You can like it, you can dislike it but you can't stop reading it. An ordinary chad trying to write an extraordinary smut.
Membaca buku-buku
Great story ; Good Story wOWWWWWWWWWW
Azuza Yagi (AGR-029)
The author actually didn't need to make him ugly. Still, what's done is done.
Such deep explanation of this scene..... great story. Keep up the good work. Love it
Feeling BLESSED to have read this. Currently on chapter 589 and I must say.... The best work I've read in my life. Great Writing with almost no Errors. I'm getting so immersed in this that I literally almost cried in Chapter 588. Story is going great. Slow in-depth pacing that I love the most. Character design is great with slow but sure introduction with background to almost all major characters. Also,most of the writers only write quick happy moments relating to wars but not this one, he describes almost every major hacking and emotional disturbance during the battle immersing one totally to the current events. I don't need to say about updates as it's 15 chapters per week. World background is great as there's a whole goddamn world to discover with each having it's own specialty. At last, I love love love love love your work. Also, R-18 part, those are god damn 🥵. The only problem might be the openness these adhanians follow. Still, if someone wants to immerse in one of the best stories around medieval background Webnovel has to offer and if they can gobble up some ntr and nts in between then it is a must read. GREAT GREAT GREAT work Author. LOVEEEEEEE........ IT...... (♥_♥) (♥_♥) (♥_♥) (♥_♥)
This method of properly describing the battle in short summary is the best, you're depiction of battles is really great. Keep up the good work.
Ain't this just too much. He could have simply given her 10% with prospective to increase her share but no, he just simply handed her the pie right into her own hands without much to do.
You might give some reasons in the next chapters that she's a good natured girl or something but I really don't want this girl in the harem. Mikaya is a total NO! Let MC stay std free
Please Lunaria, kill that cheap interrogator.
What sort of an idiot Erich is. Will he just kept collecting one specimen of each species, that too not that of an important character. He should have left her here only. Such an idiot pervy