personality, was what I could notice in those few seconds that I was taken by the hand and dragged by his strength.

Menhera noticed this, that all she could do was exchange glances with that girl.

『I'll steal him from you for a moment, don't get mad, crazy girl』.

And he disappeared along with Yashiro, Menhera when he crossed glances with that person, he felt nothing, again that expression difficult to deal with, the 3 could see how his friend was kidnapped by his companion, he looked like a noodle shaking in the air because of how light he was. Where the Dog could also see who it was.

『That wasn't Lys?』

It was a dark place, and it was because Lys was blocking my view with her eyes, at first I was confident, because if it was really something bad, they could not stop me if I go seriously, but I do not know why, but since that person took my hand, I felt that a lot of things had happened, I could see for a few moments, I think they took me to the warehouse, where they keep a lot of things, whether sports that is mostly. Lys made me sit on a mat and his irrelevant but dynamic words, I already knew who he was.

『Successful rescue, I repeat, successful rescue, here brown fox was able to bring safely to the base Gay Duck, right now he is at the base, there are no walls on the shore, we are fully protected, I repeat, gay duck is an asshole xdxdxd』-『Good, now we have him all to ourselves』(ΦωΦ).

『You know I can hear you, you're literally right next to me Lys, and don't call me gay Duck』( ̄へ ̄).

Lys was by her side so I could cover her eyes, where Lys was laughing while she was addressing someone else, with the help of my hands I was able to free myself, and as I suspected, Lys was by my side that we didn't avoid crossing glances, she was flustered by what I just did, but quickly went about her business.

『Now we are going to rape you, get your ass ready 』(๑ↀᆺↀ๑).

『I see your trickery now that you've grown up is more straightforward, yes, it's good to see you again, Lys』.

At Yashiro's calm reply, Lys didn't know how to respond, maybe it's because of the years she didn't see him, because of the calm and relaxed way he told her, seeing M again for Lys, it shocked her more than she expected, that she lowered her head and again acted like she always did.

『Yes yes, very nice and all our meeting, but enough about me! There is someone who wants to see you, tataran!!! before you!! the magnificent one!! the powerful one!! the...I can't, I got homesick, you take care of everything』 (^-人-^).

Lys was going to a hidden part of the place to be alone, where I was looking at her to maybe leave too.


A soft and delicate voice I heard, I turned around fearful, and I had my reasons, that person was in front of me but I did not realize until I spoke, I really could not grasp that she was here with me, for me it was just Lys and me, that was what scared me the most of this, because if it had been in another kind of occasion, I think I would have died already. The person I had in front of me was Yushi, Lys's little sister, she also looks like she didn't grow up much, I can even say that she is still the size I remember her. And I see she still has those bangs covering only one side of her eyes.

『Hello, yes it's been a while, glad to see you again too』.

At my cordial greeting before Yushi, she got nervous out of nowhere, and I even think she wanted to hide her embarrassment, she was in her uniform, and by the color of the ribbon she is in First High School, she is nervous and all, but she didn't take her eyes off me, in that she only thought of one thing.

『(Cock, that's how I like them)』

I didn't avoid feeling a little attraction to Yushi seeing her in front of me, at that Yushi just made a slight arm movement, slowly with her finger she was pointing to herself asking me.

『Do you remember me?』

It was a dry and direct question, but in that dry question, I could tell that she said it with emotion, I didn't know if the question was coming from her or from another, like what just happened a while ago, at that my answer was also direct and without hiding anything.

『Yes, of course I remember you, your bangs, your size, your look that looks like you're going to break a neck, and also that we talked from time to time in elementary school, it was fun and curious to spend time with you, I felt like family *smiles*』

I said just as the words I had in mind, Yushi was a normal girl like any other, she had her faults and virtues, I saw in her things about me that made me feel comfortable. When Yushi heard M's words, many emotions suddenly came to her, but in the end the one that lasted was joy, and she showed it with a smile. Yushi didn't say anything more Yushi, he just bowed to me which quickly told him to stop as it was not necessary, but at that I could notice that he had a wound, on his leg, it was with a band-aid.

"I got it while I was playing sports, in Athletics, I stepped on it wrong and bam! I was worth it!

I don't know why, but it gives me a little laugh to see her miming while her face remains the same, not expressing much. I let out a small laugh, which, seeing her, made me want to help her.

『Don't tell anyone, well yes, or no, fuck if they know』.

I passed just my arm to my Forma Lucario and would start healing her small wound, Yushi was amazed watching what I was doing, that when I finally finished, quickly Yushi was moving her leg and touching her foot, commenting that it was healthy.


『No problem』

At her thanks, I went on to stroke Yushi's head, for me it was nothing unusual, but Yushi seemed to be nervous about it again. FLASH!!!! Someone took a picture of us just then, it was Lys who appeared hidden from the shadows.

『What do we have here! A lolicon skeleton! What was missing in the world, every time we are going to the verga, already better that they destroy us the chingada, NOoo bromita jijijajajaj but if you don't want it is not bromita (=ↀωↀ=) jijijijijajaaj 』 -『Well, this is going to the school newspaper, I'm going to make some money with this!!! and by the way, with Yushi no pendejo!!!! I'm sick but not to your degree, or do you want to compete? I wouldn't have any problem, whoever wins gets Yushi!!! jijijija』

『What? No』

"You don't want Yushi? Don't you love my little sister? Don't you know all the good things about her? EH??!!!! MALPARITO JOPUTA ya me calm down dxdxdxdxd, you want me then? hay cosito, I don't know what to do, let me think about it, maybe...if you meet some conditions I'll give you another chance hahaha, but that's never going to happen, so Nel sucks the dog』 ฅ(⌯͒⚭̈́ ˑ̫ ⚭̈́⌯͒)ฅ

And there she was, again Lys talking gibberish by herself, although that makes her a person you'll never get bored with, before I continued talking because I was more eager to talk to them, the doorbell rang, I was going to join my friends so I wouldn't get lost, but at that Lys stopped me, and with a serious tone, she told me the same thing her sister Yushi told me.

『Yashiro-chan, you, remember me?』

From the way she said it, no teasing, no jokes, when she shows that personality Lys, it's because she's serious, I stared at her for a few seconds and I had my answer.

"Yeah, well, I'll see you later.

『Seriously, do you remember me?』

I don't know why, but I stopped, I wondered why she said it for the second time, I looked at her again but more fixedly, because I guess I must have forgotten something. But there was nothing strange, for me it was the Lys I remember, I went to retire to look for my friends and to guide me to her classroom. Yushi approached her sister and passed by to look at her.

『What a joy isn't it Yushi? She remembers us, we can go on with our daily things *smiles*』.

They too were leaving the storehouse, as something that has been long awaited was about to happen. While M was able to meet her friends, in the classroom, the students were playing since the teacher had not come yet, there was only one person who was still, rather sitting, that as if she already had it figured out, she stood up from her table and would stand straight waiting in front of the door for someone to come in, and that she would also resume, Kanon was also looking forward to seeing Yashiro again.

『Don't make me wait anymore, Yashiro』.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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