
Chapter 244: Chaotic Reunion 1

R͇e͇e͇n͇c͇u͇e͇n͇t͇r͇o͇ ͇C͇a͇ó͇t͇i͇c͇o͇͇ ͇1

Most who knew him, who once had a friendship with him, were happy for this day, because they would see him again after many years, whether they were people who had been his friends since the beginning and got along well, it is normal to want to see again someone with whom you spent the rest of your time with, in laughter and who was fun.

That was what Kanon thought, she also had the right to be happy, to want to see Yashiro again, because for her they are friends, a friendship that will last until their goal is fulfilled, to destroy and tear Yashiro to pieces and never get up again.

Kanon is not the bad one, or at least that's what she thinks, everything she has done is for the good of her friend, if she tells him that he is a trash, it is for his good, if she makes a bad joke, it is for his good, if she starts criticizing him in a negative way, it is also for his good, she had to treat Yashiro as the worst person, for her own good and that of the others, since she thinks that by doing this to him, this nightmare she knows everyone is living will finally end.

『I am the good one here, and for that very reason, now that you came back, I have to destroy you again, that you become someone who you are not, you only complicate us all』.

Kanon who was sitting in her seat, with the around her living room which is the most bullish of all, did not flinch at this, she was still standing in her same place with a smile on her face, that because of her excitement, her smile was misshapen because of what she would be about to do. It is something very rare, since before, when she was little, Kanon was also one of those who made the mess, who was the first one to shout to make a mischief or whatever comes to her mind. Kanon in first grade, she was the one who acted instead of thinking first. Now it is as if her whole being has suddenly changed, it is as if she has become another person, she is very calm, she no longer makes so much commotion, she just does what she has to do, although her way of speaking is still present, full of contradictions to what she does not like and fighting to reach her agreement.

She had already rang the bell, the teacher is still not coming, which makes her doubt if he had not come yet, these moments made her remember when she was late when she was little, and the teacher or teacher had him or her outside.

『(Where is Yashiro, he's supposed to be back, stop making me wait)』-『. Just like they did to me, I won't let the teacher in, not until I'm done with Yashiro, no one will interrupt me until I'm done with him』.

Kanon stood up from her seat, and determined to wait all the time in the world, she stood in front of the door, as if it was the most important fight of her life after many years, she was thundering her fingers of her hand, ready to massacre until she can't take it anymore, and start begging crying on the floor. Kanon remembered that day again, that day of entering High School, where after a long time she finally achieved her goal, seeing Yashiro crying on the ground, screaming and accepting everything she told him, seeing him in that state, made Kanon feel a great feeling, that of relief and joy.

『(Please come to me Yashiro, I want to feel that feeling again)』-『(Of being the savior that no one would remember)』.

That misshapen smile of extreme joy that she would be about to feel again, as if she was a little kindergartner, she blushed, as she would again become the savior, the heroine that no one remembered, but who was very important in the story, from the beginning, to the end.

Maybe it was because she was more attentive than usual, but her ears were picking up the sounds from outside better, she was concentrating only on one person, her target to locate. M was able to meet her friends again in the passageway of the Institution, who many of them had their hand waving to make it easier to locate, as they returned, their conversation was still entertaining.

『You guys have brothers or sisters right? Fuuaa what a fucking envy, at home there's only me with my father, it's fine to be me alone, but a support wouldn't be bad, having someone to exploit would be cool, you have to be fly always』Σ(・ิ¬・ิ)『But is that true, the way you treat a son depending on the first, the middle and the last?』

El Perro commented that the 3 of us have brothers and sisters, as he is an only child, it gave him interest and curiosity as it is to have someone younger of the same blood, they began to talk about what peculiar things have the brothers, where each one gave his opinion.

『Well you could say that we are lucky, being born with a sister, it's like being born already with a friend, although I was born with 2 (♡ >ω< ♡) as we were born at the same time, we don't feel that what you said, for us it's as if we were the first, and we were always treated the same, but years later Taichi came and it was noticeable because he was the youngest, the affection and treatment we gave him, we all spoiled him, except Konomi, even as a baby he was already exploding ( ・ὢ・・ )』

The 3 boys imagined Taichi as an infant, how the whole Nanase Family was spoiling him, and out of nowhere Konomi would come to make him become mature and do things on his own, and at the same time she would make him run errands for her. Rino, who had 3 children in his family, was hitting the nail on the head of Omar's doubt.

