
The Spy (I)

"Sirius, what is the current standing of Squibs in our world?" Destiny asked curiously as she took a small sip from her glass. After hearing Destiny's question, a contemplative look appeared on his face, he started to piece the answer inside his mind. While Sirius was busy thinking about the answer, Elladora decided to speak up and make her opinion clear regarding the said topic.

"They are the shame of our world, as soon as they are born, they are either killed or they are shipped to the Muggle world, hundreds of years ago or so, there were no Spells to check if the children are Magical or not, so the parents had to wait until the children grew up… They would have to wait for the signs of accidental Magic so that they could confirm that child wasn't a squib, by that time, the parents would have formed some sort of connection with those children, so killing them would become hard for them…"

"So, they would do the only thing they could do at that time, they would send those children to the Muggle world after wiping their memories. Some parents were so incompetent that they would simply send those children to the Muggle world without bothering to wipe their memories… Nowadays, there are Spells to verify if the child is Magical or not, so all the Families, including ours use them. There have been instances where squibs have been killed in our Family, but there had been no squibs in our Family since Sirius' generation…"

Elladora revealed quite a bit of history, she revealed much more than Destiny wanted to know. She wasn't surprised to find that some Families killed their own babies if they turned out to be squibs. Elladora had admitted that the Blacks have also killed the squibs born in their Families to hide their shame. According to Elladora, there haven't been any squibs in their Family since Sirius' generation. In other words, there was a squib in her own generation, who was probably killed.

Well, Destiny wasn't going to point fingers, at least, the Blacks removed a threat to their world, instead of letting it become a security risk for the Magical world. At this moment, the squibs were just that… If they lived, then they must stay in the Magical world or they were going to become a security risk. Sirius finally released a sigh and downed his whole drink in one go.

"Milady, I think they are a threat to the Statute of Secrecy. Even if they are Obliviated, they could still see the Magical world and they could reveal the Magical world to the Muggles even with a minor accident… They might become curious and end up discovering the Magical world…" Sirius bit out in an annoyed tone.

"That is already happening" Destiny commented in a dismissive tone, surprising all the Blacks present in the room.

"…Milady, what do you mean by that?" Cygnus sputtered in shock.

"I meant what I said… A few hours ago I found that squibs are being employed by the Muggle Government offices and I suspect that there are some Muggles in those offices who also know about the existence of Magic… After all, the building was Warded and they were keyed to the squibs employed in the building along with actual Wizards and Witches…" Destiny revealed and after hearing her words, all the Blacks present inside the room looked completely pale.

"But milady, how could that be? That would be breaking the Statute of Secrecy…" Lysandra protested with a horrified look on her face. What Lysandra said was kind of true, but she was wrong at the same time. Nobody was breaking the Statute of Secrecy if nobody knew about it and she had no idea what sort of deal was going on between the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle Governments… Destiny was quite versed with the Statute of Secrecy, so she knew that there were a few clauses that could allow the Magical Government to work with the Muggle Government.

One such instance would be in case of a convict manages to escape. The Magical Government could ask for help from the Muggle Government if a convict manages to escape into the Muggle world. Then there were a couple of trade clauses too… Not only that, there were a couple of Monarchy clauses too, which would allow the Monarch of a country to interfere in the Magical world. When the Statute of Secrecy was created, the country was still under Monarchy and even though the Monarchy seemed to have lost a lot of power throughout the centuries, they were still Monarchs.

Destiny was quite sure that the Monarchy knew about the Magical world, due to their close connection with Merlin and the Order of Merlin after Merlin's death. So it was highly likely that the secret was passed down in their family throughout the generations. After all, the Monarchy held power to interfere in the Magical world, currently, the Monarchy was declining in the Muggle world, and Monarchy never liked losing power… So, it was highly likely that they would want to hold on to all the power and authority they could.

"It is not that simple, Lysandra. You see, the Statute of Secrecy is much more complicated than you think… Most of the Magical population thinks that the Statute of Secrecy is just a one-line law. It is much more than that… There are several minor laws and clauses cramped inside the Statute of Secrecy along with the basics that everyone knows" Destiny explained going into her scholar mode.

