
Chapter 61: Birth of a New Life - Part 2

Teakyun looked at the throng of people in front of him. It seems every employees that they have are already in the area. He heave a sighed if he thinks about it he should not be standing there but because of the incident he has to fly back as soon as possible but at some point he's kind of thankful because of that he was able to get home. "Is everyone here?" Teakyun asked Mr. Johnson. "How about the remote offices that we have?"

"Everything is set Sir." Mr. Johnson said in response.

"Ok then tell everyone that the meeting is about to start." Teakyun commanded.

"The mistress has just arrived Sir." Mr. Johnson informed.

"Lead him to my private room and call him when I give you the signal." Teakyun readied himself before he step in front of the uncountable employees that they have.

"Good evening, I know many of you are confused as to what this meeting is all about. I won't beat around the bushes and will get straight to the point. An employee here harassed, ridiculed, embarrassed and discriminate one of the visitors here today." The employees who are still not aware of this incident gasped as they listened to their president. "Though the things about that person has already been taken care off but still we won't tolerate such things inside our company! Things such as degrading, insults, discrimination won't be tolerated in this company be it an Alpha or someone who holds a high position in this company won't be exempted. We won't allow such abusive use of power, position or even secondary gender hierarchy to be little someone just because they are outside of the norms Standard. My beautiful behalf, my wife is an Omega." Everyone who didn't knew it gasped. I have been married to him for more than a decade now. He's a low key person and doesn't really brag his status as my spouse but I don't want what happened to my brother's other half." Everyone who heard whispered at each other. "Yes the victim of such discrimination is none other than my brother Lee spouse who is currently on labour one month early to his scheduled delivery. His other half is a special case cause he is an Alpha also and because of this he was treated differently."

There's a lot to take in and everyone who heard and watched Teakyun's announcement can't believe that the two brothers were actually married and the most shocking part is that their partners are far beyond of what they expected.

"Effective immediately any act of discrimination against anyone based on their secondary gender will be sanctioned for suspension, dismissal or worst termination. We build this company through the foundation of respect and trust. How can we stand straight face to face with our clients and future stars that we are building if we are full of discrimination and prejudice? How can they trust us when you be little other people? We can only grow and build this company strong and successful if we don't think of ourselves as above others! Omegas, Betas and Alphas is just a secondary gender, it never was a definition on who that person truly is. My wife." Teakyun looked to his side where from the distance he can see Theo standing in owe and amazement in his eye.

"Can you come here baby?" Theo who blush a little shyly walked to his husband's side. He can't believe that a day will come when he can finally get into the light where everyone will look at him as Teakyun's other half and wife.

Teakyun held his hand and kiss it before he proceed to what he's about to tell. "My beautiful wife.... Theodore Shun is an Omega. A lot of people think that I should end up with an Alpha woman but this man here manage to capture my heart... He probably bribe Cupid to strike his arrow straight to my heart." Teakyun joke, Theo hit him lightly.

The people who saw, didn't think that there will come a day when they will be able to witness their boss the President to act sweet like any normal lovesick man in his teens and instantly they felt envious. Envious cause a lowlife Omega like him where the society look down to manage to snatch away such fine Alpha.

"Anyone who will see this beauty should pay respect." Teakyun said in a very commanding tone that made Theo really embarrass that he has to take the microphone away from his husband.

"Just a normal greeting will do." Theo said shyly and everyone who just saw how he responded to that begin to blush cause Theo is not just a beauty but he's also a very humble person which makes it no wonder for their intimidating and strong will boss to fall head over heals for his other half.


Lance and the others are still catching their breaths after finding and buying a camera for their friend. They didn't know how did Lee managed to trick them into buying one and they swear that this will be the last time that they will follow their friends crazy demands. "Have you find one? Where is it?" Lee asked.

"Wait let us catch our breath first." Zeejay said who's gasping for air since he's the one who is wearing a mask so he's the one who's having a hard time breathing.

"We had a hard time finding one fuck!" Adrian complain.

"Why did I ever bother finding one of this when it's not even my wife who's giving birth." Terrence complained that earned a glare to three grown up man.

"Cause you're the one who suggested it you moron!" Lance smacked his head.

"Lee get inside, they are moving Dexter to the delivery room." Rebecca who's already wearing a hospital PPE take Lee's attention.