"At this point can I consider myself a child? Well, I'm a big boy now, I'm the one who has to take care of my little sisters, see that they eat well, see that they do their homework, see that they have fun, see how they grow day by day, not because I'm smaller or bigger my treatment towards them will change, for me they are my little sisters, and I will continue to treat them the same way, even if they refuse *smiles* 』-『If they behave well I will give them a prize, if they misbehave, there will be a peaceful way to solve it, teach step by step, with affection and love, that's how I was raised and that's what I will pass on to them, they are the main reason why I want to improve』.

Listening to Rino, with that calm and serene tone that he has, that in spite of what he has been through he is still standing, the 3 young people who listened to him, made us break our little hearts, because of what happened with his mother, it is normal that he has taken such a reliable personality, because that was what his family needed. We could hear someone blowing their nose, and it was Omar who denied it categorically.

『What's with this day hand!!!!! Stop making me look pathetic please!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAA』('Д⊂ヽ

Omar was able to stop his tears, and went to Rino to grab his shoulder and tell him.

『You are a Fighting Brother』('ヮ`).

『Thank you very much *smiles* And you're a good little doggie』.

『ᕙ('︡'︡益'︠)งAre you going to keep that up? I'll bust you! nahh lie xd』

Menhera could see the scene of how the Dog was starting to admire our friend, and also wanting to return all the jokes, I was also sentimental about what I just saw, but Menhera from what I was looking at, I lowered my gaze, as I felt this was not the right thing to do and should have never happened. Lastly it would be me, and it was kind of funny, since it was from the one who had the most siblings to the youngest I had, since I only have my sister who already has her own job and is going around doing her life out there.

『Well, I....yo..... I don't know what to say, I was away for a while you know』 ల(*'= ◡ =`*)『What I remember about my sister, is that she abused me when I was little, being stronger than me, she used me as a punching bag when she felt bored, we also did pirouettes, danced in the living room, and many other things that I don't remember much, but there we went, now that I'm back I hope to do more things with her』

I was talking about my relationship and what I was doing with my sister, it seems that El Perro had little interest in her, she was only in her mind, a comment made me snap out of it.

『Yeah, your sister is pretty hot』 ˉ̶̡̭̭ ( '͈ ᗨ `͈ ) ˉ̶̡̭̭

『Yes, my sis-----what?』 ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)?

I turned to see Omar and he was totally blind to his surroundings, I started to give him small blows to his cheek but he did not respond, then Menhera wanted to try to wake him up by giving him a small blow on his neck, but he was still lost in his mind while he was saying things about my sister. Menhera was upset because her move didn't work, so she resorted to tickling, but the bad thing is that El Perro is immune to this technique.

Menhera and I tried a thousand ways to make El Perro wake up from his fantasy and what things he will have with my sister in his mind now, we tried to hit his nose, give him little smacks on his forehead, give him little pinches on his hand, while we tried everything, El Perro kept commenting to himself.

『You are beauty, I invite you to breakfast at night, you should be called cute, because you are cute, here, a flower for another flower, please officer arrest me and interrogate me all night, my crime is, falling in love with an angel as rich as you』 (*ノ∀`*).

My expression when I heard that from my friend El Perro | ͠° ▃ °͠ °͠ | I really hadn't felt this before, I didn't care about my sister's love life, she since long before already made her life and didn't want anyone to meddle in her affairs, what she does stays only in her. I didn't know that my friend was attracted to my sister, and not only that, he has fallen in love with my sister!!!! Seeing how this one makes an idiot face ignoring everything in his path, plus I can tell how he wants to be vulgar because that's the way he talks, it started to bother me more than I thought it would.

『(No doubt...no doubt...I won't let this flea dog, be with my sister!!!!)』 щ(`D'#щ)

Now that I knew this about my friend and how he feels about my sister, I'm not going to let him be with her ever, for the simple fact that, my sister deserves someone better!!!!! Re hate had for her friend El Perro xdxdxdxdxd.

