
Chapter 2

Zach went through the door. He saw some people were standing beside some machine near an object shaped like a sphere. He went to the sphere.

"You can start now." Said one of the man.

Zach stepped towards the sphere and hold it. He was told to hold it for a little longer. And longer. The staff looked panicked on their face.

"I'm sorry to inform you boy. But here your certificate."

Zach took it and look at it. It must mistaken. They're wrong. It can't be like this.

"F rank? Doesn't the lowest is E rank warrior. How I get a F rank warrior?!" He shouted. Of course he was. Everybody was expecting something outrageous from him. What does he get? F rank? How can he show his face to his parents?

"You may leave now."

Zach went out of the room without much word. But that doesn't mean that he accepted it.

Then Joe and Christy went running to him.

"How did it go?" Asked Joe. "What rank are you?"

He didn't said anything. He showed them his certificate.

"What?! F rank? the lowest of all?" Said Joe aloud. Christy just stare at it without saying anything. She tried to thought of something to comfort him. But nothing comes in mind.

"Well let's take a look over here." Said a blond haired boy. "We have a loser here. Who would've thought that the Zach Wycheng who were expected to be high ranking warrior become the lowest of all. Haha! What a laugh!"

"Shut up Wilson. You just make things worst. No wonder they called you a bully." Said Joe.

"Hey, both of you. Do you still intended to be friend with him. Why don't you hang out with me. Especially you, girl. What a beauty are you."

"Unfortunately I doesn't take any interest in some scoundrels." Christy replied.

"Scoundrel? Who are you calling a scoundrel? Did you know who I am? I'm a B rank warrior! I bet you must be ashamed of yourself to talk to me like that! But it's okay If you kiss me though. Haha!"

Christy showed Wilson her certificate.

"A rank!? It can't be. You must be lying in there, aren't you? You must used your money and body to bribe them to give you this aren't you?"

Christy tried her hardest to hold her anger deep down herself. But not Zach. He walked towards Wilson and give him a hard punch on his ugly face. He was knocked down on his hips to the floor. He then stood up and stare at Zach.

"You, me, outside." Said Wilson.

"Very well. I'll give you another punch on your face." Replied Zach.


"Are you sure you don't want to run away? You still can make it before I rip your face off." Wilson tried to tease Zach. But he didn't took any effect from it.

Other participants including Joe and Christy just stood circling both of them.

"Are you sure we don't need to stop them?" Asked Joe to Christy.

"Some fights you just have to let them be."

Zach and Wilson got into their position to fight.

"Are you ready?" Said Zach. "Cause I'm gonna punch your face again.

"Punch? Haha! Don't make me laugh. You think this is some brawl street fights? No! We're gonna use our weapons. You may use your skills with your aura. Even though you don't have any aura because you are just a F rank."

"Fine by me." Zach unsheathed his sword.

"Don't regret it." Wilson started to unsheathed his sword.

Zach charged at him. He swung his sword violently and strongly.

"What a blow!" Wilson thought to himself. "His strike is heavy. His pure strength overpowered me. But, I'll show him what it means to become an B rank warrior."

Wilson suddenly stepped back.

"Did he give up? "Asked Joe.

"No, he just want to start." Christy replied.

Suddenly, a white steam came out from all over Wilson's body. But it was no heat. That was what they called aura.

"So you have let out your aura." said Zach.

"Exactly. Aura can only activated when you received your certificate. Your aura effected by the rank you get on your certificate. Which means that you probably have a weak aura or none at all. What a poor being."

Zach gritted his teeth and charged at him for a second time. He made a swing at him with his sword. But he evaded all of it.

"So fast!" Thought Zach. "He become quicker and avoided all of my attacks."

Wilson suddenly disappeared. Then, he showed up behind Zach.

"I got you!" Said Wilson as he swung his sword before Zach could even turn to his back.


Joe intercepted his sword with his. "That's enough!"

Wilson stepped back. "So you are lucky that you your underling with you. Now you see what a pathetic man you are." He turned his back and walked ahead until he was gone from their sights.

Zach clenched his fist and punched the ground again and again. "Damn it!" He thought. "Why I was so weak? I couldn't do anything to him. I'm weak."

The scene suddenly became quiet. Zach stood up and walked away. Christy tried to say something but lost her word.

"Train harder and becomes stronger." Said Joe. "Don't let this effects you in any ways."

"I hope it was that easy."

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