
Chapter 62: Revenge is Mine

Author's note:

This is starting to piss me off really, I don't know if it's my internet or it's the Webnovel but I can't seem to upload the 4 chapters and it's making me frustrated arrrggghhhhh..... I already restart my phone but still hays.....


"I confess! I confess to all my crimes, please lock me up." All the people in the pricint looked at the man who is known as one of the influential man when it comes to underworld activities, though he's as suspect to lord to various crimes the police couldn't just arrest the man due to lack of evidence and also because of the people.behind him backing him up to all his illegal trade but who would have thought that a time will come when a criminal himself will come running to the people of authorities and confess their crimes for whatever reason.

"Please lock me up here, I confess, I confess." The man said as he repeatedly confess and beg at the same time. The officer stationed at the complain desk can't helped but sighed.

"Please call the Chief" He said to one of the policeman, minutes later the woman arrived.

"What's this all about? I have an important crime to investigate. With all this series of murders of the those gangster's leaders what could be more important than that?" The officer in charge at the complain desk point out the man in front.

"What is he doing here?" Chief Erickson asked. He too was confuse why one of the known leader and crime lord is at the station. "Who arrested this man?"

"No one Ma'am, he came to his own accord and confess his crimes." The officer explained.

"Confess?" The man saw her and run towards her, kneel and hugged her legs.

"Please lock me up, I confess, I confess lock me up."

"Wait what?!" Chief Erickson asked, she too could not believe what she was hearing and witnessing.

"I confess to all my crimes, I sold women for prostitution, I sell drugs and many other things. Please lock me up." The man cried in fear. Chief officer Erickson can clearly see the fear in the man's eyes but what she doesn't know is what causes it.

"We can only lock you up for the mean time cause we don't have any evidences to prove your claim." Chief Erickson stated the fact that even though an allegedly criminal came knocking at their door claiming all the accusations thrown at him without any concrete evidence then this confession is nothing more but a word of mouth.

"Evidence? I have here evidences that can prove all the crimes I have committed." The man opened his bag and there he took a bundles of documents, photos and lastly he handed him as hard drive. He confess to all his crimes.

"Is that enough? Is that enough to lock me for life?" The man asked.

"What's gotten to you?" Erickson couldn't fathom the reason why this man is obsess in having himself lock up.

"Shouldn't you be happy? I need protection, the cartel could no longer give that to me. I still haven't received the tag but soon I know, I know I will. He will come for me too, just like how he did to others! He will come!" The man pulled his pants as he desperately trying explained things.

"Who will come?" Chief Erickson asked.

"The Phantom.... He killed the others. He displayed their bodies like it was nothing. I know, I know.... I shouldn't have.... but who, we don't even know who this Phantom is..... I'm going crazy.... He sent one of us again a red tag.... He will come for him, I'm sure we won't survive the night." More than the man's confession what he said about the Phantom got Chief Erickson's attention.

"Who? Is this related to all big syndicate lords of this district getting killed one by one?" Cheif Erickson asked.

"Yes.... yes please save me... Please save me...."

"I never thought it will come to this. We have taken the threat lightly but when they one by one died we start taking things seriously." The man shivered as he tell the woman what he knows.

"Hey we shouldn't be taking such confidential things out in the public." Chief Erickson lead the man to the Inquisition room and there he asked the man for some questions which leads to no clue at all. Basically he doesn't know why the phantom hunts them cause according to the drug Lord he and his business friends have done a tremendous bad things to others but one thing is for sure everything that was done to them are all for revenge.

"Are you sure to detain him here?" One of the closest friends of Amanda Erickson asked.

"Yeah Lin, I also assigned some men to monitor the man which he said that was the next target. If he's telling the truth then we can prevent that man from dying also we might capture the real culprit with the series of kills amongst those people who have been on our watch list."


Theo woke up by the gentle kisses which was brought by none other than his husband. He got used to waking up in the morning from Teakyun's kisses and the scent of his breakfast made by Teakyun himself. He does this every single day without fail except when he's out for a business trip. Theo sometimes still could not believe that he's living a life being spoiled by Teakyun that he some times fear that all these will be gone in an instant just like how it went back then and those thoughts breaks Theo's heart specially now that the two of them will be having a baby. If ever that will happen Theo doesn't know what to do, his heart might not be able to recover if Teakyun will break it once more.

"Hey why the long face? Is there something that's bothering you?" Theo only got awaken from his deep thoughts when Teakyun asked him. He was not even aware that his worries are already showing to his face.

