
Chapter 47

Jayden had woken up with a pain on his forehead. His father had rushed towards him after he saw he was awake. Soon a team of doctors was there, asking him questions. The typical- 'How are you? ' 'Can you feel the pain?' etc. we're asked and then a doctor asked him how he was injured and he mumbled a lie of losing control and smashing head down on a chair. The doctors didn't ask him anything else and they seemed to believe his cock and bull story. After sometime, he was joined by Braylan and Jane. They were with him for a long time and finally, Marco and Braylan left. And now he was eating his dinner from the hospital which was not very good. A bunch of vegetables, fruits, fruit juice and plain yogurt.

"You have to eat till the last bite! " Jane said. He made a sour face and started eating his unseasoned vegetables. He added fruits in yogurt which enhaced the taste if both fruits and yogurt. After he finished his meal, Jane helped him to the restroom. When he was all settled and ready to sleep, there was a knock on the door. Jane opened it to find a nurse. She came inside and started testing his temperature, pulse rate, heart rate, etc. The nurse was a tall man, about 7 feet, and he had short, messy black hair, brownish-white skin, a pointed nose, and pink lips. He didn't speak and left after examining for a few minutes. After several minutes, there was a knock and Jane answered the door. A nurse came inside with a bunch of files and started checking Jayden's blood pressure.

"But a nurse just checked him a few minutes ago. " Jane said. Even he was surprised.

"What! I am Jayden Smith's nurse. I have to check him and talk to you regarding some things. Can you describe how the nurse looked? " She asked, equally surprised. She was a lady with average height , curly black hair that were falling in her shoulders, brown eyes and brown skin.

"He was a tall man with short black hair and a pointed nose. " Jane described.

"We don't have any tall nurses with black hair. I must report it to the authorities. " The nurse replied and continued examining Jayden. "Every thing is fine and luckily we won't have to give him blood. He will be here for a day or more but his health condition I'd improving. " She said after the complete check up.

She gave him a few pills. Painkillers and multi-vitamins. He swallowed them obediently and the nurse told them to dial 247 if they needed anything or if Jayden was having a fever. She smiled at him, and he smiled and muttered a Thanks.Jane spoke to her for a few more minutes before she went out. It was time for him to sleep.

Even after a couple of hours, Jayden was wide awake. He couldn't stop thinking about the tall man who had entered his room as a nurse. He was not able to shake the thought if abduction from his mind. The image of the tall man kept popping in front of his eyes. He still wasn't able to understand the reason of the visit. Finally, he couldn't resist sleep any longer. He allowed his heavy eyes to drop and within no time, he was asleep.

Jayden woke up in the middle of night. He was shivering with cold. Probably he had fever. His lips were dry and his tongue felt like sandpaper. In the faint light of the zero bulb that was casting a dull white light across the room. He grabbed the bottle that was on his bedside table and drank the water. His mom was sleeping on the couch, half sitting, half laying. He placed the bottle on its place and turned to see the tall man standing at the foot of his bed. He was staring him intently.

"Mom! " He whispered. But the man smiled.

"Are you scared, Jayden? " The man asked him in a hoarse voice. "You should be scared!" He said, laughing madly.

"Who are you? " He whispered.

"Don't worry about me. I just love the taste of fear and pain! " Replied the tall man, licking his lips as though he had eaten something very tasty.

"Are you.. Will you... " Jayden wasn't able to form a proper sentence. His eyes we're filled with fear and he was practically shivering with fear.

"Yummmm! Is it fear I smell? " The man said walking towards him.

"No, no, NO! NO! NO!" Jayden screamed. Jane was beside him within no time, Jayden had closed his eyes tightly and Jane rang 247 asking for the nurse. She heard what Jayden said and called for a duty doctor. The doctor came in and under her supervision, Jayden's bp, pulse rate, heartbeat and temperature was checked. His temperature was 102 F and his heartbeat was very rapid. The doctor studied all his reports, inquired a few things from the nurse and-

"I will have to give him a pill for sleep. He is supposed to sleep for six hours without waking up in the middle. Also this pull should be given every eight hours if his temperature rises again." She informed Jane and she gave him pills. He ate them and felt a slight throbbing in his head. The slight throbbing soon turned into a very bad pain and a moan escaped his mouth. The nurse glanced at him and-

"Doctor Carter, I think we have an emergency. The boy's wound is bleeding." The doctor saw him and she asked the nurse to prepare the emergency room and emergency team. Within 15 minutes, Jayden was un the emergency room.

He opened his eyes and tried to focus on the room. He could hear voices in slow motion, but they were still making sense.

"Someone ripped his stitches on purpose. He got two extra stitches. " Someone was saying. "We will have to watch him more closely now. We are taking him into special room. It is not ICU but there will be several nurses at all times. " Same voice said.

"But why is he unconscious? " Asked another voice.

"He is asleep, not unconscious. We gave him sleeping pill some time ago. "

"It's okay. But will he be alright? " Another voice, his mother's voice said.

"He will be alright. But we have to find out who ripped his stitches. We have never seen something like this. " Every thing was much clearer now and Jayden recognized Doctor Carter's voice. He looked around himself. He was in a different room. There was a monitor on his left showing his heartbeat, breath rate and pulse rate. There were two nurses standing in the room. He didn't recognize both of them. Probably his previous nurse had completed her shift. Doctor Carter saw him awake and came to him.

"Mr. Smith how do you feel now? " She asked.

"Numb." He replied.

"Any pain or cold? " She asked and he shook his head very slightly. But the smallest movement caused a ripple of pain in his freshly sewed wound. "Don't move your head, Smith." She said. "You will be fine." With that, she left the room and Jane pulled a chair near him. She held his hand and-

"Are you scared? Is there anything you want to tell me? " She asked him. H narrated the whole incident that had occured to his mom. His voice was weak. He felt weak. Jane didn't reply immediately. She was looking him right in the eye. She looked scared. Her eyes showed the fear in her heart.

"Let's call a father and ask him to bless this room and you in the morning. " She said after a while. "Is that good? " She asked him.

"Yeah, that would be better." He replied. He didn't want to think as even thinking sent ripples of pain in his wound. He closed his eyes and in next 5 minutes, he was asleep. Luckily this time he didn't have any disturbing dreams, or anyone or anything to wake him up.

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