"Coming Mom!" Lee shouted. "I have to go guys Dexy is about to give birth." Lee happily said. "When I come out of that room I will officially be a father." Lee announced.

"So what do we do?" Lance asked.

"Wait for that moron I guess." Terrence answered.

"If it's Lee definitely something crazy is about to happen. I can't miss it for the world." Adrian commented.

"I think I need to buy some chips and drinks this will definitely be a good watch." Zeejay said.

"I'll ready the camera then." Terrence said which got the attention of the three. "What? You think I only bought one? I bought another not just one but three additional cameras to capture whatever it is that we can capture. I want to film Lee's ugly face as he cry when he sees his baby. I'm sure that will be an epic thing to keep for years!"

"You're a genius Terrence!" Lance complimented.

"Of course I'm a lawyer after all."

"Hey, how is Dexter?" Everyone look at the newly arrived person.

"Teakyun, they already moved Dexter to the delivery room." It was Zeejay who answered Teakyun.

"Zee is that you?" Theo asked.

"Yeah it's me. How are you Theo? You tummy grew bigger in just the short time I have not seen you are you sure that you are just carrying one baby?" Zeejay said which makes the rest land their eyes on Theo's bulging stomach.

"I-I don't know."

"Hey quit interrogating my baby, you guys are making him uncomfortable." Teakyun was being over protective of his Theo.

"Well anyways do you want to be part of this?" Lance asked.

"Part of what?" Everyone explained to Teakyun what they are planning to do and Teakyun being childish with this new found friend of his tag along with their plan. They were in the middle of setting the camera while the other guys agreed to have their phones installed in different angles to make sure that they will be able to capture every edge of Lee's reaction.

"Am I in the right place?" Theo looked at the newly arrived woman base on what she's wearing Theo can tell that the woman is a doctor, she's looking at the men scattered in the hospital hallway.

"Teakyun?" The woman asked when she realized that Teakyun was on the floor adjusting what seems to be a camera stand.

"George?" Teakyun stand up and gave the woman a hug. The scene unfold in front of Theo gave pain to his heart.

"What are you doing here?" Teakyun asked when they both separated.

"I should be asking you that question. So what are you doing here?" The woman asked.

"My brothers spouse is on labour." Teakyun said. "How about you?"

"I have a patient who's currently on labour. Well he's not actually a patient on mine but since this is an emergency and this so happen to be the nearest hospital so yeah." George explained.

"You are not working with George?" George shake her head no.

"We have our own lives outside our personal space. So we decided to keep things as it was, though I'm considering working with him since father plans to give him the hospital that he founded."

"Yeah your father owns a hospital." Teakyun looked at Theo and pulled him next to him. "Ow this is my lovely and beautiful wife, Theo since you also specialized in gynecology will you be my baby's gynecologist?"

George looked at Theo from head to toe. "Is he the man which you told me before?" George asked.

"Yes he is, my first and only love." Teakyun answered proudly.

"Father will be happy to hear that. I'll get the details on how but now I can truly say that what you told me before doesn't do justice cause he is more than that. Take good care of him Tea." Teakyun smiled at the woman. Because of the Miller's he became close with George that he often tells her his regret in life, specially with what happened to Theo.

"Theo nice meeting you I'm George Miller or you can just call me George. If you allow it I can also be your gynecologist." Theo took the woman's hand for a hand shake then George gave Theo a hug before whispering something to his ear that made his heart skip a beat then he looked at Teakyun and then back to her.

"Is it true?" Theo asked, George just nodded in response.

"Hhhmmm yeah right, let's catch up later I still have a patient that needs to give birth."

"Baby what did George told you?" Teakyun who noticed what just happened asked Theo but Theo just shook his head and smiled at Teakyun.

"Nothing, Baby finish setting that thing up." Theo reminded Teakyun.

George went inside the delivery room, she put on her cover. "How's the patient?"

"He's fully dilated, how's the contraction interval?" George asked.

"About 1 minute to two minutes interval and contraction lasts about 60 to 90 seconds." The nurse said.

"Ok then." The nurse checked everything and start assisting and aiding Dexter into giving birth. "Mommy can you hear me?" Dexter with sweat on his forehead indication of him being in pain nodded. "Now you will listen to what I'm about to say, when I tell you to push you will push and you will stop once I tell you too ok?" Dexter nodded.

