
The Foreign Office

After looking through the file of Torquil Travers for nearly eight hours, Destiny didn't find a single connection between the man and the Muggles except for one instance every month. Killing Torquil wasn't a big deal, she could do that easily, but she wanted to get him killed by the Muggles or her ploy wasn't going to work. She had been planning to get rid of Torquil on the night of the Ball using the Time Turner, but now it seemed that she needed to wait if she wanted her plan to flawlessly.

It was a good thing that Destiny wasn't someone impatient, she could wait for years if necessary and in this instance, she only needed to wait two weeks for her chance to strike. She could very well use this time to infiltrate the facility. It was a good thing that nobody knew about her identity. Every month Torquil Travers visited the Foreign Office to submit a report about the stuff going on in the Magical World.

'Fucking bastard!!' Destiny couldn't help but clench her teeth in anger. From the reports, Destiny realized that the Ministry of Magic had to submit reports related to the Magical World to the Muggle Offices. Even the Minister of Magic has to report to the Muggle Prime Minister every month, who was also a filthy Muggle and it was the same with Torquil too… She couldn't believe that Magical people who were in charge of leading their society had already sold themselves to filthy Muggles.

If the truth got out then there would be hell to pay… At least for the people who are in charge, after all, they are the ones who decided to lower themselves in front of Muggles. Revealing the secret would be useful for her agenda, but not right now. Right now, the Magical population wasn't ready for a war, especially with all those Pro-Muggles in the Wizengamot. First of all, she needed to get rid of their support, as soon as Torquil was dealt with, the Pro-Muggles were going to receive a serious backlash.

But before she could make any moves, Destiny decided that she needed more information. She needed to know why the Minister of Magic had decided to deal with the Muggle Prime Minister. She also needed to find out if the current Minister of Magic for the atrocious alliance or if it was there since the beginning. Merlin might have been a great Wizard, but he was a Muggle lover. He had founded the Order of Merlin. It was a group of Wizards and Witches who protected the Muggles as they believed that it was their duty to protect the Muggles.

So, Destiny wouldn't be surprised if she found that the Order of Merlin were in contact with the Muggle Governments since their establishment. It was a well-known fact that the Order of Merlin was later transformed into the Wizards' Council, which was later transformed into the Ministry of Magic. Destiny needed to know the whole truth before she could make a move. She needed to know the mechanics of the alliance before doing anything.

Destiny released a long yawn… 'I think I should get some sleep…' Destiny sighed as she finally got up from the table. The Time Turner was an amazing artefact, she was quite impressed. "Bibly!" Destiny called out and the small creature appeared beside her with a small pop. "Take this and place this inside my private safe" Destiny said as she handed over the Time Turner to her house-elf.

"Of course, Mistress Destiny" Bibly bowed her head as she accepted the artefact, and moments later, she popped away. Destiny Apparated inside Cassiopeia's room, and without wasting any time, she started to take off her clothes. As soon as she was done, she joined Cassiopeia in the bed…

<Line Break>

"I think I should have rejected the offer of attending the Ball" Destiny grumbled as the older Witch continued to take her measurements. Cassiopeia and Ambika both snickered over the misery of Destiny. The crimson-haired woman simply threw them a filthy look with a flick of her finger she fired two Stinging Hexes in the direction of Ambika and Cassiopeia. 

Both of them yelped in surprise when the Stinging Hexes hit the mark. "That was mean" Ambika muttered as she rubbed her thigh and Destiny simply looked at her with a smug grin on her face. 

"Come on it is not that bad" Cassiopeia tried to reason as she also rubbed her thigh as it was still stinging due to the Hex. 

"It is bad" with that said, Destiny decided to remain silent until the older Witch was done with the measurements. After another 5 minutes, the Witch was finally done noting down all the measurements of Destiny. After that, Destiny finally released a relieved sigh. 

Yesterday, Cassiopeia had informed Destiny that she needed a dress to attend the Ball during the dance and etiquette lessons. Destiny had been horrified, but since there was no way around it, she could only go with the flow. Destiny already knew that she needed to wear a dress as soon as Sirius told her that she needed to attend the Ball, she wanted to keep ignoring it for as long as possible, but Cassiopeia decided to remind her of the fact only to add fuel to her misery. 