"No, nothing." Theo just shrug the question and tried to change the subject but Teakyun didn't buy it, instead of letting go the subject he asked Theo once more.

"Hey Baby, my Teddy look at me." Theo looked at Teakyun to his eyes. "I know when you are keeping something from me. Eversince we got back together I made sure to know you even all your manarisms when you are bothered or anxious, I know it sounds creepy but I rather be that stalker and creepy guy if that can help me know about your true feeling than to be that dense guy who doesn't even know what you are going through inside.

Theo doesn't even know that Teakyun is studying all his expressions and manarisms. He was really speechless cause even before they had a problem Teakyun is the kind of man who doesn't really pay much attention to someone's thoughts even to him his own wife.

"I don't want to be kept in the dark with all you inner feelings. I don't want what happened in the past to repeat again. I was really traumatized Teddy. So please tell me if there's anything that's bothering you or if you have any problems. We are married and that's what married couples do. We share the pain of each other and we celebrate to the success of each other." Teakyun's words move Theo to tears, he doesn't know if it's just because of pregnancy but his emotions doubled so his tears came without warning.

"Hey don't cry, come here." Teakyun hug Theo until he all calms down.

"It was nothing really." Theo said the moment he calmed down, his face is on Teakyun's chest as his husband continues to hug him. "I just thought that if you happen to change again to a cold person maybe my heart won't be able to recover again from the pain of heart break and that thought really scares me."

"Ssshhhh Don't think that way, didn't I promise? And this time I'll make sure to fulfill it. I'm so sorry, I know even if you don't tell me the trauma which I had caused you is still seated from deep within your heart even though you already forgave me I know at some point you still have your doubts and fears and that's ok. You can take your time till your full trust comes back. I will just be by your side I won't ever leave you again nor doubt you and your love for me again. So don't ever think that I will change cause that will never going to happen when I love you this much." Theo nodded as if with just simple assurance all his worries flew away, that's Teakyun's effect on him. Whenever he's worried as long as Teakyun is here to assure him then all his worries disappears not that it disappears completely but if it comes back Teakyun erases it instantly from his thoughts.

"I might come back home late later, don't wait up for me and go to sleep ok?" Theo instantly pout upon hearing it. Teakyun has been working hard that him coming home late became a usual thing that he can't get used to but Theo tried to play the understanding wife after all Teakyun always makes it up to him every morning by preparing him delicious breakfast in bed.


"I have been on leave for months. A lot of my work filed up and with all the things that's been going on around. Just hang on for a little and once things cleared up I promise to spend more time with you." Teakyun left the house shortly after Theo had finished his breakfast. Theo took a bath after his husband left. He sighed not knowing what to do with the long day a head of him. Surely being alone in a big house is quite boring but he's not allowed to go on his own specially since his pregnancy has been quite sensitive lately which put his job at the pastry shop on hold for a whole week, he felt embarrassed cause after starting for just a few days he has to request for leave of absence since his stomach suddenly contracted, he was advice to take a week rest and was told not to do anything that might exhaust and tire him. He sometimes thought of visiting Teakyun to his work place but thinking how busy his husband is he knows that he will just get in his way of finishing his job.

"Sir you have a visitor." The butler got Theo's attention. It hasn't been long since Teakyun hired a butler and additional maids to look after him, after knowing that he went on his own without anyone with him. Teakyun didn't let it slide even though he was love and dotted on by his husband Teakyun still gave him an earful of it.

Theo was excited to meet the visitor when the butler told him who it was. "Nick!" Theo hugged Nicolas in an instant when he saw him stand up from the couch in their living room.

"Careful, careful your stomach." Theo back away a little.

"Sorry I forgot hahahaha." Theo embarrassedly apologize, he was the one who's pregnant and yet he was the one who's not careful with his self, no wonder his doctor strickly told him to be very careful.

"Take a sit." The two happily catched up, chatting like there's no tommorow that they didn't even noticed the time passed by.

"Who would have thought that the two of us vowed not to love the men who broke our hearts are now married to them, well in your cause you two have always been married to each other." Theo smiled as he agreed to his friend.

"Yeah, it's too good that it is sometimes scares me. What if the happiness that I'm feeling right now is temporary? I'm scared of going through that ever again but Teakyun always assures me that he won't let me be sad and hurt again."

