
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 16 Chapter 12: : Holy Warrior

The bald man stepped up and down the stairs. His muscles were swollen, and it looked like his melee ability was not weak, but instead of wearing armor, he was wearing a brown leather armor, very light.

The brawny man's fists clenched tightly, making a crisp sound of clicking and clicking. He wore a pair of black gloves on his two fists, and the fist surface was inlaid with metal pieces, wrapping his fists like a layer of metal scale armor. .

"I'm Joseph Ko. In the words of your aristocracy, I am now a mud-legged, hyena mercenary willing to do anything for money."

A smile appeared on Joseph Ke's face, matching the tattoo of a lizard on his bald head, and it gave a sense of ferocity and brutality, but his pupils were a bit lonely, but this loneliness was deliberately covered by him.

"I heard that Iron Hand is good at swordsmanship, and I don't know if my fist is hard or your sword is better. We come to a fair duel and use the unique etiquette of your aristocracy."

Joseph's green eyes narrowed, and green light began to emanate from those eyes.

Just then, Su Xiao suddenly turned sideways.

A slight crackling sound flew past his face. Just 0.2 seconds ago, something went straight to Su Xiao's head. It was an invisible weapon. It was extremely fast and small.

Joseph was talking about a duel, but he was actually ready to attack.

"Oh? I actually escaped."

Joseph was somewhat surprised. His full muscles and special gloves on his hands were used to confuse the enemy. In fact, his melee ability was not strong.

Joseph had just spoken, Su Xiao suddenly jumped back, and in midair, he blocked his left arm in front of him.

With a pop, Su Xiao's original location was splashing with debris, the ground subsided without warning, and a huge punch appeared.

Su Xiao looked up and looked upwards. There was an invisible energy above it, which was now condensing into a fist.

"you can see?"

Joseph looked Su Xiao up and down, looking unbelievably.

"You do n't have the breath of holy warriors, nor are you a necromancer. The mortal without talent can actually see the power of the holy ..."

The green light in Joseph's eyes was more obvious, and his eyes were like two emeralds at this moment.

"Talent? Is that the stuff you control?"

Su Xiao didn't take the shot right away. He wanted to know what kind of power system the holy warrior in this world was.

"This group ... thing? You dare to call the Holy Power like this. If you were the old lion, you would lose the position of the iron hand, just like me ...

Joseph's expression gradually became serious. He didn't care much about Su Xiao originally, because he didn't feel the unique fluctuation of the holy warrior in Su Xiao.

There is a saying in the king's country that only holy warriors can fight against holy warriors. Of course, this also includes a small number of Necromancers. Humans without 'holy power' are incompetent mortals in the eyes of holy warriors. To the existence of 'Holy Power'.

Joseph once thought that, until he met a dismal knight who told him with the sword in his hand that he could become powerful even without the power of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, Su Xiao is not the so-called holy warrior. Because there is no holy power in him, he cannot see the existence of holy power.

The reason why he was able to escape the attack of the bald and strong man was because of the early warning of his intuitive ability.

The range of intuition ability is about seven meters. Although Su Xiao can't see the mass of energy, when the mass of energy attacks him, the intuition will immediately send a warning, and his body will dodge instinctively.

After avoiding the two attacks, Su Xiao probably knew what the Holy Power was in the mouth of the strong man.

The invisible mass of energy in the air is actually similar in nature to the mental power, but this spiritual power leaves the body of the bald strong man. From the previous two attacks, the bald strong man can manipulate the power of the holy Shape, attack angle, etc.

Su Xiao held the long knife in front of her, and looked at the bald man with a pale red breath.

"This ... is it really a breath that humans can have?"

Joseph stared at Su Xiao with some hairs standing upright. He stepped back subconsciously. At this moment, he felt like the sword in Su Xiao's hands would cut off his neck at any time.

Joseph started to retreat slowly. He didn't care if he was shameful. For him, as long as he can defeat the enemy, it doesn't matter what method he uses. The so-called honor is just a means by which a high person controls the strong.

