

The silence Vansh's answer had created was so deadly no one dared to break it. The two sets of eyes that were scanning Vansh from head to toe was forcing him to break the mask he had worn for Shanaya's sake, but, he could not give himself away so quickly.

He tried to show himself unfazed but gulped down the wine and hides his glass when he heard Shanaya "Did I miss something?

Walking toward them in her loose Silver pants with Blue T-shirt, hair tied up in a messy bun, along with Avni, Shanaya reached Vansh and sat on the left arm of his chair, with her left leg supported by the earth, and right leg bent at ninety degrees, half of it supported with the arm of the chair.

All three of them, Vihaan, Saaransh and Vansh hurriedly hide the wine bottle and glasses under the table when Avni sat down in front of them, on the empty chair but Avni surprised all of them when she spoke:" Can I also have one?".

The three of them exchanges glances and then look at Avni, who explained herself" I only need to calm my nerves."

"Dee, you know Shanaya do not like us drinking" taking a second look at Shanaya, Vansh reminded Avni.

"I know baby boy, but do not worry, I have permission today" winking at Shanaya, Avni took the wine bottle Vihaan offered and start drinking it from the bottle itself.

Shanaya had never liked those persons who drink, not just for the fact that it was a bad thing in India, but because she does not wish her closed ones to be harmed by it. She had seen how alcohol affects the body of human being, how they get addicted to it, and how they leave their closed one alone in the world.

Fifteen minutes earlier, Shanaya was trying to calm Avni, who was nervous even at the thought of getting married and was roaming in the room to calm herself, but to no avail.

Shanaya saw Avni coming to her when she guessed Avni could not find any solution and heard Avni speaking while holding her hands" I know baby you hate all those who drink, but please let me drink today."

For a moment, Shanaya could not believe what she heard, she had the idea of Vansh drinking one or two times in a year as he had promised to Shanaya, but hearing this from Avni after such a long time was a shock for sure.

"You know baby I would not have said this if I would not have been so nervous. Just the thought of wedding with Anubhav is making me crazy." pleading, Avni made puppy face, holding Shanaya's hand throughout the time.

Shanaya just nodded her head, when Avni kissed her on the cheeks and spoke:" Come, let's go! I messaged Saaranash and, he replied saying they all are on the terrace, so it's obvious they are having a drink".

"Dee, you go on. I will be in my room" just the thought of witnessing all of them drunk gave a headache to her.

"Fine, let's sleep then. I am not going to die anyway" shifting position, Avni lay down on the bed and covered herself with the cover.

Rolling her eyes on her drama, Shanaya uncovered her and spoke" Fine, let's go."

Witnessing the imagination turning into reality, listening to the rambles of Avni, Shanaya kept her head down, focusing her attention on her nails, as if they have grown too much in these fifteen minutes or they have grown up more beautifully.

Not giving much attention to their drunk talks, Vihaan attention shifted toward Shanaya and, his heart stopped for a moment. The moon which had appeared dull few moments earlier to him seemed beautiful, and he found his heart beating frantically when he looked at the girl sitting under it.

Vihaan kept watching Shanaya bathing in the milky bright yellow rays of the moon, and his heart urged to move forward to move his fingers in her honey fringes that had escaped from her messy bun and had made their way to her cheeks, to brush against her cheeks, to feel her soft skin.

He did not change the direction of his thoughts and, his eyes moved further down to her natural red and full lips. The desire to taste them, to bite them, to taint them run inside him and he immediately looked away, closed his left hand in a fist and gulped down the entire bottle.

Unaware of all the devilish thoughts of Vihaan, Shanaya was busy in her own world when she heard Saarnash asking "You do not drink?" and lifts her head to shake in a No.

Before she could justify her acts, Vansh mocked, obstructing her "She hates those who drink. Only I know how I survive."

Paying close attention to Shanaya's behaviour, Vihaan noticed, how her nose flared in anger, how she fists her hand to calm herself, but, his observation came to a stop when he saw her leaning closer to Vansh, with her teeth gritted speaking to him.

"If I have suffocated you so much, why don't you make new friend, who will accept all your terms and will surely " pointing angrily at the wine glass he was holding, continued"accompany you while drinking".

"Ofcourse!" pulling her toward himself, Vansh hugged her close, stroke her head and made his grip strong on her when he saw her fighting to free herself and spoke sweetly" But, I can't lose you, girl."

For Avni, it was nothing out of the world scene to watch but, for Saaransh, it was heartbreaking and, he turned his head in another direction.

Vihaan was not sure what had happened to him the moment he witnessed Vansh hugging Shanaya but the thought of not letting anyone touch her enter in his mind, and, the moment it did, he was sure "He was drunk!"


Enjoy reading it :)

Love to all <3

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