
Chapter 14: Angel Of Death/Joining S.H.I.E.L.D

While the clone of Seth was at the mansion he had his other one that looked like Sung Jin Woo, attempting to stand out enough to garner the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D so he could get his inside man. He had him going around since he made the clone, to a bunch of different Fighting tournaments and he even joined UFC and was also going to shooting tournaments and eventually he was approached by someone he didn't expect.

Fury's Second in Command Maria Hill showed up at the end of one of his UFC matches. Apparently Fury wanted more people like Barton to help bolster his numbers after the events of the invasion so he put importance on finding potential agents to join and they had been tracking one for the last couple of months and they found not only was he uniquely qualified for the position but he didn't have any ties.

He was an orphan, lived his childhood in Hell's Kitchen which helped to make his story more truthful because he had a reputation as having some anger issues and sometimes went a little far in his fights. He was given a decent inheritance of about 2 million from his late grandfather and made even more with being a UFC fighter. Cortona did a great job building an identity for all his clones existing outside his one at the X-Mansion.

Maria walked in and saw Seth who had just finished showering and changing and said "Are you Luke Grey?"

Seth/Luke looked at Maria and said.

"Yeah I'm him, who's asking?"

Maria just kept her expressionless face and said "I'm Maria Hill, and I represent an organization that's interested in you."

"I already told Joey that I'm fine where I'm at I'm not joining his team or whatever so you can tell him to shove it."

Maria didn't change her face the entire time and said "I don't know any Joey, I represent the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division or S.H.I.E.L.D."

Luke just started laughing and said "S.H.I.E.L.D?? what is that? Let me guess, it's some organization that thinks that they're so good that I'd beg them to let me fight for them? I'm fine where I am and I don't like associating with some organization I don't know."

Maria finally had a change in expression and she frowned realizing that he has a problem with authority so it'd be harder to recruit him. She decided to let things happen.

["He'd definitely join us after he gets home."]

She just looked at him and said "We're not an organization that deals with that we are dedicated to helping the world and we are a global organization that could help you to become part of something greater than yourself."

"Tch, whatever you say."

Maria walked over to him handed him what looked like a business card but it was all black with a grey shield symbol on the front and a number on the back and said "If you change your mind call this number." Then she left.

After she was out of eyesight, Seth/Luke grinned. ["I wonder how they plan to get me to join. I have nothing they could blackmail me with."]


(Luke's Apartment: Queens)

Luke got back to his place since he didn't make his persona have a ton of money he was renting an apartment before he became a UFC fighter and he just decided to stay there and during the last few months.

He had gotten pretty close with his neighbors but it wasn't like family friend close it was more like co-worker close. He walked into his apartment building and saw there was a lot of the residents in the lobby and he walked up to one old woman and said "Mrs. Ackerson what happened?"

She turned over to him and looked relieved and said.

"Oh, Luke, thank god you're okay!!"

Luke was confused "Yeah, of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

"Everyone on the middle two floors were robbed and they kidnapped a little girl. you know sweet little Marina who was always greeting everyone on the elevator."

Seth/Luke was very angry because afterall he was close to that girl. He never thought that S.H.I.E.L.D would stoop that low. Marina was the only one of his neighbors that he could really consider himself close to. But that was mostly because she reminded him of his little sister of both the MCU and original version of him she was even the same age.

His sister's name was Jenny in both versions and she died when she was 8 years old. leukemia took her in the end and it was one of the reasons why he decided to travel and get out of the states and go to all the places where he trained in martial arts. He tried not to think of her because it hurt too much but this little girl was so much like his sister Jenny, and he was very protective of her. As for what cosmic joke it was to have this as a result even though he wanted no ties to this world that could be used against him.

He still didn't appreciate the memory he recieved of a second Jenny who died the same way, and now he met another girl remarkably similar to them both it's just messed up.

Luke didn't care about S.H.I.E.L.D seeing him because he already knew they had him under surveillance, he went to an alley behind his building just so he didn't scare the people around him and he sprouted beautiful white wings, they were made using Angel's power but he found that his ability let him change the look of the wings so instead of looking like Angel's they were much bigger and let him fly three times faster. (Think Lucifer's wings)

Luke flew into the sky and he put on the goggles he created which turned into metal helmet. (Looked like Vanitas' helmet from KH3) and Cortona was able to be used while he was wearing it and he had her connect to the police communications and specified she search about the break in at his building. He was listening to the communications and he heard that they found where the kidnappers were hiding.

["Looks like it wasn't S.H.I.E.L.D that took her but i'm pretty sure they knew"]

The kidnappers were holed up in an abandoned warehouse and apparently the little girl was the daughter of a rich businessman and the girl was staying with family while her father was on a business trip in Europe and they wanted to use her to get a ransom.


(On the way to the warehouse)

Luke realized that since he already created his Camouflage tech he just turned invisible once he got past the clouds and he could just use his tech as an excuse if S.H.I.E.L.D questions him. Luke then flew back down while still invisible and landed behind the warehouse and made himself to be seen again he willed his wings to go back in and he used his nanites to put on the black Ninja Gaiden suit so he was harder to be seen and snuck into the warehouse.