"Well we have the same thought. I still some times worried about Zee, he's shouldering everything he even had me and Zay sent to Lee's house of all the people it was to Lee's hahaha. We he said that you two needs more time of your own and since Lee is too happy about his love life he said having me and Zay there would just be fitting."

"Zeejay really never changed. Me and Teakyun visited Dexter and Lee the other day, the baby is so handsome I bet that child will break a lot of hearts." Theo laugh as he imagines how that child will turn out.

"Well if he takes after his crazy father then sure that kid will be a heart breaker but if he learns o Dexter's teachings I doubt if he can even break a single heart."

"Yeah right Dexter will go to any length before he lets his son be a player like his father."

"Theo I received a message from my Mother in law. She wanted to meet me today." Nicolas confess.

"So what are you planning to do?" Theo asked.

"Of course I'm meeting her. I can't let Zeejay handle things on his own."

"Everything will be ok, I know soon enough his family will be able to accept your relationship with him." Nicolas smiled at his friends wonderful and thoughtful words. After that Nicolas bid his farewell and went to see his mother in law. He already prepared for what's coming but no matter what he made up his decision not to give up.

Teakyun arrived at the restaurant he booked for lunch, he was still far but he can already see the two women sitting at the table. There are no other people inside except from them. He made sure to rented the whole place for that particular time.

"Hello ladies did I make you wait?" The faces of the two women was in deep surprise they didn't thought that the man was this gorgeous, handsome beyond words they thought that Theo just married an old rich man yes they already got a hunch that Theo's husband is rich when they spent the card which he lend them. The card didn't reach it's limit no matter how much they spent so they thought that the man is rich so when they got an invitation for lunch they instantly grab it. They wanted to see just how old and gross Theo's husband is but after seeing him the two of them only have one thing on their mind and that is to seduce and snatch the man from Theo. *How can such a big beautiful fish as him married to such filthy slut like Theo?* Mia texted Pheobe.

*I know right, dang he's so fit I can see right through his suit that he's working out. Damn that bitch! Why does he always gets the most tasty man out there.*

"Teakyun by the way Theo's husband. I was really thankful that you girls helped Theo and I'm so happy that you agreed having lunch with me." Teakyun introduce himself.

"You look very much familiar, have we met before?" Mia asked.

"I sometimes appear on television but I don't really stay long." Teakyun answered the woman's question.

"Why not with that face of yours I'm pretty sure you will definitely be popular." Teakyun laugh at the woman's flattery words.

"No I can't afford that, I don't want Theo to worry and be jealous after all he's the kind to bottle it up and keep it inside. My brother has been having a little trouble cause he has been on television often and he complains a lot to me because of that telling me he doesn't want his wife to get jealous."

"Pity your brother is also married." Pheobe commented.

"Yeah he is very much possessive and protective to his wife same as me." The playful and care free Teakyun suddenly change to a serious Teakyun. "Which brings me to the reason why I called you two." Teakyun leaned back to his chair.

"What do you mean?" Mia can already feel Teakyun's pheromones suppressing her. She's an Alpha but the man that's in front of them releases a strong pheromones.

"I'm a very cautious man when it comes to my dear and lovely wife. Everyone who approaches him I always make sure won't bring harm to him. I wasn't really expecting much but I was a little surprised to know that you two came from the same school as Theo but pretended that you don't know him. Sounds suspicious right?" Phoebe was already running bullet sweat from the pheromones and from how scary Teakyun is even though he was speaking in a very gentle manner.

"We don't know what you're talking about. Maybe he's just a schoolmate that we didn't know." Mia explained which made Teakyun smirk.

"I also thought of it that way so I run a further investigation and was surprise to learn that you three were in the same class. I dig in a little further."

"That's a crime!" Teakyun looked at Mia with a sharp eye which the woman froze to her place.

"I had someone break to your place and gathered up information. I was really surprise to hear your call conversations which made me really interested and curious with the content of your group chats specially since it's about my lovely wife." Teakyun grab the glass and hung it to his side where one of his men pour him a drink. "Haaaaa it really did boil my blood. Theo is really tasty and no matter how much I have him I still can't get enough. I do get it why other men wants to have a taste of him but the problem is I don't like to share."

"Please.... ha ha ha.... lower down your pe pe pheromones..." Pheobe who was the first one to fall begs.

"Just how great are those men? Can they even be compared to me? I bet if I could meet them I can make them bend down in all fours begging me for even thinking of FUCKING MY WIFE!" Teakyun's voice roared inside the restaurant.

