

A 2 boys, general college students on their road to adventure in INFINITE TOWER due to exams scores.

agrader100 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

chapter-18 Found the power

The boys were on there way in finding the little quite place, they see a big tree with less people nearby.

Trish said that finally they found a place after a long walk.

Tigi said that yeah, now is the time. And they started doing the meditation under that tree, and increased their focus, concentrated on their core and slowly taken the breathing in and out.

Slowly the power inside body and core increased excessively, they could feel now. Slowly diving into the thought of emptiness. Mind was clear and they could now feel the body aura. Which is the best for a magician to get his mental state under his control. Trish and Tigi unknowingly created a barrier strong and tough, which they didn't know strengthened based on their state of mind. And the boys had a very strong mentality and can adapt to any change.(WE had seen them over coming the hurdles with their unshaken attitude and their mind. Which is their power to overcome any problems.)

The boys slowly opened their eyes and they felt that their body couldn't feel a thing, and when looked at their boy there was a layer of aura, which they didn't expect at all and discovered a new power " MAGIC BARRIER ". And their barrier slowly faded as they focused on them.

The boys were happy with the unknowingly discovered result.

Tigi : we now have a challenge that is entering to next one.

Trish : yeah, we are now going to next one and as Head Master said we need to be careful in the floor.

When Trish said floor at the end of his sentence, suddenly the lift appeared in-front of them. The boys were surprised for that, a new thing to know again.

{Call the lift, The lift appears, and they <opened > the lift door and set to next floor}

The boys clicked the highlighted button of the lift, and that was to the next floor.

Floor no.32

The lift doors opened and they could feel a dark layer and dark smoke in the air. And the boys signaled to each-other, they set their minds right and entered the darkness. They saw all dark smoke and the boys couldn't see each other but sense each's presence. And they could sense some other body in that dark smoke, Trish's tattoo( the unique pattern on his left shoulder) glowed.

Into the next CHAPTER....

A new dark character to be seen next.

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