
Some men's time

"Shit, Shit, Shit, how can I let him embarrass me like this?" stamping her feet on the bed, lying on her back with her face hidden under her hands, Shanaya cursed herself. She could not believe she had given Vihaan the chance to say something to her.

She removed her hands when he heard Vansh's footsteps and saw him getting seated on the bed, on the left of her.

Standing up to sit beside him, she looked at him to saw him giving that teasing look he had been giving him for the last three hours, fueling her frustration, and before she could control it, she burst out" Do not give me those looks! I know what you are thinking but it is not like that, okay! He just rescued me!"

"Did I say something, beautifool?" with face masked with innocence, Vansh questioned.

"Yes, you did!"

"When did I?"

"You did not speak, but you are giving me those looks for the last three hours since he rescued me"

An hour earlier, after done with the dinner, everyone had gathered back in the hall to discuss the arrangements and Anurag had left with his family after spending some time with them.

"Okay, so after all the discussions, seventeen of this month is finalised for the wedding. Ring ceremony, Haldi and all other functions will start from the tenth of the month. Vihaan, make sure everything is perfect" directing his gaze toward Vihaan, Shiva spoke.

Before Vihaan could complete his response"Sure! I will contact 'Tehrani's' for the arrangement and...", he was cut off by Shanaya, who did not look in his eyes, instead, looked at Shiva spoke, "I will do it".

Before anyone could speak, Vihaan spoke in hush"Do what?"

Ignoring him, she continued looking at Shiva and spoke "I want to organize this wedding, Uncle"

Vihaan took no longer than a second to spoke "No".

He might have noticed how she was ignoring him, again and again, but he could not let her ruin Avni's wedding, for, he was not sure if she would be able to organise everything perfectly.

Gritting her teeth, she turns her head in Vihaan's direction and narrowing her eyes toward him, spoke: "I did not ask you, Mr Vihaan!".

Duelling with their eyes, ready to kill each other, their cold war was broken when Shiva cleared his throat and spoke" Vihaan, I think we can trust her! Besides, she would be able to organise it according to Avni's preference as she knows Avni's choices."

Grimacing, shanaya spoke excitedly" Of course Uncle!" and turning her attention toward Avni, ask" What do you think, dee?"

Chaya, who was noticing everything, smiled inwardly looking at the scenario in front of her. She knew to persuade Vihaan was not easy, and it seemed to her Shanaya too knew that as she was trying to influence everyone else apart from him so that she would not need to ask him.

Lost in herself, Chaya murmured to herself" She is a clever girl" and turn her attention to others who were done with finalising things and had stood up to leave the room to go to their room.

Getting up from the sofa, Shanaya had just started walking when she received a message and she picks it up to reply to the person. Engrossed in her phone, she did not pay attention to the manly figure obstructing her path and ascend her eyes to saw Vihaan obstructing her path and looking angrily at her when she bumped into him hard.

Creating some space between them, she wraps her arms around herself and asked with furrowed brows" Any problem?"

Avni, Vansh and Saaranash, who all were on their way to their room, stopped when they saw two of them arguing and meddling between them, Avni asked with authority" What's going on with two of you?"

"I do not know! He blocked my path"Shanaya complained.

"What's wrong with two of you? Why do you always fight!" scolding both of them, Avni scanned them from head to toe.

"I blocked her to tell no to use the phone"defending himself, Vihaan spoke for the first time.

"Why? Do I need your permission, Mr Vihaan? I can't even use my phone, now?" fumed with anger on such a petty reason, Shanaya moved toward Vihaan, diminishing the space between them.

Roaming his right hand on his hair, again and again, in frustration, Vihaan rubbed his left-hand index finger on the bridge of his nose, his eyes challenging Shanya's, he spoke after a few seconds" Do not expect anyone to save you from falling, again, when you are damn busy on your 'precious phone' to even look for the path or any obstruction in your way".