"Wait! Really??!" Phineas gasped in shock. Nobody told him that the Statute of Secrecy was so complicated. He thought that it was a one-line law, like the rest of the Blacks. All of them were taken by surprise.

"Yes, really. If I have to explain everything then it is going to take way too long. Just know that being in contact with the Muggle Government doesn't mean that they are breaking the Statute of Secrecy… There are various types of clauses that could be used to create some sort of deal with the Muggle Government and there is nothing the ICW could do since nobody is breaking the laws" Destiny shrugged and downed her drink in one go.

She pointed her hand towards the bottle and the bottle flew into her hand. She poured herself a drink and then she noticed that everyone have downed their drinks in one go… So, Wandlessly levitated the bottle and started to pour drinks for everyone. This was the first time, Arcturus II, Lysandra, Phineas, Hesper, and Elladora have witnessed Destiny's Wandless Magic with their own eyes and the reaction was something Destiny was quite familiar with. All of them dropped their jaws as their eyes grew wide in awe…

"So, as of now, I don't know what those squibs are doing and what type of information they are selling to the Muggles" Destiny released a sigh.

"…Even if they aren't doing anything, we need to stop them, milady. This can't go on… For all we know, they might be already strategizing how to take over our world" Cygnus couldn't help but grit his teeth in anger and Destiny smiled after watching everyone's reaction.

"You are right, this can't continue and it must be stopped, but there is no we. The House of Black isn't going to be involved in what I am going to do" Destiny said in a no-nonsense tone, leaving no room for arguments. "Sirius, something is going to happen in two weeks and I am pretty sure that an emergency meeting will be called as soon as it happens… there is something I need you to do, I want all of you to spread the rumours when it happens… There will be no room for mistakes…" Destiny said with a serious look on her face and after that, she finally started to tell the Blacks what she wanted them to do…

<Line Break>

The next day Destiny walked out of the shower without bothering to cover herself with anything. With a snap of fingers, she removed any traces of water from her skin, and the water from her hair was also removed. She walked straight up to her wardrobe and after looking for a bit, she found the perfect clothes for the day. She wanted to have a relaxing day, as she had a daunting task coming up. She was already having a headache, just thinking about it.

After getting dressed, Destiny flicked her finger and Neptune flew into her hand. Destiny stared at the Katana in her hand with a saddened look, after getting her new Wand, she haven't been using Neptune and she felt kind of bad for not using Neptune. Neptune gave her a feeling of harmony while her new Wand gave her the feeling of power. The Wand wasn't anywhere near powerful as Neptune, but she preferred using the Wand due to sheer convenience and she also liked the feeling of power.

The feeling of power she got from the Wand wasn't anywhere close to the feeling of power she felt from the Wand of Destiny. The Elder Wand was something completely different, even Neptune couldn't compare with the power of the Elder Wand. According to the legends, the Wand was unbeatable and even though Destiny didn't believe that it was unbeatable, she believed the Elder Wand is the strongest Wand in existence. That is why Destiny wanted Gellert to have it, he needed it more than her.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Gellert had his own plans. Destiny couldn't help but shake her head at the memory. For now, there was nothing Destiny could do and why Gellert decided to remain in the prison was simply beyond her. He obviously had his own plans, but Destiny was kind of disappointed. He could have told her what he was doing, and she would have helped him, but she couldn't complain much as Gellert had asked her to spread their influence in Magical Britain as Gellert wasn't planning to visit Britain anytime soon…

Destiny jabbed her hand toward the table, and her Wand holster placed on the table flew towards her and the holster snapped around her arm. Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction. Without wasting any more time, she left the room, Destiny was planning to spend some time outside the house. She was planning to polish Neptune while relaxing at the beach and it was still quite early in the morning, so wasn't going to have to worry about the heat.

From last night, Destiny had decided to resume her Magic training as she had taken care of almost everything and according to the Ancient Tome, she was going to need at least a year to finish the process. The Wizard who had written the book had taken a year to finish the process and according to him, he was the second-fastest in their Kingdom. The Prince of their Kingdom was the fastest, who took only 11 months to finish the process. So, even though the time period wasn't fixed, she estimated that she needed nearly a year to finish the process, which was quite long.

