

A 2 boys, general college students on their road to adventure in INFINITE TOWER due to exams scores.

agrader100 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

chapter-22 Going on a trip

Previously, The boys helped the old lady from the road accident. And just got to know their tenacity to use their powers. After receiving blessings from that old lady and saying goodbye to her.

Then boys wanted to go their spots and they continued their chat about the Sky TOWER. Trish said to Tigi that he was happy to help the old lady. Tigi told Trish that he was happy too.

And the time was 12pm afternoon, they wanted to go back their houses and meet again sometime.

Trish and Tigi walked together till the divergent roads, and said byes to each-other.

Trish went to home, and the lunch was prepared. His mom called him to come and eat. Trish cleaned himself and came to eat. Father asked Trish that how was his time outside?. Trish said that with his friend Tigi, they both helped a old lady to cross the road, from the speed cars. Mom worriedly said that her boy needs to be careful on the roads. Trish replied that he will be careful.

To burst the bubble and worried mood, Father said to son that they were all going to the village, and grandparents were asking for all of the them to come. It's been long we didn't go there.( Don't think about family clashes, there was nothing like that).

Trish was happy about the Village trip. Trish asked his father that when were they all going.

Father replied that they were going to night. The time passed and it's around 7pm evening. The family took their luggage to the station.

The station, this a high tech transport service, which had levitating trains. They took their train and on the way they could see many exciting places like In-air TV show in the center of the city AND MANY MORE.

While travelling in train, Trish texted Tigi that he was going on a village trip, "BREAK TIME" he texted. Tigi actively replied, " good to go man, Bravo". 

The station arrives and they come their village, "ROVCK HILL".

The family arrived at a their Grandparents house and Grandparents were also happy to see them.

Trish got so loved by his grandparents. The grandparents were serving food and was happy seeing the family's smile faces. They talked all night long and went to the sleep.

It was the next morning, By the time Trish woke up the grandpa was going to his farm, to cut some trees. And Trish went along with Grandpa. 

And there going to be something special, In the NEXT CHAPTER.

What is that something??!!!

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