『You introduce her to me one day Pato now that you're back, in the meantime I'll do if it's bad, a good tie up never fails』 (*'∀`*)

『(And on top of that you want to tie him up!!!! We went out chamaco el perro, Ah no Perro pulgoso pendejo, búscate otra, por que a mi hermana la defiendo de imbéciles como tu)』 ლ(;; ิ益 ิ;'ლ)

At that moment I couldn't stand it anymore because of what the Dog was saying, that I gave him a strong slap that finally made him wake up from the dream he was having, the Dog was quickly going to complain about why I had just hit him, but as if he had taken Menhera's personality, with a not friendly smile he was telling him that.....

『Nothing bro, it was a fly passing by, I just hate flies, they start making noises you know the BURRRRRRRRR and BAM!!!! Makes me want to kill them 』 (*^-^)

『....Ah! of course of course! (^▽^;) the flies, yeah flies, yeah obvious, obis, I hate them too, they start making little noise, I understand you』 (;^ω^^).

『Yes, flies, you're a smart little dog』 (^-^*)/.

Omar and Yashiro started to laugh at the end, because there was nothing else they could do, in the end this case remained that flies are one of the most annoying insects there are, especially when they start to make their little noise, at the slightest they enter your circle, they sniff there to sink their legs in and suck like never before, like a certain little person I'm looking at right now.(。-`へ'-。)

『How weird it feels when you stare at one Pato』 ₍₍ ( ‾᷄꒫‾᷅ ) ₎₎₎

We continued walking where we were already close to reach the classroom, Menhera was excited to introduce myself to my classmates, but in that as if it was a lightning, Lys quickly passed by our side entering through the upper door, Lys was smiling but out of nowhere, a hand dragged her inside, it really looked like a horror movie those seconds.

『Don't make me lose my chance!!』 ლ (#`ロ^;)>

It was Kanon who was holding Lys by the collar of her clothes, but Lys let herself be shaken by that person, as all her desire was saved for witnessing what would be about to happen, when these 2 people would cross glances.

『You are lucky (*●ω●) there are siblings who are very identical despite not being twins, there are sisters who look like their brothers, they are like them....(*'~`*) but with long hair...』(_ _||||)

What The Dog just said, more like he saw it than just a rumor that reached his ears, Kanon was still still scolding Lys for coming in and making him miss his moment of impact. She was shaking him like never before, but as was obvious from Lys, she wouldn't be intimidated by just anyone.

『Ahh!!! I can't hear you I'm stick I got fish ears, I can't hear, I can't hear, I'm stick I've got fish ears, I can't hear you I'm stick I've got fish ears』 (=ΦÅΦ=)

『This damned fish ear!!!! You do things as you please to get your way !!!!! But I won't let you ,you heard!!!!』 ᕙ( ︡'︡益'︠)ง

『Ah! It's been a while since I've been called Orejona xdxd XD look at the pelotuda (* ̄▽ ̄)d hahahahahaha la pendeja la pendeja (ΦωΦσ)σ I've had my way forever』 (=ↀωↀ=).

M and the others had entered through the lower door of the classroom, where they could observe how Kanon was physically abusing Lys, Kanon was frozen watching this, but the one who was really cold was M, who could even be observed how this one took a step back, no, even this one the moment he saw her, like his strength was lost.

『*tsch* Well never mind (With that being Yashiro, I knew it, no ca----)』

『Ah! -ah! -ah! -ah!- ah- ah Help!!! This Tomboy!!! Although more like Femboy by the looks jijijajajajaja He's abusing a beautiful girl, defenseless and wouldn't hurt anyone, did you know that princesses are imitations of me? no? well! there you have a datazo, he was just walking around here spreading partridges and happiness to all, oh! Now who will come to save me!』 (ФоФ)

A drama started out of nowhere, of Lys playing the role of a damsel who needs to be saved, although her acting this time more like a cheap imitation, Kanon was disgusted to see that way of acting of Lys who acted it out with her face, which annoyed our companion very much.

『How you like to attract attention』 ( ̄x ̄;).

I look at her with a face much more of contempt and unbearable disgust, Lys quickly from her characterization, she changed to appear colder by seconds, she really looked like another person, that even The Dog who was with us, her whole body cramped up at the sight of her.

