
12: The game of eternity

"What shall you become in order to win"

Anireto · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chp 6.3

< This is quite the hole you've dug yourself >

"Hey Author am I going to die?" Sekaitsu muttered out the grief filled question already knowing the answer to it, laying at the entrance to an alleyway bleeding slowly out of his head.

< It's a shame that you get you die this early on when you haven't even met another player >

"Author that may be true but today I think I encountered one, at the crosswalk, a player."

Int. A few hours earlier

< Sekaitsu unconsciously imitating an assassin dawning a black jacket with a black hoodie on, stealthily walking in black pants and black shoes. To complete his black outfit he's wearing a pair of black gloves, as if there couldn't be anymore black he's also putting on a black scarf >

Sekaitsu touring through the crowded streets of Hamamatsu. Author tailing him giving out unnecessary descriptions and comments.

"Hey Author what's with the narration." Sekaitsu asks annoyed by the comments.

< I am bored >

"Then find something else to do, your annoying me."

< If you weren't so boring then I wouldn't be doing this >

"Why did I end up with this card?"

< You get to talk to the legendary King Author why would you want any other card >

"Being popular or well known doesn't mean your anywhere near being a decent person to talk, I learnt that after meeting you."

< I feel insulted but glad I was able to teach you something >

Sekaitsu stops to turn his head toward a path between two buildings which led towards a park on the other side of the road at the end the path.

"Hey Author I'm heading this way."

< Why? Don't you think it's safer to stick to the sidewalk >

"If you want stay here you can but I'm heading this way."

Sekaitsu then advances into the confined path. The irritating droplets of water from air conditioners fell silently onto Sekaitsu's head.

"Hey Author how long is it gonna take for a qeust to pop up? " Sekaitsu asks but there's no response.

With no response Sekaitsu annoyed turns his head around to face Author but he wasn't there.

"How sensitive can he be? Did he actually leave?" Sekaitsu questions himself "Well he'll find me later."

Sekaitsu spots a dead rat as his struggling to get through the path way.

| At one point in this game I will have to fight and kill someone, it's not fair considering we were forced. If I had to kill someone it would have be someone who's killed cause people who take another persons life for no reason are unforgivable monsters |

(New Qeust Available)

"Bwam! " The sounds of a gun shot fired. Sekaitsu's lifting up his head, pupils widened. A man who looked roughly in his late 40's fell into the path at the end Sekaitsu was heading to. The man streched out his hand in a desperate act for help, for someone to save him.

"Splish" Tears dripping down his face rolled off into the puddle of blood beneath him.

"No one's coming to save you."

Four Gunshots let loose at the helpless man. The voice talking to the old man belonged to a young looking man holding a gun wearing a black coat.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Sekaitsu angrily yells out at the man.

"Ahh I seem to be running out of luck, too many witnesses I didn't wanna harm a kid but guess I have to kill you too."

Sekaitsu sprints forward in a rage. Curling his hand into a fist he prepares to fight this strange man.

"Sorry but this fight will attract unnecessary attention might as well end it."

The man tosses a grenade at Sekaitsu.

"Boom!" It goes off right in front of him blowing him back.

"Well I geuss I'll see ya."

"Ugh!" Sekaitsu grunts in frustration as his on the floor covered in sooth.

"Loads of dumb people in this world, the bitch thinks his killed me."

Sekaitsu getting up trying to regain his strength starts to follow him.

Exiting the path he spots the man heading fast towards the park and starts to run after.

The man enters the park trying to catch a break.

"Today a bunch of dudes have been giving me trouble it's like I'm famous."


The man shocked to hear the familiar voice turns around to face Sekaitsu, his face clearly showing how suprised he was.

"How are you alive?"

"Did you really think a grenade was going to be enough to kill me?"

"Hey a lot of weird stuff happens in this world but why are you talking like that?"

"Ahem," Sekaitsu clearing his voice, "Like what?"

"Like we're in some kind of movie we're I try to kill with you with something then you come back and say dumbass retarded shit like 'oh did you really what was going to be enough kill me' trying to sound serious."

"Uh well I didn't realize." Sekaitsu responds embarrassed by his actions.

"Geez dude are you part of those priests that have been following me around."


"Then how? A normal human shouldn't have survived that."

"Would you believe me if I said I'm playing a game?"

"Surprisingly yes, my friend told me about a game once where a bunch of dudes are selected to participate in some kind of battle royal."

