
Bind Part 1

(Xavier Institute)

Logan sniffed the air quietly as he smelt a few people walking towards the door. His internal clock told him that the girl was due to wake up any time now. Sifting through the familiar scents he quickly locked onto one in particular and a small smile came to his face. One that quickly disappeared before the door opened.

Through the door 8 people walked in, Hank, Remy, Rogue, Scott, Bobby, Jubilee, Kitty and Ororo. He raised an eye brow wondering where Jean and the professor where. Beast quickly informed him. "Something happened with Jean a few hours ago; The professor had to make sure everything was alright. He'll be here very soon."

Logan gave a small nod, easily noticing the worried expression that flashed across Scott's face, but did nothing else, turning back to the unconscious girl. Jubilee rocked up to his side in her trade mark yellow jacket, pink shades resting on her head.

She stared with interest at the girl lying on the metal bed unconscious. Logan let out a small growl as her hand rested on his shoulder, but didn't move, he had a little soft spot for the youngest member of the X-men.

*Schlak* *Schlak* Off to the side Remy shuffled a deck of cards in his hand as he watched the scene with his red and black eyes. "Hello to you too Logan." Logan turned to him for a second and gave a small smirk. "You too Gumbo." Rouge just reached for her head and rubbed her temples. "Don't start you two."

Logan gave a small shrug and turned back, Remy's hands twitched for a second before he went back to shuffling the deck. While that was going on, Bobby moved off to the side with Kitty as they both looked at the woman on the table. She didn't look as dangerous as Scott or Rogue had described.

Hank went over to the monitor to check Laura's vitals, Scott leaned on the door starring into space, completely out of it and finally Ororo moved closer to Logan. She had a nice dress on and didn't look ready for battle, but out of everyone in the room, she had the most power.

She gave a smile as she stood next to where Logan was sitting. "It's nice to see you again Logan." He didn't look at her as he replied. "Yeah it's been a few months. Nice to have you back." She looked at him for another second before her eyes shifted over to Laura. "It's good to be back, my trip to Africa took longer than I expected."

Logan shifted his head to continue the conversation when Laura's body twitched. It was almost unnoticeable, but Logan noticed it. He quickly got to his feet, a small growl leaving his voice. Everyone else in the room noticed his action.

Remy stopped shuffling his cards and reached for his collapsible staff, Scott reached for his visor, Rouge reached to pull off her glove, Bobby breathed out a cold gust of air, Kitty prepared for anything, Ororo's eyes slightly clouded over and Hank looked up from his monitor.

"Urgh" Laura let out a groan as she started to regain consciousness, quickly focusing her mind thanks to her training, she realized that her hands were bound. She pulled back her shoulders to try and budge them, but the cold metal only moved around 2 centimeters

Her mind was in disarray as she panicked. She had been trained to stop such a reaction from occurring, but the thought that she might be back in "their" hands made her heat beat quicken. Her eyes snapped open and then shut as the light blinded her for a second.

*Grrr* She let out a growl as she felt the pain. "Is she related to you? Cause she got the growling down." Remy spoke up from the side causing a growl to come from Logan's throat and Laura's head snapped in his direction. Her eyes had turned red in her panic that made the younger x-men feel on edge.

She continued to strain her shoulders and arms while her head thrashed to look around the room. Their weird gear and looks didn't deter her struggle, if anything they made it more ferocious. Hank being the most rational of them all, was the first to speak and move closer.

Raising his hands in a defensive manner he talked softly. "There's no need for a struggle, we just want to talk. If you would calm down, this could go a lot smoother." Laura stopped her struggle for all of one second, giving the big blue and furry man a look before continuing to struggle and growl. Remy sniggered from the side.

"You've got her hands bound with Adamantium shackles and she wakes up in a white room surrounded by strangers and medical equipment…Yeah she'll believe we just want to talk. Just short, gruff and smelly over there would make me want to run out of the room." Remy flicked his thumb towards Logan. "Watch it bub."

Jubilee talked from the side as they stared each other down. "Gambit does have a point Hank." Hank thought to himself for a second and understood their reasoning. *Snikt* He turned to Logan as he heard the noise; he was caught up in his own thoughts. "There's no need to pop your claws Logan, just because of Remy…"

He stopped as he noticed that Logan hadn't popped his claws. "Ohh…" His voice trailed off as he saw the two glistening claws on Laura's hands. "Never mind." The rest of them were on edge and ready for a fight as the claws popped but they realized it wouldn't be a problem, the cuffs restrained her movements.

Releasing a breath of air as his specially designed cuffs worked perfectly, Hank continued to try and placate the girl, but Laura was having none of it. Her mind racing a mile a minute, she thought of every possible way for her to get out. Noticing the small section between the cuff and bed that didn't look to be made out of Adamantium a quick plan formed.

Even though it would be hard to fight all the people in the room, all she had to do was capture one of them and she would have a hostage. Deciding on the quick plan she went into motion. Keeping her claws out she pulled her legs as far back as possible arching her back. Twisting her hand as far as it could she flattened her body and used her momentum to break her wrist. *Crack*

Pulling her shoulder back while her wrist was broken her hands were in an unnatural angel as her claws nicked the small connection between the cuffs and the bed. *Snap* The metal was sliced through like hot butter and her hand was freed. Moving as quickly as lightning she swung her hand over freeing her other hand before going for her legs.

*Snap* Snap*

Her legs freed she curled herself and rolled backwards putting her back against the metal wall. The x-men stood stunned as they watched her so casually escape by breaking her bones. Eyeing them, she reached up and twisted her wrist back in place.

*Crack* Kitty winced as she heard the noise, but Laura's face didn't change at all. While everything was quiet and no one was moving, ever so slowly *Snikt* Logan popped his claws, his gruff voice reaching Hank. "You made the cuffs out of Adamantium, but made the bed and links out of normal metal?"

Hank was at a loss for words. "Adamantium costs you know."

Yes i like the Logan/Storm Pairing, if people haven't noticed. How complicated will that be when Black Pantha turns up??? Who knows?

And yes Jubilee Is in the x-men, So you can guess what cartoon i watched while growing up.

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts
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