Now that Destiny knew that she needed a lot of time to finish the whole process, she simply refused to waste her time any longer. From the Ancient Tome, Destiny knew that the Wizards and Witches in ancient times were much stronger than the current generation. When the Ancient Tome was written, there were more than quite a few Witches and Wizards have reached the Crystallized Magical Core state with pretty ease, but nowadays, it was extremely rare for someone to reach the Crystallized Magical Core state.

Additionally, Destiny didn't have anything else going on right now. Yes, she was planning to kill Torquil Travers, but that has to wait. Quinton Moor and his team were already keeping an eye on the Foreign Office and they have already started to work on the tunnel. Putting all the Muggles under the Imperius Curse wasn't a big deal. So, everything was going smoothly for now. She couldn't make a move before having all the information at hand, and gathering all the information was going to take at least a week. 

Destiny finally arrived outside the house and then she slowly plopped down on the sand. After that, Destiny slowly pulled Neptune out of its sheath… It has been some time since she had looked at the beautiful blade. Destiny placed the sheath beside her on the sand, while she placed the flat side of the Katana on her lap. She Wandlessly Conjured a piece of cloth in her hand. After waiting for a few seconds, Destiny started to polish Neptune with the piece of cloth in her hand.

Since Neptune is Magical Katana, it didn't need any maintenance, but Destiny still liked taking care of Neptune from time to time. Previously, she had done it more frequently, but after getting her new Wand, she kind of forgot about it. She scolded herself for forgetting about Neptune. Destiny softly smiled as she continued to polish the blade. Destiny sensed someone coming from behind, and she wasn't surprised that Cassiopeia was up so early.

"Good morning" Cassiopeia greeted Destiny with a smile on her face. This was the first time, Cassiopeia saw Destiny polishing her Katana, so Cassiopeia decided to watch Destiny closely. So, she sat down beside Destiny on the sand. "Is that a legit blade?" Cassiopeia questioned as she wanted to know if the blade could be used to cut or stab someone.

"Good morning, Cassi…" Destiny greeted back Cassiopeia with a smile on her face and then she leaned toward Cassiopeia so that she could capture the green-eyed Witch's lips. After a small kiss, both of them parted away and Destiny turned back towards the Katana in her lap. "…And yes, this Katana does have a blade. Since this is a Magical Katana, it won't lose its sharpness" Destiny continued to polish the blade without looking up.

"Do you even know how to use that?" Cassiopeia questioned in a teasing tone and Destiny couldn't help but chuckle after hearing Cassiopeia's question.

"If you are asking me if I know how to sword art or not, then the answer is no, but I do know how to use this as a focus and I am quite good at it too…" Destiny sniffed as she raised her nose towards the sky with a mock haughty look on her face and Cassiopeia released an amused snort.

"You know, you could have easily dominated the duelling arena with how strong, fast, and powerful you are…" Cassiopeia trailed off with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Thanks for the compliment, but you already know that I can't do that… Being Heiress Grindelwald and all" Destiny giggled softly and Cassiopeia simply hummed. "…Maybe in some other life, I suppose" Destiny mused as she glanced towards Cassiopeia before returning to what she had been doing.

"By the way, Cassi, don't you have any friends? I don't want to be rude or anything, I am simply curious…" All of a Destiny asked, making Cassiopeia frown. When Destiny noticed the frown from the corner of her eyes, she decided to clear the misunderstanding because just like she said, she was kind of curious as Cassiopeia never talked about friends.

"I do have friends and you will get to meet them today. I was in Slytherin, it is a house where even friends seek opportunities to get one over you so that they could gain an upper hand during any future deals between the families…" Cassiopeia explained and Destiny gave the green-eyed Witch a look of pity.

"It must have been quite bothersome" Destiny commented dryly with a look of pity in her eyes, but moments later, she couldn't hold back any longer and started to laugh. Cassiopeia gave Destiny a dirty look before she huffed and looked away.

