
Chapter 48

The moment Braylan woke up in the morning, he knew something was wrong. Marco was sitting beside him, massaging his head with one hand and clutching his phone with the other.

"What happened?" He asked, sitting quickly while Marco jumped as if someone had caught him off gaurd and sneaked up on him.

"It's Jayden. His stitches opened last night. The doctor says it is as if someone opened it deliberately. Jayden says he saw a tall man with black hair and pointed nose. Ja... "

"He saw a WHAT?! " Braylan's eyes were popping out of the sockets. He was gaping at his father, unable to believe his ears. "He can't have seen him. What was he doing there? " He whispered more to himself than to Marco. Marco was watching him with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Do you know this guy? " He asked softly. Braylan didn't reply immediately. He was in a deep thought with a visible frown on his face.

"What time do you think this happened? " He asked, clearly, he didn't listen to the question his father had just asked.

"I think Jane said it was 2 or probably 3. I am not sure. " Marco replied.

"Dad take me seriously! You have to find an Exorcist. But first make sure there are some holy stuff near Jayden. In his room. Contact a pope or whatever they are called. " He said grimly.

"That is what Jane said. I have to bring a father with me. I was waiting for you to wake up. " Marco replied.

"Can I join you? " He asked and Marco agreed. Within ten minutes, Braylan was ready. Marco insisted him to have breakfast. He grabbed some oranges and said that he would eat it in the car. They stared their journey towards the church. The journey was a blur for Braylan. His mind kept going back to the tall man whome he saw in the attic. He saw the same man in their living room when they were outside and the door closed on its own. But he knew that it was Roger who had thrown the chair on Jayden.

"Yeah he says he will be there at 10. He will be accompanied by a couple of nuns. I guess this is what he said. " Marco entered the car speaking on his phone. He was listening to what the other person was saying. "Okay bye. We are coming. We will reach in some time. See you!" He listened to the other person (which Braylan knew was his mom), kept his phone in his pocket and started driving. Braylan didn't speak. He was looking out of the window.

"Do you know this tall guy? " Marco asked after a while. Braylan was dreading this question. He didn't reply immediately. He seemed way too interested in his shoelaces. Marco was waiting for him to reply.

"I saw him in our attic once. " He replied. That was the only sensible thing to say.

"You saw him in our attic? " Marco asked him once again. There was a note of surprise in his voice.

"Yes." He explained the whole story. "Jayden wasn't looking my way. When he turned, the man was gone. But I saw him behind Jayden."

Marco didn't say anything. He was short for words and luckily they had reached the parking lot of the hospital. They went to Jayden's room but Jayden was asleep. He sat beside him and did nothing. Marco had gone to the canteen to frtch some coffee and a sandwich fir Jane.

After half an hour, the Pope was due to come and-

"After this, you better go home and sleep. You haven't blinked an eye the whole night! " Marco said and Jane didn't argue.

"Braylan will you come back? " She asked him.

"I don't know. I think I need to talk to Jayden. " He replied.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked once again.

"Yeah. I slept well. You should go and rest for a few hours too. " He said.

"What about breakfast? You had it, didn't you?" She asked.

"Don't worry mom. Dad didn't deprive me of anything and ge certainly didn't starve me. " He replied with a smile and his parents smiled too. Marco received a call from the father and he walked out to get them in the room. Soon they were joined by a father and three nuns. Jayden was still asleep. The father, whose name was Gerard, looked around the room. Then he turned towards Jayden.

"I assume he is Jayden. " He said softly and Marco confirmed it. Jayden was muttering something. Braylan leaned in to hear it.

'I don't know you. Who are you? ' He muttered. 'No don't hurt him.' A pause, 'No don't hurt me too. Please, please. ' A pause and "NOOOOOOOOOO! " He screamed and sat up and Braylan massaged his right ear. Every eye in the room was on Jayden who looked scared and was looking around the room with frightened eyes.

"What did you see, young man? " Father Gerard asked politely. Instead of replying, Jayden was looking Marco, his eyes asking 'who is he? '

"Jayden, meet Father Gerard. He is here to help you. " Marco introduced quickly. Jayden was now looking at Father Gerard, taking him in. He repeated his question politely.

"There was a man in black robes. He had short, black hair. His eyes were hollow. He said that I knew him. I said I don't know him and asked who he is. He didn't reply. He said he wanted to hurt Braylan. He had sharp teeth too. He was going for Braylan. I asked him not to hurt him. He turned towards me and said he will hurt me. I begged him not to hurt me either. Then he came towards me and was about to bite me and I woke up. " He said and this was followed by silence.

"Well that explains a few things. Now if you allow us, we would like to do some things. " Father Gerard said and their parents nodded. Braylan saw them, fascinated by their work. They were muttering prayers in foreign language and a nun was probably reading the Bible.

After half an hour, Father Gerard turned towards them and-

"This ought to have been enough. I hope it helps. " He said to all of them.

"Father, I can't thank you enough. May God bless your soul." Jane said bowing slightly.

"It was my pleasure. " He replied, returning the bow.

"Let me escort you, Father." Marco said and all of them left. Now Jane, Jayden and Braylan were left in the room.

"Are you feeling better? " He asked Jayden, who was now sitting with the support of pillow.

"Yeah, a bit better. But at night, it was horrible." He replied.

"So shall I bring you some books or games? " Braylan asked, feeling the necessity to change the gloomy mood of everyone un the room. He himself wasn't very satisfied. The Presence he felt yesterday and the moment he entered this room had reduced and not gone. He could still feel the Presence.

"How about this, when I come back from home in the evening, I bring you those books. By that time you can have some brother time." Jane said with a smile and they both agreed to it. Marco was soon back while they were talking.

"You should go now. " Marco said and Jane bade them goodbye and left.

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