"Well there's your answer, now it's time to beat you."

"Would you like to know my name first?"

"I don't need the name of a dead man."

"Okay it's Arima Takashi."

"Why did you tell me."

"I felt like it and you'll need it."

Arima Takashi removing his coat drops it on to the ground, a loud metal clank is heard when it hits.

"Carrying luggage Arima?"

"Just some guns."

Arima Takashi was a well built buff man and well toned muscles. His black T-shirt tight around him displaying his abs.

"Whew" Sekaitsu takes a breath before launching his attack.

As before he sprints towards Arima throwing a punch towards his face but he dodges, Sekaitsu tries again with a kick and Arima dodges again. Sekaitsu throws a few more kicks and punches as Arima moves to side, ducks, turns, dodging all the incoming attacks.

"Dude, how do you start a fight and not know how to?"

Sekaitsu pissed off at the comment starts attacking more aggressively kicking faster. Sekaitsu aiming again at the face with a punch but this time Arima grabs it and punches Sekaitsu in the stomach. A swift kick landing on Sekaitsu's face knocks him back a bit then Arima brutally landing multiple hits on Sekaitsu's face.

"Sorry but no witnesses allowed to live, you should have just turned around and left after I hit you with the grenade."

| This is bad I have to find a way to attack and land a hit on him I can't lose now |

Sekaitsu lifting up his leg appearing like his about to attempt a kick at Arima kicks it into ground releasing a lot dust and soil meant to blind to Arima.

"Pow!" A powerful kick from Sekaitsu landing straight into Arima's face knocking him off balance.

"Wham!" A punch blasting Arima off sending him crashing into the bushes of the parks. Sekaitsu dramatically walks closer to where he sent Arima flying.

Arima laying in the bushes is coughing and dripping out blood from his mouth.

| That punch landed somewhere near my ribcage, that wasn't a normal punch no human could have sent me flying like that |

"Hey where's that confidence you had a minute ago?" Sekaitsu mocking Arima as he looks down at him with eyes full of confidence, "Remember you'll need about a hundred punches to finish me off but I'll need about ten. Now then let's who who'll finish who off first."

"Whoosh!" Two hands on the back of Sekaitsu pulling his face on to Arima's knee.


Grabbing him by the shirt Arima tosses him to a tree following with an immediate knee to his guts. Saliva involuntary spits out of Sekaitsu's mouth. Sekaitsu on the ground is met with a kick to his stomach. Arima Holding him by the neck lifts him by it and procceds to liver punch him.



"Augh!" screamig out in pain as Arima mercilessly attacks hims. Arima throwing Sekaitsu to the side pummels ("12") and batters him "(21") stunning him with fierce attacks (39), Arima's fighting style was like that of an animal("44"), aggressive("53"), strikingly fast("67"), light yet powerful ("71")that relentlessly had no end to it ("76")until his prey was dead("88"). An untamed beast.


"Grrrr" The sound of a viscious dog emitted from the darkness.

"Shit! I knew this fight was going to draw attention." Arima exclaims sounding worried about something hurriedly hugs Sekaitsu rubbing him all over and grabs his coats running away.

"Hey boy you might wanna start running now that I've rubbed my scent over you they might think your my accomplice." Arima yells his last piece of advice before running off.

Out of the shadows rolling out slowly moving like a fog about five mutated beast-looking dogs with acid like salive dripping from their saber-tooth shaped teeth covered with red fur and green illuminating eyes about five times larger than a normal dog growling at Sekaitsu.

All bloodied and beaten half to death barely standing up. Sekaitsu stared at the mutated dogs as if his day couldn't get any worse.

| I have about 25 points, I'll use 5 on Vitality which should help with my stamina and another 5 on Speed, it's probably not that man's first time dealing with these so I'll follow him he might have a way of getting rid of them |

Sekaitsu kneeling on the ground takes a breath and the hastily sprints aheads. The mutated dogs with amazing speed also copy and sprint following him.

Sekaitsu grabbing onto the gate of the park jumps over it. Looking he around he notices no sign of Arima.

| Shit I'll need to use 2 points on sense |

Sprinting around he see's the part of a black coat turning going around a corner.

| There's a chance that's him |

Sekaitsu quickly chases after it. The mutated dogs bursting out of the gate hunting after Sekaitsu. Running in the middle of the road Sekaitsu jumps on to a open truck turning into the corner he was heading. Sekaitsu see's Arima up ahead, Arima turns his head around annoyed to see himself being chased.

