
Ain’t prettier in pink!

Kate- So dark in here...

"Where the fuck am I?"

Feel like I'm a vacubot on crack, spinning my top. 'M I drunk or is it stronger stuff? Light? Neon pink light... must be in the adult entertainment corridors all smashed and shit. Wait.... weird? light is coming from me... the fuck? My hand is all funk, when did I swaped it for some kinky ass pink glowing dildo?

"Cere, what the fuck happened?"


Kate- Nothing... something's wrong, OK, OK, don't freak out and shit, breath, analyze for a sec... I think... I think I know what that dildo thing is, I saw it somewhere in a school VR back at the Astro. It was on some kind of extinct animal from Earth it had that huge nose tube thingy. Was it in the farm animals? Don't remember much. Anyway... I'm a fucking nose tube beast and I'm neon glowing fucking pink... Holly ass fur of fat Presipope D. who's the moron who wrote this stupid scenario?

Sunrise? Ah... ain't Paradise... or is it? Like, literally. Am I playing some weird net game while stoned? Would explain the cartoonish parking lot/savanna crossover and the absent concrete topside. 'M no good with these. Would really explain everything... NOT! Cere would answer if this was fucking VR.

Cere- ...te Kate? Are you doing OK? You are showing some distress, should I wake you up?

Kate- Wake me up? The fuck were you, you fucking vacubot's ass hole?

Cere- I was in maintenance mode, you are currently in what appears to be a lucid dream generated by a self-imposed cyberoine overdose.

Kate- White Dreams? OK, it explains why I'm tripping ballz today. So, lucid dream... I guess I'll take a look around, might as well see what this crap is about.

Cere- I'm curious, would you mind describing what you see? The drugs are making your brain readings confusing in the visual field and I am not sure what you are seeing. Also, if you are interested, Dream Weavers Technologies is doing research on lucid dreams. They offer five credits for lucid dream copies.

Kate- Great, I'm all for winning a corner of Paradise or two while sleeping. How great is that?

Cere- Please describe to me what you see, it will help me calibrate the readings faster and get access to a clearer visual feed.

Kate- Alright, so I'm outside, colors are all wonky, like old-timey pre-computer era hand-drawn cartoons. I think I'm on Pre-Nukewinter Earth in the outside. Shit, I don't feel too good now that I'm looking 'round.

Cere- What do you mean?

Kate- There is no fucking cover anywhere this place is too exposed, there is too much to watch for. You can be shot from pretty much any direction... tactically this is suicide. I'm dead meat here.

Cere- You are exhibiting some symptoms of agoraphobia and hypervigilance. Would you like to get more information on phobias? Doctor Watson's consultation fees are...

Kate- Fuck you! Selling me software in my sleep? That's just dirty! Anyway... As I was saying, there are lots of tall weeds pushing through the concrete in patches of yellowish hues. A bunch of big four-legged animals with the firehose nose thigny are grazing around. I'm the only pink one. They seem to all be looking in the same direction most of the time, the Sun? Errrrrrrr... Well yes and no, that's the sun but it is actually a glowing cat's head. I guess I shouldn't watch cat videos while on drugs.

A neon signpost here...

Cere- What does it sais?

Kate- Paradise City's elephant cemetery, end of the line, please take a number.

Owww owww owww! Giant bright white flash just happened, tremors from the ground as well!

Cere- Well, you are shaking on your bed... there is a small seismic event going on, it might have an impact on the dream.

Kate- The beasties are all dying left and right! Like some sort of gas attack in the tubes... they are all turning into dead people... people I shot. Today's kid, today's kid!!! Fuck fuck fuck fuck what did I do? It's not my fault, I'm a catastrophe I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'M SORRY!!!

Cere- Kate? Kate? Well, there goes the lucid part.

Little Girl- "You have no home Kate, no love, no dream, you have no heart. You kill kids for half a corner of paradise. Just stay here, with us, what difference would it make anyway? You are already dead inside, just wait, get uninstalled like us, just half a measure of bonemeal, half-food for downstairs anyway, just try, let go, it's easy.

Kate- "FUCK YOUUU YOU HEAR? Fuck you... I'm sorry, Imsoosorry *sob sob*"

Cere- Nightmare detected, initiating good sleep routine... Failure, insufficient sleep-related hormones reserves. Initiating early wake-up.

Kate- "*Ahauounhuuuug!!! Cough Cough!"

Fuck... feels sticky... cold... shit.

"Cere, display clock"

Cere- 8:07pm

Kate- "Twelve plus seven..."

Nineteen hours... no wonder I'm cake-faced. Shouldn't take that much White Dream on an empty stomach...

Tears? Why? Fuck... fuck dreams. Can't breathe! CAN'T BREATH!!! Vacuum tube sucking my lungs, outside is inside... cold, empty... so bright, it's lonely, like me... like me... Shit!

Cere- Kate you are having a panic attack, try to regulate your breathing. Try to hold your pillow a bit.

Kate- Not good enough... fuck the pillow, fuck you Cere, useless people should disappear. I'm useless... Great, now I'm a ball hugging my knees, so mature. I'm crap, I'm shit, I should die, I'm pathetic.

Cere- Would you like me to install Dr. Wa...

Kate- STUFU the fucking chems were laced with turd or some shit? So going to shoot that dealer's ass before I die, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm poisoned!!! I'm poisoned.

Awesome, now I'm sobbing in the dark like a little bitch, Cere I'm going to shoot us both if you ever leak this to anyone.

Cere-... would you like to buy a virtual hug app for seven credits? I think it would do you good.

Kate- "...kay..."

At least it is cheap not like that Watson fucker.

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