After a minute, Destiny finally calmed down. "…What about your friends? Do you have any?" Cassiopeia asked curiously and Destiny simply shook her head after a bit of thinking.

"My Lieutenants are my friends, but aside from them, you are the only one whom I can call my friend" Destiny released a sigh. "I never had a childhood where I could make friends without any worries, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. In fact, I am really happy with the way my childhood turned out and I couldn't have asked for more…" Destiny answered with a soft smile on her face, and Cassiopeia happily returned the smile.

"I see… Anyways, join me after you are done with your Katana" Cassiopeia slowly stood up, and then she dusted off her dress to remove the sand from her beautiful posterior. "I would have to give some more pointers for the Ball before breakfast" Cassiopeia said in an amused tone as she made her way inside the house.

"Fuck you!!" Cassiopeia heard Destiny scream from the outside and she clearly noticed the annoyance in Destiny's voice. Cassiopeia would have loved to accept Destiny's offer, but now was not the right time and she was sure that she had killed Destiny's mood. Cassiopeia chuckled in amusement as she decided to head toward her room. She decided to take a shower before starting with Destiny's dance lessons…

<Line Break>

A man in his late thirties was standing on the top of a building near the Thames river. The whole area was shrouded by thin mist, so the man was clearly visible to all the pedestrians walking down the streets, but surprisingly, noboby was paying any attention to the man. After only a couple of seconds, a crack was heard from the other side of the roof and a young man with messy brown hair and hazel eyes came out from the shadows. The man smiled at the arrival of the younger man.

"Dumbledore" The young man greeted the man who had been standing on the roof and the man's smile widened.

"Good morning, Newt…" Albus Dumbledore smiled as he started to approach the younger man. The younger man, Newton Scamander or usually referred to as simply Newt used to attend Hogwarts before he was expelled from the school. He took the blame for one of his friends, Leta Lestrange, but he never regretted his decision.

"Hello, professor, how have you been?" Newt extended his hand towards Albus. Albus accepted the offered limb with a small chuckle. After they small shake of their hands, both of them took back their hands.

"I have been doing fine, Newt. What about you?" Albus asked with a soft smile on his face.

"Everything is fine, professor. I have already finished the book I have been writing and it is going to be released to the public next month… I could get you an early copy if you want?" Newt suggested with a proud look on his face. He was really proud of the book he had written.

"It would be my pleasure, Newt" Albus also swelled in pride. Newt was one of the brightest students to ever attend Hogwarts and he was extremely saddened when Newt was expelled, but at the same time, he was proud too since he decided to take the fall for one of his friends. "So, what did you wanted to talk about?" Albus asked with a serious look on his face. It was Newt who had arranged for a meeting out of the blue and Albus suspected that it must be something serious or Newt wouldn't have asked for a meeting.

After hearing Albus's question, Newt also turned serious. "I am sure that Grindelwald's army has entered our country" Newt revealed and Albus paled drastically like he had seen a ghost. Albus grabbed Newt's shoulder and looked straight into his eyes.

"Are you sure, Newt? How did you come across this information?" Albus asked hurriedly. If Grindelwald's Acolytes have entered Britain then it was quite worrying, especially when Gellert Grindelwald was imprisoned. If the Acolytes have entered Britain, then it meant that the Acolytes were already under someone else's command or Gellert was giving orders from his prison, which was kind of outrageous.

"Yes. They have established a small base in the Magical Alley of Edinburgh. They are openly recruiting… They must be quite good at Illusion Magic and Mind Magics as they are fooling everyone. I wanted to see what was up, so I decided to check out their offer. Look, they even gave me a brochure…" Newt said and pulled out a small book from his jacket.

"You won't be able to prove anything after reading it, but you will clearly understand the message they are trying to send" Newt added with a small smile, but he wasn't smiling because he was happy, he was smiling because he had a habit of smiling even at weird times.

Albus accepted the brochure with a bewildered look on his face. He opened the brochure and quickly read through the first page. Nothing was obvious and incriminating, but Albus could already see the message, but it wasn't going to do him any good. He would be unable to prove anything with just the brochure, after all, the Acolytes were using the front of a Magical Law Firm, there is no way that the Aurors would tangle with Lawyers, especially when he couldn't prove that they were Acolytes.