So, today Cassiopeia called their Family tailor for Witches to take measurements for Destiny and Ambika. Cassiopeia already had a dress for such events but neither Destiny nor Ambika had a dress for such occasions. With the help of Magic, making dresses for two Witches wasn't that hard, but that didn't mean that Cassiopeia would accept anything less than impeccable.

"What type of dress do you want?" The Witch asked Destiny. 

"I want a suit with trousers" Destiny answered, surprising the Witch along with Cassiopeia. Ambika was already expecting something like this, so she wasn't surprised in the least. 

"Milady, you can't, it is a Ball where all of the renowned Families have been invited, you must…" The Witch began to speak but Destiny cut her off. 

"I don't care" Destiny deadpanned with an irritated look on her face. 

"Destiny, you can't go to the Ball dressed like a Wizard" Cassiopeia also tried to convince the crimson-haired Witch, but it was simply useless. 

"I wouldn't be caught dead in a sparkly dress. It is non-negotiable…" Destiny trailed off and walked out of the room, without looking back. The Witch released a sigh and decided to follow Destiny's order even though she wasn't happy with it.

She was sure that Destiny was going to step on a lot of toes due to her dressing choice, but it wasn't her place to judge. She was going to do what was asked of her. She had no idea who the crimson-haired Witch was as Destiny never introduced herself, but she knew that the crimson-haired Witch was really powerful, it has been quite some time since she was in this profession and she had learned how to sense someone's aura. So, in the end, it won't matter, after all, Purebloods have a tendency to forget someone's shortcomings if the said Wizard or Witch was powerful. 

That must be why the Blacks were also mingling with this Witch. After all, the Blacks were staunchest bigots out there and they wouldn't host someone who isn't someone special. Well, just like she said, it wasn't her place to complain, and it wasn't the first time she was going to make a suit and trousers for a Witch. This was just the first time when she was going to make a suit and trousers for a Ball. She simply shrugged and started to think about the designs.

"Shall, I walk you up to the Floo, Mrs Gastings?" Cassiopeia proposed and the older Witch simply smiled and shook her head.

"That won't be necessary Ms Black. Though I would have liked to know what colour of suit that Witch would have preferred…" Mrs Gastings is the current tailor for the Witches of the Black Family and Destiny was being hosted by the Blacks, Cassiopeia thought that it would be appropriate for her Family's tailor to make the dress for Destiny too.

Cassiopeia immediately turned towards Ambika, even though Cassiopeia was also Destiny's lover, Ambika was simply more knowledgeable when it came to Destiny's preferences. "…If it was up to her, then she would have preferred everything in Crimson, but I think she would be also happy with a black suit, but make the shirt crimson along with any designs you decide to put on the suit" Ambika answered with a small chuckle and Cassiopeia scrunched her face in distaste, she could never understand Destiny's obsession with then crimson colour.

"Hmm… I see. Black will go nicely with crimson aesthetics and what about you?" Mrs Gastings asked Ambika. The white-haired Witch was done with her measurements before Destiny.

Ambika tapped her chin with a thoughtful look on her face. "…This is going to be my first dress, so I don't have any ideas. I think I will leave it up to you, just make sure that my dress goes along with the suit and trousers you are making… Oh, and don't forget about my hair" Ambika answered after a bit of thinking. Mrs Gastings quickly made some points in her notebook.

"Good… Then, I will be excusing myself. I have a lot of work in front of me. Your orders will be done by 9 am tomorrow" Mrs Gastings said while looking at Cassiopeia. She slowly stood up from her seat and made her way towards the Floo. After tossing the Floo powder, Mrs Gastings muttered the name of her shop and as soon as the flames turned green, she stepped in.

It was Cassiopeia who had called Mrs Gastings in the morning and she had invited Mrs Gastings into her house through the Floo… So, Cassiopeia didn't need to reveal the secret to Mrs Gastings. Even though Mrs Gastings was curious about the house, she refrained from asking anything. Mrs Gastings was a professional, so she simply paid attention to what she was called for and she ignored everything else.