Luke climbed the walls and got onto the ceiling he continued to crawl until he was above a group of 10 guys sort of clustered around a chair where the little girl was tied to. Marina had been gagged and she had a bag over her head so she couldn't recognize the kidnappers after they released her to her father. Luke was fuming and not just because he cared about the little girl, that was not why he was so mad, he was mad at his own stupidity, that he believed he had planned for every eventuality. Luke should have seen this coming he was too smart to be making such dumb mistakes. Regardless, these guys need to die I just don't want Marina to have to see it so they'll live... For now.

Luke silently landed behind some boxes, hidden from direct view of the soon to be corpses and just to reassure Marina that she will be saved he announced himself to the thugs and said. "Y'know I'm pretty sure kidnapping is against the law."

One of the thugs turned around and saw Luke in his ninja outfit, he wanted to say something but Luke refused to give him a chance and he just uppercut him and as he went in the air Luke opened his wings and took flight and grabbed the guy and threw him into the wall.

The rest of the thugs looked at Luke in the air with his wings out and in the dimly lit warehouse and the light shining on him in the background he looked like an Angel had come down from heaven to punish them for their sins but because of him attacking and his black outfit he was wearing along with his electronic monotone voice they saw him as the personification of The Angel Of Death. They all scattered like the disgusting rats they were but Luke made quick work of them.

After all the thugs were taken care of, Luke landed and he decided to keep from scaring Marina he took of his armor and used the nanites to make him a flawless white robe and his tech to make his face look close to an elf he had seen in some fantasy show. He took the bag off of Marina's head and removed the gag and untied her. After her eyes adjusted to the light she saw what she thought was an ethereal being in front of her.

Luke looked at Marina and said "Are you okay?" she was still dumbfounded and just nodded. Then she abruptly turned towards the sound of police sirens because Luke had already called them and told them the girl was safe. Marina started crying and she ran to him and hugged him just saying Thank you over and over again.

Luke slowly pushed her away from him when he heard the cops and looked over to see them entering the warehouse he bent down on one knee in front of Marina, wiped her tears and said "You don't have to worry, you're safe now."

Luke then stepped back and let his wings fully open and said "I'll be watching over you." and he flew through the open skylight.

Marina just stared at the skylight and teared up once again. The police finally arrived they looked around and saw the kidnappers knocked out, and some looked like they had broken bones and then they saw Marina staring up into the sky. One of the officers looked her over and saw she has rope burns from where she was tied and her face was red from crying. He made his voice gentle and bent down and asked

"Sweetie, are you okay? What happened to the kidnappers? Did someone save you?"

Marina just smiled wide as she could and said "I was saved by an Angel, he said he would watch over me."

Seeing how happy she was the officer didn't have the heart to explain and just said "Well if we see him we'll be sure to thank him. Now we are going to get you to your father."

Marina wasn't expecting that and asked "My daddy's back?!?"

"Yes, as soon as we found out you were taken we called your father and he flew home immediately."

While this was going on, Luke was watching from the rafters, camouflaged in the darkness and he smiled a very happy smile because he felt like Jenny would be proud of him and he was glad that he could see Marina smiling. Especially since her smile was reminiscent of Jenny's.

After making sure that Marina got back safely he made his way towards his apartment building. Luke flew in through the window and he sensed someone was inside so he looked around and said "Whoever's there, come out."

Maria Hill walked out from the darkness that was surrounding her and said, "Very good, I guess enhanced senses are another part of your ability."

"So what now? Are you going to take me to some government facility to experiment on me?!?"

"Of course not, we just want you to come to our headquarters and hear us out. I am sure you'll like what we have to offer."

Luke pretended to lower his guard and said, "Fine, I'll come with you but if I don't like your offer I am free to leave?"

Luke had phrased it as a question, but from his tone you could tell he wouldn't take no for an answer and he'd leave anyways.

Maria simply nodded at him and waited.

Luke looked at Maria and said. "So where is this HQ of yours?"

Maria simply walked over to his window and just looked towards the sky. Luke could take the hint and figured that the helicarrier must be in the sky above the clouds.

Luke then looked at Maria with a huge grin. Maria saw the grin and it sent shivers down her spine and she asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"If it's in the sky then I have the fastest way to get there." Maria started to say something in protest but was cut-off before she got even one word out when Luke grabbed her and spread his wings and flew out his window while holding onto Maria.

Luke flew through the clouds and saw the helicarrier floating in all it's glory. He had to admit he would never get tired of seeing this sight.

Thus began Seth's plan to gain complete control of one of the world's best spy networks and he plans to root out hydra from soon to be his organization.


My updating for this fanfic is going to get shorter because I am working on an original novel that isn't a fanfic but I will still be updating it when I can.

Just so everyone knows the name of my new novel is 'The Lost Element' check it out

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