

" I... I killed many people", I answered after listening to Maya's question with vacant eyes while staring at the gate.

" Wh... what are you saying Ritik, you... you killed people, ho.. how did you get here no-no when did you come here and why are you like this, please tell me Ritik I'm getting anxious", Maya stuttered then said quickly.

" What are you doing, can't you see what his state is, he needs to calm down first", saying this Natasha opened her hands wide and pulled me in for a hug while pressing my head on her soft breasts. Not worrying even a tad bit about the blood stains on my clothes.

Feeling the long awaited warmth I closed my eyes and let my head rest on two of my favourite things while enjoying the warmth of the first partner of mine and the most attached person to me.

" I'm sorry Ritik, I was too hasty", Maya came from behind and said in a guilty tone from behind while leaning onto me.

I didn't move and they too did not say a word.

The situation went on like that until I think about 15 minutes later when suddenly the doorbell rang.

Without moving Natasha signalled Maya to go and open the door. She went and opened the door. After some light talk which looked like a quarrel she brought in a forty something lady.

" Ho... how did this happen, wait.. is he a gangster, I.. I can't treat him if it's because of fighting and killing, I don't want to get into all this", hearing her words of fighting and killing my body which was sticking to Natasha trembled lightly.

Natasha stared at the doctor and Maya responded quickly.

" You know how we are right?? do you think he would do something like that, quickly check on the wound and do something, the bleeding isn't stopping", Maya said in a hasty voice.

" but... but I can't, it's a gun wound, we need to file a case, I'm just a small doctor with a small clinic, I... I can't", the doctor tried to deny.

" five times the consultation as well as medication fee. Will it work??", without betting an eye Maya replied.

" That... (thinking for some seconds) that can work, but.... but don't tell my name to anyone, I'll do the same if some problem arises", she knew that we were well fed and can pay that money easily so she agreed quickly.

" Also, don't ever come to the store again", suddenly Natasha said with a menacing look and a grumpy voice hearing which my grip around her tightened. Feeling that Natasha patted my back making me relax again.

Slowly doctor came towards me which obviously I could not see and sat beside me.

Touching around my wound on the thigh she checked it. Then she took out some instrument and did something around my wound.

" I don't know how but bullet did not get much inside, either the shooter was too far or your skin is tough, handsome boy. So congratulations, I can take it out right away. Let's get you to the bed first", she said in a fake giggly voice which did nothing to my mood.

I got up and without letting go of Natasha and Maya from my sides I went inside with a little difficulty. Lying on the bed with Maya and Natasha sitting on my sides the doctor started the treatment.

Putting some ointment she started washing the place of the wound. After using anaesthesia she pulled out the bullet easily after putting a little bit of the instrument inside the wound.

Taking out the bullet she put it on a glass bowl beside her then got up and washed her hands in the bathroom.

" I've taken the bullet out and put the necessary ointments, give him some fruits and healthy food for the next two weeks and the wound will heal itself, I've wrapped up the wound. Come to my clinic after a week for the checkup and let him rest for the night now. He will feel more pain tomorrow. Also, that consultation fee...", with a greedy and fake sincere smile.

" Sister Maya please give her money from that drawer and send her out, I'll talk to Ritik for a while, ALONE", she said to Maya while specifying the last word.

" Yes, I'll be back in ten minutes, you can take your time", understanding the seriousness of the situation Maya did not ask anything and left with the doctor.


" I know you're stressed but please tell me now, what's all this", Natasha asked with concern.

" I... do you need to hear the whole story", I said with some difficulty.

" Yes, the whole damn thing. The wound is not that deep so I know you can fight through it so please tell me the whole story", she said in a serious tone.

" It... it started with my future plan, to be the best that I told you before I need to control the world from above and below too. 3 months ago the controlling from above started and now 3 months later the control from below is starting. I know it's ridiculous mom but try to understand it from my perspective. Without power I could not make you all mine legally. I need power and strength and it will not come only from legal basis. Today I fought with the top underworld gangster of the city and won. Now my man is the underworld leader of the city.. slap*", the slap broke my words.

" I told you to not do something so dangerous, I still had some expectations but you've shattered them all. Have I ever told you to go to such extent to do it. I told you we can all live a sheltered happy life.... ", I cut her words in the middle.

" You don't understand anything mom, the world doesn't work like that. You know how beautiful you all are. There will definitely be times when there will be people who would want to harm us. What would you do then, would you call the corrupt police Or the cunning officials. You can do nothing but wait to get destroyed. Even if not that, there would be a lot of things which would not need position but strength, power and immense one at that. I know it's ridiculous but for you, for Maya, for my lovers and for the people close to me, I'll do everything in my reach to have the power to change the fate of each and everyone in this WHOLE DAMN WORLD. Do you think it was easy for me. I lost about 20 men whom I just met today. Do you know how devastating that blow was for me. No right?? but without knowing anything you just slapped me upfront, do you sniff* sniff* do you know how much that hurt me..... ", tears started falling off my eyes as I shouted these words out loud. The door had moved a little before so I knew Maya was also listening to all of it from behind the door.