When Mrs Gastings was finally gone, Cassiopeia turned towards Ambika and released a huge sigh. "She is going to ruffle a lot of feathers tomorrow…" Cassiopeia plopped down on her couch.

"Well… she is just like that, quite headstrong and stubborn" Ambika replied with a smile, and Cassiopeia couldn't help but agree.

"Maybe that is a good thing. If you want to change the world, then you need to be headstrong and stubborn" Cassiopeia muttered with a thoughtful look on her face and Ambika nodded her head in agreement. "Anyways, I need to go and reveal the Secret of my house to my parents and Lord Black" Cassiopeia grimaced as she pushed herself off the couch.

"Have a good time, I also need to go…" Ambika said as she also got up from the couch. Ambika was first to Disapparate with a crack and moments later, Cassiopeia started to head towards the Floo… She could have Apparated too, but she preferred Floo over Apparition…

<Line Break>

Destiny was not happy… today was not a good day for her. After getting her measurements done, Destiny decided to check out the Foreign Office. They knew the location of the building, it was somewhere on the King Charles Street, London, but Destiny didn't know the directions since she was still quite unfamiliar with the Muggle side of the country. It has been just a month since she had arrived in this country and the place was simply too big to explore in just a month. So, there was no way that Destiny could fly or Apparate to the given locations.

During breakfast, she had asked Cassiopeia if she knew where this King Charles Street was, but Cassiopeia didn't even know that there was a street named like that. Looking back, Destiny knew that it was stupid of her to ask Cassiopeia anything related to the Muggle World. Though Cassiopeia had suggested her to use the Knight Bus, she was sure that they would know where this King Charles Street was, but Destiny simply couldn't understand why Cassiopeia looked slightly green when she mentioned the Knight Bus.

The reason Destiny was unhappy because she had to talk about wearing a dress before leaving the house. She had a growing suspicion that her day wasn't going to go as nicely as she expected. So now here she was, standing outside the Ward line of Cassiopeia's house so that she could summon the Knight Bus. She had already Transfigured herself to look like someone else… According to Cassiopeia, she simply needed to hold out her Wand and the Knight Bus will appear. Destiny was quite interested to know how it worked, but Cassiopeia didn't have any idea…

So, Destiny finally pulled out her Wand and held it out in the air… moments later, with a loud bang, a purple monstrosity appeared in front of Destiny. 'What in the name of Circe's tits is that??' Destiny gaped in shock. It was a triple-decker purple monstrosity. It looked like the British Ministry of Magic loved to take Muggle vehicles and enchant them. The Hogwarts Express was also a Muggle vehicle, which was enchanted by the Ministry of Magic, and now this??

Destiny finally stepped into the bus and she was quite surprised that instead of seats, the bus was filled with beds. "Where to, miss?" The bus driver asked Destiny with a cheerful grin on his face.

"King Charles Street" Destiny answered without paying much attention as she was still looking around at the interior of the bus.

Curtains could be seen hanging by the side of the windows and there were candles in the brackets in between the beds. Destiny suspected that they were lit up during the night. Destiny finally located the seats at the end of the bus, she was about to make her way towards the back of the bus, but she heard the driver speak up.

"Buckle up!!" The driver cheerfully exclaimed and the bus blasted off with a loud bang, Destiny would have been tossed towards the back of the bus, if she hadn't grabbed the steel beam on pure instinct.

Destiny finally understood why Cassiopeia looked green when she was talking about the Knight Bus. At first, when she saw the Knight Bus, she thought that Cassiopeia was disgusted because the Knight Bus was a Muggle contraption, but that wasn't the case. The Purebloods were a bunch of hypocrites, they didn't have any problems when their children travelled on the Hogwarts Express, it was also a Muggle contraption, but they seemed to have problems with anything Muggle other than that. Maybe trains were widely accepted because trains were not that rare in the Magical world too. There were a lot of Magical trains going around through Europe…

'Jokes on Cassi because I love speed!!' Destiny would have cackled in mad glee, but she was sure that if she did that, then the driver would think that she had lost her mind. Even though she was disguised, she had an image to maintain. Destiny vowed that she was going to use the Knight Bus whenever possible…

Destiny was having a lot of fun as the bus continued to manoeuvre through the Muggle streets. After a couple of minutes, the bus stopped with a loud bang. Well, that is what Destiny thought as she was busy enjoying the ride. Destiny was flung towards the front and she would have gone through the windshield if she wasn't holding onto the steel beam.

