

John and Luke was walking on the sidewalk to Luke's house.

John: So, how's it like being a free man?

Luke: It feels nice! But I can't be here.

John: What do you mean??

Luke: I need to pay for my actions!

John: We will find a way! I won't let you go back!

John: Besides, you're kids miss you, you should text them!

Luke: Alright.

Luke texted Jill and entered his house.

Luke: Hey sweetie.


Luke felt guilt in the pit of his stomach and hesitated for a moment.

Luke: Yea Me too, where are you guys?

Jill: I'm at grandma's house and Mom is mad!

Luke: How long are you guys staying at my mom's?

Jill: We don't know but mom feels unsafe without you around, she needs and wants you.

Luke felt a tear falling down.

Luke: I promise to be home as soon as I can, I love you baby.

Jill: I love you too dad!

Jill: I can't believe you're a hero! Why did you kill those men??

Luke: I think you know that wasn't intentional.

Luke: Can we not talk about this?

Jill: Whatever you want dad, forget that I asked that question, I'm sorry.

Luke: No problem sweetie, bye!

Jill: Bye!

They put their phones in their pockets.

Luke went over to John.

John: So, what do you want to do now?

Luke: I want to get baptized!

John: Why?

Luke: So I can be a better parent and not murder anyone.

John: Alright, if you really think you need it.


Lucy: Honey, is your father home?

Jill: Not yet.

Lucy: I guess we'll have to sleep over.

Jack: Yay!


Luke and John went to a nearby church.

They saw a hot tub in front of the church.

No one was in the church except a Baptist, Luke and John went over to talk to him.

John: Uh excuse me sir, my friend Luke here would like to get baptized.

Baptist: Ok, see the hot tub? It's full of holy water, get in there.

Luke crossed his arms, closed his eyes and fell back.

10 to 20 minutes later...

Baptist : It's time to get out.

Luke got out and he was soaked.

Baptist: Here's some fresh clothes.

Luke went into the bathroom to change.

Luke got out of the bathroom with his new attire.

Luke: Thank you! Have a good day!

Baptist: You too!

When they walked out of the building, they saw a petty thief running away with a woman's purse.

Woman: Somebody help!

Luke was able to run surprisingly fast, he was able to tackle the thief.

Luke snatched the purse handing it to the lady.

Woman: Thank you so much!


Luke saw the thief behind him, turned around and the punches him on the cheek making a tooth go flying.

He was knocked out on the ground.

John called 911 and the police showed up arresting the thief.

Luke: See? No killing.

John: I stand corrected.

John: You should go see your kids.

Luke: I don't think I'm ready.

John: Hey! You do you man.

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