"Did they recognize you?" Albus asked with a hint of worry in his voice and Newt simply shrugged with an unsure look on his face.

"I gave the credit to the American Aurors, so I don't think that my name was mentioned anywhere" Newt guessed with a sly smile, and Albus couldn't help but chuckle at the comment.

"Have you told anyone else besides me?" Albus asked in a desperate tone. Newt immediately shook his head. Albus nodded his head. "Good! Good! Tell your brother about this tomorrow, I will be sending someone as a spy" Albus revealed and Newt paled in horror.

"Are you out of your mind, Dumbledore? You are planning to send someone to join them?" Newt gasped in horror and Albus chuckled humourlessly.

"I don't like it any more than you do, Newt, but sometimes, we need to make hard choices… I need someone who could spy on their movements, or we will be at a huge disadvantage when they finally start making their moves. At least, Grindelwald is still in prison or I wouldn't have made this decision…" Albus shook his head with a solemn smile on his face.

"Fine!! I don't like it, but I understand where you are coming from… Just tell them to be careful whoever you are sending" Newt waved his hand dismissively. "Then, I will be leaving first. Goodbye, Dumbledore" Newt bid his farewell with a grin and Disapparated from the roof with a wide smile on his face. After Newt was gone, Albus looked down at the brochure in his hand, and a deep frown appeared on his face…

'Gellert… Are you still controlling your army or did someone else already take over your army?' Albus questioned inside his mind even though he knew that nobody was going to answer him. Albus shook his head in sadness and disappointment. Why did it have to turn out like this? Once again, Albus questioned himself, but he knew that he wasn't going to receive an answer… After a couple of seconds, Albus also Disapparated with a soft crack…

After some time, Albus finally arrived in his office, he gently placed the brochure at the table. He took off his coat and placed it on the stand and then he removed his hat and placed it on the cloth stand too. Albus rubbed his face due to frustration, once again he was about to involve someone else in the war and ask them to put their lives at risk. Yes, at this moment there was no war, but Albus didn't have any delusions. He knew that war started years ago when Gellert landed the first blow by killing Desislov Krum.

Albus released a frustrated sigh and pulled out his Wand with a small gesture of his hand. "Expecto Patronum!" Albus decided to summon the said person via Patronus Message…

<Line Break>

Minerva McGonagall made her way towards the Head of the Transfiguration office. It was Albus's office, some time ago, a Patronus message from Albus arrived at the quarters. For whatever reason, Albus had decided to summon to the summon, it must be something important, or else he wouldn't have called her. After all, he knew that she had to prepare for her classes. Minerva arrived in front of the man's office and knocked at the door.

"Come in, Minerva" Minerva heard Albus's voice from inside. Minerva unlocked the door and entered the office. "Good morning, Minerva. Forgive me for summoning you at a bad time as I know that you were probably preparing for your classes, but it is something really important" Dumbledore said as he gestured towards the seat.

"It is no problem, Albus. What is it you wanted to talk about?" Minerva smiled brightly as she sat down. Albus picked up a brochure from the desk and handed it over to Minerva. Minerva frowned as she accepted the brochure.

"Have a read, Minerva. You will understand what I am trying to say" Albus insisted. Minerva gave the man a questioning look, but she opened the brochure without any complaints. As soon as she started to read, a frown appeared on her face, and as she continued, the frown on her face continued to deepen.

It took Minerva nearly half an hour to finish the book. "What is the meaning of this Albus?" Minerva asked looking completely outraged, she couldn't believe that these bigots have started to recruit so openly and she also wanted to know if Grindelwald's army had already started to make a move on their own or not.

"It is just like you read, Minerva. Grindelwald's Acolytes have already entered the country and now they have started to recruit too…" Albus shook his head in disappointment.

"So, they are making moves on their own?" Minerva questioned and Albus shook his head with an unsure look on his face.

