
The Awaited Moment

"Honey, where's Vannox?" Carson asked Annie.

Annie looked at Carson and shrugged. They both dropped what they were doing and ran looking for him.

Seven years have passed since Carson came to the human world. He hasn't caused a single crime or used his power once.

"There he is," Carson said as he grabbed Vannox's arm.

"I was just playing outside. Vannox explained.

"It's ok, buts it's time to eat." Annie grabbed Vannox's hand while Carson grabbed the other, and they walked; a beautiful couple and their child they looked happy together.

Carson walked through the Town as many devils looked at him.


They all looked at each other and moved on with their day.

Carson went toward the phantoms and busted through the door.

They looked toward him, and Dachi sat up.

"How may we help you, young Carson." He spoke.

Before he spoke, the prophet demon walked in.

"Oh, are you guys busy?" He said as he stopped.

"No, no, it's fine to walk in, and let's do our daily check-in," Dachi said as he walked toward the prophet and greeted him.

The prophet walked forward and put his orbs down again. The smoke appeared in the orb and cleared it, showing Carson walking with his family.

Carson walked toward the orb and looked at it.

"That man right there is your father," Dachi told Carson as he grabbed his shoulder.

Carson stared at the orb and didn't say anything.

A young child who didn't understand the emotions he was feeling, too young to speak about it, walked away.

He went home and sat near his mom and stared at the ceiling. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't.

Moses soon walked into the house and went toward them.

Carson rushed to his feet and looked toward Moses.

"What do you want?" Carson questioned.

Moses ignored his question and walked up, lifting Carson's mom.

Carson attacked him, but Moses kicked him off. He got up and walked out of the house.

Carson wiped the blood off his mouth and got on his feet, and rushed out the door. He couldn't see Moses anywhere.

He ran through the streets and was approached by some demon children.

"If it wasn't the Son of the snake." They said.

They walked toward Carson, who was backing up.

They rushed toward him, but Carson disappeared and fell into a shadow.

"Where did he go?" One of the kids said.

Carson appeared in the distance, and they saw him chasing after him.

Carson ran away and kept running until they couldn't catch up to him.

Senzu ran into Carson, who fell over and looked up at him.

"Hello there, child of Carson." He said.


"Why are you running?" Senzu questioned.

Carson looked back and then put his head down

"I see; come with me." Senzu grabbed his hands and dragged him to a forest.

"Put your hands up." Senzu told Carson then striked him.

"Don't wait for me. Always be on your guard."

Carson laid on the floor and slowly made his way back up.

He moved his hands to his face and put one leg in front of the other. He stared at Senzu, who attacked him in the ribs and sent him flying toward a tree.

"Your face isn't the only place to hit. Make sure you guard everything."

Carson made it back to his feet minutes after and slowly walked back toward Senzu.

They trained for hours nonstop Senzu then congratulated him for listening to his instructions and told him to go rest and meet him here again tomorrow.

Vannox and his parents made it home. Carson went into the restroom to wash up but heard screaming coming. He rushed out and saw Vannox floating in the air.

Annie was petrified. She rushed toward Carson and grabbed his arm.

Carson let go of her and walked toward Vannox. He pulled him out of the air and looked him in the eyes. He smiled right after.

"Why is our son one of those demon worshippers?" She yelled out.

Carson looked at her, and memories rushed in. He put Vannox down and went to his chair.

"Demon? Shadow?" He questioned himself.

Soon he remembered everything the time spent on these lands had messed up his memory. He forgot about Ella and the phantoms and everyone else.

He walked out of the house and left and rushed into a forest.

Annie walked out of the house and couldn't see Carson anywhere. She went back in and grabbed his arm, and walked him into his room.

"Hey, death guy!" He shouted.

Nothing happened.

He continued shouting; then, a shadow opened up below him. He fell in and ended up in the shadow realm.

The man in the cloak walked toward Carson.

"What do you need." He said.

"I want to go see Ella. Let me go visit the Phantom union." Carson said.

The man stared in silence.

"I only wish to visit. I never gave a proper goodbye, and I want to see Ella again."

"You want to see Ella?" the man said.


"Alright, but remember what I said. Going into the human world will cause many hardships. One hardship has struck; another is being created." The man spoke once more.

Before Carson could say anything, he fell out of the sky and landed in front of tree.

He got up and cleaned the dirt off his clothes, and made his way back to his old home.

The prophet sat in his chair as the orb showed clear smoke of Carson in the phantoms union.

He rushed toward it and looked through it, noticing the buildings in front of Carson.

He grabbed his orb and rushed toward the Phantom's building, and busted through the door.

All the Phantoms looked at him in confusion.

"Carson is back." He said.

In an instant, the room was empty, all the Phantoms gone.

Senzu laid on the ground, breathing hard and covered in blood.

Hago Milo and Kazuha all laid there as well.

"Wow, you guys pushed me to my limit." Senzu groaned as he pushed himself up.

Hundreds of coins on the floor all vanished.

Senzu looked back one more time, then went to walk away.

"Where are you going," Hago got back on his feet.

Senzu chuckled and turned around, noticing Kazuha and Milo also standing again.

"Do you guys not give up." He turned around.

"You had one job, yet you failed to complete it," Milo got back up and started levitating. "Now I still stand because you can't do your job."

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