
The trials of Luke Pt 2

Jack and Jill went to the backyard.

Jack: Hey mom!

Lucy: Hi honey! Where's Mr. John?

Jill: He said that he needed to buy some groceries and then he's coming back.

Lucy: Ok!

Jack: It is hot out here! Let us make you some lemonade while you mess with the garden!

Lucy: Thanks sweeties but I will make the lemonade.

Jill: No no we insist, we'll come back shortly.

Lucy: Thanks sweeties.

Jack and Jill went into the kitchen, Jill got the lemonade from the fridge while jack got a tray and a glass.

Jill poured the lemonade and then they took it outside.

Jack tripped over a rock making the lemonade splash all over Lucy.

Jack: I'm sorry mom.

Lucy: That's ok, I need to wash some clothes anyway.

Lucy went back in the house.

Jill: Oh no, time for plan B!

Jack: What's plan B?

Jill: Hide the remote!

Jack: Oh.


John made in to the news station and he was greeted by security guards and guns pointed to his head.

John: Guys! No need to get hostile!

Guard: You aren't supposed to be here!

John: Oh, this isn't Shoprite? I must've gotten myself lost (Chuckles)

Guard: Show this guy out.

Gaurds: Follow us.

The guards was walking in front of  John and they made it to the entrance.

John: So sorry for this...

John knocked the guard out.

He saw a nearby bathroom so he took a guard in the bathroom then put his clothes on.

John walked out and left him in the bathroom.

The news lady and her brother came.

Bobby: Hey Joe! What do you know?

John looked around for a second.

John in his mind: I know my name ain't Joe!

John: Oh me? Uh, I'm good thanks! You?

Bobby: where good!

John: Can you show me the camera room where you film the news and stuff like that?

Cindy: Sure thing! Follow us.

John followed Bobby and Cindy to the news room.

Bobby: Bye!

Bobby shut the door.

Cindy: Are you sure we should leave him in there?

Bobby: Why not?

Cindy: Fine.

John went up to the camera and saw the videos of the swords in the criminals and Luke revealing his identity.

John: All I need to do now is to find a bottle of water.

John peeked outside of the door to see if anyone was there, he didn't see no one so he ran but someone was watching him behind the wall.

Cindy: What is he up to??

John: Yo! Fellow security guard, I forgot where the waters are, can you show me?

Guard: Sure, our mini kitchen is this way.

The guard pointed to the left.

John: We have a mini kitchen?! Sweet!

Guard: I know right?! I get to eat whenever I want while I'm on my job!

John: Thanks!

John ran to the kitchen.

The guard waved.

Guard: Bye!

The guard went to his original spot.

Guard: He's so nice!

John got the water from the mini fridge and then ran back to the room.

He closes the door.

He went up to the camera.

John: This should do the trick.

John dumped the water on the camera causing sparks and a little fire to appear.

Cindy bursted threw the door.

Cindy:Ah ha!

Cindy widened her eyes when she saw the small fire.

Cindy: Securiy! Get a fire extinguisher!

The guards came with the fire extinguisher.

The guard also widened his eyes.

Guard: Aw man! Did you do this?

John: You caught me.... Bye

The guard and Cindy blocked the door.

The other guard blew out the fire with the fire extinguisher.

Cindy: Where do you think your going?!

Guard: You seemed so nice! Well (Sigh) I guess I'll have to shoot you now, sorry bud.

John quickly got something out of his pocket, it was a smoke bomb.

He dropped the smoke bomb so he disappeared in a puff of smoke, he ended up in the kitchen.

Guard: Where is he??

Cindy: Find him!

John found the entrance and ran towards it, the door slowly opened.

John: Come on, come on!

Cindy: Shoot him!

John was able to escape.

The guard pushed the trigger and the bullet hit the closing doors.

Guard: Should we follow him boss?

Cindy: Nah, he's not our concern anymore.

Cindy saw Bobby walk out of the bathroom, she saw a traumatized look on his face.

Cindy: What's wrong?

Bobby: Don't go in that bathroom.

Cindy: Why?

Bobby: Just...Don't.


Lucy found the remote.

Jack: Oh no! Mom found the remote!

Jill: I see that!

Lucy pushed the power button on the remote but the tv was still black, she pushed it again but it was still black so she unplugged a plug in the wall from behind the tv then plugged it back in.

She pushed the button again but it still didn't turn on.

Lucy: (Sigh) looks like I need to call the cable repair guy...

After waiting on hold for what it feels like a eternity, she finally got a representative.

Lucy: Hello, I can't get my tv to work! Can you help.

Representative: Have you tried unplugging your tv then plugging it back in?

Lucy: Yes.

Representative: Did you leave the tv turned off for a minute and then turned it back on?

Lucy: Yes I did.

Representative: Did you try to change the channel?


Lucy changed the channel to see the show Full House and then she mentally slapped herself.

Lucy bit her lip.

Lucy: I got it to work again, thank you.

Representative: Your welcome, have a nice day.

Lucy: You too.

They hung up.

Lucy: Hey kids! Do you want to surprise your grandmother?

Jack and Jill had smiles on their faces.


John and Luke was staring at each other through the class, they picked up the phones.

John: Hey man how are you?

Luke: I'm good, how is my family doing with out me?

John: Their fine, your kids know your secret, can they keep it.

Luke: Yeah they can handle a secret, just like their father.

Luke: Did my family ask about me?

John: You're wife didn't but you're kids sure did.

Luke: Mhmm ok.

Luke: Did you see the news?

John: Yes and I took care of that don't worry.

John: I'm going to get you out of here tonight.

Luke: It's time for me to go back in my cell.

John: You'll be out in a couple of hours.

That night...

John wore a police outfit to make him look like a cop.

John climbed over the wall using a robe.

When he landed he saw sleeping criminals scattered everywhere.

John: What kind of secure prison is this?? Do these cops even do their jobs?!

John: At least it will be easier for me to break him out.

John tiptoed and he stepped on a twig accidentally waking up a criminal.

Before the criminal could lift his head, John punched him making him pass out and his nose was starting to drip blood.

John looked inside and then went in because he didn't see anyone.

John kept sneaking around until he saw cell number 19 then he saw Luke.

John: How are you doing man?

Luke: I'm good I'm good, get me out of here.

John: Yeah, you might wanna stand back.

Luke stood back.

John walked back, git a grenade out of pocket and then threw it near the cell.

The grenade exploded destroying the bars freeing Luke.

John went into his cell and shake his hand, they smiled at each other.

Luke: What are we waiting for?! Let's go!

John: Right!

John and Luke got out of the cell.

John threw a small weapon in the air and went it touched the ceiling it exploded making a bunch of chips of wood fall to the ground.

John: Grab my waist!

Luke grabbed John's waist and he quickly got out a grappling hook.

John shot the hook on the roof and they flew out of the building.

Luke: How are we going to get pass the gate.

John: I got that covered!

John took out a smoke bomb from his pocket.

Luke: Wow, you're really prepared!

John: Of course, this is a prison break after all.

John dropped the smoke bomb then he teleported himself and Luke out of the prison, they ran away as far as they can until they were back at his house.

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