"And you Daddy?" George face the father but stopped midway in what she's about to say when she noticed that the father of the child is holding what it seems to her a camera. "Are you filming?" George asked.

"Ah yes? I asked for the management's permission and they allowed it. Is there something wrong?" George sighed, it's not like it's forbidden so she just let it be.

"Wait Lee what are you saying you're filming this?" Dexter tried to looked up and see for himself what the doctor mean by that.

"Dexy this is a very special moment! Little Lee is about to come out and I want to show the world my beautiful little Lee! This is a father's love Dexy! A father's love!" Lee explained.

"Dexter darling just let Lee he really just want to record this special moment but if you're not comfortable with it then we will throw your husband out of this room." Rebecca tried to calm Dexter down.

"No it's ok just let him but Mom please don't let him film my you know." Dexter gave his mother the permission but also warned him about what he doesn't like.

"And you! If you do any inappropriate thing I will make sure to do you and get you knocked up so you can feel how hard it is to give birth!" Lee gulp.

"Of course honey this hubby of yours is a good boy." George never once see such interaction between family in the middle of a child birthing.

"Ok Dexter now push." Dexter screamed as he push..

"No, no stop. Dexter listen to me don't scream. Concentrate in pushing what's inside of you out. It's like you're excreting. As gross as it may sound but that's the perfect way to describe on how you push. Put all your energy in pushing out the baby inside of you not by screaming. Ok? Did you understand?" George explained, Dexter nodded. "Now breath deep and exhale try to calm yourself down."

"Dexy breath follow me breath in and breath out." Lee hold Dexter's hand while his other hand is on the camera. "Follow me breath in and breath out. Don't be scared I'm just here."

"I'm ok, I'm ok...." Dexter said assuring Lee.

"Ok another contraction is coming, you ready Dexter?" Dexter nodded. "Ok, Ok push....."

"Nnnnnnngggggggmmmm" Dexter tried to follow the doctor's instructions. He pushed at hard as he can, he didn't scream and just concentrate in pushing the baby out.

"Ok it's good you are doing fine Dexter. Now rest and take deep breaths."

"You heard that Dexy you are doing great!" Lee tried to encourage Dexter even with his shaking voice. " Breath in, breath out, breath...." Then a loud thug break the silence as Dexter was about to push and then he looked at the man beside him who was just a moment ago standing beside him and holding his hand for support is now lying unconscious on the floor.

"Dang that kid, if he's going to be nervous as that he shouldn't have insisted in coming inside. Doctor can we take this useless man out?" Rebecca asked the staff to take Lee's unconscious body outside.

Outside the room.....

"Are they done already?" Lance asked when he saw that the door opened.

"Quick play the cameras!" Terrence quickly commanded which the boys gladly do so but to their surprise things which they had witness is something that is more than what they had hoped for.

"What happened to him?" Teakyun quickly run towards his brother's unconscious body.

"Is he dead?" Zeejay asked.

"No Sir he just fainted probably because of too much nervousness." The male nurse who's carrying Lee explained what happened. The boys convinced the nurse to just leave Lee's body to them which the male nurse did cause he trust that the men are his best friends and to think that his brother are also with them.

"Just leave him to us." Terrence said rubbing his to hands against each other.

"Don't worry he will be in good hands." Adrian who's cracking his fingers added.

"He will be very thankful to you if you will entrust him to us." Lance added to convince the man.

"I'm his brother you can trust that my brother will be just fine." Teakyun agreed.

"O-ok then I'll leave him to you all, I still need to get back inside the patient is still in labour." The nurse quickly went back to wash, sanitized and to change to a hospital gown.

back to the delivery room...

"Can you continue filming?" Dexter asked. When the people gave him a questioning look he simply answered. "He will be very sad if he won't be able to witness and hear our baby's first cry at least through the video he will still ba able to to hear and see it." Rebecca sighed after hearing Dexter's reason.

"What good did my stupid son ever do to deserve you as his lifetime partner?" The child birth took about two hours before the baby came out and Dexter with his tired and worn out body held his first baby.

"It's a baby boy. Lee was right, he really is a little Lee." Dexter kissed the temple of his son as tears scape from his eyes.

"Have you thought for his name?" Rebecca asked.

