
The Start of a Journey.

(A/N: I don't plan to have the MC's real name said for now. There's a reason for it which will be discussed in a later chapter. But for now, he will just be known as Mr. MC. )

Mr.MC was just your average guy. He had nothing special going on for him, and the only thing he was really known for was his star wars knowledge. Mr.MC is an avid fan of the Star Wars universe. In fact, he wasn't even upset with how bad the recent movie trilogy was. He just wanted to see another movie that took place in the ever-expansive star wars universe.

In the year 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic was released. At that time, he was just a 19 year old starting to stand on his own two feet. He had just moved out from his parents and was living in a crappy, run-down apartment that was just filled to the brim with star wars memorabilia. When he heard about the game, he immediately purchased it and started his journey into the SWTOR universe.

When he first loaded up the game, he felt as though he had just stepped into another universe. The character creation screen came up and it was time for him to make his first character. Mr.MC had sat there for over an hour coming up with his first, his main, character. He finally decided on an interesting approach. When making the character, he thought back to the six star wars movies and also to the comics. While thinking about that, he realized that there were hardly any Jedi that were cyborgs.

That's when he decided. He picked the Cyborg race and customized him to look around 6 feet tall, muscular, had a light tan with black hair and a military hair-cut. His eye was a light blue and the cybernetic eye looked amazing. He also gave his character a goatee since he wanted him to look cool, but also wise.

After that, he named his character Macen. The reason behind the name was because Mr.MC was a huge fan of Mace Windu. He found him to be an amazing character, plus the fact that he could be how he was even though he was supposed to be a Jedi. Thus, he decided to name his first ever character after his favorite star wars (movie wise) character.

Thus the grind began. Day after day was spent grinding up that character to max level, maxing all of his companions influence and making sure their armor was also top tier. Then he was done, he had millions of credits, bought everything available, unlocked it all account wide, max storage etc. He even made a guild just for himself so he could have the guild bank max as well.

After all that, he went on to make the next character, then the next. He kept making characters until he had one of each class/sub class. So in total he had sixteen level 50's, with each looking super cool and had millions of credits on each of them (not including what was all stored in the guild banks).

Once he was done with all of that, he began to sell his services to help other players out. He made a decent amount of money doing that but he still stayed in that apartment of his. He felt that he shouldn't get something new since it would be a waste of money and the apartment had all he needed. He paid to get it fixed up and looking nice but other than that, the rest of the money went into paying for bills, food, necessities and of course going to star wars conventions and events.

After some time, the Rise of the Hutt Cartel was announced to be released. Around when the announcement happened, he had finished his collection. His collection had EVERYTHING! From the cruddy, horrible looking mounts to the awesome looking beasts he had it all. Pets, clothing, weapons, event titles etc. Plus, all of them were unlocked account wide.

Once he found out about the announcement, he decided to prepare. He looked into all the stuff that was said to be released, re-did some older content and operations to make sure that he was up to par with anything that might be thrown his way. He also went and finished the HK-51 quest on all of his characters so that he had done absolutely everything. When Rise of the Hutt Cartel comes out, he does the exact same thing...everything.

Fast Forward a bit, and now the announcement of Shadow of Revan comes out along with the Forged Alliances Parts 1 through 3. At this time, Mr.MC didn't have Macen romance anyone. In his legacy he had set Macen to be friends or rivals with all his other characters but no romance, not even with Kira.

He had just gotten towards the end of the Manaan Flashpoint when he saw her, Lana Beniko. He instantly fell in love with her and decided to have his Jedi romance her. He found this hilarious since the Jedi was the one flirting with the sith, and not the other way around.

After SoR (Shadow of Revan if you didn't know), he had fully romanced Lana to the fullest that he was allowed to in the game. He kicked Revans behind with his random pug group to have the full experience, and went at it again with all the npcs.