" Ritik I... I... I'm a simple woman and I don't know anything, you can cry all you want but you're wrong today, what if you would had lost your life, what if the police comes tomorrow and takes you for that person's life, there are many possibilities which will only make our future worse. I don't know about the future but I know that these things can make a devastating blow to our present and I don't want that. Understand me, you can cry as much as you want but today you're wrong. I'm sorry baby. Rest for the night and think about what you did today, I don't know but the police might come at any moment to take you away so enjoy your time till then", saying this Natasha got up and moved out with heavy steps, her head was looking down shouting off the depressed mood she was in.

" Police will not come sob* sob* and... and even if you never talk to me I'll continue on this road. Even if not now, in the future you'll understand why all this is right and why I'm doing this all because of you and the girls...", I shouted from behind as she left without looking backwards.

I saw her looking at the side with a worried glance, then nodding she moved out.

Half a minute later Maya entered the room.

" She's a simple woman Ritik, don't take her words to heart after all she's just worried about you. I had seen the harshness of the society and know that everything is needed. I know it's hard to control both the sides but I believe in you. I know it's difficult to sustain in environment like those but please... I beg of you please don't change, I know I can't change your decision even if I try so I'm not gonna stop you or anything but please... take care of yourself... I've already lost what I had and I don't want to feel that again. I don't want Shanaya, Sania, Zara or any other girl to feel the loss that I felt so please... please.. take care of yourself and don't do something too excessive which could cause you your life. You know that if you're not there then there's no point of planning and doing something like that.... ple.. ", I cut her words.

" Come and sit here", I patted the place beside me and asked her while trying to control my emotions.

With slow steps she came and sat beside me.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer I said slowly in a very emotional voice opening up everything what I was trying to control,

" You know how much I love you all, right?? so please trust in my judgement, I want to do all this but only on one condition which is to be with you all so I'll never do something which could cost me my life. Also, I would like to have some sleep now so can you join me here, it's hard to sleep after experiencing something so gory", feeling my emotions in those words which I said slowly, she turned towards me. Feeling my sincere emotions and looking at my longing face she couldn't control herself. Putting her arms around my head she pulled it towards her breasts.

" You don't need to act tough all the time, there are times like this where we need to support your decision whether it be wrong or right, so don't say anything else just lie down and sleep", whispering in my ears she laid beside me. I closed my eyes and with a little difficulty moved my legs so as to be in a comfortable position.

Wrapping my arms around the soft fluffy waist I slept soundly for the night in the warmth of a somewhat motherly figure for me. One who supports, instructs and sometimes scolds me.

Maya kissed my forehead and went to sleep with a careful look, after a full hour a beautiful face peeked inside while I snored with my face in between two soft pillowy things. Looking at me worriedly Natasha went back while her eyes were filled with tears.



"Ahhhh... I won't I won't", I woke up shouting dazedly.

Hearing the shout Maya sitting beside me also checked me up in hurry,

" What happened.. what happened", looking at me worriedly Maya asked hurriedly.

" It's.... inhale* exhale* nothing, just a bad dream", I said while thinking about the bloodied faces of the twenty or so people crying in agony, begging me to do them justice for what they suffered a day before, that sure was a very scary dream.

I shook my head quickly leaving all the thoughts behind.

" Don't be tensed Ritik... I don't know about killing, gangs and all but I know what you did yesterday will affect you for some days, months or even more. It might even leave some trauma so just rest for some time. Don't stress yourself with anything and I would even suggest not to come in contact with any of your.... street friends so as not to bring those memories back", Maya said in a kind and sincere tone.

" I know... can you pass on my mobile, I need to handle some things", I responded.

Natasha was also hiding behind the door looking at me worriedly because of the sound I made. I did not let her know that I knew it.

Maya got up and after passing my phone went outside after talking to me for some minutes.

" Hello... yes... Sumit I'm going to take leave for some time, no-no it's nothing serious, yeah... I can't tell the time but I need rest, yeah... no-no don't go to the apartment I'm not there, yeah... well, nothing serious, haha* really yeah well she is like that, yeah.. you can try she might really accept you, well.. ok let's talk later."

" Hello Surya.. no it's all well, I've already bandaged it, where are you right now.. yeah well, what.. she called you, really, OK follow her commands but keep an eye on anyone trying to backstab you. You know how that traitor made such situation. Well yeah kind of... so what about those dead ones... yeah the ones who got killed, OK that's good also tell their families that each of them would get 2,00,000/- each. It's from my side so I'll arrange them as soon as I return to Mumbai.... Yeah well for some time I'll stay here in my house only... no-no don't visit here my family is already angry with everything I'm doing I don't want to increase their worry anymore yeah well take care... no just tell her I can't contact her for some days. Yeah... I know it might be difficult but cope with her... umm... yes try to get over with all of it quickly... I know it's difficult but you need to move to Mumbai quickly. Also, learn some more fighting techniques, there are many experts out there... yeah.. I know you're not weak but not the strongest too. Yeah, you saw how you almost got beaten by that trained guard.... don't laugh it off fool.. OK then I'll call sometime later.. yeah... byy...", with that the long call with Surya ended.

