
10X system in MARVEL

MARVEL fan gets reincarnated in MARVEL i dont own MARVEL only my mc

Cringe_Author · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


I woke up, i felt extremely refreshed and my every sense seemed to have improved drasticaly.

I got up and went to take a shower because i smelled horrible, when i took ahold of the doornob i tried to open the door but i broke it and ripped it out of the doorframe. I looked at the mirror and to say i had changed would be an understatement, everything improved in my body.

I thought 'i should get used to this before i leave for the ancient one'.

2 weeks later i was in a plane that was about to land in tibet.

We landed in the airport, then i went to leave. I took a taxi to the closest place near mount everest.

I was looking at mount everest, i thought 'its pretty tall'. I saw people looking at me like i wanted to die, probably because i was only wearing jeans and a jacket, but i ignored they'r looks.

5 hours later i was here looking at a strange door, i was a bit dishearted because i saw 3 people die by freezing.

I tried opening the door, but it didn't budge SO i then forced it open after 1 second it broke open. I walked inside and then i was in a library, there were a lot of books i guessed spell book.

"who are you" i heard a voice, i looked at the the man and he looked like Wong.

"Jack Frost, i want to meet the ancient one" i said relaxed, as far as i knew i could beat him.

"how did you get here without magic" he asked surprised.

"i destroyed the door on everest, i am very strong" i said smiling.

"we will arange a meeting" he looked at me like i was retarded but still accepted.

5 hours later appeareda portal and stepped out Wong, he said "step inside the ancient one is waiting for you" i stepped in the portal.

I saw a room resembling a study room, but with WAY more books.

Behind a corner came a bald woman and said "hello mister Frost".

I chuckled and said "were you waiting behind the corner".

She smiled and said "i wasn't, i was checking your future though i couldn't see it, do you know why?".

I said "i am special, to say the least. Getting to why i am here, can i learn magic under you?".

She smiled knowingly and said „sure why not".

I asked "why?".

She looked at me and said "i can see that you will grow immensly powerful, and i could always use an ally".

And thats how i started learning under the ancient one.