
A: Closer Beyonder

Adrian listened to Brendan and wondered how things could be so vastly different and yet almost exactly the same.

"I don't want to tell her that we should do exactly what my predecessors did. They would have argued against it too, so, there's that, at least. But it feels…" Brendan hesitated as he frowned at his tablet. It still held his attention despite the fact that they rarely had an opportunity to talk face to face. "It feels so dangerous," he admitted as he raised his gaze to meet Adrian's at last.

"It is dangerous," Adrian replied calmly. His own heart rate reported that he fully agreed with Brendan's evaluation, as he replied, "Blow up one station at the right time, and boom, they win."

"But if they have my override codes, they can listen to anything we transmit," Brendan pointed out again.

"If they have the King's overrides, is there anything they can't do?" Adrian asked dryly.

"Everything that I can't," Brendan suggested sourly.

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