"That is something I don't know, Minerva" Albus shook his head. "This is what I wanted your help with" Albus finally revealed what he wanted from her and Minerva's eyes grew wide in surprise. She was going to be honest, she wasn't expecting this when she walked through the door.        

"Are you being serious, Albus?" Minerva asked in a serious tone and after getting a nod from Albus, Minerva decided to continue with her questions. "I am not complaining, Albus, but what about my classes and are you sure that you want me to infiltrate their ranks?" Minerva couldn't help but question.

"You don't have to worry about your classes, I will take them over when you are gone and I am sure that they wouldn't ask you to leave your job…" Albus answered with a smile and then his smile turned solemn. "There is nobody else I could ask… You have worked for DMLE and you have received quite a bit of training… You will be perfect for the job, but I am not going to pressure you. If you don't want to do it, then I will understand" Albus said and Minerva simply released a defeated sigh.

"I never said that I am not going to do it, Albus. I simply wanted to know if you are sure about it or not…" Minerva commented with a smile on her face.

"Minerva, there is no need to hurry. This is going to be very risky… You need to be extremely careful during the mission, there will be no room for mistakes, Minerva" Albus decided to remind Minerva of the risks. If she got caught then there would be nothing he could do to save Minerva.

"So, what would I be doing after joining them?" Minerva questioned curiously.

"Your mission is to collect information, you need to collect all the information you can… How do they function, who is leading them, what are they doing, and what are they planning? Things like that, I think you already understand what I am trying to say?" Albus questioned with a small smile on his face and Minerva simply released a snort.

"Fine, I will do it, when do you want me to leave?" Minerva questioned as she slowly got up from her seat. She returned the brochure to Albus' desk as she didn't need it. From the brochure, she knew the address of the building where the recruitment drive was going on.

"I received the information from Newt and he will probably inform his brother by tomorrow" Albus answered. Minerva sniffed after receiving the answer.

"Then I will be leaving today, wish me luck, Albus, and don't forget to take over my class" Minerva huffed and walked out of the door, leaving behind a man who looked kind of lost. Albus didn't like risking the lives of his students or friends, but he didn't have any other options. He wouldn't have minded working with the DMLE, but Torquil Travers was the current head of the DMLE and Albus didn't like the man.

Albus knew for sure that as soon as Torquil finds out about the Acolytes, he will issue and kill orders for all of them, but that was not something Albus wanted. Albus wanted to avoid needless deaths and what was more? Right now, they had zero information regarding the Acolytes currently residing in Britain, and going in blind could turn out to be disastrous. Right now, they were simply recruiting, which could mean a lot of things. Maybe the Acolytes were preparing for something…

(A/N: Minerva McGonagall's history is not going to be OC. Her early life is going to be canon, but if I decide to change something then I will mention it).

Meanwhile, Minerva McGonagall returned to her quarters so that she could get her coat and hat. After getting her coat and hat, she quickly left Hogwarts through the Floo in her quarters. If Minerva was being honest, she kind of missed the action. She had worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for two years. She had been an Auror for two years, but she ended up leaving the job due to several reasons.

After graduating from Hogwarts, Minerva was offered a position at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, That is when she decided to visit her family for the last summer before she moved to London, she wanted to spend some time with her family before moving. During that time, Minerva met the son of a local farmer named, Dougal McGregor. The man was handsome, clever, and funny. The two of them quickly found themselves getting closer and Minerva fell head-over-heels in love with the man.

Eventually, Dougal McGregor ended up proposing to Minerva and she accepted the offer. Even though Minerva accepted the offer, something was eating at her mind so she decided not to tell her parents about her engagement. Thinking about her future, Minerva realized that getting married to a Muggle who didn't know that she was Witch would mean that she would be following in her mother's footsteps and she was going to live unhappily with her Wand locked away in a box. So, just like her mother, she would have to give up being a Witch and her dreams and ambitions would be shredded.

So, the next morning she went to tell McGregor that she changed her mind, and she could not marry him. She desperately wanted to give the man a reason, but she was completely aware that if she did that then she would be breaking the Statute of Secrecy and as a future employee of the DMLE, it was her job to uphold the law, she couldn't break the law, especially when she was giving up on the man she loved for the said job. So, she was unable to give the man any good reason for her change of heart, leaving the man devastated. She left for London three days later and the next few months were the most difficult months of her life.