"Lexter I want to follow his name from his father but I also wanted to have part of his name so it's really a combination. Lexar if it's a baby girl and Lexter if it is a baby boy." After the emotional encounter of mother and son that lasts for less than five minutesthe nurses moved the baby NICU where they placed him to an incubator, test will run to the baby to check for any complications and his health status, then they clean Dexter and put him back to his room where he can rest.


Lee woke up and remember what happened. He got up and found himself sleeping on the couch of a private room. He looked around and found Dexter sleeping on the hospital bed. He got up and slowly walk towards Dexter. He scrutinized his face and there he can tell just how tired he was. He wanted to touch his face but was afraid that it will wake Dexter up and knowing what he had been through Lee doesn't have the heart to interrupt his sleep. He retract his hand that is on top of Dexter back to his side. Lee sighed and went out of the room for a while, staying there will take a lot of self restrain just for him not to touch and hug the alpha. He walked around to the information desk to look for Dexter's doctor or any nurses who can tell him about his baby. He felt guilty passing out and not even witnessing the arrival of their little bundle of joy.

"I'm Dexter Shun's husband." Lee put out his identification card, everyone in the desk murmured.

"I told you the patient's surname looks familiar." Lee over heard one of the nurses in the information station.

"Yes Sir what can we do for you?" One of the nurses asked.

"About our baby, where is my baby and can I see my baby?" Lee asked. The nurse gladly took Lee to where his baby at.

"You can only see your baby from here, right now any physical contact from outside is not allowed unless the doctor already gave us the go signal. Your baby will undergo different tests to make sure that everything is good and normal but for now he needs to stay there." The doctor explained to Lee. Lee looked behind and saw the Doctor who helped Dexter to give birth to their baby.

"You have a strong partner and I admire that you fully support him though he's an Alpha. Though it was rare I have assisted 3 Alphas to giving birth and most of the time it was just them by themselves, if they ever have partners those people are mostly mad or angry at their alpha male partners to even deciding in continuing the pregnancy but you he trust you so much. He even said that you will be sad and guilty not seeing nor hearing the first cry of the baby. I also learned that he's married to you, what a rare case." George complimented Lee.

"I fell in love to him first, it's only normal to be happy and proud of your partner when you truly love them. Those alpha which you mentioned I don't know their circumstances but one thing I do know for sure is that they don't love their partner deep enough to take responsibility. My love for Dexter has no measurements, I don't even think it has end. He's pretty." Lee looked at their baby.

"Lexter he said he choice that name cause he wanted to have it follow from yours. I bet a lot of women and men will be broken after learning that you are already married and now an official father to a child. By the way I didn't know that you are Teakyun's brother, not that it matters well see you around." The doctor bid good bye to Lee. Lee stayed there for an hour just looking at his precious baby that he thought will not have. Ever since marrying Dexter he already accepted the fact that they will never going to have a child knowing that how much of a rare case it is for a male Alpha to have a child on their own though he remain optimistic about it Lee still welcome the thoughts that they won't have it but now looking through the glass window he can see the fruit of their love. "Lexter." Lee whispered.

"What do you think of his name? Isn't it beautiful?" Lee looked behind to see the person who just spoken and there he saw Dexter on a wheelchair being pushed by one of the nurses.

"Thank you for your help you can leave us now." Dexter smiled at the person who pushed the wheelchair. The nurse took his leave and left the two.

Lee turned around and walk towards Dexter, he kneeled down and place his head on Dexter's thigh. "Thank you for giving me so much happiness. Thinking of all the things I've done I don't know why I have been given such as wonderful person as you are to complete and make my life happy. I couldn't ask for more Dexter, you complete me." Lee looked up to Dexter. "Tell me what can I do so I can repay you for these?"

Dexter scofed at Lee. " Do you really think you can repay me? After all the pain I have to endure so I can give birth to our son I don't think you can ever repay that."

"Then tell me what should I do?" Lee insisted.

"Then be loyal to me forever, love only me and our baby forever and most of all take responsibility for snatching and making me fall for you. You owe me a debt that you can't and will not be able to repay in this life time so you must take responsibility for it forever you got it?" Lee smirked at Dexter.

"You are getting cunning Dexy, who thought you that?"

"I learned from the best of course." The two laughed at the joy that they feel. Others may looked at them differently but the two of them don't give a damn to what other people think. Cause they know what they have is real and what's real can not and will not be broken by just anyone.

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