SWTOR meets Star Wars.
An avid SWTOR player finally completes everything in the game, from having all companions possible to getting every item and unlocking them all account wide just to show off.
Having finished everything, our MC sits back and looks at his main character: A level 70 Jedi Guardian. His character is a Cyborg Male with one eye missing (Hence a cybernetic eye) and his right arm is a cybernetic arm (But it has skin and stuff on it so it looks like it is a real arm when it really isn't).
For his guardian, he decided to romance Lana Beniko (Yup just Lana only, no cheating on her or you get shocked x-x). They're married and everything is all good. (Imagine the Guardian's armor looking like the Guardian's Exalted armor set and the helmet just being the black scanner). His weapon being an unstable Light Saber with a Predacious Gold-Green Color Crystal.
Lastly, the crew skills he learnt was slicing, scavenging, and armormech.
Anyhow....(Went on that long tangent describing the MC's character XD) So, while our MC was just wondering around on his character he received a whisper from some random player.
[UGOB] "Hey, would you like to be the character you are, bring all your followers and companions with you as you explore the star wars of the future?"
Of course, our MC thinks that its just some random scammer trying to get people to go to their website to steal account info or something. But...."Sure why not..sounds like fun" Then the MC blacks out.
Alrighty. So, as you can tell, the MC gets reborn as his Jedi Guardian character into the current Star Wars universe (placing him right before Episode I starts). Plus, the planets Odessen, Zakuul and Ziost are sent with him to the timeline (Including all of his companions which has max affinity with, all of his followers and all that.) So, now with the Alliance and three worlds showing up out of no where, it should lead to an interesting story.
Hope you enjoy. :)
DenicorWarlock · Anime & Komik