Now, to summarize the rest of his adventure: After SoR, He went on to Ziost to reunite with Lana and to put an end to Vitiate who was causing havoc on the planet. After Vitiate destroyed the planet and Macen helps whoever he can after the planet faced destruction, he chased after him to the unknown regions where he, Darth Marr and others were attacked by the Empire of Zakuul. This eventually lead to Marr's Death and Macen (Who is known as the Outlander by Zakuul) becomes frozen in carbonite for five years. After being saved by his love (Lana), they make a grand escape but not before preventing a huge explosion which would've caused thousands to be killed. Their escape lead them to the endless swamp, where they discovered an ancient ship known as the Gravestone. They repair it and leave Zakuul. After escaping, they went to a free skyport known as Asylum. After helping one of the people that saved him on Zakuul, he then went back to Zakuul in order to get allies to help him out. One thing led to another and eventually they had a showdown at Asylum since they were ratted out by someone who they thought they could trust. After escaping from Asylum they end up on a world called Odessen. From there, he starts an Alliance between the republic and empire to take down Zakuul. He gets nominated to become the Alliance Commander. Fast Forward, they have gotten tons of allies and groups from all over to join. He found his old companions and even got married to Lana at the end. He ends up sparing Arcaan, kills Vaylin, and takes down Valkorian (Aka Vitiate).

(A/N: The above paragraph is basically a summarized version of what went down from the events of SoR to the end of KOTET <--- Knights of the Eternal Throne. If you wanna find out the full story, I recommend playing the game. I just did this summary so that people who read this would see what happens before the current expansion which will be talked about next and what leads up to the actual start of this story. Thanks ;)

Mr.MC had just finished up KOTET on all of his characters and did everything else when he finally decided to take a little break from SWTOR. I mean, he was super rich in the game, and had everything. What else was there to do? He finally took a break from the game and went and watched the first two movies of the new trilogy.

After just killing time watching star wars, reading books and just fooling around, he heard the announcement for the next expansion. He wasn't nearly as excited as he was back when the game first started but he was glad there would be new content to complete and more stuff to add to his very immense collection.

After waiting for quite some time, Onslaught was released. With this expansion, He was able to get more companions and was especially excited when he was able to have malgus as a companion, but only temporary and only on his dark side characters.

And with all of that, he has now done everything up to the current patch. Has all achievements, the most powerful gear, max renown, fully equipped flagship/player ship, all strongholds fully decorated, full guild banks (Pub and Imp) and all companions at max influence on all characters. He's done it all.

(A/N: Whew, took a while to get here, but I wanted to detail it all up to the point I wanted to get y'all started at instead of being like wow he's done it all now lets go on in.)

Mr.MC was currently on Macen riding around on his meditation hoverchair and was just walking around Coruscant. He was currently looking at the sights and reminiscing his time from when he first started playing this game and arrived on this planet for the first time.

Suddenly, he receives a whisper from some random player. [UGOB]: "Hello there, you look as though you've done everything you could in this game currently. Wouldn't you want to have more fun, but in the future? I'm talking about your characters, alliance, companions and all in the future. Of course, giving you Ziost, Odessen and Zakuul in the future would also be amazing, wouldn't you agree?" Mr.MC just kinda stares at the message. He mostly thinks that it's going to lead to a scam or try to pilfer credits off of him. But, what can a message do? [Macen]: "Sure, that would be a lot of fun. To be able to have all of that and live it right before the events of Episode I would be fun. I'd be able to do so much. But, I'd need to have a system of sorts to be able to learn all of my powers, and switch between my different characters." (A/N: Okay real quick, by switching I'm basically going to have it to where all companions from all twelve including g-banks, flagships etc. would all go to the main-Macen. But he can still switch form from his Macen form to say his gunslinger form. Which means its almost like he has multiple personalities.)

It was almost instantaneous when the reply was sent. [UGOB]: "Sounds like a good idea. Lets go with that. Have fun :P." After Mr.MC read this line, a line of code came out of the computer and enveloped him, making him disappear.

First chapter done. Now, I'll go ahead and say that for the most part he's going to be called Macen unless he switches characters. In which case his name changes to that characters name.

Plus it may not have come out right, but basically all companions from all characters will merge to Macen's. Meaning he'll have everyone plus their influence at max, on top of all the items, credits, gear, etc. from other characters merged to him.

DenicorWarlockcreators' thoughts
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