
Chapter 1

It was a beautiful and serene days as Zach Wycheng went out of his house and did a little stretching. He took some fresh air down his throat and exhaled it in one big shout.

The shout attracted his parents. They went outside to see the source of the shout was from. As soon as they opened the door, the let out a light sigh when they saw it was only Zach doing his morning stretching.

"It's only you. Hurry up or you will be late for your evaluation." Said Ana Wycheng, the mother of Zach. She's already 50 years old even though she only looked 40. She always been kind to Zach and never ever she angered by Zach.

"Haha, relax. It's only 6 in the morning. He got plenty of time. He sure be back with a certificate saying he is a top warrior in his school, aren't you?" Said Cheng Wycheng, father of Zach. He was an A rank warrior until he retired last year. He is the reason why Zach was expected to be at least B rank warrior.

"Yes, I will be the top students." Zach replied to his father's question.

"Good, now you should get dressed and eat breakfast. You don't want to be late for the evaluation day, aren't you?" Said Cheng.

Zach walked back into his house and took a bath. After that, he took his breakfast and went to the Xiaolin Academy.


The world was set in the medieval age where the sword became the weapon that symbolize the strength and courage and bows as the strategic and calm weapon. Those who had the rights to hold it was the warriors. The warriors was the one who will clear up the demon lord tower that set in a place called Neraka. Its surroundings was filled with dead trees and the stench of corpses ran through the air.

The tower consisted of 100 floor. The one who slay the demon lord will get the worlds richness and everything you desired will be granted.

Zach always dreaming about being the one who slay the demon like many other of his classmates. He determined to be the best of the best and it lies on the evaluation day at the Xiaolin Academy.

The Evaluation Day. It is for the 17 years old only that must be evaluated. Zach was one of them.

When he arrived at the academy, he saw the place was packed with students all around the country. They were standing and some sitting in front of a huge 20 feet tall golden door. It must be the room for the evaluation.

"Zach!" Shouted a boy running from behind. Behind the boy was a girl at the same age as Zach and the earlier boy that was here to get evaluated.

"Joe. Christy. How are you. Are you getting nervous? Because I am. My heart couldn't stop beating."

"Yeah me too." Said Christy. "I kind of nervous here. Who would not, wouldn't you Joe?"

"Are you kidding? I'm on edge of pissing in my pants right now. "

The laughed among them, trying to hide their nervous on the day that will set their future. Whether they be warrior, or just a farmer or blacksmith. They piled up their courage and went to the counter and waited their turn.

While waiting, they could see students who went out of the door was crying and some were smiling to their cheeks bone.

A uniformed man went out from the door. "Joe Franklin. You may come in. "

"Well, wish me luck guys. " Joe smiled to both of us. He steadily walked to the door.

After they waited for Joe for almost 5 minutes, he went out of the door. And he has smiling. Zach and Christy knew instantly he was satisfied with his rank. He showed them the certificate and it shows he got C rank. Which was good enough for him.

The same uniformed man walked out of the door. "Christy Maiden. Please come in."

She went in without any word from her mouth. Maybe she's too nervous to do like Joe.

After some time, it was hard for Zach and Joe to guess what rank she got by her bland face. She showed them her certificate. It was A rank! They accidentally shouted it. It caught others attention.

They started whispering among each other about the rising star, A rank warrior. A rare obtained warrior.

Then, the same uniformed man went out from the door. Before he even called for someone, Zach already stood and walked towards the door slowly. He went in through the door.

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