『You are a bad person!!! Bad bad person!!! I just wanted to make the atmosphere more fun, you're a trashy, bad bad bad person!!! bad bad ma....what more words were there?? xdxddxd a well, take this!!!! 』

But the opposite happened, Lys looked like a little girl who started spitting in Kanon's face, who she was protecting herself with her hand so as not to get dirty with the drool. Although everyone should be used to it by now, they are always left confused when they have to see something like this, it seems that Lys is of drastically changing her personality to what is needed at the moment, that's what everyone understood in these years.

『De...leave her alone.....por....please』

For the first time, after many years, something in me that hadn't appeared, made itself present again, and I realized that it only appears when this person is in front of me. Between stammering, with my eyes lowered and wanting to retreat, I addressed Kanon with a low and fearful tone of voice.

Kanon was left with nothing to do, letting all the saliva coming out of Lys' mouth come to his face, Menhera was worried about this, she was going to intervene already at once, she didn't want to see her friend in such a pitiful state again like that day

『(I won't let, let him make him suffer again, never again)』.

Menhera was about to take her friend's hand, but she felt something strange, she saw something that made her change her mind, M was trembling, that was very true, but among all that fear she felt, she clenched her fists and with that Menhera realized, Rhino had also realized what was happening, that both of them out of respect for their friend, that he has to be the one to defend himself for the first time, without help, according to their teachings, they could not intervene this time.

『Don't do anything to him, I'm already here, so please stop now.....』-『I TOLD YOU TO LET LYS GO!!!!!!!』

『SHUT UP!!!!!!!』

M who was shouting and making himself respected, was quickly silenced by Kanon, all the bravery he managed to muster, was gone at Kanon's simple shout, M hunched like a small animal looking down when his attention was called. Lys also stood still and without saying anything, Lys was the one who stared for seconds at M, and she knew that what happened a long time ago would be repeated, she was sure, someone was going to be destroyed again this day.

『You let go of me, so much with you Kanon, for this time, you saved yourself from me』.

With ease, Lys broke free from Kanon's grip, and her words more seemed like some kind of unsubtle threat, as those nearby could hear her. Kanon paid no attention to this, as his whole being was focused only on the person in front of him. Kanon the first thing she did, was to check only with her eyes, from head to toe at Yashiro, seeing him that he was trembling, looking down, and about to fall down, she would take advantage of this to embarrass him more.

『Come closer, show your face at least, you haven't walked through life like this have you? Without looking at your target like you always have!!!! I TOLD YOU TO COME CLOSER!!!!』

At the second wake up call, Yashiro slouched a little more, he looked like he was going to cry, he has never disobeyed someone when they give him a call, he was always someone who does what he is told as a child, now it's like he was back to being that weak and fearful little boy, he slowly went to walk until he was in front, face to face with Kanon.

『I see you're still a dwarf compared to me, or is it because you're hunched over as usual??! Eh?! Aren't you ashamed that you've been like this your whole life!!! Not even with what happened to you did you have the misfortune to get better!!!! EH???!!!! I see that garbage will remain garbage even if you demand it until you can』-『ENSERIO YOU ARE STILL THE SAME CRYING BOY I REMEMBER!!!! LOOK ME IN THE EYES DAMN IT!!!!!!! STOP DOING THAT!!!!』

Kanon lashed out harder at the end, where Yashiro was still looking down, his shaking form worsened which was now more evident, Kanon was getting annoyed, but it was still in agreement. M would try to vocalize a little amidst all his fear, but out of his mouth came only words, no, letters, no, it came out only weird sounds that no one heard unless he was nearby. Kanon noticed that Yashiro wanted to talk, but she kept talking without giving Yashiro a chance.

『Blaa? da??? uh yd jjkaruh TALK FUCKING WELL!!!! PTM YES YOU ARE PITIFUL!!! Don't let people give you opportunities! You get them yourself!!!! Until you make yourself respected, I will continue with mine, come on, it's not hard, it's just me, *smiles* really like everyone missed you, I missed you too, I had nothing to have fun with since my favorite friend left, who to abuse, who to curse, who to tell his truths to understand that what he does is wrong, who to do the wrong thing WHENEVER I TELL HIM NOT TO DO IT!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET BETTER AND YOU DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT!!!!!! STOP HURTING ALL OF US BECAUSE OF YOUR SELFISH DESIRE!!!! YOU'RE A VERMIN THAT EVERYTHING YOU GOT IS OUT OF PITY!!!! STOP BEING PITIFUL AND DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE!!!! WHY DID YOU TAKE US WITH YOU TO DO THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!! STOP BEING SO DAMN STUBBORN!!!!』

M would try to vocalize, from head to foot this one kept shaking, his mouth, his mouth looked like a volcano about to explode, the movement he even started dropping his saliva on the floor.