"We are here!! That would be one sickle!" The driver said in a cheerful tone, Destiny scooped out a sickle from her pocket and dropped it inside the bucket.

"That was great" Destiny grinned and stepped down from the bus. The driver beamed at the compliment and waved at Destiny with a grin on his face before blasting off with another boom. "Yes, I am still going to keep that even after I take over the Ministry" Destiny said out loud as she stared in the direction where the Knight Bus disappeared. Destiny shook her head as she decided to forget about the Knight Bus for now and look for the Foreign Office.

The Foreign Office is quite a well-known building as it was one of the Muggle Government offices. As expected the streets were lurking with Muggles, but just like always the Muggles completely ignored her. She had already activated the Muggle Repelling Charms inscribed on her earrings. Destiny decided to rummage through the mind of one of the Muggles and the man knew exactly where the Foreign Office was. So, without wasting any more time, Destiny made her way towards the said building.

The Foreign Office was only one block away from the place where the Knight Bus had dropped her, so it didn't take her much time to reach the Foreign Office. 'This is not going to be as easy as I had expected' Destiny grimaced as she discovered that the building was Warded with an Alert Ward, which meant that someone Magical was keeping an eye on the building or they could have set up some sort of sensor that would alert the Muggles inside the building if someone Magical was trespassing on the property.

'Let's see how the Ward works…' Destiny mused as she flicked out her Wand. She decided to move away from the building's front.

The Muggles were already in contact with the Magicals, so she wouldn't be surprised if the Muggles have started to employ Squibs into their ranks. Her Muggle Repelling Charms wasn't going to work on Squibs as they could see through those Charms without any problems even though they couldn't use Magic. Destiny didn't want to be seen poking around the ward line even while she was in a disguise. That would raise the alarm and the Magicals who were working with the Muggles might tighten the security around the building, then her job would simply become even harder.

Destiny finally found a suitable spot to poke around the Wards… So, she kneeled down beside the ward line and started to cast various types of Diagnostic Charms, but she was being quite careful as she didn't want to trip the Wards by accident. After poking around the Wards for nearly a minute, a wide grin appeared on Destiny's face. She was right to be careful, there were Squibs employed in the Foreign Office. The Wards were designed to ignore people with specific Magical signatures and some of the Magical signatures were so low, that they could only belong to Squibs.

She needed to deal with the Squibs one way or the other… They were a security risk to their world, but Destiny didn't want to outright kill them like the Muggles because they did have a bit of Magic in their bodies. That is the only reason she had allowed Merope to live or else she would have put her in a coma until the child was born and then she would have gotten rid of her. The Squibs could very well reveal their world to the Muggles without any problems, but they could be a valuable workforce.

Destiny finally released a sigh and stood up. There was no way that Destiny could get past the Wards without raising an alarm. She couldn't even make a hole in the Ward as it would trip the Ward. There was simply no way around the Wards, except for one. All the Wards shared one common weakness, they didn't extend under the surface of the ground. These Wards weren't anything different. If she wanted to get past these Wards, then she simply needed to dig a hole.

She also needed to set up a base somewhere around here… She needed information on all the employees. Due to the Squibs, the difficulty of the job went up by several levels. She also needed to check how much information the Muggles have gathered regarding their world. So, Destiny decided to look for a nice place she could use as a base. The place needed to have a good view of the Foreign Office so that they could tag all the employees.

After looking for about 15 minutes, Destiny finally found the perfect place to set up her camp. It was a third-storey building and it was quite far from the Foreign Office but with Omniculars, they would be easily able to keep an eye on the Foreign Office as there was nothing in between the two buildings to obstruct the view. The three-storey building was a Muggle Apartments building and even though the apartment Destiny wanted to use wasn't empty, she was sure that it would work out perfectly.

