

"You name him after the runaway?" Dachi questioned.

"Yes, though he never told me where he was going, I know he had his reasons, and I love him no matter what." She said.

"Well, if he went where we think he went, then we can't let him live. You are aware of that, right." Dachi told her.

"You told me yourself you watched the seal close back up. There was no way for him to go there. Carson had suffered, and he ran away. That's all there is to it."

The phantoms walked out of the room.

The mother cried as she held her son.

"Please come home, Carson. I can't do this without you." She let out.

The baby started crying as it felt it's mothers pain.

She was hospitalized for a couple more days and was finally released.

Carson waited home for his girlfriend to bring his new child. Once she arrived, he kissed her on the forehead and then ended up proposing.

Their marriage occurred four months after Vannox's birth, and they ended up living a normal life.

The mother of Vannox was named Annie.

The mother of Carson was named Ella.

Rumors of Carson betraying the Phantoms sparked, and people ended up giving Ella hell.

"Wife of a rat" Someone yelled as she walked out of her home. As Carson grew older, he ended up becoming a victim of hate crime.

"Your father is a traitor."

"You aren't loved."

"You should kill yourself."

"Disappear like your father."


Carson tried his best to ignore everything that was going on.

Ella walked in the streets, and someone threw a rock at her, but she kept walking, not feeling a thing.

Carson made his way home. The place was very dark. It's never been this dark. It was also dirty. It's never been dirty.

Carson walked over the trash and plates on the floor. He went into his mom's room, and nobody was there. Once he left, he checked his room and saw his mom sitting with her legs crossed and her head down.

"Mom, are you ok?" Carson questioned.

She didn't answer.

"Mom, it's me, Carson." He spoke again.

Once she heard Carson's name, she moved her hand up and slapped him.

Silence filled the air; she had never put her hand on Carson, but she did this time.

Carson didn't say a word. His mother soon hugged him as he still stared at the walls.

"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean it." She cried.

It was the first time Carson had seen his mother cry, and he didn't like it.

Everyone has turned on Ella. Everyone except Carson.

Dachi grabbed his drink and sat in his seat as Senzu and Moses walked in.

"Hello." He said.

"We found this demon. He can look across the realms and into the human one."

"Is this true old man." He questioned.

"Oh yes, I was once known as a prophet, the one who sees all and tells all." He commented

"Prophet, huh? I was once known as that until they turned on us." Dachi said. "But forget all that. Show us what you see."

The prophet moved in circles until a giant clear orb appeared in front of the three phantoms.

"All seeing core: demon tracker: Carson the shadow Phantom."

The orb became very cloudy and soon cleared up. It showed the Naslands and the Kaijo region and soon showed them, Carson."

"That traitor," Senzu said.

"I knew all along," Dachi said. "Let's not stress it, though. Just keep an eye on him and let Ella know of our discovery."

The Prophet returned to his home and set the orb down, and Moses and Senzu made their way to Ella's home.

They knocked on the door, but nobody opened up, so they walked in.

Ella sat there without saying anything. She looked toward the Phantoms with eyes that looked like they gave up on everything.

Carson rushed into the room with some water and asked his mom to drink it.

Moses walked up to her and went toward her ear.

"Carson has escaped to the human realm, and not only that, he married someone else and has a child," Moses said with a smile.

Ella's eyes opened up, and she looked at Moses.

She started hitting him, "take that back. Carson would never do that to me… he wouldn't.." She cried out.

Moses took her hands off him and got back up. He walked out of the house with Senzu next to him and walked away.

"That was very harsh," Senzu said as he laughed.

"I don't care. He doesn't know how to control himself, and she'll forever be alone."

They continued to laugh as they left.

Ella continued crying, and Carson tried to get her to stop.

The day passed, and as the next came along, Carson got ready to head out.

He went to the door but turned toward his mom, standing and making him food again.

"Mom, are you ok?" Carson asked her.

"Yes," she said with a smile.

She walked toward him and got on her knees, and hugged him.

"Carson, every time I look, you remind me of your father, and I love you no matter what, just as I love him. Can you promise me something?" she asked.

"I can do anything you want." He said happily.

"Live your life how you want to live it but grow strong and healthy, don't be used by others, and no matter what, don't ever hate your father and his choices." She said as a tear rolled down her eye.

Carson wiped her tears.

"I promise," Carson said.

He ran out of the house and went out for the day. After a long day, Carson came home back into the darkness.

"Mom." He yelled out.

No one answered, and he ran into the room, turning on the lights.

Ella laid there lifeless.

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