
KKDEL: Siblings

Rafaela refrained from punishing the Dragon for helping them, but she didn't reward Erica either. She didn't object when Adrian and Lief both gave the Dragon the information she requested. That was as far as she could make herself yield.

She felt inexplicably relieved that Brendan didn't join his friend and brother in associating more closely with the Beyonder from the Empire. He was waiting for her. She knew he was waiting for her. But she wasn't ready… yet.

They didn't transmit the information about the 'Regency' group throughout Eks Corp Security. Instead, several corporate leaders received confidential messages. Those corporate leaders weren't chosen by their corporate ranking either, and Rafaela wondered how much irony there was in that.

The first people to learn of the organization were immediate family members. Four corporations, essentially, learned who seemed to be threatening them all.


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