"But since I'm a very forgiving person I will give you two choices so ladies choose wisely. 1. I'll let you two go but I want the content and details of that group chat. I want all the list of the person in that conversation. 2. Choose to cover up for them and you will meet the same fate as them or much worse." Teakyun despite his busy schedule was determine to know all these guys. Either what those girls will choose the end is already determined. He might not be able to catch all who violated Theo back when he was still studying before he transfered at least he will be able to get revenge to those who previously violated him and is thinking of doing it again.

"We choose one, we choose one.... Please your pheromones...." Teakyun stoped releasing his Pheromones when Mia made a choice.

"You're a dominant Alpha." Pheobe whispered when she was able to catch her breath.

"Yes that's why Theo is very much satisfied and happy. My secretary will take all the details from you two. I expect that you won't tell those guys about today or else....."

"Or else what? You don't know what you are dealing with. Those guys are not just simply rich. You might be rich but that's not enough to bring them dow , You will never win against them. Why do you think Theo lost to the R*ped case against them?" Teakyun stand up.

"We will see about that, I want you two to stay silent and enjoy the show. Make sure to tune in to the news to see what I'm about to do with those guys." Teakyun left the restaurant.

"Finally I will be able to meet some of them. They will regret even thinking of doing those things again to my lovely Theo. This time certainly revenge will be mine."


Amanda was deep in her sleep when the loud ringing of her phone break the silence of the night. With her eyes close she lazily feel the phone that's keep on ringing at the side table just beside her bed.

"Hhhmmmm what?" Amanda who's mind still wonders in her dream answered.

(Chief you won't believe it, dead bodies are everywhere and injured people are crying for help but the most shocking part is he really died. Just like what he said he will die tonight and someone murdered him.) After hearing this Chief Amanda Erickson suddenly became alert and got up from her bed. She quickly dress up even with just 3 hours of sleep she set on her way to the crime scene. The mansion that one of the famous rummored drug Lord in town is now covered in blood bath with all the people's blood splattered inside. She looked at the wounds that the men got and noticed that they were all either a knife cut or a sword cut but one thing is for sure that the culprit known as Phantom doesn't use gun in killing those men.

"He must have discreetly infiltrate the place not making any much noise as he murdered all these men. A real assassin and a highly professional at that too." Chief Erickson talked to herself.

"He didn't kill all, the survivor said that he didn't particularly killed all it's like he has lists of people to kill and only kill those who are in that list." One of the officer explained.

"And what happened to those who were in that list?"

"He just injured them enough to put them in one place then he cover their mouths to keep them silent or put them to sleep. The moment they woke up this massacre is done and their boss's dead body is hanged outside his mansion."

"Have you noticed anything that is strange during your looked out?" Chief Erickson asked.

"Actually nothing. The crime made was very clean even the CCTV footage inside the house and across the street were all deleted it's like everything was planned out pretty well." Amanda let her men do their job she went out of the mansion to go to her car when she bump into man. She helped the man when he fall back to the ground after bumping into her.

"I'm sorry are you alright?" Amanda asked, but the man spoke to her in signed language which made her realize that the man is mute. As soon as the man was back to his feet he move to where he should go and Amanda went on her way back to the Police station.

"You're right he died." That's the first thing she said when she came face to face with the man who has been begging her to put him behind bars.

"He died? Who's next?" The man immidiately asked.

"What do you mean who's next? Amanda asked.

"He always always leaves a message somewhere in the crime scene. It's like a none-sense message but we know that it pertains to who he's going to kill next and the next thing he'll do is to send his next kill a letter of date when he will kill him. It's like a confirmation." Amanda took out her phone to call her staff but a piece of paper drop from her pocket. She unfolded it and read it out loud for the man to hear.

"Bars of the Police won't help you much cause even spending the rest of your life behind bars won't be enough payment for all the lives you took. The revenge they couldn't make will be mine to take." The man became pale instantly after hearing it. It is certain that the message is for him. The Phantom knows where he is and he knows what's his planning.

"I'm next, he's going to kill me too." The man whispered.

"That will never going to happen as long as you are under my care." Amanda is getting the thrilled of facing such a mysterious man who kills criminals. She doesn't know, how, when and where did the Phantom got the chance to sneak in a letter inside her pocket without her feeling anything. It was the first time she felt excited and alive. She definitely won't let the man in front of her die, she refuse to admit defeat specially in the field where she's awarded as the best.

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