『Bkla lau karhf flaka Are you retarded? Are you sick? Even those people have more dignity than you, you would have given up at the slightest warning, so this wouldn't have had to happen and no one would have to go through this, you fucked up everyone's life!!!! we were all happy before you showed up, we were!!! we were all!!!! we were!!!! WHY DO YOU HAVE IT SO PERSONAL DESTROY IT!!! we would have continued ignorant living our lives....what did it cost you, being ignorant for that one time.....now that you came back I don't give a shit what you did!!!! Knowing that we are getting closer to the same thing!!!! Just by looking at you I can see that even with everything going for you you didn't grow up!!!!! I was your first nightmare! And I always will be!!!! Get it well engraved in your mind, and again *tsch* LOOK AT ME IN OUR REENCOUNTER FUCK!!!!!』

Kanon seemed to let out everything he kept to himself all these years, his voice alone was resonant in the classroom, all the other classmates were silent, Menhera who was the one who was the most eager to go and intervene, was the one who was under the most pressure, who even seemed from biting her lip so much, to burst it.


A fearful voice was heard, it was Yashiro who could finally speak, and he only said that one sentence, never to speak again until this humiliation was over. Kanon was left confused and shocked, who abruptly stopped his words.

『No?....no??? BUT NO WHAT THE FUCK!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!!!!!! AHH!!! WHY DOES IT ALWAYS MAKE ME ANGRY TO TALK TO YOU!!!! BE MORE CONCISE WITH YOUR WORDS!!!!』-『YOU'RE SLOW!!!! YOU ARE WEAK!!! YOU TREMBLE!!! YOU CRY!!! YOU WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO HELP!!!! YOU DO NOT DO ANYTHING!!!! YOU ARE SMALL!!! YOU NEVER GET MAD!!! YOU REALLY CAN'T FEEL ANY PRIDE IN YOURSELF???? DON'T YOU GET PISSED AT BEING TOLD ALL THIS!!!!』-『I've had enough, like you said, you're already here, I'm not going to waste my time anymore, I'll destroy the little progress you recovered so you'll never get up again, I was the one who started it, and I'll be the one to finish it, this is the last time, look me in the eyes, or else....yo....yo...』

Everyone was attentive to Kanon's words, even Lys who did not look away, leaving aside her camera so as not to miss this moment. Yashiro was still shaking, a few seconds passed, before Kanon concluded the time, Yashiro looked up at last, his face was like someone about to cry, it was like seeing a small child in need of his mother, the first thing Kanon thought was to see how pathetic Yashiro looked, this is where he would end his words to him. He was about to speak, but when he looked into his eyes he realized that.....no was looking at him, Yashiro was looking at nothingness itself, he wasn't strong enough to look face to face with his nightmare.


With those last sentences of Kanon, which always seemed to be taken from something much deeper that we do not know, Kanon finished his speech, his massacre against the one he once destroyed years ago, that time he achieved it after a long time, Yashiro fell down to the ground without strength, as he is doing now. His legs trembled and his arms seemed to break at the slightest touch, alone, afraid, about to cry. Lys looked at the scene and thought the same as Kanon.

『(It's true, if one person hadn't been born, the world would have been different, whether it's a small change or a big change, it would have been different, but in one thing you have done wrong all this time Kanon, what you try to achieve is that it repeats over and over again until you succeed, but to your fortune, or rather unfortune, all the time, it's different, and for that very reason, it's funny, life can come to surprise you, if everything had been the same, you wouldn't be here right now)』

From what Yashiro was shaking, he started to stop shaking. It was like in a moment everything came into control, to his control, he got up that yes slowly, and it was to give more drama to the scene.

『You're done?』-『Didn't you want to know what I meant by that, then stay with the desire, I want that after what I tell you, you still think I'm the Yashiro you knew』.

He didn't stand up at all, M didn't show his full face, his face was covered by a shadow, and in it was shown only his smile, a smile that is not friendly at all. A while ago M commented that...he felt like insulting someone.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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