A blue crystal slipped out of Joseph's cuff. The crystal had not yet fallen into his palm, and a loud noise had been heard more than ten meters away.

The slate on the ground was broken, and Su Xiao disappeared directly into Joseph's sight.

Joseph's green eyes widened, and the holy force over the sky quickly deformed into a needle with a thickness of at least hundreds of thousands, scattered around a dozen meters around Joseph.

Su Xiao, who had just rushed out a few steps, stopped suddenly, he felt a dense sense of crisis appeared in front of him, there were many sharp needles invisible to the naked eye.

Su Xiaoyi waved the long knife in his hand, and the energy of the steel sword surged on the long knife.

With a snorting sound, the dazzling white light appeared, and Su Xiao's long knife cut at least thousands of 'fine needles'. These 'fine cuts' were very sharp and invisible.

A small force of divine power was consumed by Qinggang Shadow's energy. Joseph, who was slowly retreating, stopped in place, and his blue forehead exploded.

After Su Xiao chopped a large needle, a strange smell appeared in the air.

Is Joseph just an ordinary holy warrior? Of course not. He is a holy warrior with the title of kingdom. He has made great achievements and later rebelled against the `` kingdom of Saint-Sodin '' for unknown reasons.

Su Xiao immediately jumped back after smelling the strange smell in the air, and cut off a knife on the way back.

Daomang chopped into the dense fine needles, and the sound of crunch continued, many fine needles were chopped. The holy force that can form fine needles was not consumed, but re-condensed into a ball.

The scabbard flew about five meters apart, and the fine needles that were chopped by the scabbard into the power of sacredness soon returned to their original shape, forming a scalp needle to protect Joseph.

The counter-shield appeared around Su Xiao, and intuitively told him that he must not be injured by those fine needles, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

The apostle's eyes floated above Su Xiao, and began to detect information about bald men.

[Comparing the intelligence attributes of both parties ... Completion of the comparison, our intelligence attributes are 0.92 times that of the enemy, and 80% of the enemy's information is obtained. ]

The information is as follows

Name: Joseph Ko

Category: Human (Holy Warrior)

Health: 99.8%

Mana: 120 points

Strength: 53

Dexterity: 75

Stamina: 88

Intelligence: 90

Charm: 65

Skill 1, Holy Warrior (passive lv.47): Humans become Holy Warriors after special transformation ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This transformation will greatly improve physical and intellectual attributes, and transform the mana value derived from intellectual attributes For health.

Skill 2, Holy Power · Poison (Passive lv.45): Joseph Ko's Holy Power comes with poisonous and paralyzing properties.

Skill 3, Necromancer (Special Skills · Not fully activated): The Holy Warrior's body will gradually be eroded when fighting with Holy Power. Joseph Ke has been eroded by 63%.

Skill 4, Aura of Faith (passive lv.51), Joseph Ko was a holy warrior trusted by the soldiers of the Kingdom, and the willpower of friendly units within 50 meters of Joseph Ko increased by 10 points.

Hint: This skill is no longer valid due to belief shake.

Skill 5: Courage (active lv.55), Joseph Ko roars, dispels the fear of friendly units within 400 meters, and gives them the courage to continue fighting.

Skill 6: Combat Charge (active lv.50), Joseph Ke charges forward at full speed. All friendly units within 200 meters behind him move + 60%, power +5, physical strength +5, willpower +20, short Ignore pain for time.

Skill 7 :? ? ?

Skill 8, Victory and Poison (Ultimate Skill) :? ? ?


Seeing Joseph Ko's information, Su Xiao can be sure that if this guy is on the battlefield and there are a large number of soldiers by his side, his combat effectiveness will be at least several times higher.

Will such people protect Chief Justice Elvey for commission? The probability is not high.

There must be some hidden feelings in this, but Su Xiao is not curious about the hidden feelings. Now what he needs to do is simple, slaughter this guy, and then cast out Chief Justice Elvey and kill him all together.

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