" Yes... Ramesh uncle, keep eye for anyone near my apartment.... yeah it might take some time for me to be back.... yeah so please take care of the girls.... OK just listen to what they say and take them out only if it is required.... yeah do as you think is right... correct... OK OK just be sure before picking them up... also don't let anyone know that those two are alone.... OK then... yeah no more than two weeks... OK then... yes yes... then we'll talk later byyy...", I took a deep breath after instructing Ramesh Uncle.

Getting up with difficulty I tried moving towards the bathroom and suddenly received the help of my lovely Natasha. Without a word she helped me go and freshen up, no words were shared between us all that while but her worries and care towards me could not be hidden. She might be angry for some time but it was easy to calm her down so for sometime I just let everything be as it is and enjoyed the long lost pleasure of relaxing.


6 days later,

I was on the dining table digging on the tasty breakfast in front of me. With squinted eyes I looked at my target in front of the wash basin cleaning the dishes. One who had taken care of me for the past few days without talking to me even for half a minute. Only us two were present in home as Maya had gone to the shop to take care of something.

With slow steps I moved towards her, like a pouncing lion I jumped and caught the beautiful deer in my grasp. Natasha flinched and tried to move away from my grip but I had tightly gripped around her waist.

" Wh... what are you doing, loosen the grip now.. ugghhh..", she fidgeted.

Slowly I creeped my hand inside her loose lower. With light finger movements I started rubbing and playing with the dry hole of her.

" anh... what are you doing, let me go now or you'll see", she resisted.

" It's already been 6 days, for how long do you want to keep up this facade, just let go of your thoughts mom I don't want our relationship to deteriorate because of my future planning", I said while continuing to play with her. I pushed my other hand inside her tee and starting massaging and playing with her breasts above the puffy bra she was wearing.

" No... anh... no I won't.. you're a murderer, what you did is wrong anhhh...", hearing her resistance I turned her around to look directly at my eyes.

Closing my face I took her lips and started kissing her, it took some time but she started giving up to the urges.

A couple of minutes later I moved my hands and took off her tee, she resisted but to no avail. Similarly her pant was also take off.

With nothing in between us other than her bra I teared it off and put her on the kitchen slab.

She was giving me a menacing look but I could also see the fair share of lust in her eyes.

Without betting her an eye I aimed my cock and with full force I moved my waist and put my whole cock inside her in a single thrust.

" anhhh... fool fool fool... why are you doing this... I don't want my... boy to be... a murderer. I've told you we can live peacefully and simply so why.... why.... angh...", she wrapped her arms around my neck and while holding onto me she said beside my ears while moaning.

" I know it's hard to accept mom but this is what your son, I chose. I don't want my family to live in fear of getting hurt any moment. I want us to live carefully with no one to fear in the world and I promise before the girls turn forty I'm gonna provide that life to you. You just need to believe in me and support me. I need nothing more than all your love", I said while pumping my cock in and out of her while fondling her perky full breasts.

" I... I know.. but to murder someone to achieve your dreams... it's... angh... anh... it's not the correct way to do things but... I also don't want to let go of you so... anh.. I love you... I can't stop you from doing something but I don't want you to loose control of yourself while doing all this.... you're my dear boy... angh... and I don't want to loose him to get someone who's a world leader of some kind... anhh... so full...", she said while caressing my body all over.

" I promise I won't do anything like that and I'll always be my momma's boy, I'll never treat you or any other girl of mine arrogantly and angrily. I don't care about how the world sees me but I'll always do my very best for you, my girls and all of my people. I love you all anh... you're.. tightening, have you accepted... me..", I said with full sincerity.

" Yess.... my boy.. I've already accepted you since you were two, it was just my conscience which were coming in between, I'm still against you killing anyone but if that's what is required to make us live freely and wander peacefully then I'll allow it but only if you're not the one in danger. A mother's blessing never disintegrates... I bless you my boy... all the good things in the world be yours... all your bad luck comes to me.. I'll be the one to face your hardships... you enjoy all the luck... I... love you...", Natasha said with voice like as if her emotions had taken over her.

" Mom... I love you too... I don't know you'll believe it or not but... I love you the most... I love you more than anyone else... nobody matters to me more than you... so... let's continue onto the bed..", I said with wet eyes. Those days of her not talking to me made my emotions overtake my decision.

" Yes... anh...", with this one word I picked her up without letting go of her and the rest of the day is history. A day full of love, pleasure, passion and.... affection. The next four days were also fun loving with continuous threesome daily. I had bad dreams for a week but after having my fun time with Natasha it started lessening continuously and in no time they stopped coming themselves.


Waving my hand towards Maya and Natasha I looked at them smiling. Surya had already taken care of most of the things. Some extra important and complicated things were what he needed my help for so after doing that and completing my almost two week holiday I went back to Mumbai. The place waiting for my arrival with two hotties.

But there's one thing continuously striking the back of my mind, 'Why had she not contacted me yet... is there some conspiracy going on from behind..', thinking deeply I returned to Mumbai after treating my PTSD with the help of the best MILFS in town.



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