Destiny spent another 15 minutes looking around the building. 'We can dig the hole from here… This could be our base of operations while we use the apartment as a stakeout to keep an eye on everyone' Destiny contemplated as she looked around the basement. It was nice and big and nobody besides the staff came here. After that, Destiny finally made her toward the elevator. She needed to add a Magical marker so that her Knights could directly Apparate inside the apartment.

After reaching the top floor, Destiny made her way towards the apartment facing the Foreign Office. She was already excited about riding the Knight Bus for the second time… That is the only good thing that has happened to her today. After arriving in front of the door, Destiny decided to knock. Even though most people would consider her to be evil, she had manners and shit. After only a few seconds, a woman answered the door.

"Yes, how may I help you?" The woman asked with a confused look on her face as she peeked through the door, but instead of an answer, she found a wooden stick pointed in her direction.

"Imperio" Destiny muttered with a grin…

<Line Break>

Quinton Moor just finished training with his team and he was about to take his team to help with the construction of their new base, but all of a sudden a Patronus Message from Lady Grindelwald arrived, asking him to bring his whole team with him to meet her near the ward line facing the ocean. 'It must be something important or she wouldn't have called everyone' Quinton thought as he glanced towards his team. All of them had also heard the message, so they were already ready to go.

"All of you heard the message, let's go!" Quinton exclaimed and moments later, one by one they started to Disapparate. After everyone was gone, Quinton finally Disapparated.

Destiny had been waiting for Quinton and his team. Slowly the members of Quinton's team started to arrive and finally, Quinton also arrived, he was the last one to arrive. "Hail, Lady Grindelwald!!" All of them exclaimed loudly and slammed their arms over their chests as a form of salute.

"At ease, everyone" Destiny smiled and everyone finally relaxed. "I called all of you so urgently because I have a mission for all of you and this time, I am going to need the whole team" Destiny explained. "Bibly!" Destiny called out and her loyal house-elf popped beside her only after a moment. "Bring my Hookah" Destiny ordered and Bibly popped away after performing a small bow.

After only a few moments, Bibly returned with the Hookah in her hands. Destiny snapped her fingers and lit the fire, then she grabbed the pipe and took a long drag. When her lungs were full, she let go of the pipe and released the smoke. The smoke took the form of Torquil Travers and everyone on Quinton's team, including Quinton, etched down the man's face and stature into their minds.

"His name is Torquil Travers and he is our target. He is the current Head of the DMLE, killing him is not hard, but I want to get him killed by Muggles so that we could reignite the hatred. Right now, there are a lot of Pro-Muggles in our world and they are slowly growing in numbers. They do have a lot of support and their support base is also growing" Destiny said in a sullen tone. 

"When we succeed, those Pro-Muggles would lose their momentum. I was planning to kill him tomorrow night, but it turned out to be more complicated than I had imagined. Torquil Travers does not have any connection with the Muggle world except for one instance… Every month, he visits the Foreign Office to submit a report and he is accompanied by two of his Aurors. They are selected randomly…" Destiny explained. She was planning to continue speaking but someone from the gathered crowd raised her hand. 

Destiny simply gestured her to speak up. The Witch gulped loudly "Milady, what type of reports is he submitting to the Muggles?" The Witch questioned curiously and Destiny couldn't help but scowl.

"I don't know for sure but the Unspeakables suspect he is submitting reports related to the current affairs of the Magical World, but that is simply speculation. That is also going to be part of the mission. We need to infiltrate the Foreign Office and see what type of information he is giving away to them" Destiny answered with a scowl on her face. For now, she decided to keep the part where the Minister of Magic is also submitting reports to the Muggle Prime Minister a secret. She could use it as fuel to motivate them when necessary.

Murmurs broke out among the gathered crowd after hearing Destiny's answer. Destiny couldn't help but smile as she understood what they were feeling. Rage, anger, and the feeling of betrayal just like she had felt. Destiny also felt that Torquil had betrayed them, he was a true traitor to their kind just like that scum, Desislov Krum. Just like Desislov Krum met his end at the hands of the people he tried to save, Torquil Travers was also going to meet his end at the hands of the people he decided to join hands with. Destiny would see to it one way or another.

"Silence!!" Quinton screamed and silenced everyone. He didn't like the fact that his team started to have a conversation among themselves when Destiny was standing right in front of them.