Out of the mutated dogs launching themselves onto the truck dragging it down, the driver scared jumps out. Sekaitsu runs up the truck and jumps. The truck is now standing up on it's rear sliding across the road due to the force of the dogs pulling down on it.

Arima stops pulling out his Beretta M9 shoots at the trucks undercarriage exploding it.

"Boom!" Sekaitsu dangling in the the air is blasted forward by the shock. The mutated dogs like beings of hell midly affected by the explosion running through the flames which has caught on to their fur still on hot pursuit after their prey.

Arima taking a turn into an alleyway in an attempt to lose them is still followed. Sekaitsu joining also rushes into it the alleyway, themutated dogs catching up jump at Sekaitsu but he jumps forward rolling on to the ground struggling he gets back on to his feet almost being captured by the dogs using his last ounce of strength pushes himself forward.

Arima successfully exits the alleyway crossing the road ahead.

| I see now even though I've surpassed what is possible of a normal human being they are still some aspects I'm lacking in order to truly get stronger |

"But hear me, ARIMAAAAA!!!!!!!! I WILL NOT DIE HEREE!!!" Sekaitsu screaming towards Arima in his declaration that he will not die. Sekaitsu jumps on to the wall running on it, a mutated dog launches at him but he dodges flipping off the wall, it lands infront of him Sekaitsu grabs it by the leg pulling it back in order to launch himself forward slides on to ground with his feet and ass.

| In this moment I realised there were about 5 secons left before I died, the mutated dogs would've caught up to me in 4 seconds, in 5 I would've slid on to the incoming traffic getting run over by a bunch of cars. I think I would prefer being run over but that would only just injure me and the dogs would kill me after, at least there's some time before my unfortunate death |

Sekaitsu closed his eyes preparing himself for a tragic death.

'5 seconds left'

Two 50 caliber bullets fired at heads of two mutated dogs blasting their heads off.

"3 remaining"

'4 seconds left'

Another bullet fired killing one of the dogs.


Sekaitsu opening his eyes to sound of gunshots realizing what was happen stopped himself from sliding into cars but at that moment one of the dogs had its jaws wide opened about to devour him in a second.

'1 second remaining'

The last two bullets let loose killing off the remaining dogs.

'0.5 seconds remaining'


Sekaitsu is shot in the face with a bullet.

'0 seconds remaining'

"This was an eventful evening. I hope your soul somehow finds a way to heaven, if it does I geuss I won't be seeing you after I die. Goodbye."

Sekaitsu bleeding out of his head at the entrance of the alleyway feels embarrassed and ashamed after all the shit his been saying about not dying.

After a few minutes a familiar voice is head.

< This is quite the hole you've dug yourself in >

"Hey Author am I going to die?"

< It's a shame that you get you die this early on when you haven't even met another player >

"Author that may be true but today I think I encountered one, at the crosswalk, a player."

Int. Earlier Today

Sekaitsu is standing at crowded crosswalk waiting for the cars to finish moving.

(New Quest Available)

Quest available:

- Defeat the Player x 3 Knights points

| Finally something, where is this player |

Sekaitsu lifting his head from the card to look around makes eyes contact with a man in a grey hoodie from over the crosswalk also waiting for the cars to pass. Terror and fear took over his body. Frozen, he knew if he had tried to fight he would die.

"Ding!" The sound of the traffic light changed signified to the crowd that it was finally time to cross.

| I don't know what it is but when I saw him I knew not to mess with, fuck what if he also got the same quest. I'm screwed. Should I run? Act normal? |

"Hey aren't ya going to move?" The question coming from the man in grey seemed to have snapped Sekaitsu back.

"Oh yea, yea I am." Sekaitsu back to reality starts to move and crosses the crosswalk.

| That man, if quests are based of desires then he must not want to fight anyone right now. I'm so lucky |


"Hey Author, the reason was that I wanted to eat some food, there's a good food place after the path."

< Next time let's go see it >


< Yes >

Sekaitsu faints.

"Ahhh you might be beyond saving but I'll try my best, though if I do save you then you gotta help beat those guys, oh you fainted well I better hurry up now."

Quest Page:

- Defeat and kill the murderer x 1 knight point

- Quest Failed(x2) -