
Chapter 1.

As I was already long dead it was impossible for me to die again. If it were not for this sole fact I'd have certainly died once more.


It would surely be the death of me in the next life once again.

The only good thing about my present situation was that even if I forgot to breathe I wouldn't die again.

No matter how many times I saw her face, I'm certain I'd be blown away every time. My mind turned into a blank canvas as a picture was painted before my eyes. I even found myself easily lost in the beauty of the woman before me.

Her smile was warm. I could die thousands of times over just from it alone. Her eyes were bright with black thin crescent moon eye brows above them. Her straight black hair dangled beautifully to her knees behind her.

The blue one piece dress she wore had me completely lost in another world. Fair smooth skin peeked out from her sides. Her delicate back exposed, barely covered by a cross shaped fabric. The cross shaped fabric behind her back attached to the insides of her dress and passed below her arms then attached to a ring centered behind her. It formed a perfect X on her back like a target for any man's eyes to gawk at.

There were two rings around her left leg and a strange jagged knee high legging on her right leg. She had lovely bracers that stretched from her elbows to a little past her wrists on both arms. There were intricate golden ornaments wrapped around her biceps.

This was a true goddess who surely brought countless men to their demise with a single fleeting glance. She brought both the asymmetric and symmetric into picturesque harmony. She was the definition of equilibrium; a perfect balance between enchanting and provocative.

The moment the words left my mouth earlier it felt like I was suddenly brought into another world, completely ignorant to the old fogey in the background. It was like a world of pink flowers formed around her straight out of a shoujo manga. I'll admit, I hate the idea of the flowery backgrounds behind every character in shoujo manga, but in this one moment I will concede defeat.

A simple smile from her shattered all my beliefs. While a frown was enough to stir a infernal tsunami within my heart. A single word from her was enough to leave me enraptured for uncountable days on end. If I were to forever remain dead I could stay dead happy just knowing she was my wife. That's what I honestly thought.

After an unknown duration of time in our own little world, the goddess let out a small giggle. That single sound was as if bells had chimed out loudly in my head. They thundered and reverberated within my mind endlessly on repeat. I could only wonder how a simple giggle from her made me lose my senses so easily.

"Well father, I'd like to introduce you to your son in law." She looked directly into my eyes when she said that. She paid no mind to the frozen expression on her father's face that looked like he stepped in some rancid horse dung on the side of the road.

His face scrunched up and warped greatly until only a sea of wrinkles was visible.

My eyes widened, like I'd been struck by lightning. "Ah, that reminds me I completely forgot. To propose without that is a sin. How could I be so thoughtless and forget about it? A betrothal gift! My wife, I am such a fool. Please just give me one moment, my wife. I must discuss the details with father in law immediately."

When I turned away from her, a wicked grin stretched from one ear to the next. I approached my depressed father in law who glared at me with a face that screamed it had turned into a donkey's ass.

"Father in law, earlier you mentioned that I could make any request, right?"

"What are you talking about? Marrying my daughter is your request, isn't it? Anyways I refuse to accept that request. You can ask for anything else, but not that!"

"Father! How can you go back on your words like this?! This is his request, you cannot go back on it!"

"My wife, I think you've mistaken something here. That was not a request of him that I just made. That was my request to you. You can say yes or no if you chose to. What does your father have to do with deciding who you marry? That's your choice to make, not his. You are not his possession. You are an adult who can make your own decisions."

"Eh? Ah, I guess you're right. Well my answer was yes anyways. So I guess you technically still have a request to make in that case."

My lovely wife showed a hint of confusion on her face. Even when I saw her confused expression I was immediately left entranced by it. Inadvertently my heart skipped a beat when she tilted her head to the side a bit. It felt like if I ever wrote a doctorate my wife would be the subject of my studies. I could write an entire thesis on her expressions alone.

"My wife, I have certain things to speak with father in law about in private. I must ask my beautiful wife to step outside for a moment and promise not to listen in. Don't worry, I will definitely convince father in law to accept my request."

Father in law ground and gnashed his teeth with rage filled eyes before he immediately interrupted me. "Damn it I never agreed to this marriage! Don't you dare call her your wife! She is my daughter, not your wife! Also, who's your father in law?! I'm old enough to be your millionth great grand daddy apart. Bow down and pay your respects to your millionth apart great grand daddy before you even think of even breathing the same air as my daughter."

"Father in law knows how to joke I see. Don't worry, MY WIFE, just give father in law and I some time together."


Father in law had completely lost himself in rage. He nearly lunged at me, but he desperately calmed his heavy breaths and held himself back for the sake of his appearance.

My goddess wife blinked once innocently when confronted by my words. Her eyes sparkled ever so slightly when she looked my way. It was definitely thanks to how dashing I appeared right now. Don't worry my wife, leave troublesome family matters like this to your husband to work out. When she saw my confident face filled with reassurance she gave a light nod. With a small rosy blush on her cheeks she timidly stepped outside the room.

"What husband asks, his little wife will naturally oblige." She let out a small giggle before she slid the door shut.

The old man seemingly aged ten years when those words left her mouth. He even coughed out some blood due to his excessive rage that he had nowhere to vent.

"What is your request you little wretched, venomous, spiteful wanker?"

I closed the distance between my defeated father in law and I. I bent down to his level with a bright smile as I whispered into his ears.

"You see, my request is really not difficult at all. It is actually very simple. All I want from you is a betrothal gift I can give to my little wife. It definitely must not be anything cheap. It needs to be something that will let me win my little wife's… or perhaps it would be better to say, win me your little daughter's heart."


I stared at the so called war god with widely opened eyes the moment it happened.

...he collapsed.

"..." I was utterly speechless.

All I wanted was a betrothal gift for your daughter. Father in law, was there really a need to collapse like this out of nowhere? What will your daughter think when she sees this scene? What if she thinks I like to bully stinky old men? I don't have any kind of weird hobbies like that! Fudge, does he have high blood pressure or some kind of weird disease? Did he hit his head somewhere? I wonder if they have medicine for something like that in this world?

I was unaware of it at the time; but I was both the first and the last person who had ever accomplished such an amazing feat in history. Without any warning or flashy moves, I defeated the mightiest god in existence. A man who had never suffered a single defeat since birth. The god of war, Sen Kami, fell before my very eyes due to my own actions. No… perhaps it was better said that he fell before my eyes due to a silver tongue that spat venom. Was I actually super strong?

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