"*ahem* So, as I was saying, we need to get him killed by the Muggles, and he is going to submit this month's report in two weeks. That is when I am planning to strike… Now, the problem is that there are a lot of Squibs working in the Foreign Office and because of them we would be unable to freely move inside the building. I also need to find what sort of information they had provided to the Muggles" Destiny revealed and once again murmurs broke out within the crowd, but this time, they stopped on their own.

"Milady, what are we going to do to the Squibs?" One of the Wizards from the crowd questioned curiously.

"What is there to decide? They will also meet their unfortunate end along with Torquil Travers. They would have been a valuable workforce, but at this moment, they are a liability and a threat to our world…" Destiny shook her head in disappointment.

"But, milady, if we kill so many people how are we going to frame the Muggles?" Quinton asked with a confused look on his face.

"I am glad that you asked. We won't be simply framing the Muggles, it would be the Muggles who will do the deed and we will simply give them a hand. You see, there must be a lot of Muggles who are also believers of Gods working in that Office, let's say that all of a sudden they decided to get rid of the devil worshipers with unnatural powers… What do you think, Quinton?" Destiny asked and Quinton along with several of his team members started to grin viciously.

"Yes, we would need to work really hard, but I am sure that the result will be satisfying. First, we need to tag all the employees, and then we would need to investigate them thoroughly. After all, it would be odd if an atheist became a believer out of the blue… Additionally, we also can't use the Imperius Curse, the Muggles need to believe that they did everything on their own accord and by the wills of their God" Destiny explained and Quinton raised his brows in question.

"So, you mean to brainwash them?" Quinton asked and Destiny hummed in agreement. "It will take some time and it will surely be complicated, but it won't be impossible" Quinton muttered while rubbing his chin. Brainwashing a Wizard or a Witch is somewhat difficult as their Magic fights back, but brainwashing a Muggle with Magic is not that hard.

"Now, I have secured a place for our base of operations. Don't kill the Muggles inside the apartment, I have them under my Imperius" Destiny explained and then she snapped her fingers. Several small Magical Circles appeared on the ground. "Step over the circles and Disapparate, you will arrive inside the house I have secured for our mission" Destiny explained and one by one everyone started to Disapparate… Since Destiny already knew where the apartment was, she simply Disapparated and arrived inside the house with a small crack.

"Milady, is that the Foreign Office?" One of the Witches asked as she pointed toward the Foreign Office.

"Yes" Destiny confirmed and then she looked around. Almost everyone including Quinton was already here, so Destiny decided to continue explaining. "The Foreign Office is Warded by an Alert Ward, I have inspected the Ward and there is only one way we could use to get past the Ward without tripping the Wards" Destiny revealed and some of Quinton's team members stepped forward with proud looks on their faces.

"Milady, when do we start digging?" One of the Wizards who had stepped forward asked in a respectful tone.

"As soon as possible, this building has a massive basement, all of you could camp in there for the time being while this apartment will be the watchtower" Destiny explained and everyone nodded their heads in understanding. "Good, then let's get started!" Destiny clapped her hands with an excited grin…

<Line Break>

"I still can't understand why Lord Black decided to arrange a Ball in our honour" Imogen couldn't help but grumble… Dorothy had taught her everything she needed to know as the oldest daughter of the Family even though this was the first time Imogen was going to need all of those teachings.

"Hah… That is the excuse Lord Black is using, but in reality, Lord Black has arranged the Ball for recruitment of Lady Grindelwald's cause" Dorothy revealed and Imogen's eyes grew wide in surprise.

"You should have told me before" Imogen complained and Dorothy simply released a sigh. Her daughter was 26 years old, and sometimes, she could still act just like a child.

"Your father said that it would be better if you didn't know. He didn't want you stepping on anyone's toes…" Dorothy explained and Imogen simply tilted her head in confusion.

"Stepping on anyone's toes, how am I going to do that, hm?" Imogen asked curiously as she tilted her head and Dorothy simply shrugged.

"I don't know, but that is what he said… It must be something political or it might be related to our Family status. You know that even though we are Purebloods, in the eyes of the Ministry we aren't Purebloods, at least you aren't. A lot of Families would look down on us just because of that" Dorothy explained with a shrug. Imogen released a defeated sigh and sagged in her seat. She could never understand politics, not that she needed to in the first place.