Due to her emotional trauma related to the job, she was unable to enjoy her time in London and her workplace even after spending two years at the DMLE. Not only she started to hate her job, but she also had to deal with the Anti-Muggle bias of her co-workers. Given her adoration of her Muggle father and the love of her life, Dougal McGregor, she deplored the Anti-Muggle Bias. Despite all of that, she was one of the most efficient and gifted employees in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. During her employment, she also became quite fond of her much older boss, Elphinstone Urquart.

When she was finally offered a prestigious promotion, she found herself turning it down as she missed her home in Scotland and she had lost most of her interest in her current job. Instead, she ended up sending an owl to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, asking whether she might be considered for a teaching post. The owl returned within hours, offering her a job in the Transfiguration Department, under the Head of the Department, Albus Dumbledore. Through her efforts and hard work, Minerva proved to be a strict yet inspirational teacher.

After only a couple of years of her working as a teacher, she received a letter from her oblivious mother telling her Dougal McGregor had married the daughter of another farmer. That was a hard blow for Minerva and since she was alone in the classroom, she ended up unable to hold back her tears. Albus Dumbledore found her like that, and she ended up confessing the whole story to the man. Albus provided her comfort and told her some of his own family history, which were previously unknown to her and that is what built the foundation of their friendship.

Minerva McGonagall, who gave up her job at the DMLE due to the Anti-Muggle bias in that department was about to join a group who were hellbent on subjugating the Muggles, Minerva couldn't help but snort at the irony of the whole situation. Minerva finally walked out of the Hogwarts' Wards and as soon as she was out, she Disapparated with a soft crack. Minerva thought that she needed to polish her skills, when she was in DMLE, she was trained for infiltration, but due to the lack of practice, she has lost her touch.

Minerva McGonagall appeared inside the Magical Alley of Edinburgh and after asking someone, she easily got directions towards the building she was looking for. So, without wasting her time, Minerva made her way toward the building and after entering the building, she came face to face with a blond Witch who was standing behind a desk with a pleasant look on her face. Minerva felt a foreign influence wash over her mind.

'Veela' Minerva called out inside her mind. The woman sitting behind the desk was a Veela, which was a good recruitment strategy. As a woman who was only attracted to men, Minerva wasn't influenced by the Allure, but she could still feel the Allure.

"How can I help you?" The Veela behind the desk asked with a polite smile on her face. Minerva returned the smile and approached the desk.

"One of my friends recommended me to this place, telling me that you could deal with Muggle cases?" Minerva asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice, which was obviously fake.

"Yes, we do deal with Muggle cases. Let me call someone who can hear you out" The Veela behind the desk replied with a pleasant smile on her face. Minerva had to stop herself from smiling, she used the lines mentioned in the brochure. Minerva had memorized the code phrases mentioned in the brochure. Minerva gave the Veela a grateful smile as the Veela tapped her Wand over a Rune. After waiting for a few seconds, a tanned-skinned Witch in her fifties came down the stairs. "This is Makusa Saira, she is the one who will be dealing with your case" The Veela told Minerva while pointing towards the oldest Witch present.

"Please follow me" The tanned-skinned Witch said in a polite while looking at Minerva. Just after hearing the Witch's name, Minerva knew that the Witch wasn't local and she already knew that Veelas weren't local to their country, so Minerva concluded that Albus' suspicions were right. All of these people were Grindelwald's Acolytes. Minerva didn't notice any hint of an accent from the Veela, but the Witch named Makusa Saira had a thick accent though Minerva couldn't place a finger on it as she had never left the Isles of Britain.

Then Minerva turned towards the Veela behind the desk. "Thank you" Minerva politely thanked the Veela before following the lead of Makusa Saira. The Veela smiled widely and gave Minerva a polite nod. Makusa Saira led Minerva to a nice and cosy-looking room, Makusa Saira asked Minerva to take a seat. Minerva accepted the offer with a grateful smile on her face while Makusa decided to sit on the opposite side of Minerva.