Standing in front of a full-length mirror in his bedroom, Vihaan was changing his white shirt to a black t-shirt when he noticed a pink-red bruise on his right shoulder. Before he could wonder where it came from, the images of evening's incident flashed in his mind, the images of Shanaya's terrified eyes looking in his, her body near to his, her lips trembling with fear and her fingers clenching his right shoulder.

The memory of standing close to her, smelling her fascinating feminine odour, watching her cheeks changing colours, noticing her brownish mole on her chin, feeling her heart beats, her body, was broken when he heard "Where are you lost?"

Wearing the t-shirt he had in his hands, he turned toward Saaransh to saw him arching his eyes in question at him. Ignoring his looks, Vihaan moved toward the balcony, where Vansh and Saaransh were seated.

The moon was shining brightly with stars competing against each other who will shine more, the cool breeze was adding the ingredient of romance on the already romantic weather.

Occupying his seat in the middle of them, he took the glass of wine and gulped it in one go.

"You did not answer my question" looking at Vihaan, Saaransh prodded.

"He must be lost in the memories of Avantika" taking the sip, Vansh teased Vihaan.

"Avantika!?? I thought you guys are over!" confused with the information he was receiving, Saaransh looked at Vihaan.

"We are! we are just friends!" clearing Saaransh's doubt, Vihaan gulped another shot.

"Ya Ya, I know what type of friends you are" ignoring Vihaan's glare, Vansh continued smirking.

"Have I missed something?" lying back on the seat, Saaransh questioned.

"I can guarantee you, Saaransh bro, Vihaan bro is not over her, yet!"

"Shut up! We are just friends!" lying back on the seat, with his eyes closed, Vihaan spoke casually.

"Oh really! Then, what about Kritika?" controlling his laugh, teasing Vihaan to his best level, Saaransh enquired.

"What about her?" furrowing his brows, he opened his eyes to look at Saaransh.

"You know what I mean."

"He is dating her" Vansh responded in place of Vihaan, only to get another glare from Vihaan.

The glare did nothing as Vansh and Saaransh laughed out loud, irritating Vihaan.

"My my, You are such a playboy, Vihaan!" patting on his shoulder, Saaransh sat back to fill his glass.

"I am not dating her! we are professionally linked to each other!"

"I never knew the models of your company attends your family function, with their arms in your arms" sarcasm dripping from his mouth, Saaransh looked at Vihaan with the looks' Do not dare to fool me'.

"Okay fine! We were dating back then, but now we just have a professional relationship with each other!"

"And, when were you going to tell me all these things? picking his phone from the table, Saaransh asked.

"You know I was busy this year taking over the family business and we also had not met during this period"

Nodding his head in understanding, Saaransh got confused when he heard Vihaan asking" So, what about you and Sushmita?"

"Stop dreaming about us man!"

"Who is Sushmita?" it was Vansh's turn to be shocked.

"She is no one." answering Vansh's question, Saaransh turned his attention to Vihaan" I do not know why you are so desperate to saw us together?"

"Why not? She suits you well! Her personality, her behaviour, her humour, almost everything matches yours. She is one of the famous lawyers in Mumbai, of course not as much as you, but still, I found both of you to perfect together".

"She is a precious member of my law firm, but that's it" ending the discussion, Saaransh gulped the wine in one go and turned toward Vansh, who was not talking much " What has happened to you?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Just you are quiet today." roaming his right hand on his neck, he continued " Well, what about you and Shana?" with his heart beating furiously, Saaransh asked what he was dying to know for a long time. He did not meet his eyes with any of them and continued acting normal.

The mention of Shana caught Vihaan's attention, but he did not look at Vansh, instead, he looked at Saaransh. He had noticed Saaransh acting strangely in the presence of Shana but he had no idea of the reason behind it.

Vansh took longer than a minute to respond, meanwhile, he checked Saaransh and Vihaan's reaction. He had an idea of Saaransh's erupting feeling toward Shanaya but he wanted to be sure before doing anything significant.

Measuring his words, Vansh spoke "It depends"

"Depends on what?"

"If she found someone she loves, I will allow her to go to him, otherwise she will be mine."


Enjoy reading it :)

Love to all <3

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