"Mother, what do you think about Destiny Grindelwald? How strong do you think she is?" Imogen asked and Dorothy simply raised her brows in amusement.

"That is not a question you should be asking me… You already know that I am not that good when it comes to Wand work, I could get the things done, but you are way better than me… So, I think you already know the answer" Dorothy smiled slyly.

"Yes, but I still want your opinion" Imogen insisted.

"Well, I know that she is extremely dangerous. The way she killed those Muggles, she didn't even consider them humans" Dorothy answered with a straight face, but she shivered as she remembered the look on Destiny's face as she killed the Muggles.

"That is also what I tho…" Imogen began to speak but she was cut off when all of a sudden the Floo flared up. Imogen and Dorothy immediately made their way towards the Floo to see who it was. Both of their eyes grew wide when they saw who it was.

"Ah… there you are. Can I step through?" Destiny asked with a polite smile on her face.

"Yes, sure, sure" Dorothy hurriedly pulled out her Wand and pointed it towards the Floo, so that she could allow Destiny to enter. After a couple of seconds, the flames turned green and Destiny walked out of the Floo. With a snap of fingers, Destiny removed the soot from the bodysuit and hair.

"Welcome to our humble abode, milady. Though it is not much…" Dorothy welcomed Destiny inside the house.

"It is fine… I used to live in a shack when I grew up" Destiny waved off the older Witch's worries. "I was kind of free so I decided to drop by" Destiny explained as Dorothy led Destiny towards the couch.

"Greetings, milady" Imogen also greeted Destiny with a small but respectful bow. Imogen had also realized that Destiny was not someone to be trifled with.

"It is fine… There is no need to be so stiff. Where are the others?" Destiny asked as she finally sat down. Destiny simply gestured Dorothy and Imogen to take a seat and soon, the two of them also sat down on the opposite side.

"My sons have already returned to school and my husband is currently working with the Unspeakables" Dorothy answered. "Milady, would you like some tea?" Dorothy offered respectfully.

"I am sorry, but I am not much of a tea person. Though I wouldn't say no to a small drink" Destiny answered and Dorothy immediately summoned their house-elf and asked him to bring three glasses along with a bottle of firewhiskey. The house-elf returned after only a few seconds, Dorothy poured drinks for everyone and Destiny Conjured ice cubes for all three of them with a slick of her finger. Once again, Dorothy and Imogen were taken aback by the casual display of the Wandless Magic.

Destiny took a small sip from her glass and nodded in satisfaction. "You said that Claiborne is already working with the Unspeakables, but I thought that Imogen and Claiborne were going to join the Department of Mysteries next week…" Destiny wondered and Imogen couldn't help but release a snort. Dorothy threw her daughter an imperious glare.

"*cough* What I wanted to say is that milady, you don't know my father. Wards are his passion and now that you have given him an interesting idea, he has decided to delve into research and he is not going to stop until he is done" Imogen explained after she gathered her bearings.

"Yes, my husband is just like that" Dorothy added with a shake of her head and Destiny couldn't help but chuckle at their reactions.

"Ah… I kind of understand how it is. Sometimes I also become like that whenever I find something interesting or when something that catches my eyes" Destiny grinned and chugged down the rest of the drink in one go.

"So, Imogen, have you made any more progress?" Destiny asked as she continued to stare at Imogen.

"No, milady, at least I don't think so. I have practised a bit and I was able to improve my time, but I think that I could be way faster" Imogen explained and Destiny hummed with a thoughtful look on her face.

"I see… Though don't overwork yourself. By the way, if you need any more subjects then tell your father to ask the Unspeakables or you could always visit my base. I will get you as many test subjects you want" Destiny offered with a grin as she slowly stood up. Both Imogen and Dorothy also followed her example and stood up as they didn't want to disrespect Destiny.

"Milady, are you already leaving?" Imogen couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I need to go… I still have a lot of things to do" Destiny answered in a tired tone. "Thanks for the drink though" Destiny smiled as she placed the glass on the table.