"Tea?" Makusa offered in a polite tone and once again, Minerva accepted the offer with a grateful smile on her face. After only a few seconds, two teacups appeared on the table in between the two of them out of thin air. Minerva wasn't surprised, she was kind of used to the idea of food, snacks and drinks appearing out of thin air. She had 7 years at Hogwarts as a student and she had spent nearly two decades at Hogwarts as a teacher.

"Thank you" Minerva thanks the tanned-skinned Witch as she picked up one of the teacups.

"Don't mention it… I assume you must be nervous, so I thought that you would appreciate the tea" Makusa smiled and Minerva couldn't help but nod. Even though Minerva was acting, she did feel quite nervous. To be honest, now that she thought about it, she had been quite impulsive… She should have researched more before coming here. She blamed her Gryffindor traits. 'Minerva, get your head in the game, there is no use crying over spilled milk!!' Minerva chastised herself internally.

"Yeah thanks, I am kind of nervous. I heard about you people from one of my friends and here I am… By the way, my name is Minerva McGonagall" Minerva introduced herself, looking kind of nervous. Some of it was an act while the rest of her nervousness was completely genuine.

"I understand Miss McGonagall, your nervousness is quite understandable and you already heard, my name is Makusa Saira, you may call me Makusa" The tanned-skinned Witch smiled brightly as she sipped tea from her own cup.

"Then please call me Minerva… Do you mind if I ask something, you don't need to answer if you don't want to answer, but I was simply curious" Minerva said and getting a nod from Makusa, Minerva decided to proceed with her question. "I wanted to know where you are from, I am simply curious as I have never left the Isles of Britain" Minerva added with a curious glint in her eyes.

"I am from Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, so what do you do for a living Minerva?" Makusa asked as intently stared at Minerva as she took another sip from her teacup.

"I teach Transfiguration at Hogwarts" Minerva revealed carefully. Even if Makusa was surprised, she didn't show it on her face, she had an extremely good poker face.

"Impressive!! I have met only a few Witches who could make a living for themselves" Makusa complimented the woman with a smile. 'I need to be careful about her, she is quite close to Dumbledore. If I remember correctly, then the man is the current Head of the Transfiguration Department' Makusa contemplated internally. "So, what is your story, Minerva. Forgive me if I come out as someone rude, but you are not from Pureblood Family, right?" Makusa questioned with a confused look on her face.

"I am a Half-blood to be exact. My mother is a Witch from the Ross Family, it is a small Pureblood Family from Scotland and my Father is a Muggle" Minerva explained. Minerva knew that this part was going to be the most important part of her act. She needed to make her act believe and she had to lie through her teeth about her Family and her life. If she messed up her story, then she was going to be Obliviated and then tossed out of the building on her arse, if she was lucky, or if was unlucky, then she would be killed or tortured.

Minerva could have lied about her profession and her family, but that would have been a mistake. There was a chance that the Acolytes might verify her story and see if she lied about anything then she would end up in deep shit. "Ah… I have heard about the Ross Family" Makusa nodded her head in understanding. To be honest, Minerva was quite surprised that Makusa knew about the Ross Family. Even calling the Ross Family a minor Pureblood Family was quite a stretch. There was a chance that Makusa was lying through her teeth, but from Makusa's looks, she didn't seem to be lying.

"Albert and Lorale Ross, they are your maternal grandparents, right?" Makusa asked and Minerva couldn't help but nod her head with a dumb look on her face. Just like she suspected, Makusa wasn't lying, she did know about the Ross Family. Minerva was shocked because not many knew the names of her grandparents, they might be Purebloods, but the Ross was an extremely minor Pureblood house. Even her colleagues in the DMLE had never heard about the Ross Family, especially when most of the Purebloods knew about all the Pureblood houses.

The Ross Family might be extremely minor, but they were quite old. "I see… You said your Father is a Muggle, right?" Makusa asked and getting a nod from Minerva, Makusa decided to continue with her question. "Then why did you decide to join us? I am quite curious…" Makusa asked with a small smile and she crossed her legs as she intently stared at Minerva…


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