"Milady, it is already time for lunch, we would be really glad if you could join us for lunch" Dorothy offered and Destiny could only shake her head.

"I am sorry Dorothy, but Sirius had already invited me for lunch. How about I join you for lunch the day after tomorrow?" Destiny suggested and Dorothy beamed after hearing Destiny's suggestion.

"That would be perfectly fine, milady" Dorothy answered with a bright smile on her face.

"Thanks for your hospitality" Destiny thanked both Imogen and Dorothy before making her way towards the Floo. Destiny grabbed some Floo powder and tossed it inside the fireplace. "Black Tower" Destiny called out and as soon as the flames turned green, Destiny stepped inside the fireplace, and then she was gone with a flare of green flames, leaving behind the mother and daughter duo…

<Line Break>

"Milady, this one is also my brother, Arcturus Black II and this is his wife Lysandra Black née Yaxley" Sirius introduced his second youngest brother to Destiny. The man accepted Destiny's hand and placed a kiss on the back of her palm. 

"It is nice to meet you, milady. I have heard a lot about you from my brother and I also agree with you that the Muggles need to be shown their place" Arcturus II said with a proud look on his face.

"I am glad to hear that… Finding support is getting harder with each passing day" Destiny said while shaking her head.

"You shouldn't worry, milady. A lot of families, including my paternal Family, will also support you" Lysandra said with a bright smile on her face.

"Hmm… Though I am sure that you are unhappy that I am trying to build a better place for everyone Magical, including Muggleborns, what do you think of that?" Destiny asked and both Arcturus II and Lysandra glanced at each other.

"We would be lying if we said that we weren't displeased. In fact, we still don't like it, we hate it, but we have heard from Sirius about the problems you mentioned. Now that we think about it… We understand that you are right, but it would still take us time to get our heads wrapped around the fact…" Arcturus II spoke while shaking his head.

"I see… At least you understand the problem" Destiny smirked. Cygnus finally arrived along with his wife and a man slightly older than Arcturus II. Sirius stood up and greeted his brothers and sister-in-law while his wife called their house-elf to bring glasses for everyone. After all, Cygnus didn't arrive empty-handed, he brought a bottle of expensive firewhiskey with him. After a couple of minutes, the drinks along with some snacks were finally served.

After only a minute, even Elladora Black arrived, even though she was quite ancient, she was still going strong and from the looks of it, she was still respected by everyone in the Family. Destiny also paid respect to the older Witch with a small bow of her head. Hesper poured a drink for Elladora too, who politely refused the drink saying that she was too old to join the young generation. She was only here because Destiny had called for a meeting and Destiny thought that her input might be important. 

"Milady, this is also one of my youngest brothers, Phineas Black. He is still a bachelor" Sirius introduced the man who came along with Cygnus with a small chuckle. Phineas threw his brother a dirty look, before turning back towards Destiny. Phineas respectfully bowed his head and placed a kiss over Destiny's knuckles. 

"You are quite a beauty, milady" Phineas complimented Destiny, who couldn't help but smile. 

"Thank you, but unfortunately, I swing the other way" Destiny answered back with a chuckle. Phineas was slightly taken aback by the comment, but once again his smile returned to his face. 

"Haha… I didn't expect that, but the compliment still stands" Phineas added with a cheeky grin. Destiny finally understood why the man who was the oldest after Sirius was still unmarried. The man was a womanizer. 

"Hah!! When are you going to grow up and stop acting like a man whore…" Elladora Scolded Phineas with a shake of her head. "Sirius do something about him" Elladora gave Sirius a pointed look who also released a tired sigh. 

"You wound me, aunt. If I stop doing what I am doing then so many Witches are going to be heartbroken… I can't do that to them… I am someone who loves to spread his love" Phineas said in a dramatic tone. 

"Don't you have any shame? I suppose you don't, but for fuck's sake stop embarrassing the rest of us" Sirius snapped and Phineas released a dramatic sigh and took a seat. Destiny couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of the Black Family. The rest of the Family members were trying to hide their faces in shame, but now that everyone was seated, Destiny decided to start the meeting. 

"Sirius, what is the current standing of Squibs in our world?" Destiny asked curiously as she took a small sip from her glass… 


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